Omsi 2 How to Start National Express CAETANO

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TeamSenke
    @TeamSenke 2 роки тому +1

    Bruh you can read minds I was just about to search this and this video popped on my fyp

  • @ollieevans1557
    @ollieevans1557 3 роки тому

    How did you spin your camera to see the side of the coach

    • @andyharley1986
      @andyharley1986  3 роки тому

      How do you mean?

    • @andyharley1986
      @andyharley1986  3 роки тому

      @@ollieevans1557 i was using my right mouse click to move camera around, you can change on the options screen, its Alt view POV, its on the first page i think

    • @ollieevans1557
      @ollieevans1557 3 роки тому

      @@andyharley1986you are a legend thanks so much

  • @jimtonio9363
    @jimtonio9363 29 днів тому

    I'm a coach driver. Why am I watching a tutorial on how to start my coach 😂

  • @730_r2
    @730_r2 2 роки тому

    really late but what map?