「Thanks for 800+ Subs!」【ピアノ ・ Piano】クライヤ (すこっぷ) w/楽譜 ・Crier w/ Sheet Music【kuowiz】
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- クライヤ - ピアノを弾いてみた
Crier - Piano Cover
Crier - 試彈
Piano 楽譜 / Sheet Music: app.box.com/s/...
FLAC Audio File/FLAC 音樂檔: drive.google.c...
Twitter: / kuowiz
Huh. Extremely late night upload for me. 6am here. So I'll talk more later lol.
K. Just woke up again. Feeling slightly more refreshed XD
First of all. THANK YOU GUYS FOR 800+ SUBS~. Totally did not expect the subscriber count starting to climb that fast the past few months... thanks for listening guys XDDD
And so here is something that is wayyyy overdue (this was supposed to be uploaded something like two or three weeks ago... and ended up being uploaded on Valentine's Day LOL), Scope's Crier!
Why was it delayed so much? Cuz a bunch of things happened, such as my computer solid state drive dying (I think I fried it by accident), and midterms happening... sorry for the late upload guys XD
OK. So uhh the sheet music for this is going to be a BIIIIT late. This was probably one of the hardest songs to literally write sheets for... because MuseScore hates triplets. D:
So I'm going to take the weekend to finish polishing up the sheet music before releasing it...
Next upload... well. I'm on reading break right now. Hopefully it means more time lol. Uhh on my list is まふまふ's 永眠童話, papiyon's 心做し, and maybe some old songs.... we'll see how it goes :P
Laters guys~
Sheet Music uploaded. Notes about the sheets: Again, this is not exactly what I played in my video, as I played using a mostly unfinished version of the sheets... so they won't be exactly the same. (Altho I did try to make the really close...?)
Also... feel free to vary the left hand, as long as its within the chords. /hardest sheet music transcribed so far. Damn you MuseScore and triplets. =,=
曲名/Title: クライヤ | Crier
作曲/Composer: すこっぷ | Scope
唄/Original Vocals: 初音ミクAppend
楽譜/Arrangement: kuowiz
original movie: 旋花
re-animation: kuowiz
不安になるとね 涙は自然と溢れて
fuan ni naru to ne namida wa sizen to afurete
倘若感到不安 便會自然地流下眼淚
泣き終われば 疲れて眠りにつ いてそうだよ
naki oware ba tsukarete nemuri ni tsuite sou dayo
一停止哭泣 便會因為沉沉的疲倦感而睡過去
そんな夜ばかり繰り返して 変わらずに
sonna yoru bakari kuri kaeshite kawarazu ni
無數次度過那樣的夜晚 一點變化也沒有
kyou mo mata iki gurusii asa ga kuru yo
悩み悔やみ 続いてく闇
nayami kuyami tsudu ite ku yami
苦惱與悔意 綿延的黑暗
muyami ni hitonami wo urayami
妬み 僻み 心は荒み
netami higami kokoro wa susami
嫉妒 偏見 自暴自棄
mata namida ni kaete iku yo
泣いても 泣いても
naite mo naite mo
無論怎麼 哽咽哭泣
watashi wa nanimo kaeran nai mama
ただただ惨めで 不安で仕方なくって
tada tada mizime de fuan de shikata nakutte
僅僅是悲慘地 因為不安感而無所適從
何もないのに 欲しがるから
nani mo nai noni hoshi garu kara
明明一無所有 卻渴望著擁有
いっそのこともう この目も 心も
isso no koto mou kono me mo kokoro mo
不如就乾脆 將這雙眼 以及這顆心
奪い取ってしまってよ 今すぐ
ubai totte shimatte yo ima sugu
全部都奪去就好了啊 現在立刻
人は様々な 理由で嘘つき
hito wa sama sama na riyuu de uso tsuki
sono subete wo mimuke yashi nai kara
すがるように 君の言葉だけを信じて
sugaru youni kimi no kotoba dake wo shinjide
只能依賴似地 一心一意相信你說的話
だから 君の嘘はどんなことでも
dakara kimi no uso wa donna koto demo
因此啊 你所撒出的謊言無論如何
深く深く 傷ついてしまうんだ
fukaku fukaku kizu tsu ite shimaun da
都會深深地 深深地傷害到我呢
だから もういいよ ほらね
dakara mou iiyo horane
所以說 已經夠了吧 仔細看
同じとこに 同じ傷が
onnaji toko ni onnaji kizu ga
相同的地方 相同的傷
ひとつ 増えただけ それだけ
hitotsu fue tadake sore dake
仍在逐一地增加著 僅僅如此
何度も 何度も 身勝手な言葉に振り回され
nando mo nando mo mi katte na kotoba ni furi mawasare
無數次 無數次 為你自私任性的話語所戲弄
傷つく私も 自分勝手なんだけど
kizu tsuku watashi mo jibun katte nan dakedo
因而受了傷的我 亦是同樣任性呢
何もないから 気にしないよって聞こえないフリして
nani mo nai kara kinishi nai yotte kikoe nai furi site
「不要緊的 不需要在意」如此告訴自己而假裝聽不見
何より 誰より 気にし ちゃっているんだよ
nani yori dare yori kinishi chatte irun dayo
可明明就比起任何事 任何人 都要更在意啊
baka danaa
akirame dara sore de owaritte sa
douni mo nara nai koto bakari de
yasashii kotoba ni madowa sarete
nando tsuki oto sare tekita kana
誰も知らない 誰も知らな い
dare mo shira nai dare mo shira nai
誰都不會理解 誰都不會明白
私がこんなに 悩んでいるのも
watashi ga konna ni nayande iru nomo
為此我是這麼煩惱 這麼痛苦啊
痛みの数だけ 強くなれるっていうなら
itami no kazo dake tsuyoku narerutte iu nara
倘若感受到越深的傷痛 便會越發地堅強
ato nankai nake ba iin desuka
泣いても 泣いても
naite mo naite mo
無論怎麼 哽咽哭泣
watashi wa nani mo kaeran nai mama
悲しくて 悔しくて
kanashiku te kuyashiku te
即使悲傷 悔恨不已
だけど 何も出来なくって
dakedo nani mo deki nakutte
卻仍然是 什麼也無法做到
何にもないまま 涙は心の傷に沁みて
nanimo nai mama namida wa kokoro no kizu ni shimite
就算置之不理 淚水依然刺痛了心之傷
滲むから 痛むから もう止まんないんだよ
nijimu kara itamu kara mou toman nain dayo
淚流不止 疼痛不止 已經 再也無法將其阻止
何度も 何度も 生きてる意味なんて探しても
nando mo nando mo ikiteru imi nante sagashite mo
無數次 無數次 拚命地尋找著所謂生存的意義
涙の理由すらよく 分かんないまんまで
namida no waga sura yoku wakan nai man made
可是就連流淚的理由 也還是沒辦法明白
何にもないけど 泣き止むたび 明日が来るから
nani mo nai kedo naki yamu tabi ashita ga kuru kara
就算什麼也不做 但每當止住哭泣 就會迎來明天
生きてて 良かった
iki tete yokatta
衷心認為 活著真好
そんなこと思える日を 願ってしまうんだ
sonna koto omoeru hi wo negatte shimaun da
發自內心地祈禱著 希望有那麼一天的到來
This is such a beautiful piece. Good work :>
Whenever I don't feel at ease the tears are slowly falling on my knees
And when I'm done with that I start to fall asleep in my exhaustion
I am honest
The nights like that are on repeat, they are consistent yet seem so incomplete
And when I wake I am at another suffocating morning
The worry and regret and neverending darkness
And all the envy for the people that are stressless
And how the jealousy and bias slowly damage me
And turn to tears again, overflowing
Crying again, crying again
And here I stand and still can't change a small simple thing
All inside me, all agony
I simply can't help to feel afraid
Having nothing, I am longing
I'm praying that someone will come and reach what I see
Taking my eyes, taking my heart
Just take them all away from me
Right away...
The people that I know they go and lie so they get their way
But I can never see right through them at the end of the day
So I am sitting here and clinging to the words you gave me
Still believing
So everything you said and all your lies or what the heck they are
So deep, so deep, they wound me yet again so deeply
I've had enough already, look at me
This is the wound and it is hurting where it always did
You just keep adding more, I am done for
Over again, over again
I hear them spilling out selfish words they always say
Hurting again, but it's sure when
I'm very self-centerded myself
"Nothing you've got, you should just stop"
I like to just pretend, that I cannot hear the things they say
More than they know, more than I know
I am concerned and can't act cool
I'm such a fool
You know it's over if you simply go and call it quits
But I am sure that I can never do the thing that fits
'Cause I've been fooled just by the words and how you make them sound
Now their pushing me and I am falling to the ground
And now I really don't care, and now I really don't care!
And while I agonize I'm thinking that I really don't care
You really think that pain and hurt will turn you stronger if you don't give up?
How many times will I just have to keep on crying?
Crying again, crying again
And here I stand and still can't change the smallest little thing
I'm really so sad, regretting and mad
But here I am and still I can't do a thing
Having nothing, still with nothing
The tears I cry have soaked my wounded heart eternally
It's really a blur and hurting occur
But I can't stop it anymore
Over again, over again
I've looked just for a reason so that I'd choose to live
Not being sure what is my cure
And still not knowing why I cry
Having nothing, still with nothing
But each and everytime the day will break to stop my tears
"I am so glad, where I stand at" and this I just hope that I can say
For this, I always will pray
+Konatada Didn't Joydreamer come up with those lyrics?
Emily Clark Yup
this sounds absolutely amazing 💙
Good work!! Very nice piano score!!
This song is so beautiful and true... that it hurts...
Beautiful ;-;
Omggggg. I love this song. Thank you kuowiz for playing this!!!!!!! Sukisukisukiiiiii! ^_^
Thanks for listening XDDDD
it's so beautiful !
Thank you :)
OMG I love you ! I was stalking and niconico in the hope to someone to do a piano version of this song and your version is really the awesome
Haha will be posting to niconico later too... I went over the upload limit so re-rendering D:
Thanks for listening~
@Kellen yep have fun~! And thanks XD
Just perfect :)
Can i use this cover for a cover with voice ? ;w; its beautiful and you need more sub omg
I'd love to see it on synthesia! And do it by myself
Me encanta, es increíble
You deserve wayyymore subs. Just sayin :p
Awwwww thanks XD
¡Te quedo genial!
Chaque fois que je suis déroutée
Je ne peux empêcher mes larmes de couler
Quand elles cessent de tomber
Par la fatigue je me laisse bercer..
Oui c'est vrai !
Ces nuits se répétant sans aucun changement
Toujours à faire le même rêve déconcertant
Et je me réveillerais encore,
sur un autre de ces matins suffoquant !
Mes inquiétudes, mes regrets, mes ténèbres éternels
Éprouvant par la foule une envie démesurée
Jalousie, préjugés endommageait mon cœur artificiel
Et en larmes je ne pouvais que les transformer.
Oui je pleurais, oui je pleurais,
Mais il m'est impossible de changer tout ce qui m'entoure !
Dans une misère qui m'est absolue,
Je ne pouvais m'empêcher d'être inquiète
Non je n'avais rien, mais je désirais !
Mais c'est une de ces faims qui ne sera jamais repue
Alors ces yeux et ce faible cœur,
Que quelqu'un puisse me les arracher
En cet instant ...
Tous ces gens pour leur propre bien sont juste de sales menteurs !
Je n'arrivais pas à déchiffrer ce que disait leurs coeurs
Alors je croyais stupidement en leurs mots trompeurs...
Oui j'y croyais !
Alors ces mots, ces leurres, que m'importe ce qu'ils pouvaient me dire
Profondément, ne pouvaient que m'anéantir !
Donc cesse de me détruire !
Alors regarde...
Toutes les blessures que tu m'as fait sont en un même endroit
Et tu comptes en faire une autre,
Est-ce vraiment toi ?
Depuis tout ce temps, cela n'a pas changé
Les gens continueront de cracher tout leur égoïsme
Et je serais blessé, malgré le fait
Que je serais moi même une égocentrique
"Non tu ne peux rien perdre, car tu ne possèdes rien !"
Mais je ne m'en fait pas, car ces gens je ne les entends pas !
Et plus que tout, plus que n'importe qui
Je me soucie de leurs moquerie !
Telle une idiote ....
Mais si tu abandonnes c'est terminé, me dis-tu
Mais je suis figée par la peur, et je n'en peux plus !
Combien de fois tout ces mots doux, m'avaient-ils trompé ?
Pour me retrouver seule, blessée et poussée à terre !
Mais je me fiche cela, car plus rien ne m'importe !
Je me laisse agoniser car je me souviens de ces mots
Tu m'avais dit que la douleur pourrait me rendre plus forte alors,
Combien de fois devrais-je encore pleurer comme ça ?
C'est vrai je suis faible, oui je pleurais !
Même si mes larmes ne pouvaient plus rien n'y changer
Je souffre tellement, c'est si douloureux
Mais je sais que je ne peux rien y faire
Ça n'avait pas changé, je n'avais toujours rien
Et mes larmes essayaient de tromper mon cœur blessé
Ça me faisait mal, et je voyais trouble,
Et je ne pouvais plus m'arrêter !
Encore maintenant, je cherche encore
Ne serait-ce qu'une simple raison de vivre ici bas
Mais je ne comprend pas, Je ne suis sûre de rien
Même pas du pourquoi de mes larmes !
Non je n'avais rien, je n'avais rien pourtant
Lorsque mes larmes cessaient, un nouveau lendemain accourait
"Je suis heureuse d'être encore en vie"
Jusqu'au jour ou je le penserais,
Je prierais pour que ça arrive....
Thanks :)
This is so beautiful, I love this song! Would you mind if I used this for a cover?
Sorry for the late reply, not at all, have fun!
u should make more covers to get more subs :)
this cover is so nice
Eheheh thanks~
And subs come as they come... I make covers for people and myself to enjoy :P
Eres increíble ;)
Gracias :P
kuowiz Por nada :DDD
Please, someone make a synthesia of Crier T^T
Please make this cover again and make the video with your hands. Just a Request no hate