I think u could tell already bc if it's teeth a body and plus right when u look at it it's a lot of tails but u know that there aren't tail beasts that have a lot of tails that have sharp teeth
I kinda agree. Even if it looks hard, you can see a second person in there and sasori has more puppets which means he was controlling one. 6/10 difficulty
I missed for hiruzen , and every single shinobi's name i have thinked of is correct , by the way for hiruzen i thought of that chunin examer when lee vs gaara happened
I swear I thought that I will get 39 cuz I didn’t now if it was diedara or Itachi but at the last sec I said Itachi and it was him so I swear I got 40 without cheeting
I got Choji wrong (He looked like Madara/Jiraiya), Neji (I had no clue), and Sasori (I forgot about him because he got beat by Sakura). Konohamaru almost got me.
Easy! Got all of em, didn’t even need to guess! The only people who can get all of this correctly, without needing to guess, would be TRUE Naruto Fans!
i miss took choji for jiraiya xD
lol how jiraiya was first then him
@@Itsghosttttt no choji came first
Did this quiz before but still mistaked choji for jiraya
@@jagpreetjimmy4257 we both singh
tbh choji looked like madara/jiraiya in shadow
Me was sure is jiraya
Legends say tenten got more screentime in this video then the whole series
Dang bro you did her dirty, but respect cuz you’re spitting facts
Like come on. The dog gave the kiba one a way.
Like for real Dow it did
When im guessing kurama i count the tails first to make sure if its kurama lol
I think u could tell already bc if it's teeth a body and plus right when u look at it it's a lot of tails but u know that there aren't tail beasts that have a lot of tails that have sharp teeth
But still you counted the tails lol XD
I did the samee
Perfect score almost mistakes Choji for Madara
Same xD
Your telling me you got neji correct
There is no way u got neji
Lol 37 mistook Choji for Madara, Pain for Tobirama & I took too long to guess Minato 😅
I thought neji was kaguya
I got 38 right. I mistakened choji for madara, and neji for sasori 💀
stop I said madara for choji even after reading this comment.
Exaktli Same
THIS IS THE SAME QUIZ THAT 99% OF NARUTO FAN CAN'T GET!?!??! LOL I got all of them, almost mistaken choji for madara, lol
I did mistaken Choji for Madara
I got them right but i got wrong on others like kabuto and asuma bc i only watched 20 episodes
rlly? i mistaken choji for jiraiya
@@spoon2409 same here😅
broo samee
38/40 I messed Sasori and Neji😅
same bro
I got 39 right the sasori one was hard
The doll threw me off
I kinda agree. Even if it looks hard, you can see a second person in there and sasori has more puppets which means he was controlling one. 6/10 difficulty
I got perfect but almost got mistaken by sakura, because i only saw her punch about like 71 percent
Lol same I'm dead
40/40 I watched naruto all day🤗😌
36/40. I just can not believe I miss Itachi. He's one of my favorits character. 😣 But it's not bad. 😁
Same score and same I mistook itachi
Aakarsh Gaming how bro do you not see crows
@@bigzeeks unfortunately yes I was not able to see or trace crows that's why I mistook itachi
I did itachi by core you no
Choji looks like Madara and jiraiya... And when has choji ever made a stance like that?😭
I got them all right accept : Neji
Bruh my man Choji looks like Madara
No TvT
Tsunde is always simple😂
0:51 “Oh Shit i thought it was Aang 🙃
The last airbender
Who is aang in narutooo?
@@nanduakotkar Bob
@@nanduakotkar its on aang the last air bender
Am i the only one who screamed ZABOOOOZAA!!! when it was him? No? Ok...
No ur not xD
@@catsfridge5398 ah good.
Am I the only one who chucked my device so I couldn’t see danzo?
@@fw.rxy_0 uuuhh..
@@mrkage-jn8ww I actually did that btw
Mistake in kaguya,sasori,pain,rockl lee,neji,kiler bee
37.Oh man it was close.
I got 39 I can’t believe i mistakenly thought Yamato was obito
Sad life. I had tree mistakes, I never seed Pain before in these pose lol
same here
Same here
35/40😅😅cant believe i lost with rock lee and guy sensei👊👊
I got 39 right. Only neji one I can't recognise 😞
I saw the long hair and the like cloak
Same :')
i got everyone except for Sasori
37/40 I mistakened Choji for Jiraya and I didn't recognise Neji and Sasori
man i wish this was test at my school
I missed for hiruzen , and every single shinobi's name i have thinked of is correct , by the way for hiruzen i thought of that chunin examer when lee vs gaara happened
Got all of them!!!🎉
0:24 i was about to say goku. Please tell me im not the only one lol
Same😅 but I saw the his hand and came to know 😂
@@dsdgaming6657 same
I was basically able to get them all accepted, Neji, Choji, Pain, Madara, Yamato, Guy and Zabuza 😭
I get missing the others but zabuza?
TenTen got more screentime in this than the show
I got Sai wrong lol only Sai all 39 are correct
1:43 who else thought it was madara
I did
I hthought it was jiraiya-
Me tbh I thinked is jiraya
37/40 I mistook choji for jiraiya sasori for kankuro and the neji one was difficult 😭
all of them. let's go
@Tutuappviphezh1 sasori was hard too
I got all right:)
I swear I thought that I will get 39 cuz I didn’t now if it was diedara or Itachi but at the last sec I said Itachi and it was him so I swear I got 40 without cheeting
I got all of them correct.....pls do it on boruto too
I’m only on ep 156 in the first Naruto and only missed 3 or 4
But there are so many that are not even in naruto
@@yakshittt i watch UA-cam vids cause of the titles and I find out who they r
@@graydethehuman6399 Bro if u want u would not watch naruto 143 to 220 episodes they are filler episodes.
I don't even watch Naruto and got 5 or 6 mistake I watch only when I see it on fb
All correct yay😃
I miss 4 I haven't watched naruto in a long time
AK - 07CG 755507 Fallingbrook MS lol me too
I missed on Neji and Pain. Beside that 38/40. Great quiz ^^
38/40,i thought about choji being madara or jiraiya,and Neji,i didnt remember character with long hair
36/40 allmost close i am thank for make that video ...and nice brain test u make more video god bless you bro🔥❤❤
I missed the last one: yamato😩😑
Thx for the info😏😎
I perfected it.
Very easy quiz
Got all correct
Haha i get correct answer by just taking a glance 😂
I'm a true naruto fan❤️
Alright I'm a real Naruto fan
40/40 let’s gooo 😌
I got all right
40 right I watch it over and over and over into a remember
Season season season
All Correct only mistook Itachi becouse I never seen him
I answer all of the questions correctly 😳❤️
i missed minato he was shaped weird
Because u r Kakashi
I guess Choji was Madara...
Hiruzen was Sai
And I got right on the last one Yamato :)
Guessed all characters correct
I only have 30/40 WAAAAA
I am a true Naruto fan 40/40
37 :)
Your voice is like kakashi
1:17 u mean trash can?
All right😎😎
40 all right
Got all of them right
4 wrong -pain, choji ,Sasori, neji
I guessed tsunade because of the big curve 😂😂
39 outta 40 never thought i would mistake choji for madara 🤦
All correct
I got Choji wrong (He looked like Madara/Jiraiya), Neji (I had no clue), and Sasori (I forgot about him because he got beat by Sakura). Konohamaru almost got me.
I thought Hinata was Sasame, and Sasori was Sakon and Ukan
Also thought Pain was Tobirama 😂
I got all of right 👍😁
All of them right
Easy! Got all of em, didn’t even need to guess! The only people who can get all of this correctly, without needing to guess, would be TRUE Naruto Fans!
35 correct 🗿🤙
i got everything
I got all right lets gooooooo
Easy I got everything correct
Perfect score 40 to 40
I got All of them correct
EZ got em all right
Rounded to 30 correct
I got 38 right .I mistakended for neji for sage Naruto nd yamato for tobi 😂
All correct lol
Tsunade was easiest 😂
Bc of da 🍈
Naruto’s uzumaki’s space shuttle, preparing to land on planet popstar, Kirby’s dream land but Naruto arrives on it creating a new kirby game
I got all of them right😁😃
This was so easy, I got all right
I got all 40 # come back 10 years later for better questions naruto the anime
I got every thing right OMG!
I luv how u get yamato from nxb
5. sakura
dude that hinata's from boruto
I got perfect score!yey!