All farmers stock up for hard times.6 months worth.out if work.sick.snow storms.tornados.floods.economic colapse.everyone needs ammo.take a safety course.get a dog.a beagle or Weiner dog will let you know someone is snooping around.i buy meds at the dollar store every month.duct tape is good for serious cuts.ive needed stitches before I duct taped it closed.
All good and reasonable ideas of all the list of priorities should’ve started with the one that you ended with. None of those goods will do a bit of good if you’re too arms don’t have a third arm in the training to use it
All farmers stock up for hard times.6 months worth.out if work.sick.snow storms.tornados.floods.economic colapse.everyone needs ammo.take a safety course.get a dog.a beagle or Weiner dog will let you know someone is snooping around.i buy meds at the dollar store every month.duct tape is good for serious cuts.ive needed stitches before I duct taped it closed.
good freakin luck gettin your doc to give ya extra
All good and reasonable ideas of all the list of priorities should’ve started with the one that you ended with. None of those goods will do a bit of good if you’re too arms don’t have a third arm in the training to use it
Robot ai voice telling me how to live my life is crazy. 😯
try and find lights that run off 18650s and the rechargeable equal to cr123 is16340
Doctors can write you scripts but that does not mean the insurance company is going to cover them if filled too soon. Prepare to pay cash price.