Guiding Light: Josh & Reva - After Cross Creek - December 19th, 1996

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @stseinyt
    @stseinyt Рік тому +5

    Kim turns to depict Reva's hesitation to enter the diner: That emotion on the face is very good acting! My fav!

  • @amyevans8396
    @amyevans8396 2 роки тому +10

    I love the Josh and Reva episodes.reva and Josh were my super couple. Kim and Robert are my favorite forever and always.

  • @mayaferry582
    @mayaferry582 2 роки тому +4

    Josh looks so weathered in all of these lovesick scenes. Poor guy

    • @mellie8778
      @mellie8778 2 роки тому +4

      He does. His heart belongs to Reva and Annie is so obnoxious here. He tells her not to tell the kids yet and the desperate lying troll tells everyone anyways. Love CW but Annie was disgusting !

    • @mayaferry582
      @mayaferry582 2 роки тому +3

      @@mellie8778 She was truly disgusting, and what frustrated me the most about her was, she never once tried to atone for any of her wrongs. All she'd do was play that victim card.

    • @mellie8778
      @mellie8778 2 роки тому +3

      @@mayaferry582 I know all she ever talked about was how Reva and Josh ruined her life, as if she never did anything wrong.

  • @rebeccaharkins2058
    @rebeccaharkins2058 2 роки тому +3

    Annie asking if ALL the Coopers went to the party, ugh yeah they are a family.

  • @rebeccaharkins2058
    @rebeccaharkins2058 7 місяців тому +2

    Annie pretend Queasy and lying through her teeth. Josh looks queasy. Other people blame Reva and Josh for Annie's antics, but after rewatching some episodes, I blame Blake because when she wanted Annie to help her cover up the test results, she also asked her, "What if Reva was trying to get Josh back?" Which kind of sent her over the edge and more into the pills.

  • @rebeccaharkins2058
    @rebeccaharkins2058 2 роки тому +2

    Annie kept saying she didn't feel the baby- ugh maybe because there isn't one.

    • @Tennbelle9
      @Tennbelle9  2 роки тому

      Ha, right? This is one of those stories that sometimes it's fun as the audience to know what's really going on.

  • @rebeccaharkins2058
    @rebeccaharkins2058 2 роки тому +1

    I wonder how they all got out of the house and how did she change clothes since I don't think she had any luggage with her. Would of liked to see what happens after they are all standing at the bedroom door.

    • @Tennbelle9
      @Tennbelle9  2 роки тому +2

      I've stalled on reposting Cross Creek from 12-96 because I'm hoping I'll find the episode after Annie arrives on a random tape in my bin - ha! There are pieces after Annie's arrival on the Blake Marler channel but I haven't found the complete story anywhere yet.

    • @rebeccaharkins2058
      @rebeccaharkins2058 10 місяців тому

      I saw a synopsis that said Josh heard a noise that was why he left the bedroom, and at some point Reva went out the back window. Idk if it is true. It still doesn't explain how Annie changed clothes since she seems to have been wearing that orange dress since she landed in Italy. 😅