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Hey koopekool you know there is a trick to defeat ten tails you need ice senbons and ribcage and go being ten tails and attack with ice senbos
Sand dome is good too
or use a mode for have more hp
the grammar on these
i like when koopekul makes video with sen its so fun seeing him With a friend
Koop never disappoints us this video is fire my guy
For real bro
He's my fav youtuber and don't mind my name
also hes name luke didnt you know
Fr bro he’s the best youtuber I know 🎉
"i died.....""i survived !"the last phases of two warriors after their legendary fight
Maybe you should get the duo cursed yama and tushita
you're my favorite youtuber, luke. i love your videos.
W vid also what is sens yt?
W comment 😎
@@Senpirates w youtuber
koopekool your the best u ahve inspired me to create my own youtube channel
I hope you prosper
Brian mode is definitely the best
11:45 'brian mode'😂
Koopekul this vid is FIRE you never disappoint us keep up the work
would be a pleasure to play a game of Ninja tycoon with this man
Thanks for the name
Honestly I love it when koop plays it with sen
Koop this was sick!!!!!!!
Technically Koop killed the boss
No he didn't sen was closer so he would kill ten tails
@Ben_54 shut up kid
@Ben_54 it was a joke and it’s funny how you call me 1 years old but you’re probably no more than 7 years older than 1
Hope ya'll have a good day
Love your content
love your vids they are so entertaining 😁
You are now my fav youtuber
Koopekool pls play shindo lofe its probably the most underrated game
My base was that Chinese looking 1 with a 2 fighting guy
Tbh he be looking like a Walking flame
First and i love ur vids sooo much bro u inspire me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much i love u and ur vids bro keep up the good work
I was first
I was the first one to comment
@@GOOFY69225 who
He never fail to make happy
When are you going to do minecraft again?
w videos and your content keeps getting better and better
If you take shidori senbon or the version with gamepass, in like 5 attack jigen die. And for 10 tailed beast it’s a little more
Koop u should play ultra power tycoon it’s a naruto inspired game and the powers are cool
I so happy ninja tycoon is get notice and appreciation bc it been in roblox for so long and I happy it getting Recognition
KOOP I have advise you must also use susano
Naruto and sasuke moon and sun laughing in the corner😈
Common W from goatkool!
We all need an auto clicker fr 😪
Hey video idea you could play the same game but try getting all Kama seal ability s
This is the best thing i have ever seen
You killed the boss with night guy
Koop love ur vids
Koopakuul is your name Luke?
Day 9 of asking you to unlock sage of six bowls with scrolls in ninja tycoon
Fun fact if you use ice sen bone u can one shot every boss :D
Do ya please I have been playing it it was fun
Whenever he uploaded it a good day 😊
Koopekol can you play some king legacy?
He is the best UA-camr in my opinion he has good videos he’s just good person
Koop hint you can easily kill the final with ice death senbons
Pt two on gear 4 luffy pls
There is the new update on BLOX FRUIT
You have the best videos
You’re the best UA-camr ever in the world
Hi and I first and I a big fan I a really big fan😊
Day 1 of asking koopekool play shindo life
Can you pls do grind Blox fruits to max😊
Bro never fails to make me laugh
What are your pc specs
Are you gonna do a video on update 19??? I hope you do
Forgot to say I love you’re video👍👍👍
But if we kill the boss we can't get robux
koop idea make this channel your main channel
Luke should use night guy on the ten tails, it does a lot of damage
Koopekool if your wondering the easiest way to defeat a boss use ice death sebons (:
I love it when you play this game
That will be owesome
I’m playing that right now on Friday 24th February at 8:26 irl and my name is Ross
Hey kool aka luke i don't know if you played this game or not but it's really good and cool it's called sitama battle ground on roblox please check it out 😀
quick note ice death senbon can kill bosses super fast
kuperkru box frut isopend akand
Can y'all do one mode challge next
Ah yes Brian mode is my favorite naruto transformation
Buy baryon mode and get fox combo so whenever u use reverse lotus u use fox combo
Ur the best keep going bro
What did sen say that was blured out
Koopekul use Ice death senbons in one video it’s very op
Tip: use ribcage and death ice rain and it will 1 tap the 10 tails boss
Hi I love your chanel I wonder if you could play roblox with me pls
Koopekul the irs is coming for ur pay2win power
Pls do more videos like this ❤🎉😊
Do you get real robux if you defeat those boss's?
That’s the start seems good
Next time get the ultimate seishoono/ sasoono pls
What is the game called
Hey kopecool kan u do kurama nexst?
8 days and Sen is back.
Do the bosses actually give robux for transformations???
Tip : use chidori senbon it kills the ten tails Easily
Hey luke, can you please help me get v4? Because I’ve been trying for 7 weeks and I have never found it. Please?
can ypu pls upgrade rengoku sword in blox fruit😅
Brian mood💀
i love your vids
fire vid but vs the ten tails use ice death senbon
Koopekul u need ice death senbons to end ten tails it's a easy trick
"Thank you for all the positive energy you giveus! He always respects us, the audience and his team, and he's always polite in all his videos."
Orochimaru really did me dirty
Thanks for the free money hahahahahahahahahhahah(sorry, I needed to beat luke)
niice job koop
To need defeat the boss,u need to buy susanoo full mode and strongest power like rasengan
u can deafeat the ultimate boss usin shurikins if u want ya know
I luv ur vids
Hey koopekool you know there is a trick to defeat ten tails you need ice senbons and ribcage and go being ten tails and attack with ice senbos
Sand dome is good too
or use a mode for have more hp
the grammar on these
i like when koopekul makes video with sen its so fun seeing him With a friend
Koop never disappoints us this video is fire my guy
For real bro
He's my fav youtuber and don't mind my name
also hes name luke didnt you know
Fr bro he’s the best youtuber I know 🎉
"i died....."
"i survived !"
the last phases of two warriors after their legendary fight
Maybe you should get the duo cursed yama and tushita
you're my favorite youtuber, luke. i love your videos.
W vid also what is sens yt?
W comment 😎
@@Senpirates w youtuber
koopekool your the best u ahve inspired me to create my own youtube channel
I hope you prosper
Brian mode is definitely the best
11:45 'brian mode'😂
Koopekul this vid is FIRE you never disappoint us keep up the work
would be a pleasure to play a game of Ninja tycoon with this man
Thanks for the name
Honestly I love it when koop plays it with sen
Koop this was sick!!!!!!!
Technically Koop killed the boss
No he didn't sen was closer so he would kill ten tails
@Ben_54 shut up kid
@Ben_54 it was a joke and it’s funny how you call me 1 years old but you’re probably no more than 7 years older than 1
Hope ya'll have a good day
Love your content
love your vids they are so entertaining 😁
You are now my fav youtuber
Koopekool pls play shindo lofe its probably the most underrated game
My base was that Chinese looking 1 with a 2 fighting guy
Tbh he be looking like a Walking flame
First and i love ur vids sooo much bro u inspire me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much i love u and ur vids bro keep up the good work
I was first
I was the first one to comment
@@GOOFY69225 who
He never fail to make happy
When are you going to do minecraft again?
w videos and your content keeps getting better and better
If you take shidori senbon or the version with gamepass, in like 5 attack jigen die. And for 10 tailed beast it’s a little more
Koop u should play ultra power tycoon it’s a naruto inspired game and the powers are cool
I so happy ninja tycoon is get notice and appreciation bc it been in roblox for so long and I happy it getting Recognition
KOOP I have advise you must also use susano
Naruto and sasuke moon and sun laughing in the corner😈
Common W from goatkool!
We all need an auto clicker fr 😪
Hey video idea you could play the same game but try getting all Kama seal ability s
This is the best thing i have ever seen
You killed the boss with night guy
Koop love ur vids
Koopakuul is your name Luke?
Day 9 of asking you to unlock sage of six bowls with scrolls in ninja tycoon
Fun fact if you use ice sen bone u can one shot every boss :D
Do ya please I have been playing it it was fun
Whenever he uploaded it a good day 😊
Koopekol can you play some king legacy?
He is the best UA-camr in my opinion he has good videos he’s just good person
Koop hint you can easily kill the final with ice death senbons
Pt two on gear 4 luffy pls
There is the new update on BLOX FRUIT
You have the best videos
You’re the best UA-camr ever in the world
Hi and I first and I a big fan I a really big fan😊
Day 1 of asking koopekool play shindo life
Can you pls do grind Blox fruits to max
Bro never fails to make me laugh
What are your pc specs
Are you gonna do a video on update 19??? I hope you do
Forgot to say I love you’re video👍👍👍
But if we kill the boss we can't get robux
koop idea make this channel your main channel
Luke should use night guy on the ten tails, it does a lot of damage
Koopekool if your wondering the easiest way to defeat a boss use ice death sebons (:
I love it when you play this game
That will be owesome
I’m playing that right now on Friday 24th February at 8:26 irl and my name is Ross
Hey kool aka luke i don't know if you played this game or not but it's really good and cool it's called sitama battle ground on roblox please check it out 😀
quick note ice death senbon can kill bosses super fast
kuperkru box frut isopend akand
Can y'all do one mode challge next
Ah yes Brian mode is my favorite naruto transformation
Buy baryon mode and get fox combo so whenever u use reverse lotus u use fox combo
Ur the best keep going bro
What did sen say that was blured out
Koopekul use
Ice death senbons in one video it’s very op
Tip: use ribcage and death ice rain and it will 1 tap the 10 tails boss
Hi I love your chanel I wonder if you could play roblox with me pls
Koopekul the irs is coming for ur pay2win power
Pls do more videos like this ❤🎉😊
Do you get real robux if you defeat those boss's?
That’s the start seems good
Next time get the ultimate seishoono/ sasoono pls
What is the game called
Hey kopecool kan u do kurama nexst?
8 days and Sen is back.
Do the bosses actually give robux for transformations???
Tip : use chidori senbon it kills the ten tails Easily
Hey luke, can you please help me get v4? Because I’ve been trying for 7 weeks and I have never found it. Please?
can ypu pls upgrade rengoku sword in blox fruit😅
Brian mood💀
i love your vids
fire vid but vs the ten tails use ice death senbon
Koopekul u need ice death senbons to end ten tails it's a easy trick
"Thank you for all the positive energy you give
us! He always respects us, the audience and his team, and he's always polite in all his
Orochimaru really did me dirty
Thanks for the free money hahahahahahahahahhahah
(sorry, I needed to beat luke)
niice job koop
To need defeat the boss,u need to buy susanoo full mode and strongest power like rasengan
u can deafeat the ultimate boss usin shurikins if u want ya know
I luv ur vids