Why you need to see Oppenheimer on IMAX 70mm film

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @KyleMiko
    @KyleMiko  Рік тому +337

    Any 70mm (IMAX or regular/5perf) or 35mm is better than ANY DIGITAL (including digital IMAX). If you have the option always go for it! Otherwise, IMAX Laser is the next best bet. After that, all other options are basically the same.
    LOCATIONS SHOWING OPPENHEIMER ON IMAX 70mm: www.imax.com/news/oppenheimer-in-imax-70mm
    I’m now aware I pronounced Cillian’s name wrong. And yes, I got a new mic since this video.
    The exact resolution is almost subjective of film frames by size, largely due to the size of the grain from the film stock, and speed of the film and the manufacture also have a large impact! Also, as some other have pointed out there are also different venues with different screen sizes, GT (Grand Theater) is the largest, and what you also should aim for when finding a venue.
    UPDATE: First announcement for screening www.forbes.com/sites/bennyhareven/2023/02/14/bfi-imax-showing-7-christopher-nolan-films-in-imax-70mm/?sh=15a313b8514b

    • @TobeWilsonNetwork
      @TobeWilsonNetwork Рік тому +2

      I thought that was just your pet name for him. Cillian “Silly” Murphy

    • @yoyocolton739
      @yoyocolton739 Рік тому

      lol nerd

    • @yoyocolton739
      @yoyocolton739 Рік тому

      lol nerd

    • @Narblo
      @Narblo Рік тому

      To e fair, he wrote it wrong and want us to pronounce it like he should have written it.

    • @Indastro117
      @Indastro117 Рік тому +3

      @@Narblo congrats on the xenophobia, his name is Irish, you wouldn’t tell an African person their name is spelled wrong so don’t do it here

  • @creategreatness8823
    @creategreatness8823 Рік тому +2237

    I hope Nolan keeps switching back and forth between historical films and fiction films. He did Dunkirk, then jumped to Tenet, and now is going back to history with Oppenheimer.
    I REALLY hope that his next project is another ultra-ambitious space film like Interstellar.

    • @CharlesVanNoland
      @CharlesVanNoland Рік тому +85

      I'd rather it be another ultra-ambitious sci-fi like Inception or Tenet. At the end of the day though, all his best ideas he had mulled over for years earlier in his life. It seems like every director starts running out of those ideas they'd played with in their head their entire lives. The same thing happens w/ musicians. They make their best stuff early on and then everything else is a bit more formulaic and 'content' than their super original definitive early stuff. Hopefully CN can pull off something even more mindblowing than Inception, or Tenet.

    • @b.g.3073
      @b.g.3073 Рік тому +35

      As much as I love Nolan (damn near obsessed), his brother Jonathan Nolan and Hans Zimmer deserve a ton of credit.

    • @badpuppy3
      @badpuppy3 Рік тому +50

      I hope Christopher Nolan makes a chick flick next.

    • @aandwdabest
      @aandwdabest Рік тому +1


    • @MamadNobari
      @MamadNobari Рік тому +3

      The trailer and the dialogue and all the acting made it look so much melodramatic and too Hollywoody with all those actors especially Matt Damon, that I just rather watch this story from a director who isn't as loud and dramatic and Hollywoody as Nolan is, and rather watch Nolan have sex with the mother of time and space instead of historical events.

  • @kylestratton7399
    @kylestratton7399 Рік тому +1923

    Tenet was shown in 70mm as well. Pretty much any movie after Dark Knight Rises of Nolans are shown in 70mm theaters....or at least what's left of them

    • @TubbyJ420
      @TubbyJ420 Рік тому

      I don't know how many 5/70 Tenet prints were made, but only about ten 15/70 were made thanks to Covid shutting down most places.

    • @BlueZirnitra
      @BlueZirnitra Рік тому +76

      He's not saying otherwise. He's essentially just explaining why you should be watching the next big Nolan film on 70mm celluloid rather than 35 or digital IMAX. Same as his previous movies, but a lot of people won't be aware of the difference without a video like this.

    • @chlam___1101
      @chlam___1101 Рік тому +27

      When I started working at a movie theater I thought it would involve working with the projectors nope it's all digital now guys :(

    • @CarlosVixil
      @CarlosVixil Рік тому +3

      @@BlueZirnitra he could of made a short and said it’s out on film, avoid digital

    • @BlueZirnitra
      @BlueZirnitra Рік тому +10

      @@CarlosVixil shorts are short attention span cancer and a lot of people avoid them. I'd rather watch a proper explanation than get caught in a loop of 15 second tiktoks because I'm not 12.

  • @VariTimo
    @VariTimo Рік тому +1041

    The important thing is to catch Oppenheimer on film. The movie is being finished photochemically, meaning that only the CGI shots go through a computer. The rest is analog! Which is especially exciting, since parts of the movie were shot on black and white 65mm film. Meaning it’s the first time we’ll see 70mm and 70mm IMAX film that was actually filmed with BW film!

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +120

      Yes exactly! I was planning on making a video about the photochemical finishing and the black and white aspect, I have a great poster about this I recently got

    • @VariTimo
      @VariTimo Рік тому +4

      @@KyleMiko From FotoKem?

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +7

      @@VariTimo No, from BKSTS/International Moving Image Society

    • @thirday8421
      @thirday8421 Рік тому +9

      @@KyleMiko please make a video about it :)

    • @rph_redacted
      @rph_redacted Рік тому +2

      ​@@KyleMiko oh then i am definitely subscribing

  • @SynthD
    @SynthD Рік тому +544

    Interstellar in 70MM IMAX was one of the greatest movie experiences of my entire life.

    • @ethanolfeed1975
      @ethanolfeed1975 Рік тому +60

      I wish I saw it in that format

    • @maek555
      @maek555 Рік тому +62

      They should rerun that again in theaters. I would pay double to watch that.

    • @canobenitez
      @canobenitez Рік тому

      it blew my tits off

    • @nick15684
      @nick15684 Рік тому +8

      Yeah, I saw it in IMAX too, it was absolutely amazing, never seen anything like that in my life.

    • @thesaurness2616
      @thesaurness2616 Рік тому +7

      I second that. I saw interstellar in a dome IMAX theatre. Nothing before or after has come close to that experience.

  • @utterlee
    @utterlee Рік тому +700

    I saw Dunkirk in 70mm Imax and it was the most breath-taking cinematic experience of my life.

    • @5roundsrapid263
      @5roundsrapid263 Рік тому +39

      I saw it twice in 70mm. It was amazing. The theater I saw it in no longer has 70mm, and I am just devastated.

    • @utterlee
      @utterlee Рік тому +20

      @@5roundsrapid263 yeah I’m slightly anxious that my cinema, which was one of the last in the UK to have 70mm IMAX, might no longer have it.

    • @jiblanco31
      @jiblanco31 Рік тому +13

      Totally agree. Dunkirk in 70mm was incredibly breath-taking and wish I had seen it more than once.

    • @flimpeenflarmpoon1353
      @flimpeenflarmpoon1353 Рік тому +1

      @@utterlee which one is that?

    • @utterlee
      @utterlee Рік тому +4

      @@flimpeenflarmpoon1353 the Vue Printworks in Manchester.

  • @igobyandrew
    @igobyandrew Рік тому +85

    Thank you for taking the time to make this! It’s sad to me that IMAX 70mm is being used less and less. Christopher Nolan is a true artist and understands the value this brings to the experience.

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +6

      No problem, thanks for watching and appreciating IMAX 70mm!

    • @martaaay774
      @martaaay774 Рік тому +4

      Oppenheimer 70mm is on a staggering 11miles of film!!!

  • @Pidalin
    @Pidalin Рік тому +7

    I've just returned from IMAX Prague and it was an amazing experience to see Oppenheimer in this format and you can clearly see that those 4:3-like shots are much better quality than wide shots which were shot (if my informations are correct) on standard 70 mm film, not IMAX 70 mm. I am proud that we have only one cinema in continental Europe which kept projector for this format, it was totaly crowded, there were movie tourists from all over Europe.

    • @jenspolkowski7829
      @jenspolkowski7829 Рік тому

      Yeah, it is a fantastic theatre at Flora. :-) Was there yesterday.

  • @itsluek
    @itsluek Рік тому +128

    There are two things that I need to mention. “LieMAX” is not just Digital IMAX, it’s the 1.90:1 IMAX ratio that is the Lie as it is not in the true 1.43:1 format. IMAX digital in 1.43:1 is still considered true IMAX.
    Also when it comes to film vs digital, it also comes down to how the image is treated between camera to screen.
    Christopher Nolan has the time and money to create his films in what is called a photochemical process.
    Meaning the colour timing (grading of the image) is done by hand, the very limited visual effects are scanned at an 8K resolution and then optically placed back into the film. And the editing is done using dailies, which creates timesheets for the physical edits which are then done to the film by hand.
    With this workflow, yes. The IMAX film version is the superior format to see the film. But this sort of treatment these days is ULTRA RARE.
    Most films that are shot with IMAX film cameras then go through a digital intermediate process. This then lowers the resolution down to (depending on the budget) 2, 4 or 8K. Usually 4K. Granted, still super high bitrate (which that’s a whole ‘nother thing entirely), but a lower resolution nonetheless.
    So in this instance, the superior format in terms of detail and colour reproduction 99% of the time would be the IMAX digital version.
    Whereas if you like the imperfections of film, by all means go ahead and watch the film version. But the source is inherently 4K, and even blown up to 15/70 is still 4K.

      @PETROVICGAMES Рік тому +1

      Where did you read about this ??

    • @itsluek
      @itsluek Рік тому +8

      @@PETROVICGAMES There’s a lot there. Not sure which in particular, but my IMAX and film knowledge is both from first and secondhand knowledge and with about 20 years of working in various parts of the film, television and client based industry.

    • @brandon_nope
      @brandon_nope Рік тому

      Aren't most IMAX movies in 1.90:1 though? 1.43:1 would just be wasted space for theaters.

    • @itsluek
      @itsluek Рік тому +8

      @@brandon_nope Only in the modern advent of IMAX Digital is 1.90:1 considered “IMAX”.
      And the term “LieMax” came from when IMAX still meant something. The Dark Knight was heavily spruiked as must see in IMAX and people went and just saw that it was nothing special and just had a few scenes in “16:9” opposed to the Full 1.43:1 version which was mindblowingly fantastic!
      This is when IMAX started appeasing shareholders and left the “Image MAXimum” heritage and distanced themselves from purely being about the amazing 1.43:1 experience and started working to get their brand into as many cinema chains… and now peoples homes.
      So yea, a lot of films are in 1.90:1, but for example the difference in IMAX experience for the upcoming Oppenheimer will be 1000x better in a 1.43:1 screen than not. And a lot of the time, yes, the extra real estate is wasted, but more often than not the 1.90:1 image on a 1.43:1 screen will be more immersive as the auditorium was custom built for the space as opposed to a retrofit to suit a chain cinemas needs.

    • @TrioLOLGamers
      @TrioLOLGamers Рік тому +2

      @@brandon_nope they do.
      1:43 just adds the "old style" feel.
      It is like the war between vinyl records and digital records: digital is way superior in any way PERIOD, BUT, if you record the music on vinyl, it will sound better on vinyl. You can simulate vinyl sound (there are valid VSTs), in fact, also in IMAX there are cinemas 1:43:1 with up to 16k resolution digitally (there is one 1 hour far from where i live). Will you notice the difference? No.
      Also because higher resoluzions means more CGI work and today films have lots of rushed CGI (and also lots of rushed audio Mastering)

  • @TubbyJ420
    @TubbyJ420 Рік тому +74

    My local IMAX has 15/70 prints of the Dark Knight trilogy, Interstellar, Dunkirk, Tenet and 1 of only 4 prints made of the 'unrestored' 2001 a Space Odyssey that Nolan supervised. They will be getting a 15/70 print of Oppenheimer and i will be going to see it over and over 😁

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +5

      Awesome! What IMAX is that?

    • @TubbyJ420
      @TubbyJ420 Рік тому +27

      @@KyleMiko the Kramer IMAX Theatre in Saskatchewan Canada. They're currently renovating, removing 1 of their 2 15/70 projectors to put a pair of Laser projectors in. The laser will do the full 1.43:1 aspect ratio and 3d. They're keeping one of the film projectors because they know how special it is.

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +14

      @@TubbyJ420 always sad to see a 15/70 go away but atleast they are keeping one!

    • @5roundsrapid263
      @5roundsrapid263 Рік тому +4

      You lucky dog. I had a 15/70 theater locally, but the projector no longer works. It was fantastic.

    • @owensmith7530
      @owensmith7530 Рік тому +4

      @@TubbyJ420 They ought to keep the other 15/70 projector for spares. Buying a replacement if the one they kept dies could be difficult, are they even made any more?

  • @revorocks123
    @revorocks123 Рік тому +269

    The frustrating thing is that many "IMAX" theatres use digital laser projectors now, not film. They market it like its better but in reality people are being tricked into lower quality images.

    • @taxi1975
      @taxi1975 Рік тому +20

      Still better than Standard 2K, better audio, "larger Screen", better seats

    • @Dom-fw7nz
      @Dom-fw7nz Рік тому +32

      I only got to see one 70MM IMAX film in my life, and it'll probably be the only one, and it was Interstellar. You're right. I'm sure the laser IMAX projectors can give a nice bright and sharp picture, but it still won't compare to that lovely authentic film look and the entire screen being filled with the full image. It's a pity Nolan is basically the only director pushing this technology to be preserved

    • @gustafsone
      @gustafsone Рік тому +9

      Laser Imax is better than every digital system that came before, so it *IS* better for the vast majority of movies being shown on Imax screens. There is also an issue of physical space, meaning most venues would have to swap the laser/digital system for a film system (and some of them actually do this), as the projection rooms can't hold both systems (which would be 3 huge projectors, plus a giant platter tree for the 70mm film). It sucks for the people like us who actually want to see a 70mm film print, but I understand the predicament most venues are in. I consider myself very lucky to live in a city that still has at least 2 venues with a 70mm Imax film system capability. As for the whole "people are being tricked" thing, Imax has been playing that game for their entire existence. Before the laser systems were being installed, most venues were using a dual 2k xenon projection system that looked like complete ASS on any of their giant movie screens. How anyone found that acceptable is beyond me. I actually walked out of a couple of Imax screenings as soon as the first image hit the screen because I could tell what system they were using right away. To a commoner, however, they probably enjoyed the movie as much as they would have anywhere else they saw it.

    • @andrewbarnum5040
      @andrewbarnum5040 Рік тому

      Well said, and besides people not understanding, too many people have been brainwashed into not caring and so they watch the movie on their phones. But film is a more emotional medium and there is something magical about watching film projected on a super large screen. Thanks for your wonderful comment.

    • @pettersteen7206
      @pettersteen7206 Рік тому +2

      I believe there are still a few IMAX film projectors out there. Like BFI in Waterloo London is one. Or did they change it?

  • @JacobODell_
    @JacobODell_ Рік тому +129

    I'm happy for those of you who are looking forward to the ultra high resolution but I really wish people would pay just as much attention to the sound as they do the visuals. Films like Dune work so amazingly well in IMAX theatres because the sound mix is incredible, and is part of the reason Tenet was an indecipherable mess.

    • @hippocheese14
      @hippocheese14 Рік тому +11

      Tenet was a fucking banger in premium theaters. The dialogue in the movie didn't matter - it was ALL about that phenomenal score. I watched it 3 times in Showcase XPLUS. Maybe you should pay attention to music too when you tell people to pay attention to sound -_-

    • @JacobODell_
      @JacobODell_ Рік тому +23

      ​@@hippocheese14 Maybe you misread what I'd written, but I said the sound MIX, do you not think I included the music in that? If the dialogue wasn't important, why is it there at all? If I wanted to listen to just the soundtrack with some visuals in the background, I'll go to a Hans Zimmer concert lol

    • @johndough8115
      @johndough8115 Рік тому

      No offense, but the new Dune film was not only Boring... but the sound track was also Boring Trash. It was basically the same tones being played over and over again. Listen to the best of Dunes soundtrack, and compare it to the Original "Nightmare on Elm Street" scoring. There IS no comparison, at all. The new dune was clearly made by Inept diversity hires and autists.

    • @ortzinator
      @ortzinator Рік тому

      Dune was far too loud at my IMAX

    • @johndough8115
      @johndough8115 Рік тому

      @@ortzinator Email the Store / Manager. Threaten to Sue them, over hearing damages.. in your story about your experience.
      At very least, they will give you a free ticket for another show. However, they will Hopefully get someone in there, that isnt half deaf, to adjust the volume levels properly.
      At my theater location, they did both. However, it took at least TWO email complaints (the last one threatening a lawsuit, and the mention of possible children / babies hearing damages) , before they finally reduced the volume levels to acceptable levels. With my Imax, Lord of the Rings was worst. Those screeching Hooded Baddies... made the entire movie unbearable, as my ears were almost Bleeding. The next worse, was one of the superman films, i believe. Those blasting Horns were killin me.
      I think some of the new-er Imax theaters, might use an Automatic adjustment, so that humans are out of the loop.
      Also, if you do go again, make sure to bring earplugs, just in case.
      That said, I dont think Ive seen anything in the last +15 yrs, worth spending money on watching.

  • @TheWitchfinderGenral
    @TheWitchfinderGenral Рік тому +16

    I saw Dunkirk on 70mm in Manchester, England, and it blew my mind. The sense of scale you got in the dogfight scenes was incredible.

  • @markvandenberg4606
    @markvandenberg4606 Рік тому +17

    I was a 35mm projectionist for the longest time during my high school and college years. My colleagues and I visited an IMAX theater one time and got a tour of the projection room while there. Impressive technology and great memories. 👍🏻

  • @AmyAnnetteHenion
    @AmyAnnetteHenion Рік тому +2

    I accidentally bought a ticket to see Oppenheimer in 70MM without realizing that my local IMAX theater is one of just 30 IN THE ENTIRE WORLD showing this format. Needless to say, I can't wait!!

  • @Lord_RoadRunner
    @Lord_RoadRunner Рік тому +10

    You have taught me so much. I thought film was gone and 4-8k was the best resolution possible this is actually so cool

    • @willb.383
      @willb.383 Рік тому +1

      Not only is film not gone but there are currently new 70/65mm film cameras being developed.
      We are finally realizing that film can’t be beat when it comes to resolution. We can capture in super high res digital but it’s the broadcast/display that is still lacking. Film and projection has had it figured out for decades.

  • @michaellee8815
    @michaellee8815 Рік тому +2

    I’m no AV nerd, don’t know anything about this stuff. This video was fantastic, you’re self-deprecating jokes… also fantastic! Seriously, this is super interesting, thanks

  • @MarcoMarkovich
    @MarcoMarkovich Рік тому +71

    just a note: Your 35mm image includes the optical track and your 70mm does not. 70mm/perf used to use magnetic stripe that also took up space, IMAX started using a double system (35mm full coat) so had a much bigger (maximum) image than previous projection systems.

    • @gustafsone
      @gustafsone Рік тому +3

      I still wish Imax would have either worked out a deal with DTS, or come up with their own timecode-based system for the audio. When I briefly worked with Imax film, it kind of blew my mind how they were doing sound by frame-sync. It seems like they could have put some timecode on there (similar to the 5/70mm film strip in this video) and had perfect sound/sync every time without having to worry about it. I will say that DTS has certainly made 5/70mm presentation a lot easier these days, not having to worry about the damn mag stripe, especially when it would get slightly damaged and cause clicks during audio playback.

    • @owensmith7530
      @owensmith7530 Рік тому +1

      @@gustafsone I love the giant oversized DTS timecode which is so easily visible on the 70mm print shown here.

    • @PhilMoskowitz
      @PhilMoskowitz Рік тому

      "Oklahoma" and "Around the World in 80 Days" were shot on 65mm film (so was Oppenheimer). The extra 5mm was for six audio tracks

    • @owensmith7530
      @owensmith7530 Рік тому

      @@PhilMoskowitz Oppenheimer was shot on IMAX cameras running 70mm horizontally same as the projection, that is my understanding. Camera 65 that you refer to runs the film vertically and indeed the extra 5mm width was used for the innermost magnetic soundtracks on 70mm 6 track magnetic.

  • @ClarkTeddles
    @ClarkTeddles Рік тому +49

    Hey Kyle, awesome video you've made here!
    I'm sure this will start gaining thousands of views every week once Oppenheimer is out in theaters, because people will be wondering why all the posters say "see it in 1570 imax" and they'll watch this video to understand it.
    I'll be probably taking a plane flight from Sydney to Melbourne just to see this in 1570, because Melbourne is the only imax in Australia with 1570 equipment.
    Cheers, have a good one, Kyle!

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +3

      Thanks Clark, I hope you are right! And best of luck with the traveling to see the 1570, I am hoping I do not have to fly to see it but if I have to I will! Will be totally worth it

  • @Seethi_C
    @Seethi_C Рік тому +25

    TENET was released on 70mm IMAX, but it was very limited since it was during the height of the pandemic

  • @randallgregerson4761
    @randallgregerson4761 Рік тому +1

    I have tickets to see Oppenheimer on July 20 in 70mm IMAX in Hoover Alabama. I'm so excited. Thank you for sharing how much better this experience will be!

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +1

      Let me know how it goes! I’m so excited

  • @jackielongmire9247
    @jackielongmire9247 Рік тому +9

    I am here for Cillian Murphy. I grew up in East Tennessee and we actually went to Oak Ridge, Tenn. early grade schools condemned from the Manhattan Project. Clinton High School was bombed in 1958 during integrations protests. The elementary schools in Oak Ridge were
    Not used so we were bused to these schools with tiny desks and toilets and water fountains and low blackboards. An air force base was built in Briceful with jets waiting for take off to protect the Atomic Energy Commission and Y plants. We were taught with bomb drills and believed it could happen because we saw what happened to our high school . martial law and burning crosses were added attractions.
    Great childhood memories, the rich had bomb shelters and the rest of us kids hid under our desks. Russia is still at the treats of nuclear
    Bombs. We have not learned very much in my life of 78 years. SAD

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +1

      Very cool story! Thanks for sharing

  • @noahcarpenter68
    @noahcarpenter68 Рік тому +3

    Dude there’s only like 50 imax 70mm theaters on the planet. Not everyone is going to have access to this type of screening

  • @tender0828
    @tender0828 Рік тому +10

    I never really got the hype around this film until this video. This has been really educational for me

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +2

      Glad I could help! Thanks for watching :)

    • @MnemonicHeadTrip
      @MnemonicHeadTrip Рік тому

      @@KyleMiko I feel the same, but I’m a bit saddened by the fact that most people won’t even be able to see it in the way it’s intended. There’s no good way to tell if a theater near you has 70mm imax capabilities, and even if you look at the archives most of those have been shut down

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      @@MnemonicHeadTrip My hope is the near-future in promoting the movie all the theaters showing it in IMAX 70mm will be on a list somewhere, hopefully from Universal

  • @Ulf_Gierdotson
    @Ulf_Gierdotson Рік тому +40

    I love how practical Christopher Nolan is. He isn't afraid to step outside the norm to create something really enjoyable.

  • @elijahe7612
    @elijahe7612 Рік тому +10

    I'm so bummed there's no IMAX theater in my entire state... I recently got to see a movie in an IMAX theater for the very first time a couple weeks ago when I was visiting Cleveland, and it was nothing short of incredible.

    •  Рік тому +2

      Here too! I would have to travel more than 300km for it, what won't be happening

  • @mathiscoenen9633
    @mathiscoenen9633 Рік тому

    Hi Kyle Mikołajczyk.
    Thanks for making this small documentary about film formats.
    I went to Prague for seeing Oppie in IMAX 1570. It was beautiful!
    Kind of „show-scan” where you could see the negatives were shot in 65 mm 5 perf for some scenes. Making the IMAX 1570 parts (shot on 65 mm IMAX (1565) cams even more spectacular.
    Nice to see a little piece of dirt in the camera (yes, camera!) when they shot the movie (completely bottom of the image, just left from the centre). Not in all shots!
    Christopher Nolan made my heart beat at double rate.

  • @thelowkeyloki2970
    @thelowkeyloki2970 Рік тому +4

    love the video, awesome explanation! so much I didn't know. I will say though your audio dynamics are a little inconsistent, a lot of clip distortion at the peaks and real quiet in other parts. Try using a compressor into a limiter with whatever built in effects your software has, or by using a dynamics plugin. Cheers!

    • @TimNeumann
      @TimNeumann Рік тому +1

      Totally agree. I belive I've not heard any video clipping on UA-cam in the past 10 years - and I watch a lot. This is horrible and ruins the watching experience for me.

  • @mark2graves-movies689
    @mark2graves-movies689 Рік тому

    I watched it in 700mm IMAX FILM yesterday at Celebration Cinema North IMAX in Grand Rapids Michigan. It was so fun! You can even go up behind the projection area and watch the film spool through the projector. It's awesome.

  • @LawrenceKaneshiro
    @LawrenceKaneshiro Рік тому +15

    This is cool!!! Loved the presentation. I guess this is from the point of view of a projectionist? Since Oppenheimer was literally made in my backyard in New Mexico in some of the exact locations where the "Device" was built in the early 1940's I intend to be at my local IMAX theater in July to watch this film. Great job!

  • @charliepeterson5949
    @charliepeterson5949 9 місяців тому

    Dude I’ve watched this video like 5 times without realizing you were the LNL projectionist at WPI! I try to catch every 35mm and 70mm screening I can on the weekends here!

  • @caernavon
    @caernavon Рік тому +11

    I think I knew that Imax film was reeled horizontally through the projector instead of vertically, but I never made this connection until now: Imax = VistaVision.

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +3

      Good point! It is basically just larger VistaVision

    • @jacobmacdonagh4070
      @jacobmacdonagh4070 Рік тому +2

      @@KyleMiko VistaVision is to 35mm as Imax is to 70mm

  • @michaelpaulfx
    @michaelpaulfx Рік тому

    The clipping in your audio is awe full dude. I wanted to watch the whole video but couldn’t take any more distortion

  • @SchardtCinematic
    @SchardtCinematic Рік тому +8

    4k is pretty equel to 35mm movie film. Give or take the quality of the lenses and film stock used. I also think how Star Wars episode 2 footage was only captured in 1080P on a smaller sensor than most DSLRS have today. I think the sensor in that Sony camera was smaller than an APS-C sensor yet when I saw episode 2 in the theater I couldn't tell. Granted at that time I didn't know alot about digital film resolution and My Fujifilm MX-2900 digital camera was a whopping 2.3mp. 1800X1200

  • @munan9716
    @munan9716 Рік тому

    very comprehensive and vivid, thanks for your illustrations!!!!!

  • @Miniweet9167
    @Miniweet9167 Рік тому +4

    35mm flat is usually 2K. There really is no point to scan 35mm any higher because color crystals equate roughy to pixel size and you can’t shove more crystals per mm. Anamorphic gets 25% more vertical resolution with 35mm but you need that special squeeze-unsqueeze lens. If you are wasting any money in a cineplex offering IMAX digital, don’t pay for it. It’s usually an upres and barely more than 2.5k. If your feature master is digital, then 4K anamorphic is more popular as a working format than it was 10 years ago, and this is the usual IMAX digital projection resolution, but NOBODY is delivering VFX in 18-20k that is necessary for true IMAX features. It’s all uprez. If you’re really lucky, the VFX house will work in 5k, but absolutely nobody is working in 18k.

  • @JABGaming
    @JABGaming Рік тому

    your blowing out my speakers with the audio mix

  • @fadifotos
    @fadifotos Рік тому +1

    With the captions at 7:44 I can confirm one thing: you use Davinci Resolve!

  • @SebiKoerner
    @SebiKoerner Рік тому +3

    I’m fortunate enough to live near a city that has a 5x70 theater as well as a IMAX with Laser literally within 10 minutes of each other and another IMAX with Laser just another 30 minutes away. Will definitely watch in both 5x70 and IMAX with Laser 👍🏼

  • @MrFernandoLl8406
    @MrFernandoLl8406 Рік тому +1

    I don't even know what Oppenheimer is about, all I know is that I missed The Hateful Eight in 70mm, so I HAD to catch this one!! I found a theater near me showing it in 70mm IMAX! This is about to be me at the movie theater 🤩🤯!!

  • @michaeltalksmovies5743
    @michaeltalksmovies5743 Рік тому +5

    Great video, very informative. I plan on making a trip to either Nashville or Beuford to see Oppenheimer on IMAX 70mm. It will be my first movie I see on IMAX Film.

    • @5roundsrapid263
      @5roundsrapid263 Рік тому

      I hate to inform you that the Nashville 70mm projector is no longer functional. I just found out recently myself. I saw Dunkirk on it, and it was incredible.

  • @timpage9424
    @timpage9424 Рік тому +1

    Would love for Colorado to get an imax film theater again. I think there was one here at some point and seeing Interstellar in that format floored me.
    But i got to see Dunkirk in standard 70mm and im planning a trip to Denver for a 70mm showing of Oppenheimer with my fam.
    Can't wait.
    I was sad that they shoved Tenet out the door like they did because i was looking forward to seeing that in 70 but what can you do? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @LurkingLeviathan
    @LurkingLeviathan Рік тому +6

    When this movie was announced with its release date (at least when I saw it the first time) I teared up because all the stars in the universe aligned to have my favorite director be the one directing a movie about this part in history easily one of my top 3 moments to nerd out about and then to put one of my favorite actors playing my favorite person from this story (Oppenheimer) there has to be something out there or this is those one in a billion things. To have it also come out on my birthday it's just insane I'm so excited I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!❤

  • @missfireandice1
    @missfireandice1 Рік тому +1

    I know nothing about film, just that I've really loved every Nolan film I've seen since I was a kid. I already bought tickets to see this in Imax 70mm at AMC Lincoln Square, just trusting Nolan on his word that this is the way it should be watched. Thanks for the indepth explanation since I had no idea what I had actually purchased.

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      Thanks for watching! Let me know how it goes, I would have gone to the Lincoln Square if it was closer

  • @owensmith7530
    @owensmith7530 Рік тому +4

    The Science Museum in London still has an IMAX film projector. I watched Apollo 11 First Steps (the 45 minute version for IMAX) there and it was the most fabulous picture I have ever seen. They regularly show films there, particularly ones Christopher Nolan directed since there are IMAX film prints. After I saw Apollo 11 the Science Museum closed their cinema for a few weeks to install an IMAX laser digital projector, I forget precisely what type. But they assured followers that their beloved IMAX film projector was staying. So you may now have to check which projector is being used for each showing.

  • @Sekir80
    @Sekir80 Рік тому +1

    Holy Shit! I just checked our local IMAX theater and they play it with original sound! That's a first I've seen! It was only dubbed until now and I'll never pay to watch a movie dubbed.

  • @EldssR6
    @EldssR6 Рік тому +6

    I really wish I had an IMAX 70mm theater here in Brazil.
    Unfortunately we just have a few IMAX with laser :(

    • @adonisds
      @adonisds Рік тому +1

      Nossos imax não são todos de lâmpada?

    • @EldssR6
      @EldssR6 Рік тому +1

      ​@@adonisdsAqui no RJ eu sei que são aquele duplo projetores a laser.
      E eu acho que todos no Br são assim, mas posso estar errado.

  • @MrUltimateX
    @MrUltimateX Рік тому +1

    I had to delay watching the movie on opening weekend so I can go this is in 70mm! Only one theatre in NYC apparently does this. Super excited!

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +1

      Awesome! Seeing it in Rode Island opening week, otherwise I would head to the NYC one as well!

    • @MrUltimateX
      @MrUltimateX Рік тому

      @@KyleMiko now that’s commitment

  • @tundraportal
    @tundraportal Рік тому +6

    I was lucky enough to see interstellar in 70mm Imax at the Providence, Rhode Island Showcase, hoping they have an Imax film screening of Oppenheimer

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +1

      I hope to see it there too! Lucky you, seeing interstellar!

  • @markhormann
    @markhormann Рік тому +2

    I'm seeing OPPENHEIMER 1570 @ IMAX Melbourne, Australia (which has both 1570, dual 4K Laser projectors & 2nd largest IMAX screen in the world) in early August & DUNKIRK 1570 next week - can't wait!

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      Let me know how it goes! So exciting

  • @vidithoro7175
    @vidithoro7175 Рік тому +3

    You didn't cut the left edge of 70mm Imax (interstellar frame) properly. I suffer from OCD. Thank you for the video! I always thought 70mm is just another name for Imax.

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      I didn’t cut the IMAX; I could never! Someone gave it to me like that :)

  • @oromano
    @oromano Рік тому

    This is by far the best explanation of IMAX in all YT 👏🏻

  • @MartinSladek96
    @MartinSladek96 Рік тому +27

    Great video. I'm honoured to say that I saw 70mm IMAX version of Dunkirk in our IMAX theatre in Czech Republic. It was one of 4 theatres in Europe that show that film in this way, the three other were all located in UK. Huge fan of Chris a huge fan o celluloid, can't wait for Oppenhemier. Where did you get those examples? 😀 BTW is that Biqu B1? I have that one in my home. 😀

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +1

      Great to hear you saw it in 70mm IMAX! The 70mm IMAX was off eBay, but everything else I had was from projecting over the years. And thanks for the kind words!

      @KRAFTWERK2K6 Рік тому +2

      There's only one in Germany i think and that's the Zoopalast in Berlin, where they had restored the whole cinema for that purpose. I think one of the first new 70mm screenings was "The Hateful Eight". I wanted to go see Interstellar there but NOBODY i knew wanted to go watch it with me...

    • @fedecx
      @fedecx Рік тому

      Which theatre in Czechia is that? Id consider going

    • @MartinSladek96
      @MartinSladek96 Рік тому

      By leatest news on their Facebook page, they still don't know if they will get 70 mm print...

    • @owensmith7530
      @owensmith7530 Рік тому

      Dunkirk was shown on 70mm IMAX film at the Science Museum in London. I don't know where the other UK showings were.

  • @jakewestbrook3214
    @jakewestbrook3214 Рік тому +1

    here's the thing- I've got an imax 70mm location in my area but they did dunkirk digitally- I'm pretty sure the last time they used their film equipment (before Oppenheimer) was for Batman vs. Superman.

  • @AtomicAgePictures
    @AtomicAgePictures Рік тому +16

    While I think IMAX is a an amazing technical achievement and I used to really enjoy the IMAX travelogues, I despise the square IMAX aspect ratio. I immensely prefer the CinemaScope 2.35:1 aspect ratio. That is actually very close to human field of vision and it tends to fill your peripheral vision in a way that IMAX doesn't. Resolution is not everything.

    • @MatthewJohnson-cy7pu
      @MatthewJohnson-cy7pu Рік тому +5

      YES! IMAX was designed to lose your peripheral vision- 20% of the image is "garbage." Watch DUNE in Scope- it is completely different and BETTER than the IMAX version. IMAX is great for fidelity and resolution- but it is not ART.

    • @isaacbedford3644
      @isaacbedford3644 Рік тому +4

      completely agree. I don't want to have to move my head to see the top (or sides) of the screen

    • @JackOLanternBob
      @JackOLanternBob Рік тому +2

      ​@@isaacbedford3644 you don't have to because the subjects of the frame are always going to be in view without having to look at the very top or bottom of the IMAX screen

    • @isaacbedford3644
      @isaacbedford3644 Рік тому +1

      @@JackOLanternBob I personally want to be able to see the boundaries of the frame with ease

    • @honesty_-no9he
      @honesty_-no9he Рік тому

      TOTAL MYTH scope is NOT how we see the world. Our vision is spherical.

  • @blushslice
    @blushslice Рік тому +1

    So happy to have found your channel!!

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for watching :)

  • @mtvisionary
    @mtvisionary Рік тому +4

    TENET had a 15/70mm at the capable imax screens during it's re-release like 1 month after NYC theaters bạn was lifted during cov19. I saw Tenet in 15/70. There where also some screening for wonder woman in 15/70 (people forgot that was shot with IMAX 9802 camera) as well as some screenings for Eternals, which was the only marvel film ever shot with IMAX 70mm film on the 9802 camera.

    • @owensmith7530
      @owensmith7530 Рік тому

      I wondered why the Wonder Woman picture looked so good even on Blu Ray. That IMAX camera probably helped, if you get garbage in you can't improve it.

  • @itwoznotme
    @itwoznotme Рік тому +1

    if you build it chris, i will come. imax booking incoming .

  • @michaelford4460
    @michaelford4460 Рік тому +3

    Hi Kyle, brilliant educational video well done.
    I am looking forward to Oppenheimer 15/70mm.

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      Thanks for the compliment! I can’t wait either

  • @tejvirsinghluhaniwal4126
    @tejvirsinghluhaniwal4126 Рік тому

    Here in melbourne there are showing in 70mm/15perf and 4k laser imax but its sold out till September

  • @swestuff
    @swestuff Рік тому +6

    Some corrections:
    Imax 70mm film you see in an Imax theater isn't at 18k because the film has been processed and the final film that is made to project is lower than 18k, I don't know how much lower.
    This is how you should see the process of an Imax film: Imax film + other portions not in Imax > scanned digitally > some processing by Imax > *Print new film to be sent to Imax theater.
    *This step will be skipped if the film is an Imax digital-only release.
    Liemax are Imax theaters with an aspect ratio of 1.90:1(No matter the projection system except the Imax 70mm film system)
    Non-Liemax theaters are Imax theaters with an aspect ratio of 1.43:1(Only Imax 70mm film system and Imax dual laser system with the 1.43:1 ratio screen)
    Following are the projection systems that an Imax theater can have:
    Xenon, Single Laser, Dual Laser, and 70mm.
    A Liemax theater can have the following projection systems:
    Xenon, Single Laser, and Dual Laser.
    A Non-liemax theater has the following projection systems:
    Dual Laser and 70mm.
    Just so you know, Dual Laser theater can only show Imax movies at a 1.43:1 ratio if the theater has a screen compatible with the 1.43:1 ratio.
    You may hear of Imax GT which stands for Imax Grand Theater which essantily means it's an Imax theater that supports the 1.43:1 ratio.
    Hope this help :)

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for the info! I do have to somewhat disagree with the resolution claim however. While you are right about losing resolution when scanned digitally and of course if scenes were shot on a different format, but Nolan for example usually does not do digital scan for film prints unless the scene required it for VFX. He is known to do it photochemically as much as possible, matching the grading and such to the digital scans for digital releases. So the 18k is very much possible at times

    • @swestuff
      @swestuff Рік тому +2

      @@KyleMiko Imax does their own mastring which requires it to be digitally scanned first mainly so they can send the film to digital Imax theaters. But what you say maybe true though since Nolan seems to make his movies close to true Imax as possible

  • @fraliexb
    @fraliexb Рік тому +1

    I watched Oppenheimer at my local IMAX (Evansville Indiana), but I'm going to go to Nashville to see it in 70mm IMAX in 2 weeks.

  • @areallyrealisticguyd4333
    @areallyrealisticguyd4333 Рік тому +3

    Gotta thank Kodak for keeping these formats alive. If it wasn't for directors insisting to shoot movies on film the past decade we would've lost them forever

  • @mark2graves-movies689
    @mark2graves-movies689 Рік тому

    Excellent visual comparisons!!! Thank you!!!!

  • @steveblixt9437
    @steveblixt9437 Рік тому +3

    Man, I love your production value and your sense of humor.

  • @Erador
    @Erador Рік тому +1

    One year on the 4th of July when I worked at a movie theater we took a bunch of xenon projector bulbs that were supposed to be disposed of up to the roof and threw them off to watch them explode. It was awesome.

  • @ThomasMatthewEvans
    @ThomasMatthewEvans Рік тому +4

    Wow great video. That 35mm frame has SDDS on the edges, Dolby Digital between the Perfs, SR analogue and a DTS timecode sync track. It's hard masked to flat 1:85.1 projected with a circular lens instead of Cinemascope full frame anamorphic with an anamorphic lens. How geeky am I lol

    • @owensmith7530
      @owensmith7530 Рік тому +1

      I went through exactly the same thought process identifying all those aspects of the 35mm print. It doesn't seem geeky to me, these things are important.

  • @WillKricken
    @WillKricken Рік тому +1

    70mm is still going in Calgary, Canada at Scotiabank Chinook Theatre. I got tickets for opening Thursday and i cannnnott wait!!

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      Awesome! Let me know how it goes :)

    • @WillKricken
      @WillKricken Рік тому

      @@KyleMiko Update - GUTTED.
      The IMAX techs weren’t given enough time by Cineplex to full-proof the film. The film reel was botched & not syncing with the audio. Cineplex told us the show was cancelled after seeing the first 20 mins cut in and out with the audio being delayed & pitch corrected. Cineplex manager said imax techs did 1 test run prior to our showing. All remaining 70mm tickets are sold out, or front row only.
      I bought these tickets in May. We literally can’t see this film in this format ever again 😭😭😭😭 I’m so sad 😭

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      @@WillKricken oh man that’s terrible to hear, so sorry

  • @ThePopcorn12
    @ThePopcorn12 Рік тому +3

    Fantastic video! Any idea as to when they will announce which theaters will receive which print format? I’m ready to book a special trip to see it in 70/15 ASAP! 😂

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      I am ready as well! I am hoping in the next month or two, I will be sure to keep looking. Thanks for the compliment :)

    • @McSpanky81
      @McSpanky81 Рік тому +1

      @@KyleMiko I live in Melbourne Australia we have a 1570 IMAX theatre I can't wait for Oppenheimer.

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      @@McSpanky81 I think I have heard about your 15/70 theater over there! If I recall it’s one of the nicest ones

  • @MiguelBaptista1981
    @MiguelBaptista1981 Рік тому

    Dude, very interesting video.
    Please be more careful with your audio editing, mastering, and normalization. It's all over the place, and I'm sure I woke up the neighbors a few times due to abnormally large boosts in volume in some parts.
    Just a head's up, your content is very good and to the point. Cheers mate, Godbless.

  • @newbie4789
    @newbie4789 Рік тому +4

    Before Oppenheimer became a talk, I thought people stopped using analogue films ages ago. Like, "Digital is just same thing but simpler to use " is what I thought. But ig I was absolutely wrong

    • @MnemonicHeadTrip
      @MnemonicHeadTrip Рік тому

      Film has always been superior to most forms of digital. The amount of detail you can capture through film is insane

  • @jerrytai5714
    @jerrytai5714 Рік тому +1

    You’ve explained it so well, Kyle! And wow your knowledge and the demonstrating actually film frames on your hand are just so stunning to see them! Gotta watch 70mm IMAX ahaha🎉 👏

  • @1165mac
    @1165mac Рік тому +3

    Unfortunately, my two local "IMAX" cinemas will show Oppenheimer in LIEMAX using digital projection. I've seen 70mm IMAX film projection and LIEMAX isn't even close! Even 35mm film blown up to 70mm film beats it.

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      Aw I’m sorry to hear! Completely agree, it’s a lie.

  • @dubefest
    @dubefest Рік тому +1

    Great video Kyle!!!

  • @Mr94Productions
    @Mr94Productions Рік тому +13

    It doesn't matter which camera or instruments are used for production if you don't know how to use them properly, or to its potential. It all comes down to how knowledgeable the producer/creator is about such tools.

    • @joeduncan5186
      @joeduncan5186 Рік тому +4

      The Nolan team is the most IMAX knowledgeable team in the business.

  • @BartendingAndBaseball
    @BartendingAndBaseball Рік тому +2

    I’m taking my girlfriend to see Oppenheimer in IMAX 70mm at the Chinese theater! Super pumped.

  • @inodesnet
    @inodesnet Рік тому +3

    This makes me anticipate my local IMAX even more.
    Back in 2008, Sydney's IMAX closed its doors in preparation for a $2 billion makeover in the precinct it was in. On that date, it held the world record for largest IMAX screen at 35.72 m × 29.57 m (117.2 ft × 97.0 ft).
    It went out with a bang in 2016 when Christopher Nolan actually choosing to run the Dark Knight 15/70 for the final time; a perfect choice for a perfect screen to run 15/70 on. This video is: ua-cam.com/video/CtxPuMOYpSs/v-deo.html
    The new replacement is behind schedule, and the exact screen size isn't known although there are some who have stated it needed to be reduced in size to fit the new building (which is larger oddly). But it has been said that Sydney always wanted to reclaim the record moving to a 35.73m x 29.42m, almost the same size as the old, which would make it still the largest in area albeit no longer the tallest or widest, but the largest 1.43:1
    Hoping it opens for Oppenheimer. Prior to closing I saw Interstellar 15/70 and it wasn't only the quality of the image that blew me away, but the sound.
    Just visited the brand new largest screen in Japan (Tokyo), which is 25.8m ×18.9m and in area, that's less than 1/2 the Sydney screen.
    But to be honest, I think it's more manageable because the screen in Sydney is so large it requires extremely altered seating (feet are always behind the row ahead's head)

    • @blackcyborg009
      @blackcyborg009 Рік тому

      Do you think the Ribbon IMAX Sydney would open in time for Oppenheimer? (July 2023)
      Or will it have to wait for Dune (November 2023)

  • @debug8377
    @debug8377 Рік тому

    last time i watched a 1570 presentation was roughly 6 or 5 years ago (unfortunately not one of nolan's productions), i wish i could see oppenheimer on it but they dont have it sadly
    (the theater i was talking about was the keong mas imax at taman mini)

  • @Alice.59
    @Alice.59 Рік тому +5

    your mic saturation is really annoying... hope you buy a new one soon

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      Just did! Didn’t think anyone would actually watch one of my videos before

    • @Alice.59
      @Alice.59 Рік тому

      @@KyleMiko you video are good, very informative and well explained, continue like that and a lot of people are gonna watch them 🙂

    • @Cioriz
      @Cioriz Рік тому

      fix yur mic. pls

  • @ejgames8484
    @ejgames8484 Рік тому +1

    The “freedom units” earned yourself a subscriber lmao

  • @m3snusteve
    @m3snusteve Рік тому

    4:33 wow 15,000 watt lamp imagine the electric bill to run the projector and I was worried about running a 1,000 watt lamp in my 16mm projector. Lol 😂great video thanks for sharing. 🎉

  • @SiratSkywalker
    @SiratSkywalker Рік тому +1

    My guy used Bee Movie as the baseline, and then slammed that Oppenheimer there. Love it! Can't wait to see the 70mm IMAX version!

  • @turyboy
    @turyboy Рік тому

    Love your narration technique while showcasing

  • @flip034
    @flip034 Рік тому +1

    Out of pure luck, I’m going to be right next to Hollywood the day of release because my UCLA new student orientation happens to end on the same day. This will be my first ever IMAX film, yet alone 70mm! Super excited.
    (Will be watching at TLC Chinese Theater)

  • @halo99yo
    @halo99yo Рік тому +1

    Why can 70mm fit about nine 35mm film but is only three times more resolution? (6K vs 18K)

  • @c3goextreme4sure
    @c3goextreme4sure Рік тому +1

    Im gonna watch in stremio 4k while smoking a flat blunt

  • @GameSack
    @GameSack Рік тому +1

    This of course assumes that IMAX film-capable theaters do a good job projecting the film. I've seen more bad IMAX presentations than good in modern times. IMAX projectionists are becoming more and mode rare, and it's not something that you can just train an employee from the concession stand to do. But that's what they often MUST do these days. IMAX technicians are also a dwindling breed, meaning that picture isn't guaranteed to be calibrated very well. The xenon bulb may be under-focused or under-amped resulting in a rather dim picture. I have seen this a lot in IMAX auditoriums because they're usually not gonna buy a new xenon bulb costing thousands for one movie. This not only means it can be dim, but it can flicker or a weaving arc which results in the brightness not being stationary on screen. It can also be over-focused resulting in a hot spot and dark corners which is another thing that's very common. Theater owners are super cheap. If there is a penny to be pinched, they will absolutely 100% do it.
    I remember seeing Dark Knight Rises in real IMAX when it came out. What a mistake that was. Very dim picture, very bad audio with no subwoofer at all (theater's fault) and that's on top of the horrible audio mix (Nolan's fault). Not only that, but the cinematography was horrible. It was framed in a way where it made it look like more of a stage production, because you could see the characters head to toe in many of the IMAX scenes and it just felt, well... amateur. I'm not a fan of the IMAX aspect ratio at all. GREAT for what IMAX was invented for (Nature documentaries and the like), BAD for Hollywood-style movies.
    That said, I am looking forward to Oppenheimer. However I refuse to see it in a movie theater in any format. It's a Nolan movie and I know better. I'll wait until I can watch it at home with subtitles on because I want to understand the dialog. Nolan's movies are the only ones I have to do that with. He is overrated and I wish studios would stop bowing to his IMAX whims all the time. The 4K Blu-ray will cost less than an IMAX ticket.

  • @shadowblade9385
    @shadowblade9385 Рік тому

    I'm still predisposed to recognizing anything "Bee Movie" as an obscure meme.

  • @soarthumbs1
    @soarthumbs1 Рік тому

    Thank you for putting me to sleep, you've fixed my insomnia.

  • @ryandavis280
    @ryandavis280 Рік тому +1

    I was debating between Dolby and 70mm imax. Def going for the latter after watching this video. Thanks!

  • @mcb187
    @mcb187 Рік тому +1

    Unfortunately, I’m not able to see it in 15/70. BUT, I’m going to a showing with a 5/70 print! I’m so excited! I have always loved the Manhattan project, and I’m curious to see how Nolan depicted the events before, during, and hopefully after the project.

  • @noha163
    @noha163 Рік тому +1

    I’m lucky enough to live in Melbourne and have access to the IMAX 1570 theatre… it’s the original even though the shows booked out for a month I managed to get tickets for August, I can’t wait :)

    • @KyleMiko
      @KyleMiko  Рік тому

      Congrats! Let me know how it goes, I’ve heard great things about it

  • @dondon4720
    @dondon4720 Рік тому +1

    closest one to me was Indy, driving 2hrs to see it in IMAX 1570 :)

  • @sumting_wong_witya1029
    @sumting_wong_witya1029 Рік тому +1

    I just want to say that this is a great fricking video!

  • @ponraul1221
    @ponraul1221 Рік тому +1

    I'm going to drive 3 hours to see Oppenheimer in IMAX 70mm. I even managed to secure basically dead-center seats.

  • @scooooter
    @scooooter Рік тому

    I have a question.
    In the city where I live, I only have a limited option.
    Watch a dubbed version in IMAX theatre (which they say 2K resolution, so it's a liemax?), which i don't like (who like a dub anyways) or go to a subtitled one in a theater. The latter is saying that they are going to project the 70mm film (they have Victoria 8 the website says). That technically means the latter is closer to what Nolan intends correct? but will be missing a chunk of the screen because is 5 perf?

  • @sammykewlguy
    @sammykewlguy Рік тому +1

    I hear that the Oppenheimer rolled out is a whooping 11 miles long! I know we can't compare analog to digital but it's amazing that the same film on digital takes up no real physical space besides a storage medium. However, we still have no digital format with a comparable resolution. That will of course change one day, but the fact that an analog format still reigns supreme is quite something.

  • @ExtremeSquared
    @ExtremeSquared Рік тому

    Are there audio differences? Maybe not even in the film itself, but as part of branding / specification?

  • @StepsAndStoness
    @StepsAndStoness Рік тому

    Great video dude!

  • @micah4396
    @micah4396 Рік тому

    Thank you! Any idea how long it will be plaing in theaters? Unfortunately i will be away and unable to see it for a month just 2 days befor sit releases 😭