Jun 8, 2024: Lava Crosses Grindavíkurveg Road, Work on Berm Defenses

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • A pond collapsed north of the crater and lava flowed over Grindavíkurveg
    The flow suddenly increased from the Sundhnúks crater series this morning and lava flowed over Grindavíkurveg. Openings in the defenses were filled in and the Blue Lagoon was closed.
    Lava flowed over Grindavíkurveg shortly before 11 o'clock this morning, after the flow from the Sundhnúks crater series suddenly increased. Hjördís Guðmundsdóttir, information officer for civil defense, says that it was possible to fill the opening that was in the defenses at Grindavíkurveg in time this morning.
    "Before eight o'clock, it became clear that a pond north of the crater had collapsed, and therefore lava erupted there north of Sýlingarfell, and it was therefore clear that we had to act and close the defense," says Hjördís.
    -Source: RUV.is


  • @dale2540
    @dale2540 3 місяці тому +1

    12:20 , I do hope that guy is okay after he fell over the rock :/ .
    Is quite a show to get to see from Natures Fury to the people trying to hard to protect & keep ahead of the lava. Which, by the way is a lot bigger than many realized!

  • @cleo1034
    @cleo1034 3 місяці тому +4


  • @peterjol
    @peterjol 3 місяці тому +5

    I would have thought you could use powerful cold sea water pumps directed onto areas to make the lava solidify into it's own barrier.

    • @emeraldmayfair
      @emeraldmayfair 3 місяці тому

      "As hot lava boils cool seawater, a series of chemical and physical reactions create a mixture of condensed, acidic steam, hydrochloric acid gas, and tiny shards of volcanic glass. Blown by wind, this plume creates a noticeable downwind haze, known as "laze" (short for lava haze)." Source: Google Sillki, on her video's explained the serious gas problem it causes. The gas kills people.

    • @rogueplanet13
      @rogueplanet13 3 місяці тому +3

      Makes highly poisonous gas

  • @metal--babble346
    @metal--babble346 3 місяці тому +1

    Erupting volcanoes and giant lava flows creeping towards Iceland's most expensive hot spa is boring. We want to keep watching the nesting seagulls.

  • @Peter.Wirdemo
    @Peter.Wirdemo 3 місяці тому +2

    It seems that Berm saved the town.. this time.

  • @alisonrogers301
    @alisonrogers301 3 місяці тому +7

    all this hard, dangerous work that is costing so much. Wouldnt it be better used in building a new town for all of the residents?

    • @bd95382
      @bd95382 3 місяці тому +1

      A new town is a little harder to build than just shoving some dirt around

    • @SpiritHawk7
      @SpiritHawk7 3 місяці тому +2

      Yes. The town is geographically in a terrible spot when looking at topographic maps and fluid dynamics, not just the glaring fact that it's an active eruption zone. The town is tiny, with only around 3,600 residents. For scale, Grindavík is practically an oversized US suburban neighborhood. Even US federal service academies have a population larger than that at 4,400 appointments each at the three main schools (USNA, USMA West Point, and USAFA). It would not be a difficult a task to relocate and rebuild.
      I think most of the refusal to do so is based on cultural nostalgia / stubbornness; the human concept of 'owning' land when the earth literally does not care and will change regardless.

    • @icelandlive
      @icelandlive 3 місяці тому

      @@SpiritHawk7 You guys do realize that what you're looking at are efforts to save a powerplant that provides ~10% of the population electricity and heat, right? Scale this up to the USA and you have a 2021 Texas power crisis on your hands. We don't use gas or electricity to heat our homes, we use hot water from powerplants such as Svartsengi.

    • @liza.b.c.s.5879
      @liza.b.c.s.5879 3 місяці тому

      It's an important fishing boat harbor, which the town immerged from because the inlet is deeper than average, with plenty of land surrounding it for business via the shipping lines.

  • @nbk9372
    @nbk9372 3 місяці тому +1

    12:26 Ouch', hope he's okay, that was a nasty fall. Praying for the people of Grindavík, Iceland! N/W Arizona USA

  • @Subie-Driver
    @Subie-Driver 3 місяці тому +2

    Fighting Mother Nature is a tough battle…not very often do people win that fight. I hope they can hold off the lava. Back in the 70’s they sprayed water on a wall of lava and kept it from closing off a fishing harbour.