Massive One Of Kind Epoxy River Table | Chains In The Epoxy!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @wesmccoy7061
    @wesmccoy7061 Місяць тому

    Awesome job. I was stressed for you right up till u delivered and set it up 🤣🤣🤣

  • @AnthonyCostellia
    @AnthonyCostellia 8 місяців тому

    Great work! I learned alot while watching you guys perform your craft. Keep grinding.

  • @westcoastkruzerezwestcoast1426
    @westcoastkruzerezwestcoast1426 11 місяців тому

    That table with the chain looks gorgeous. Wow 😮 you did an awesome job. I wish I had a table like that for my home. You have extreme talent bro good job 👏.

  • @joekarl7342
    @joekarl7342 Рік тому +1

    Wow what a terrific project. I really enjoyed watching it.

  • @johnh6621
    @johnh6621 11 місяців тому +1

    Absolutely beautiful!

  • @ronnielloyd4514
    @ronnielloyd4514 Рік тому +2

    You did a fantastic job.
    You are more than just a log yard.

  • @22YZ450FX
    @22YZ450FX Рік тому +3

    Outstanding work!!! Sanding is worth the effort when working with epoxy mainly because it takes away the plastic look for a more glass like look.

    • @TripleLRusticDesigns
      @TripleLRusticDesigns  Рік тому

      Thanks 👍

    • @erwan4360
      @erwan4360 Рік тому

      @@TripleLRusticDesigns Magnifique mais on ne doit pas poncer avec du grain 3000 avant de remettre une couche d'epoxy?

  • @SwearingenTurnings
    @SwearingenTurnings Рік тому +1

    I'm starting my first river table next month. It definitely won't be as crazy as this one!
    Can't way to see more.

  • @Uvalda-t7h
    @Uvalda-t7h Рік тому

    All I can say is wow I loved the hole video my first time I be here for more Kenny south Georgia

  • @dennisszantyr7636
    @dennisszantyr7636 Рік тому +1

    Wow!! Trey that was impressive to watch!! So much work and patience to deliver a great product to your client!! Thanks for sharing with us. As always God Bless Y'all and bring prosperity and happiness to your lives!!

  • @RobinMkimbo-jy4pe
    @RobinMkimbo-jy4pe Рік тому +1

    Awesome work. Love your honesty about trial and error.

  • @kathyhart2625
    @kathyhart2625 Рік тому +2

    Gorgeous. As the saying goes,you learn from your mistakes. I liked how you showed each step that went into the build of the table. Can't wait to see more of your proje ts.

  • @syaek300
    @syaek300 Рік тому

    Looks amazing, great job!

  • @kevinmason3086
    @kevinmason3086 Рік тому +2

    I love the table. The table looks great I bet it was a fun project to take on.

    @MIRUSTICS Рік тому +1

    nice build. I've been doing a number of walnut river and dual river dining tables this year and I've come to the conclusion they just don't net the best profit for the amount of time involved compared to other builds. such high risk builds, but yes they do turn out looking great when done. nice job on this one!

  • @stevecarney6750
    @stevecarney6750 Рік тому +2

    That's a really cool table. Nice job 😊.

  • @ronalonzo3976
    @ronalonzo3976 Рік тому

    You do beautiful work wow...!!!

  • @davebrown8339
    @davebrown8339 Рік тому

    What a fantastic table 👌 👏

  • @kenjordan5164
    @kenjordan5164 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful table!!!! Well done.

  • @Ticky66MN
    @Ticky66MN Рік тому +1

    WOW...amazing work! Thank you for sharing!

  • @russwhite2616
    @russwhite2616 Рік тому +1

    Fantastic table looks great

  • @davidprince8971
    @davidprince8971 Рік тому +3

    This was an awesome informative/descriptive video, and with a beautiful table to boot. Good job!

  • @dougrank7370
    @dougrank7370 Рік тому +1

    Great work, this project turned out Awesome!! Thanks for you honesty about your mistakes, I mean learning opportunities! Very refreshing to see the whole process with your lessons learned and not just the finished product.

  • @jimrosson6702
    @jimrosson6702 Рік тому +1

    Looks amazing beautiful work

  • @chriscollins7586
    @chriscollins7586 Рік тому +1

    Amazing table what did you use for the ceramic coating?

  • @pauldillinger2286
    @pauldillinger2286 Рік тому +2

    Wow guys it was a lot of work and different steps you have to take and a lot of drying time but that table is so dang gorgeous. Be proud of yourself for that because i am. Some learning curves but its perfect in the end. I havent seen anybody else do this type of work so yall are number 1 in my book for sure.

  • @82ndbluedevil
    @82ndbluedevil Рік тому +1

    That table looks amazing! Great work to all!

  • @guybowers9094
    @guybowers9094 Рік тому +1

    That is one gorgeous table. Great job guys

  • @faithandfreedomwoodcrafting
    @faithandfreedomwoodcrafting Рік тому +1

    Absolutely beautiful work! Looks amazing!!

  • @harpintn
    @harpintn Рік тому +3

    I am not a fan of the blue in the knot cracks, but I understand why you did that. The end result was amazing and I would be thrilled to have a smaller version of that in my kitchen.

  • @poulholdt7474
    @poulholdt7474 Рік тому

    Great great work.....

  • @KraigElliottWW
    @KraigElliottWW Рік тому +2

    Good to see the video for this one. I’ve been waiting since you sent me the pictures lol nice work brother!

    • @TripleLRusticDesigns
      @TripleLRusticDesigns  Рік тому +1

      Thanks man! So much editing for this one. Not the best footage because I was so focused on working on it and less on the footage.

    • @KraigElliottWW
      @KraigElliottWW Рік тому

      @@TripleLRusticDesigns that’s always been my issue. I have hundreds of hours of poor quality footage because I was always so focused on the final outcome. Turned out great 🤙

  • @bekovanmimo8785
    @bekovanmimo8785 Рік тому

    13:45 So much dignity and dedication in your work, I've learnt a lot from you sir !

  • @madeleinegombert661
    @madeleinegombert661 Рік тому +1

    Love the color and the legs. The table is also stunning.

  • @drdt4
    @drdt4 Рік тому +1

    That an awesome table. Beautiful work.

  • @bobmcdougal738
    @bobmcdougal738 Рік тому +1

    Really well done. Impressive work.

  • @jalvarez9136
    @jalvarez9136 Рік тому

    Great video / tutorial..If a bug happened to dry on top our in it the epoxy, what is your process to CLEAN that area up?

  • @rolandoduran8339
    @rolandoduran8339 Рік тому

    Nice work

  • @judithwebber2102
    @judithwebber2102 Рік тому +1

    Very interesting video. I do small epoxy serving trays etc.. What was the name (brand) of the final coat that you put on the table. Keep up the good work.

  • @EzraMable
    @EzraMable Рік тому +2

    I might have to retire a year late to get one of these! 😍

  • @marcusstephens630
    @marcusstephens630 Рік тому

    Wow thats beautiful!!! I love it!!!!

  • @WesleyF-
    @WesleyF- Рік тому +1

    Absolutely awesome it turned out great.

  • @garyderuiter1780
    @garyderuiter1780 Рік тому

    So I’m going to make a conference room table for the shop I work at. They came to me asking if I could build one. They wanted to use cam shafts for the legs. But I was thinking of putting them the middle and using epoxy to cover them. That to me would be a better use of the cam shafts. The table will be 10 feet long 36 wide. Just don’t know how much to charge. This will be my first epoxy table. Thinking either walnut or maple what is your thought.

  • @marcioamaralabelhas
    @marcioamaralabelhas Рік тому +1

    Cade os vídeos?

  • @chrisking879
    @chrisking879 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful table. Great job

  • @Johnlewissawmill
    @Johnlewissawmill Рік тому +1

    That’s an awesome looking table, great job!

  • @mikemorgan4726
    @mikemorgan4726 Рік тому +1

    That's a really nice looking table!

  • @raykes9549
    @raykes9549 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful work.

  • @CrunchEnhancer
    @CrunchEnhancer Рік тому

    may i ask where you got the chains

  • @dennisbracci9212
    @dennisbracci9212 Рік тому

    Great job!!! Love your show!!!

  • @donnasuehoward4020
    @donnasuehoward4020 Рік тому +1

    Your tables are gorgeous ❤❤❤

  • @hidesert1401
    @hidesert1401 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful table nice work. 3 questions though, what’s the ceramic coating? Atomic Oil?
    Just curious total amount of epoxy poured whether you kept it or removed?

  • @eduardovelez8746
    @eduardovelez8746 Рік тому +1

    How do you keep the table together with the wood and epoxy

  • @joseadriano8328
    @joseadriano8328 Рік тому

    Qual é o valor da resina epóxi aí no USA?

  • @Dalekennth1969
    @Dalekennth1969 Рік тому +1

    wow so beautiful

  • @marvinweathersby6709
    @marvinweathersby6709 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful table grat job

  • @thomasseals7670
    @thomasseals7670 Рік тому

    Wow !!! Great job 👏

  • @DavidBird-uu8km
    @DavidBird-uu8km Рік тому +1

    Very Nice I can see how it takes so long build. How did you remove the finish on the tow hooks,it looks like they sand blasted. Great I love watching your videos.

    • @TripleLRusticDesigns
      @TripleLRusticDesigns  Рік тому

      Thank you! Thankfully the chains came perfectly clean! Saved so much work

  • @zachlangolf2287
    @zachlangolf2287 Рік тому +1

    Would it be possible in a future video to show the blue expoxy getting applied in slower time. The table looks great

  • @NancyTherrien-l1c
    @NancyTherrien-l1c Рік тому

    allo vriment belle table❤

  • @jeffcox2446
    @jeffcox2446 Рік тому

    Beautiful nice work

  • @davidkathary3293
    @davidkathary3293 Рік тому

    Very neat!!

  • @silentsurvivor7996
    @silentsurvivor7996 Рік тому +1

    Man oh man, i don’t know about you but you should pat yourself on the back for such hard work and dedication. Certainly worth paying top dollars. Not much to say other than keep brandishing your craft/techniques.

  • @cah_sawmill
    @cah_sawmill Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing a good video 🎉🎉

  • @monicasereda11
    @monicasereda11 Рік тому +1

    Great build! What did you use for ceramic coating?

  • @djnone8137
    @djnone8137 Рік тому +1

    The only thing I didn't care for were the blue colors in the knots along the finished plain wood sections along the length of the table.
    I would have preferred blue only be in the middle

  • @randydobson1863
    @randydobson1863 Рік тому +1

    hello trey it's is randy and i like yours video is cool thanks trey good friends randy 🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠

  • @oscarnunez9033
    @oscarnunez9033 Рік тому +1

    Wow 😮

  • @josephobrien2531
    @josephobrien2531 3 місяці тому

    Assume! 😊

  • @beckyumphrey2626
    @beckyumphrey2626 Рік тому +2

    Beautiful thumbnail with no big booty on it. Thank you.

  • @ImezRuez
    @ImezRuez Рік тому +2

    I don't much care for the blue in the knots but other than that I like it a lot.

  • @l0I0I0I0
    @l0I0I0I0 Рік тому

    Ty! What ceramic coating did you use?

  • @chinson1984
    @chinson1984 4 місяці тому

    Think you missed the final step for these tables which is very complex. Ya gotta book an appointment with your primary care physician and get on mood stabilizers so you can live with yourself and sleep at night. Lot of variables come into play with this final step.

  • @NathanMcCrackan
    @NathanMcCrackan 10 місяців тому

    Nice :)

  • @kirtnewton4108
    @kirtnewton4108 Рік тому

    👍. Perfect

  • @elainedegoede6276
    @elainedegoede6276 Рік тому


  • @smoke126857
    @smoke126857 Рік тому

    Now the only thing to do is to make bigger tables. Awesome job

  • @zigwil153
    @zigwil153 Рік тому

    She's a beaut. How do you keep your shop so clean no dust particles fall into the epoxy for all of that time? Do you cover it? Or, do get some but sand it out?

  • @-RONNIE
    @-RONNIE Рік тому

    The table did turn out really good 👍🏻 also that was a lot of work. The only thing I would say is were the blue is coming out in the knots. Wouldn't it be better to fill in all the knots with wood putty or would the blue come through anyway.

  • @themoos8
    @themoos8 Рік тому

    28:11 i hope is the camera cuze she's curvy

  • @royreddick2934
    @royreddick2934 Рік тому

    How are you able to use this Species of Tree? Isn't the Monkey Puzzle tree on the Endangered Species list? Don't get me wrong the Table is Awesome looking. But being a Wood Worker Myself and Furniture Maker I am just very Curious.

    @TEAKWOODJAVA Рік тому


  • @maughan6957
    @maughan6957 Рік тому +2

    12gs huh. Shit I'm in the wrong line of business

  • @robertm348
    @robertm348 Рік тому

    My only suggestion would be to have the chain chrome plated before embedding it as there are some blemishes on the chains.

  • @djbanger
    @djbanger Рік тому

    Chain spoils it

  • @Chuck59ish
    @Chuck59ish Рік тому

    Still a hobby or get closer to a full time job? Gorgeous table too!

    • @TripleLRusticDesigns
      @TripleLRusticDesigns  Рік тому +1

      The UA-cam channel and wood shop is our full time job now! Thank you!

  • @johncreller2134
    @johncreller2134 Рік тому

    Why so long between videos?

  • @martijnzeven8466
    @martijnzeven8466 Рік тому

    People wenn you make a new video? Maybe nice to make a saw video en make some bords cut under a 30 till 45 degree so that you make nice oval boards

  • @masterfranco1991
    @masterfranco1991 Рік тому +1

    The blue colour make it very tacky. The choice of the wood is questionnable at best, it look like knotty pine and doesnt inspire luxury or class more like rustic look (is it what you were going for , i doubt it. Even if your name is triple L rustic designs... )
    The chain inside is a nice touch for your client.
    Underneath the table: no recessing of the table legs nor the c channel.
    12000 for that is seriously way too much seeing the result that it produced. Sorry :/

  • @karlriley1314
    @karlriley1314 Рік тому +1

    I think they got it to cheat. With all the work I think it should have been $15,000. It is a great table.

  • @andrewsock1608
    @andrewsock1608 Рік тому +2

    Not built right. Sorry but it’s too weak and will fold if you push the end or drive your lady on the end

  • @ceterasceteras8138
    @ceterasceteras8138 Рік тому +1


  • @fredd4785
    @fredd4785 Рік тому +2

    This whole video is a walking advertisement for products that either paid you or gave you free products.

    • @jacobgarcia8224
      @jacobgarcia8224 Рік тому

      Welcome to the internet. I'm going to drop a bomb on you. If you notice the name on the channel, this entire UA-cam is an advertisement for their business. #shocker

  • @alex_medvet
    @alex_medvet Рік тому


  • @smnkm4ehfer
    @smnkm4ehfer Рік тому

    Where Zoe?

  • @Cripleo
    @Cripleo Рік тому

    $12,000 table or strip club🤔

  • @jfakoggl
    @jfakoggl Рік тому +8

    Terribly kitschy. Sorry guys. Still nice technique.

    • @SwearingenTurnings
      @SwearingenTurnings Рік тому +1

      Not all art is appreciated by all people the same way.
      Money talks. Bullshit like yours walks.

    • @jp1419
      @jp1419 Рік тому

      Ease up chief

  • @scottdurham736
    @scottdurham736 Рік тому

    Well done. Gorgeous table!

  • @antoniopolastri666
    @antoniopolastri666 Рік тому +1
