Had a little bit of tears myself, going to show this to my son so he can learn what kind of dedication is needed to become a champion. Thanks for the inspiring video!
Love your videos. I'm definitely not a runner. I'm 25 and just ran 5 miles unbroken for the first time this week. But watching this type of video is definitely encouraging for me to keep trying to improve, even if it's just recreationally
Very proud of you Allie. Not just for your accomplishments, but how you have accepted and handled adversity. The final chapter has not been written and I look forward to seeing what the future brings to your running career. And don't forget all those Mt. Marathon races make you one of the baddest of the Badass runners around. Who else can say they won National Track Championships and the hardest 5K around that anyone can ever do. No One But You. (I was talking with Emilie a couple weeks ago when I was up in Norway training and she remembers that you helped make her win an honest win).
I'm 67 and what hooked me on following your career was the mountain marathons in Alaska. A long time ago I ran track and Xcountry lost interest in it but you got me back into it. I am a lifetime fan of yours. Good luck in the future.
I was born and raised in Boise. Like many, a die hard Bronco football fan, but you have definitely created a massive difference in gaining ground/momentum for the running program. Enjoyed cheering you on during your college career! Go broncos!
That was a great story and a great story teller. I am 74 years old but I was once young and an ok high school hurdler. I ran a 14.5 my junior year but did not do well at the state meet. It always suprises me how much ones mind is needed to be a great athlete. I often think back on those glory days and envy you your future. Great video.
It's great to hear the stories. (I have decades of running journals that I still handwrite today. And I got lots of stories. I have remembered so many training sessions of others and some I wrote down.)
Wow! You're an amazing athlete! True grit. This voice over vlog has gotten a lot of hits. It's nice to hear how you find the strength to get out there and run just from your college races. Well done! I'm a big fan.
Awesome young lady can’t believe how many times I’ve been at your races and what a fan I am even when the announcers were making I would even say inappropriate comments I would just say stupid. Can’t wait to see you out there again doing what you love.❤
I think it is an injustice to not touch on how toxic and self-depricating this mentality with running is. It’s clear that overtraining and underfueling were the biggest contributing factors to such monumental success early on. Becoming good at running takes years of healthy training. Stress fractures indicate low bone density/overtraining. Success is meaningless when the message being sent is taking shortcuts that leads to long term damage in the sport. Fellow Mountain West runner and sub-16 5k gal speaking here.
If you follow me on social media, you know that I struggled with an eating disorder in high school and college. I didn’t explicitly talk about it in this video, but seeing a dietician and therapist was part of my recovery from my sacral injury. I didn’t make this video to say that shortcuts were what got me a title…it’s more to show that success is almost never linear. Do I wish I could go back in time and set a better example for training and fueling in a sustainable and healthy way? HELL YES. But I don’t have that luxury, so now I advocate for mental health and share my story to help others avoid the same mistakes.
@@allie_ostrander I understand that you do advocate for healthy habits and healthy training, but if at any time during your story it was not the case, I feel that that should be shared rather than overlooked. I also understand that this may have been intended to be a light-hearted video, but I can’t support stories that don’t reveal the whole picture. In my opinion it’s not right to talk about training over 80 miles/week as a true freshmen and then not at all relate that to some of the injuries you experienced, and on top of that, not touch on how disordered eating affected this level of training. It ultimately sends the wrong message even if it’s intended to be positive.
I never got to run much past high school due to injuries, so it's awesome to have such an insanely detailed retelling of someone else's experience. Not many elite athletes will go into this kind of depth with a whole year of training and competitions, but it's the only way I can understand what that experience is like. The ship sailed for me already. I'll never have my own experience like yours. Thank you for sharing and giving those like me a glimpse.
Great to relive that running history with you. I remember very well watching your collegiate career and your nationals win, which was a true redemption after those plaguing injuries. You'll always be a national champion and a world class athlete.
I have to be honest and say I've never heard of you ( I'm from New Zealand 🇳🇿 ) but I really enjoyed this glimpse into your sporting achievements. I'll be watching out for you as you move forward in your athletic pursuit.
Loved reliving all the races I've watched you compete in over the years. Your Olympic trials debut was awesome to see, but broke my heart not seeing you make the team. You're an inspiration to all runners great and small.
wow Allie you have achieved so many amazing performances! I think one thing you mention that all us runners can learn from is NOT going hard on your easy days, it is a sure fire way to derail progress! To get faster you have to recover then let the body adapt to come back stronger for the next hard training session or race! I made the same mistake myself in the past and burned out really badly a few times!
I think it’s really helpful for the younger runners to understand the trials and tribulations along the way. Most would have only highlighted the high points. But seeing the fortitude you had to persevere is incredible. #neverquit And that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is yours forever. Thanks for sharing your journey through your own experience.
Such a cool video, Allie!! I especially loved the emotional training log entries. Sometimes that's the most prominent aspect of a run! The steeplechase footage has me in awe
you really inspire me, ı had a bad reraltationship with my body with food. I am curently in a healhty weight loss journey because ı am a very sporty person but ı gained a lot of weight fast ( curentlly ı play ice hockey) but running was somethink that ı hate. I started to train for 5k race ( never run 5k before in my life) and watching your videos not just motivates me for running ıt also helps me to have a heathy relatationship with my body and food. Thank you so much
Hey Allie. I’m walking this week for the first time since December 4th when I fractured my tibial plateau,hoping to just lightly jog again to show my dogs. I truly understand these big injury timeouts and also the eating disorder issues. I love your videos. I was never at your level back in the 80s,my college was tiny (Cornell),but I love your videos.
Love your story! Very relatable with the injuries, I was a skier and 6 knee surgeries and 1 back surgery it felt like I could never stay healthy. I’m so glad you are on the right path again and staying healthy with rest and nutrition that you’ve talked about!
Love you, Allie and really enjoyed this video. You are so personable and genuine! I think many of your followers feel like you are an actual personal friend, even if we have never met you in person before.
I love this story and all of the training log entries! Well done video for sure . . . Can you do a video on how you were a 3 time NCAA Division 1 steeple chase champ? It’s amazing and incredibly difficult to get 1 championship but to repeat twice over! No words! Incredible journey so far and perhaps we’ll be blessed enough to see you back racing at the top level exploring your limits . . . no limits!
I loved your VLOG! Arguably your best! In my opinion 👍🏻it’s interesting listening to you and what you were going through and what was on your mind going into the races as well as when you were in the moment. I also loved listening to you talk and describe your training. My family and I had the privilege of watching you race prefontaine classic at Stanford. We were also lucky to get a picture of you and my daughter 👍🏻. Great memories!
We're so lucky to be able to hear this level of detail directly from someone who's been through it at the highest levels of the sport. It's very different and very eye-opening in a good way!
you are such an inspiration to me while im looking to improve my 5k time. im probably never going to be at your level of running since xc is not my main sport, but the mentality you describe is something that is really going to stick with me! super cool hearing your take on this season I also had a knee/hip injury this year that took me out of lots of training, as well as my HS state meet and MOCs, (obviously not as high stakes as your events) it sucks, so sorry you had to go through that
Great video Allie! You did an awesome job putting your story together in a video and narrating it. This will be very insightful for any up-and-coming athletes and a fond memory for you and your family to look back on. All the best for the future.
Love this video. Thank you. I feel you on the injuries from over mileage. After so many problems, I realized why so many runners ride their bikes as part of the cardio work.
I immediately thought of that "Fake news" tweet when I saw the thumb for this video. Legendary! With a disclaimer that I'm not enough of a fanboi to have committed this to memory, I looked up your times and it's just crazy to have personal *worst* of 10 flat, and that was a preliminary heat and IIRC in actual severe Texas heat. It was awesome seeing you on the track pacing a steeplechase this summer and I look forward to seeing you out front going for the win again.
Thank you for sharing your story, I'm not near your level but I find it easy to relate to your struggles in some level. It's awesome to know that you've found success.
This was well put together, we seldomly get to see the feelings and emotions that go along with training and competing at your level. Thanks for doing this, and good luck to you in the future. Oh, yes, and not covered up by a bunch of music, for that thank you.
great story! i became a recreational runner as an adult and i'm always curious about what it's like to be a college athlete or pro. can't wait to watch more of your videos!
Allie, you are such a talented runner! How is your training coming, and when will we see you competing again? I'd love to see you in the next Olympics! You have the ability to be thete so go for it!
Hi Allie good morning happy Wednesday morning and this was amazing video I enjoy your channel because you are amazing Supporter and I'm proud of you and I loved your athletic vlogs
Wow, you are very dedicated. I really found your story motivating, in fact I have just got out in the pouring rain to see whether I can keep my pace on a 5K run. Actualy my goal is to run sub45 10K this year, I've been a runner for 18 years now but lost my motivation last year somehow and it seems like this goal got my mojo back. I've never been a quick runner I've just love running.
im pretty sure im gonna binge watch this video a good couple times. you really are amazing and sidenote i hope u and spencer make it in the long run true couple goals
You definitely have put a lot of work into this video and you are a good storyteller. You're good at building up the tension leading into the climax. You end the video at the climax, which is an interesting choice. Some people might give more commentary at the end. Track is a brutal sport. If you were able to run consistently high mileage, you would've been great at Trials. Figuring out the puzzle of running high mileage without getting hurt, getting proper nutrition, staying happy is no easy task. You have a good finishing kick.
If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and leave a comment. It really helps my channel :)
Had a little bit of tears myself, going to show this to my son so he can learn what kind of dedication is needed to become a champion. Thanks for the inspiring video!
Most enjoyable.
Can you tell me what journal you're using?
ur amazing, wished i could give you a hug for all the hard work you put in Allie
Really cool to hear this story directly from you. Do more of these if you can!
Yep, I'll definitely do more!
Woah two of my favorite UA-camrs interacting with one another 🤯
Love your videos. I'm definitely not a runner. I'm 25 and just ran 5 miles unbroken for the first time this week. But watching this type of video is definitely encouraging for me to keep trying to improve, even if it's just recreationally
You ran 5 miles you are a runner 💪
I agree with Jamie: you ARE a runner! but thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed :)
You’ve gotta do more videos like this because you’re one of those people who I can listen to all day 😅
haha well I will just have to make more! In the mean time I guess you can just watch this one on repeat ;)
Very proud of you Allie. Not just for your accomplishments, but how you have accepted and handled adversity. The final chapter has not been written and I look forward to seeing what the future brings to your running career.
And don't forget all those Mt. Marathon races make you one of the baddest of the Badass runners around. Who else can say they won National Track Championships and the hardest 5K around that anyone can ever do. No One But You. (I was talking with Emilie a couple weeks ago when I was up in Norway training and she remembers that you helped make her win an honest win).
Final chapter isn’t even in progress yet 👊
I'm 67 and what hooked me on following your career was the mountain marathons in Alaska. A long time ago I ran track and Xcountry lost interest in it but you got me back into it. I am a lifetime fan of yours. Good luck in the future.
I was born and raised in Boise. Like many, a die hard Bronco football fan, but you have definitely created a massive difference in gaining ground/momentum for the running program. Enjoyed cheering you on during your college career! Go broncos!
Go broncos!!
That was a great story and a great story teller. I am 74 years old but I was once young and an ok high school hurdler.
I ran a 14.5 my junior year but did not do well at the state meet. It always suprises me how much ones mind is needed to be a great athlete. I often think back on those glory days and envy you your future. Great video.
This was so great! so many big names going down in your journey.
glad you liked it!
You are quite an amazing human example for determination and commitment to excellence. Congratulations on your wins and on your amazing effort!
Great part of history telling of American women’s track, and how you and your colleagues are so successful this present day.
What an honor and privilege to watch this video and listen to your voice over. What an accomplished superior athlete you are!! Loved it
thank you!
Such a beast. I think the real secret here is those 5 lb dumbbell curls, letting you MUSCLE past the competition 💪🏿😤
I'm living my running days through your stories. Too many injuries to be running anymore but your stories bring a little of those days back.
I agree. Great to hear you tell your own story. Well done 👏
Thank you for doing this. Shows my kids the life of a runner more than I could ever teach them
It's great to hear the stories. (I have decades of running journals that I still handwrite today. And I got lots of stories. I have remembered so many training sessions of others and some I wrote down.)
These voiceover videos are my absolute favorite! Loved hearing your story.
Wow! You're an amazing athlete! True grit. This voice over vlog has gotten a lot of hits. It's nice to hear how you find the strength to get out there and run just from your college races. Well done! I'm a big fan.
It definitely wasn't the path to a national title that I envisioned for myself, but it worked!
Awesome young lady can’t believe how many times I’ve been at your races and what a fan I am even when the announcers were making I would even say inappropriate comments I would just say stupid. Can’t wait to see you out there again doing what you love.❤
you are a natural story teller. loved it. when you cried I started to tear up. thanks for the video.
I think it is an injustice to not touch on how toxic and self-depricating this mentality with running is. It’s clear that overtraining and underfueling were the biggest contributing factors to such monumental success early on. Becoming good at running takes years of healthy training. Stress fractures indicate low bone density/overtraining. Success is meaningless when the message being sent is taking shortcuts that leads to long term damage in the sport. Fellow Mountain West runner and sub-16 5k gal speaking here.
If you follow me on social media, you know that I struggled with an eating disorder in high school and college. I didn’t explicitly talk about it in this video, but seeing a dietician and therapist was part of my recovery from my sacral injury. I didn’t make this video to say that shortcuts were what got me a title…it’s more to show that success is almost never linear. Do I wish I could go back in time and set a better example for training and fueling in a sustainable and healthy way? HELL YES. But I don’t have that luxury, so now I advocate for mental health and share my story to help others avoid the same mistakes.
@@allie_ostrander I understand that you do advocate for healthy habits and healthy training, but if at any time during your story it was not the case, I feel that that should be shared rather than overlooked. I also understand that this may have been intended to be a light-hearted video, but I can’t support stories that don’t reveal the whole picture. In my opinion it’s not right to talk about training over 80 miles/week as a true freshmen and then not at all relate that to some of the injuries you experienced, and on top of that, not touch on how disordered eating affected this level of training. It ultimately sends the wrong message even if it’s intended to be positive.
I never got to run much past high school due to injuries, so it's awesome to have such an insanely detailed retelling of someone else's experience. Not many elite athletes will go into this kind of depth with a whole year of training and competitions, but it's the only way I can understand what that experience is like. The ship sailed for me already. I'll never have my own experience like yours. Thank you for sharing and giving those like me a glimpse.
amazing comment
Alli, you're the sweetheart of Boise State and we're all proud of you!
Great to relive that running history with you. I remember very well watching your collegiate career and your nationals win, which was a true redemption after those plaguing injuries. You'll always be a national champion and a world class athlete.
Fun to relive for sure.
I have to be honest and say I've never heard of you ( I'm from New Zealand 🇳🇿 ) but I really enjoyed this glimpse into your sporting achievements. I'll be watching out for you as you move forward in your athletic pursuit.
Thank you for sharing your story. We all need to know that there was a struggling, injury and hard work before any success. Keep on striving!
Loved this so much! Please make more- you are incredible to watch and listen to what was going through your head!
Just re-watched your 2018 steeple victory - utterly insane!!! Awesome!!!
Loved reliving all the races I've watched you compete in over the years. Your Olympic trials debut was awesome to see, but broke my heart not seeing you make the team. You're an inspiration to all runners great and small.
It was sad to miss the team, but still a great experience!
What a awesome story!!!!! You are a true inspiration to those who enter the world of distance running… keep killing it
There’s always a story behind success. I enjoyed telling it!
wow Allie you have achieved so many amazing performances! I think one thing you mention that all us runners can learn from is NOT going hard on your easy days, it is a sure fire way to derail progress! To get faster you have to recover then let the body adapt to come back stronger for the next hard training session or race! I made the same mistake myself in the past and burned out really badly a few times!
It’s hard to hold back when you’re getting in good shape, but recovering on east days is soooo important!
Congrats! What a great response on that last lap. Strong mentally. Best to you in the future.
I think it’s really helpful for the younger runners to understand the trials and tribulations along the way. Most would have only highlighted the high points. But seeing the fortitude you had to persevere is incredible. #neverquit And that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is yours forever. Thanks for sharing your journey through your own experience.
Such a cool video, Allie!! I especially loved the emotional training log entries. Sometimes that's the most prominent aspect of a run! The steeplechase footage has me in awe
Nice video, Allie O! I love how much your family is featured in this one.
Thanks Olivia! and yes of course they're featured...they're the best :)
Really nice to hear this story. You told it very well.
you really inspire me, ı had a bad reraltationship with my body with food. I am curently in a healhty weight loss journey because ı am a very sporty person but ı gained a lot of weight fast ( curentlly ı play ice hockey) but running was somethink that ı hate. I started to train for 5k race ( never run 5k before in my life) and watching your videos not just motivates me for running ıt also helps me to have a heathy relatationship with my body and food. Thank you so much
Nice to hear you tell this. You're an amazing runner!
Wow love your story. nothing like the Ups and Downs of an athlete. Great job.
Hey Allie. I’m walking this week for the first time since December 4th when I fractured my tibial plateau,hoping to just lightly jog again to show my dogs. I truly understand these big injury timeouts and also the eating disorder issues. I love your videos. I was never at your level back in the 80s,my college was tiny (Cornell),but I love your videos.
You are a great storyteller and that was a great story!
not all of it was great at the time, but it's definitely great looking back now!
Love your story! Very relatable with the injuries, I was a skier and 6 knee surgeries and 1 back surgery it felt like I could never stay healthy. I’m so glad you are on the right path again and staying healthy with rest and nutrition that you’ve talked about!
Love you, Allie and really enjoyed this video. You are so personable and genuine! I think many of your followers feel like you are an actual personal friend, even if we have never met you in person before.
That is incredible to hear 🥰
Loved it! Thanks for sharing an important chapter of your life with us, Allie!
I love this story and all of the training log entries! Well done video for sure . . . Can you do a video on how you were a 3 time NCAA Division 1 steeple chase champ? It’s amazing and incredibly difficult to get 1 championship but to repeat twice over! No words! Incredible journey so far and perhaps we’ll be blessed enough to see you back racing at the top level exploring your limits . . . no limits!
Thank you! I’ll definitely make videos about my other titles!
You are so welcome! I look forward to that video whenever it comes out . . . in the meantime happy training! 💯🎉👍🤗🤗🤗🇨🇦🇺🇸
This is my favorite video yet! Great story and great job telling it through the video
I loved your VLOG! Arguably your best! In my opinion 👍🏻it’s interesting listening to you and what you were going through and what was on your mind going into the races as well as when you were in the moment. I also loved listening to you talk and describe your training. My family and I had the privilege of watching you race prefontaine classic at Stanford. We were also lucky to get a picture of you and my daughter 👍🏻. Great memories!
you are my comfort youtube channel, i mean that with my heart and soul. its midnight and i was crying over my ex so i came to watch your videos
This makes me happy. Not that you were crying, but that my videos give you some comfort 🤗
We're so lucky to be able to hear this level of detail directly from someone who's been through it at the highest levels of the sport. It's very different and very eye-opening in a good way!
Definitely worth sticking around till the end. Congratulations
thank you!
Amazing story Allie!
you are such an inspiration to me while im looking to improve my 5k time. im probably never going to be at your level of running since xc is not my main sport, but the mentality you describe is something that is really going to stick with me! super cool hearing your take on this season
I also had a knee/hip injury this year that took me out of lots of training, as well as my HS state meet and MOCs, (obviously not as high stakes as your events) it sucks, so sorry you had to go through that
Great video Allie! You did an awesome job putting your story together in a video and narrating it. This will be very insightful for any up-and-coming athletes and a fond memory for you and your family to look back on. All the best for the future.
thank you! It took a lot of digging to get all the material together, but I think it was worth it.
Keep worming on your goals. Have fun be safe stay determined LISTEN TO YOUR BODY
You certainly give the saying you go girl new meaning God bless you girl run run run what a gift and a great story all the best in 2023
Thank you for sharing your training regime. I like how you are so organized and take in depth notes on your workouts. Shoot for the stars
Thanks Allie, keep winning. Love the perseverance, it's the key to success in running and life! Be Great.
This was a wonderful video and I’m happy that you accomplished everything you did even after adversity, inspiring 🙏
Absolutely awesome story and amazing accomplishment! Such a well put together video/story.
Love this video. Thank you. I feel you on the injuries from over mileage. After so many problems, I realized why so many runners ride their bikes as part of the cardio work.
biking is now a huge part of my training!
This was incredible, original, utterly charming storytelling; wonder year’s esque!
It's so nice to watch you tell your stories, Allie. Keep going! Big fan from Brazil, here. ☺
Good job telling your story! very cool to see Maddie Boreman as well in this film!
Really enjoyed the story. Congratulations!!!
Hey, that was a great video! Cool to hear you narrate how you felt at different stages of your career while at Boise State.
And there were so many more stages! I'll have to tell those stories too.
I immediately thought of that "Fake news" tweet when I saw the thumb for this video. Legendary! With a disclaimer that I'm not enough of a fanboi to have committed this to memory, I looked up your times and it's just crazy to have personal *worst* of 10 flat, and that was a preliminary heat and IIRC in actual severe Texas heat. It was awesome seeing you on the track pacing a steeplechase this summer and I look forward to seeing you out front going for the win again.
Many people remember your amazing Mount Marathon performances!
"5k that was pretty relaxed" - 16:09 🤯 you're my hero Allie
Thanks for taking the time and creating this...enjoyed the story a great deal from the up down and up!
Your my favorite story teller. Thank you for sharing your experience 😊
Thank you for sharing your story, I'm not near your level but I find it easy to relate to your struggles in some level. It's awesome to know that you've found success.
great story .. thanks for sharing ...
This was well put together, we seldomly get to see the feelings and emotions that go along with training and competing at your level. Thanks for doing this, and good luck to you in the future. Oh, yes, and not covered up by a bunch of music, for that thank you.
glad you enjoyed it!
Pls do more vids like this!! Such a well put together and cohesive video.
Great Story.... Proud of You... John 81' Boise State Grad
LIVING for these pictures
great story! i became a recreational runner as an adult and i'm always curious about what it's like to be a college athlete or pro. can't wait to watch more of your videos!
Excellent story-telling.
Allie, you are such a talented runner! How is your training coming, and when will we see you competing again? I'd love to see you in the next Olympics! You have the ability to be thete so go for it!
Wow. Great vid. Are there any legends you havent beaten???
Hi Allie good morning happy Wednesday morning and this was amazing video I enjoy your channel because you are amazing Supporter and I'm proud of you and I loved your athletic vlogs
Great video. Great to hear what was going on in your mind in your approach to training, races, bouncing back from injuries.
Love your storytime of your past running
Didn’t realise you have been an awesome runner for such a long time. Great video about working through frustrations and obstacles!
yeah all the way back to the 100m hurdles in 7th grade haha
Thanks. This is a very good documentary of yearly progression. - J
I’m born and raised in boise running cross and track and I’m hoping to go to BSU in 3 years!
Instantly recognized that spot in Santa Monica at 10:30
Wow, you are very dedicated. I really found your story motivating, in fact I have just got out in the pouring rain to see whether I can keep my pace on a 5K run. Actualy my goal is to run sub45 10K this year, I've been a runner for 18 years now but lost my motivation last year somehow and it seems like this goal got my mojo back. I've never been a quick runner I've just love running.
im pretty sure im gonna binge watch this video a good couple times. you really are amazing and sidenote i hope u and spencer make it in the long run true couple goals
yesss thank you!
I remember an announcer at one of her races calling her the baby faced assassin loved it
Thank you! Great video. That took a lot of work to edit! It's nice to learn about your story.
Idk how I stumbled here. But boy that's great racing. Good luck in the future. Congrats on Nationals 🏆
Definitely worth sticking around for! Great story! Thanks for sharing.
thank you! glad you enjoyed it :)
You are amazing Allie! Been a fan and following you since your high school career 💪🏼😄 so cool to see these videos!
glad you enjoyed!
Awesome finish with an inspiring back story. Keep Running 🏃♂️ 💪
Definitely worth it. You a champ on the track and in life.
You definitely have put a lot of work into this video and you are a good storyteller. You're good at building up the tension leading into the climax. You end the video at the climax, which is an interesting choice. Some people might give more commentary at the end. Track is a brutal sport. If you were able to run consistently high mileage, you would've been great at Trials. Figuring out the puzzle of running high mileage without getting hurt, getting proper nutrition, staying happy is no easy task. You have a good finishing kick.
Yeah I might have done more analysis, but honestly I wanted to let the story speak for itself. Maybe I’ll analyze at another time!
Amazing work Allie! Do you ever run against Katelyn Tuohy or Parker?