Global 1 Zhask Mobile Legends Bang Bang

  • Опубліковано 22 вер 2024
  • Global 1 Zhask Gameplay Mobile Legends #zhasktop1global #mobilelegends #seloray
    Best Global 1 Zhask
    Seloray UA-cam


  • @rip_EnderAssassin
    @rip_EnderAssassin 3 місяці тому +2

    Good content, I'm following you for your tips..hehe a Global that makes contents! I'm following you so I can improve on my Zhask skills hehe... I've improved since the last vid..I have never thought that Zhask would have a combo lol Hope ya get popular soon!

  • @saljusastrasandaya4438
    @saljusastrasandaya4438 3 місяці тому +2

    You is my panutan

  • @Febbicevic
    @Febbicevic 3 місяці тому +2

    👍 idol 🐞

  • @yatogamiplayz4304
    @yatogamiplayz4304 3 місяці тому +1

    ı lowe you best zhask

  • @ragioneesports
    @ragioneesports 3 місяці тому +1


  • @Zin-is1ly
    @Zin-is1ly 3 місяці тому

    Buraya kadar

  • @БегзиСенги
    @БегзиСенги 3 місяці тому +1


  • @lordevolder9907
    @lordevolder9907 3 місяці тому +3

    I'm kinda disappointed with the experimental Zhask, like he's weaker now, he used to be a deathball in higher rank, he is an absolute late game hero, now they just decided to make him noob friendly. I am MG and have Zhask at about 61% wr 400 games and this season 15 games with 90% wr.
    Here is some advice on how to be an alien overlord! Use it now before it's too late.
    Build - Laser Beams are fun!
    For the emblem we need a mix of atk speed and magic power. Zhask is like mage marksman kinda like Natan but unlike Natan he doesn't like to do the dirty work himself!
    Marksman Emblem
    Extra Attack speed
    Weapon Master
    Impure Rage
    For the build we are going to build Azure blade first for extra mana regen and some cooldown so you don't have to be alone all the time! Same for the CD boots that come after that, we now finish of Starlium Scythe and build Lighting Truncheon right after.
    This gives you 30% Cd and let's you almost always have your friend ready, yes it's kinda weird that your only friend is an enslaved alien life form but that means he won't run !
    We finish off the core build with a holy crystal, ohh look how shiny it is.
    You may be asking yourself right now "hey where is the atk speed?"
    In your Emblem dummy! In my overconfident humble opinion atk speed build on Zhask sucks. Because enemies will just run out of your range and you become a glorified minion trying to push towers while praying to god enemies don't build Radiant Armor to counter you.
    No this is a mage build and we are abusing a lot of hidden mechanics of Zhask and his minion. You want to know them? We aren't even finished with the build you inpatient little shit!
    The build ends with you building two Magic wands and then turning one of those into a Divine Glaive with the other one turned into Blood wings.
    For battle spells go for Flicker, Inspire may seem tempting but for the playstyle of this build flicker is way more important. Do you have 400 games on Zhask? No? Then stop questioning me!
    Playstyle - One shotting enemies is fun!
    Early Game - Grower not a shower!
    While in the early game you want to use the extra cooldown to use your Ult and help out in team fights. But don't overcommit, you can let your teammates die by the dozen. You are genocial maniac and shouldn't be bothered by a little blood spilled.
    Try to use your Ult when the enemy is already jumping in to catch them out. You won't do incredible damage but enemies staying in the area will get their face melted off. This helps your jungler take Turtles.
    You can also use your ult defensively to avoid getting one shot by one of those pesky assasins. But again try to hold your Ulti till the last second to suprise them when they already used their skills to reach you.
    Using your pet you can give yourself vision and zone off enemis from yourself and teammates. Don't put your pet down between those dirty minions! You don't know where they have been eww!
    Putting your pet next to the wave forces the enemy to either attack the wave and get hit or hit your pet and delay their own farm.
    You can use your skill 1-2 to quickly clear waves and participate more in teamfights!
    Mid Game - is it a clone or pet?
    After you finished your first two items you will notice that waves just vanish in front of your combo. Wait why are you doing such burst damage? Well a neat thing about Zhask is that your pet benefits from all your items.
    Including Starlium and Lightning Truncheon, because of that you can double procc those items. If you and your pet both hit your second skill and the following auto attack afterwards you will not only look fabously harmonic but will also deal big burst damage including chunks of true damage.
    Holy Crystal will give you a huge power spike because both your items will instantly get power bumps but not only that all your scaling will go through the roof.
    At this point hiding in a bush an comboing with your minion will let you one shot arrogant enemy marksman easily. Even dealing decent damage against tanks because of the true damage chunks.
    But the best thing? You don't even have to be close! Placing your pet and then just pressing the second skill will make your pet auto aim his second skill and hit the auto attack after that using all your items way more effective then you ever could!
    If you use your ult every single one of your skills will trigger those items! Yes even repositioning your pet or jumping out of it.
    If you ever feel like you are in a tight spot repositioning your pet further back and then jumping with a flicker won't even let a fast jumping ballerina like Ling chase you!
    For an aggressive play reposition your pet while aiming and shooting the second skill at the same time. Your pet will spawn and instantly stun your target again proccing all your items! With this we get to the late game and oh boy is it fun.
    Late game - Is this legal???
    When finishing your build and having sufficient magic power the true damage hits will increase to up to 800 true damage, combined with 700 magic damage from Lightening Truncheon and double that if you cast it with your pet! That's called value!
    At this Point even repositioning your ulted pet and just letting it auto attack the enemy mage or marksman will deal 900 true damage +2k magic power. This allows you to one shot enemies easily.
    If you use your whole combo and all the skills? Your true damage can get up to 5000 without even considering the magic damage you are dealing, so you can even burst down tanks that are out of position.
    Enemies at this point will use the chat to ask why the fuck they are taking so much damage!
    Without even using the ult you can just use your ranged skill1 and 2 and hit for 800 true damage without ever aiming anything.
    Because your cooldown is at 30% you also have low cd and can spam your skills pretty well. Even being ablte to reposition your Ult twice! This may seem minor but most people only expect you to be able to do it once. Fools! Suprise enemies that wait around for you to pop out of your ult by repositioning back and flickering out a mile away or repositioning in to one shot squishy targets.
    Comparison to attack speed
    This build is in my opinion way better just because you don't need enemis to idle in your ult range or wait for your ult like a pleb. Nope you don't need your ult, your basic pet together with your can easily do burst damage up to 5k damage.
    This build also allows you to take advantage of the extra magic power your ult grants. If you use your ult and hit multiple people with the skill two, you will reduce them all to half hp because LT alone will do between 800 and 1000 damage just to follow it up with a 900 true damage and 2k magic damage hit.
    Your only weakness is the early game. That's why you need to help those team maggots stay alive so they can act as meat shields later in the game. Try to help out at turtles but never leave your farmer hat behind!
    Your early damage isn't that impressive but the cooldown does make up for it and you can still procc your item passive pretty easy to up your damage.
    Never should you despair because a game is going bad or the enemy seems to be winning. This build is able to def the whole base for quite the long time and as long as the game goes on, you are stacking more and more damage! Late game just placing your pet in front of the enemy mm and pressing skill 2, without the ult mind you, will reduce them to half hp. So just keep scaling your scaly friend and you will be rewarded in heaps and mountins of damage!
    Hope this helps :D There absolutely will be people telling me or you that atk speed build is better, but they are all wrong. After an insane amount of testing this is Zhasks biggest damage build and you will be surprised how hard it goes!

    • @SelorayYoutube
      @SelorayYoutube  3 місяці тому +2

      could come out with a fixed build, but now it is very troublesome to come out with a fixed build of zhaska, if you don't come out with the right build, you can't do anything at the beginning of the game, but if you come out with all the builds you want at the beginning of the game, zhask doesn't hit in any way, it used to hit a lot when the attack speed was increased, now it hits less when the attack speed is increased and it attacks the heroes with low health in a problematic way. When you have a tank hero with low health, it is very difficult to cut the guy next to you, so strengthening the skils is more important now in terms of cutting the guy you want to cut because your attack speed cannot melt the opponents, it didn't matter before, you could melt anyone in front of you, but now our damage is to melt the tanks. it is very difficult to cut life-stealing heroes such as warriors or tanks, but when the game is prolonged, you can cut the person you want with the right build, but you need at least 8000 gold to cut the person you want to challenge the opponents alone, but you need at least 8 k gold on average.

    • @SelorayYoutube
      @SelorayYoutube  3 місяці тому +2

      On average 12 minutes into the game, the current zhask does not give me any joy at the beginning of the game and is quite desperate in team battles, your ultin dies directly and you can't do anything, so if there is no one to tank, if you attack and you eat one without being able to do anything, you should push the corridors and attack the opponents as 1 or 2 people, so you can be quite effective, but the team should not sell and you need to be careful, the current zhask is not enjoyable at all, but if the game is prolonged and I should also mention that the current zhask is completely dependent on the high real damage of the scythe.

    • @SelorayYoutube
      @SelorayYoutube  3 місяці тому +1

      Without the scythe, the current zhask would be dysfunctional in the endgame, it is really important that it hits 800 9000 real damage even 1 time, because the best we can do in the current zhask is to kick flimsy heroes such as adc mage assassin is our best option, and in the endgame, there is no one left to be our opponent, we can attack everyone. but let's not forget that our ult can eat and kick.

    • @Khant99
      @Khant99 3 місяці тому +1

      That's a lot, I appreciate your hard work and bro you even speaks like zhask himself haha🤣🤟

  • @D4rk_Lum1nous
    @D4rk_Lum1nous 3 місяці тому +1

    What are your thoughts on Zhask's experimental adjustments on adv server?

    • @SelorayYoutube
      @SelorayYoutube  3 місяці тому +1

      I think it will be meta

    • @D4rk_Lum1nous
      @D4rk_Lum1nous 3 місяці тому +1

      @@SelorayUA-cam you really think so? Even though he can't double trigger item passives anymore? And they're also nerfing the already squishy immobile ult

    • @SelorayYoutube
      @SelorayYoutube  3 місяці тому +1

      The current zhask starts to deal damage at 8k gold. Currently, zhask is very weak, so if it gets weaker, it wouldn't be ridiculous, so I think it is better, build correctly, strong zhask

  • @rosagaladriel8012
    @rosagaladriel8012 3 місяці тому

    999 da yakaladm

  • @veigasterre5531
    @veigasterre5531 3 місяці тому +1
