Replay pf Stop Over Giving: Repair Your Life from the Inside Out 7-31-24

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Boundaries for Professional Women
    If you’re feeling overwhelmed because you’re constantly giving to others and neglecting yourself, I get it. That was me for 50+ years. Maybe you're always helping out your colleagues with their work while neglecting your own. Or you just gave your massage to your girlfriend because "she needs it more than you." Maybe your stomach is tied in knots and you can't sleep at night because your mind is racing and scheming about how you're going to get it all done.
    If you’re over it and just can’t do it anymore, I hear you. If you long to speak your mind but are afraid of what others will think, I get that too.
    Learn the secret to balanced relationships by repairing your life from the inside out.
    Perhaps you’re a professional woman like a manager, business owner or nonprofit worker. You got into your profession to help others, but now it’s gone way too far. Do you find yourself...
    ✔️living for others’ approval
    ✔️unable to say no to taking on one more task because you’re so afraid of what they’ll think (I used to be afraid people would think I was a “bad person” if I said no)
    ✔️afraid to set limits with people in case they'll think you’re “selfish”
    ✔️afraid to take time to do things you want to do at work, like working on projects that will get you promoted (instead of your boss)
    ✔️keep pushing off taking time at home for your hobbies or rest
    ✔️pretending things are okay with you that are not, or that you like things you really don't
    ➡️You’re feeling pulled in all different directions and just can’t do it anymore
    ➡️You look on the outside like you have your shit together but you’re falling apart inside
    ➡️You’re trapped in people-pleasing and continually say yes when you really want to say no
    ➡️You’re so busy rescuing and fixing others that you neglect yourself, and maybe even feel like you’ve lost yourself
    ➡️You’re a helper who needs help
    ➡️You feel resentful of those you're helping
    ➡️You keep feeling like people are taking advantage of you
    It’s time to start living a life of balance with more authentic relationships where you stop over-giving and become generous with your time, energy, and talents in a way that feels sustainable. Match your outsides with what’s going on inside and feel more authentic at work and at home. Break your people-pleasing patterns and build self-love and respect.
    Pay What You Can Link: higherpowercc....
    If you'd like private coaching with me, sign up for a free 30 minute Better Boundaries call with me here: