+Stamatis Papadopoulos Soraka jungle??? You noob. There's your first problem. Soraka jungle is absolute trash, you can't carry your trash bronze V teammates with her in jungle, you need to play Soraka adc.
+Effecter Neospi I just hope you are trolling, because if not you don't really get that tips videos and advice from higher level players won't 'make' you better at the game, only help you progress if you take it on board
Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this new video. I'm trying out working with a new editor so it can help me produce more top quality content for you guys, so let me know what you think! Thanks for watching as always
+foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player I love the text animations and the drawings in the minimap and the transitions in this video! Must have taken a lot of time to render but it's definitely worth it! quality 10/10
+foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player Do a video on rank boosting! People who purchase rank boosting services are basically trying to circumvent the ranking system and pay to win. They represent a toxic part of the community made up of people who have no morals or sportsmanship. League of Legends would be better off without those people.
+foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player Thanks for the vids man! Jungle was my worst lane before I discovered your channel. It is my main lane now, yet i learn a lot from every video you post. Keep up the good work and the positive attitude, it does rub off on others.
Fox just wanted to say that the editing style is realy helpful. Since you talk so calm and collected, the simple style rly helps with that aspect. Great video as always ^_^
5 Differences between good and bad junglers Good ones - Are British - Own a dog named Shad - Main Lee Sin - Are good - "Are" Foxdrop Bad ones - none of the above.
+klowby especially in low elo its actually the opposite. if you both die while diving it creates a bonding experience of sucking while as you dont die the laner just feels betreayed and skillless. it is kind of like being sober when everyone is drunk ,you're not going to be liked.
1) to me, as a Hecarim main "its warded" meanswhen I come to gank Ima pop my Ghost, E, and then ulti (if needed) to show them wards ain't got shit on me! (I run tanky w/ lots of move speed) lots of people dont get that you need to ward further into river to counter act a Hecarim, Rammus, or Udyr's move speed >_>
can I just say thank you for your content. it's not only helped me improve as a jungler, but as a midlaner (which is my main) by giving me insight into what jungles are thinking about in a given game state.
Great video. So for whatever reason after watching many jungle videos from many different tubers, I've noticed that almost no one focuses on the most important aspect of the game--taking objectives. A gank is a stepping stone to an objective. Lane pressure is a stepping stone to objective. You can gank, pile on kills, plan, avoid wards, but if you don't take the towers and nexus you will not win. In fact the opposite is true, you can technically win without getting any kills. Being a pretty novice jungler but serious arm chair general, I'd love to a video on how a jungler can set up plays to take towers. Anyway, thank you for the video. I enjoyed it very much.
Hey man I just found your channel and I just wanted to drop a comment saying thanks for helping others empower themselves and treat people in the gaming community better. The world needs more people like you brother. God bless you man. There's no reason to stop what you are doing to help people
Hey Foxdrop I know many people may have said this to you in many occasions, but here's another one: Thanks to you I skyrocketed in divisions. Thank you for all the effort you put into your videos.
Great video man, been maining Jungle for just over a season now. Gone from Silver 5 having no clue how to even gank or clear to now being mid gold and only climbing higher. Love you and all you videos, keep up the awesome work, you got this!
You're my new favorite LOL you-tuber. You're such a nice person. You legitly know what you're doing and you're not someone who seems to flame as well. You seem intelligent and well thought out in your gameplay and comments. You've got my support. Carry on making some great content, I'll definitely be watching, and learning.
Hey foxdrop I really liked this video, not only did you have some good talking points i felt your graphical things you did were spot on. The text/text animations, the enchant pics, the map drawings, and the small pics like the ones of smite or a pink ward all came together to make a really good video. The only visual that could be something different is instead of using champion models use their portrait. Note I'm not saying you should use portraits, just a consideration. I'm not sure which would look better without seeing it.
Bad thing about LoL is that, basically every single player watch these kinds of videos, but no one admits its them who are bad. I actually learnt to admit my faults, and I feel the improvement in my games.
Hey Foxy, I'm no Jungler but I still love your content and watch almost everything you're uploading, especially since it helps me understand the thought process of junglers better without me having to play hundreds of games in a role I don't enjoy playing as much :^) Anyway, thanks for your great work and effort. Keep it up
I love your intro. A good jungler practices the concept of oppression, making the enemy feel like they are so behind they have no chance of coming back. This requires effective counter jungling, monster ganks, and efficient farming. Once you reach that point in a game its a cemented win.
Damn Foxdrop, I've been coming here for the educational content since just after you started and I also get these glorious and ever-improving puns ? Lovely :)
Thanks the advices! :) I'll have to keep these in mind whenever I end up being a jungler. It's the only position I have essentially zero practice in and have done less than 15 games out of the hundreds of games playing other lanes.
That last point is SO important. If the enemy is pushed and you are on that side of the map, just walk into the lane and do as much damage as possible. I can't stress how much a little bit of pressure can help a lane. If the laner gets 2-3 minions that they would not have otherwise, that's 50g in the bank as much as jungle camp.
another good one to mention (in terms of ganking) is that good jungler will know the timing of ganks. Some important factors include: champion cooldowns/flashes and minion wave size/placement. I've seen plenty of ganks go sour due to junglers ganking as a full minion wave approaches the lane aggroing them. Sometimes that doesn't matter. But knowing when it does makes a difference.
Nice video. One word, map pressure. It doesn't matter if your jungler is early mid or late game, just be there, even if the gank ended on nothing or perhaps just sums. The map pressure is there and it helps a lot, on the other hand if you are on a bad match and the guy in front of you feels he has no map pressure whatsoever, he will feel comfortable to dive or gank with his jungler and end up with a free lane. Just visit a lane, say "hi there I'm not afk so don't bother my colleagues too much", turn around and go back to your jungle.
Dude you are seriously so funny, I hope you know that, your voice is very pleasant to hear and you have a lot of charisma, I never catch you streaming but I will try to do it more often.
Really good video. I realize after maiming jungle for quite awhile now that I kind of do the good things subconsciously but still there things in this video that I could do better. Thanks!
I really like this video man, I'm definitely not a good jungler so I think this will help me. I think a lot of lower Elo players (at least me) play too much off instinct and not enough thinking. I really like that you explained about thinking in the future and not just right now. great video man. :D
Please make a video on the difference between Good and GREAT junglers. could mentions things like: helping a laner push after successful gank holding lanes when a laner dies, goes base or roams and jungling different according to the enemy junglers champion(eg. i always start the main buff, and ward it, when im vs a shaco jungle and then go straight to my other buff or shacos other buff if i have vision on him.) talk about different jungle routes like ignoring your main buffs to get level 6 fast. Keep up the great vids man
This is a great video! I've never really reflected over the future thing and there for never activly thought about it in game. But now when I do I can think back at my best games and realise that those where the games where I did think about the future.
Just picked up the jungle role, so im very greatful for this video as i can recognize myself in the "bad" jungler and how i can improof to become the "good" jungler. Thank you very much!
Wow thank you foxxybabee! With this video I went from bronze to the lcs in under 15 minutes! But really this was a nice video keep up the good work. :D
Guys, I just remembered something from that first difference foxy talked about, You should buy oracle or sweeping lens to disable the ward, but don't attack it so you will be unseen, and gank easily
Hey Foxdrop Thanks for uploading these videos they really helped me out a lot Now i know it takes time to become a better player but after a month or so i can already tell that i have gotten better I have a different mindset , i dont tilt as easy as i did before and my decision making has come a long way
As someone who jungles, usually the only time I say "I can't do anything" is when I've been counter jungled to the point I'm starved badly enough that ganking a lane would only likely be offering a free kill on a silver platter. So I don't COMPLETELY agree with you there. But other than that, yeah your reasons make sense. Helpful video.
Also a good jungler always buys a pink every once and then.Very good video.I personally like junglers that have alot of ccs or utility in order to help the team rather than just picking a Twitch jungler or a teemo or something similar.
Nice video but, I would add in the video, some examples. Like, for succesful gank you put there a gank that burns a flash or lets someone push, so people can understand better. Anyways good video! :)
Thank you so much for your amazing videos! I'm a sup/adc main and I would like to start playing more jungle to have more lane options and stuff. Your vids are easy to understand and make me want to try out my luck as a jungler even more 8)! Gonna check out more of your content, keep up your good work
For the fourth point, I tend to think about where the enemy jungler is and what they're doing, like what would I be doing if I was him and react accordingly, especially if I have vision of them, or vision of their jungle.
+foxdropLOL - Be A Better League Player Hey fox, love your jungle guides. I consider them one of the main reasons I was able to climb out of silver 3 to plat 1 this season. Keep doing what you do bro
As a low elo jungle main i find your videos really helpfull. You wouldn´t have any guides on Shyvana? Like what runes and masteries you should pick, builds etc.
wow i really appreciate the effort you put in the video editing, that was really intertaining, and was fun to watch. keep it up. #cooltransitionsandtext
Yet to try Teemo jungle since I've been studying the runes, masteries and build path. Once I get the runes for the job, I'll need to practice alot and hope it works.
The Devourer thing is a bit odd when you consider Ekko. When I play him as a Devo Jungler, I go for the early ganks (specifically the lvl 3 FB on top or mid) because that's one spot Ekko excells in, from what I know. Getting Devo is the goal, but I find that he can play like an early game JG just fine, so long as at least one gank ends in a kill, he can keep up with the best of them. Most of my duos are top, so we coordinate an early gank and then I trust them to not give up an advantage I hand them. That allows me to get dragon or blue buff control, depending on what time of the game it is, and I can focus on ganking bot/mid to feed our carries... When behind, it's a bit harder, though, and I don't always know what to do there.... Say the first gank failed or the other Jg is moving faster than you, snowballing. How can I better look to stop that snowball? Any suggestions?
Hey Foxdrop, What do you think about Sunfire Cape / Will of the Ancients Aurelion Sol? No one has really talked about these items about him, but it's always cool to see the idea of it, even if it's bad. Who knows, it might just be pretty nice on him.
I just got to plat last season (currently rapping on the door to diamond) as a jungle main and in solo queue I find almost no value in assisting a laner that is getting dominated especially in lower divisions. Look for opportunities to tip an even lane your way or snowball your laner when they are dominating. When the enemy jungler shows up to gank your dominant lane you are there to even the odds, don't let the enemy put up any barriers to that momentum. When you go to assist a losing lane about 90% of the time even if you can kill the enemy laner the second he respawns your struggling ally will die again and will need you to babysit all game long and it will put both of you behind. Instead pressure the map, invade on your opposite number and make his life hell or farm your face off, always be doing something to get stronger. Learn to plan for dragon timers but look at it more than one way, dragon will be up in 25 seconds but you have a big fat stacking wave in top lane and outer turret down. Is it worth it to concede a dragon to open up the inhib? The situation will tell but the game is won by kill pressure on nexus turrets so always be gauging what you might give up for what you will gain. See the enemy going for a 4 man dive bottom while you're slightly top side? Don't try to get down there, ping your allies back and shove mid as hard as you can and ping your top laner to push top lane hard especially if his teleport is down to make the enemy think better of such big commitments of manpower. Playing a successful jungle is all about getting into your opponents heads and making their decisions for them without their realizing it. This subtle method takes practice but feels great when done well. The best way to get a struggling laner back into the game is to take out the turrets in that lane as global gold and the loss of security for the enemy will help your laner most. Most of all don't get anxious to force things to happen. The harder you try to force things the more likely you are to take a disastrous trade or even die for free conceding free objectives to the enemy. Opportunities will come but best way to consistently pressure the nexus is to be alive. Watch what is going on, predict and then let it happen, you'll be ready when it does and you will trade well, if you don't just take everything from the enemy team without giving anything back.
This is only like the third comment I've ever posted on youtube, this was a fantastic video! As a Jungle main this helps a lot hearing it in this context it makes complete sense.
Seeing the Sejuani buffs and slight nerf to devourer's stack speed, what do you think Sejuani will be like in 6.5? Leading on from that, do you think Nunu will see any play, whether to take advantage of Sej's early game or just in general?
i really like your animated text, it was shuttle enough not to distract but added a good amount of emphasis
+luke mccarthy *Scuttle
+Feebelzzz schuttle
Scuttle? Scuttle crab? Do you know how many times that bastard has dodged my spears D:
+Dineth Altmann Don't blame him for following the #1 rule of video games: Just don't get hit.
I main soraka jungle. I would be challenger but my bronze V teammates are holding me back. I never heal them because they are toxic
+Stamatis Papadopoulos Soraka jungle??? You noob. There's your first problem. Soraka jungle is absolute trash, you can't carry your trash bronze V teammates with her in jungle, you need to play Soraka adc.
+Rinus Luijk The joke passed through your brain.
+Rinus Luijk that's right I main soraka adc since s1
Ehri Ditto
+Ehri Read the full comment .
Instructions unclear, going Soraka Jungle now.
You thought a girlfriend metaphor would work with league of legends community loooooool
one jealous toxic community
Foxdrops really calm delivery of jokes is suprisingly funny
+Grayson Jones That shag pun :D Had to listen to that again to get the full extend of it :D
+Grayson Jones not for me. its fuckign annoying. just tell me how to be good already
+Effecter Neospi I just hope you are trolling, because if not you don't really get that tips videos and advice from higher level players won't 'make' you better at the game, only help you progress if you take it on board
+Effecter Neospi Please go watch d poodepai instead
I'm not really sure if those jokes are really good or really bad.
+Michalina Jakubczak they're really bad which makes them really good
+SpaceMuffin Same but without the good part
@@foxdropLoL im going to play like this in league of legends! I'm going to play really bad what makes me really good!!
Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this new video. I'm trying out working with a new editor so it can help me produce more top quality content for you guys, so let me know what you think!
Thanks for watching as always
+foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player I love the text animations and the drawings in the minimap and the transitions in this video! Must have taken a lot of time to render but it's definitely worth it! quality 10/10
+foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player
Do a video on rank boosting! People who purchase rank boosting services are basically trying to circumvent the ranking system and pay to win. They represent a toxic part of the community made up of people who have no morals or sportsmanship. League of Legends would be better off without those people.
+foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player Thanks for the vids man! Jungle was my worst lane before I discovered your channel. It is my main lane now, yet i learn a lot from every video you post. Keep up the good work and the positive attitude, it does rub off on others.
+foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player Figured there was a new editor involved, big swap in image & transition style. Looks good though.
+foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player yooo foxie, somehow I laughed my ass of this video! Thnx m8!
Fox just wanted to say that the editing style is realy helpful. Since you talk so calm and collected, the simple style rly helps with that aspect.
Great video as always ^_^
"What's this? I've obviously walked over a ward? Well see you in 15 minuted top laner"
5 Differences between good and bad junglers
Good ones
- Are British
- Own a dog named Shad
- Main Lee Sin
- Are good
- "Are" Foxdrop
Bad ones
- none of the above.
+Mikko Väänänen hahahaha
+Mikko Väänänen Forgot to include Phy in the bad ones.
+foxdropLoL - Be a Better League Player phy>foxy shots fired!
+Mikko Väänänen There are tons of bad lee sin main junglers.
+GamerPaladin i played like 100 games of lee sin and still have a 50 % winrate but ibplayed 30 games of voli and yi and get a 60 %
are we gonna ignore the fact that editing in this video is Korean level?
+Dominik Grahovac It's done by the guys at Pro Guides
I think.
Good junglers don't get yelled at so much
oh wait ..
+klowby especially in low elo its actually the opposite. if you both die while diving it creates a bonding experience of sucking while as you dont die the laner just feels betreayed and skillless. it is kind of like being sober when everyone is drunk ,you're not going to be liked.
Counter-jungling when you see the enemy in the opposite part of the map is also really important.
full crit soraka jg works. If you are facing a potassium deficient team. They let the bananas hit them because they need it!
This joke was...
But my teammates are harambes they need the potassium!!!
So smart though...
Last year I was 18.. Now I'm 19 and I still laugh at this joke
1) to me, as a Hecarim main "its warded" meanswhen I come to gank Ima pop my Ghost, E, and then ulti (if needed) to show them wards ain't got shit on me! (I run tanky w/ lots of move speed) lots of people dont get that you need to ward further into river to counter act a Hecarim, Rammus, or Udyr's move speed >_>
Dude we got it. You have gf... Fine...
i am so glad i'm not the only one thinking this holy shit
can I just say thank you for your content. it's not only helped me improve as a jungler, but as a midlaner (which is my main) by giving me insight into what jungles are thinking about in a given game state.
Great video. So for whatever reason after watching many jungle videos from many different tubers, I've noticed that almost no one focuses on the most important aspect of the game--taking objectives. A gank is a stepping stone to an objective. Lane pressure is a stepping stone to objective. You can gank, pile on kills, plan, avoid wards, but if you don't take the towers and nexus you will not win. In fact the opposite is true, you can technically win without getting any kills. Being a pretty novice jungler but serious arm chair general, I'd love to a video on how a jungler can set up plays to take towers. Anyway, thank you for the video. I enjoyed it very much.
"It's really not as hard as you think it is" - I ain't even mad
+VentusUmbra lol du auch hier? ^^
Klar :D
Hey man I just found your channel and I just wanted to drop a comment saying thanks for helping others empower themselves and treat people in the gaming community better. The world needs more people like you brother. God bless you man. There's no reason to stop what you are doing to help people
Hey Foxdrop I know many people may have said this to you in many occasions, but here's another one: Thanks to you I skyrocketed in divisions. Thank you for all the effort you put into your videos.
Great video man, been maining Jungle for just over a season now. Gone from Silver 5 having no clue how to even gank or clear to now being mid gold and only climbing higher. Love you and all you videos, keep up the awesome work, you got this!
This video in a nutshell:
Good junglers think about what they're doing.
Bad junglers don't think.
so if you aren't capable of thinking you're a bad jungler. and if you ARE capable of thinking you're a good jungler!
Lyander Zaharik thats what he just said?
You're my new favorite LOL you-tuber. You're such a nice person. You legitly know what you're doing and you're not someone who seems to flame as well. You seem intelligent and well thought out in your gameplay and comments.
You've got my support. Carry on making some great content, I'll definitely be watching, and learning.
Hey foxdrop I really liked this video, not only did you have some good talking points i felt your graphical things you did were spot on. The text/text animations, the enchant pics, the map drawings, and the small pics like the ones of smite or a pink ward all came together to make a really good video. The only visual that could be something different is instead of using champion models use their portrait. Note I'm not saying you should use portraits, just a consideration. I'm not sure which would look better without seeing it.
Bad thing about LoL is that, basically every single player watch these kinds of videos, but no one admits its them who are bad. I actually learnt to admit my faults, and I feel the improvement in my games.
OldTimeGamerChannel oh no, I KNOW I'm bad... it's just that my teammates are worse ;)
Hey Foxy, I'm no Jungler but I still love your content and watch almost everything you're uploading, especially since it helps me understand the thought process of junglers better without me having to play hundreds of games in a role I don't enjoy playing as much :^) Anyway, thanks for your great work and effort. Keep it up
ok we get it you have a girlfriend
Harry he said one comment on it the whole vid calm down lol
JKHeroic insecure kidos
I love your intro. A good jungler practices the concept of oppression, making the enemy feel like they are so behind they have no chance of coming back. This requires effective counter jungling, monster ganks, and efficient farming. Once you reach that point in a game its a cemented win.
I like the new editor a lot. Looks very sleek and streamlined. 2 thumbs up (and an extra one on the like button)
Damn Foxdrop, I've been coming here for the educational content since just after you started and I also get these glorious and ever-improving puns ? Lovely :)
Ok, I've seen your videos before but man "It's really not as hard as you think it is." is worth a subscription :D
Your guides are so good, I've learned a lot from them to be a better jungler, thank you so much! Keep up the great work!!
Thanks the advices! :) I'll have to keep these in mind whenever I end up being a jungler. It's the only position I have essentially zero practice in and have done less than 15 games out of the hundreds of games playing other lanes.
That last point is SO important. If the enemy is pushed and you are on that side of the map, just walk into the lane and do as much damage as possible. I can't stress how much a little bit of pressure can help a lane. If the laner gets 2-3 minions that they would not have otherwise, that's 50g in the bank as much as jungle camp.
another good one to mention (in terms of ganking) is that good jungler will know the timing of ganks. Some important factors include: champion cooldowns/flashes and minion wave size/placement.
I've seen plenty of ganks go sour due to junglers ganking as a full minion wave approaches the lane aggroing them. Sometimes that doesn't matter. But knowing when it does makes a difference.
The delivery on "adaptception' was magnificent.
Nice video.
One word, map pressure. It doesn't matter if your jungler is early mid or late game, just be there, even if the gank ended on nothing or perhaps just sums. The map pressure is there and it helps a lot, on the other hand if you are on a bad match and the guy in front of you feels he has no map pressure whatsoever, he will feel comfortable to dive or gank with his jungler and end up with a free lane.
Just visit a lane, say "hi there I'm not afk so don't bother my colleagues too much", turn around and go back to your jungle.
Thanks a lot Foxdrop I've been trying to improve as a jungler. I'll follow this tips you gave in hopes of learning better.
Dude you are seriously so funny, I hope you know that, your voice is very pleasant to hear and you have a lot of charisma, I never catch you streaming but I will try to do it more often.
Really good video. I realize after maiming jungle for quite awhile now that I kind of do the good things subconsciously but still there things in this video that I could do better. Thanks!
I really like this video man, I'm definitely not a good jungler so I think this will help me. I think a lot of lower Elo players (at least me) play too much off instinct and not enough thinking. I really like that you explained about thinking in the future and not just right now. great video man. :D
watching your videos have helped me become a better jungler. The content you put out is really fun to watch. Keep up the good work!!
For anyone wondering what the music playing in the background is: New Sky by San Holo
Please make a video on the difference between Good and GREAT junglers.
could mentions things like:
helping a laner push after successful gank
holding lanes when a laner dies, goes base or roams
and jungling different according to the enemy junglers champion(eg. i always start the main buff, and ward it, when im vs a shaco jungle and then go straight to my other buff or shacos other buff if i have vision on him.)
talk about different jungle routes like ignoring your main buffs to get level 6 fast.
Keep up the great vids man
"its really not as hard as you think it is"
This is a great video! I've never really reflected over the future thing and there for never activly thought about it in game. But now when I do I can think back at my best games and realise that those where the games where I did think about the future.
dude the drop at the end syncing with the pantheon smite is epic!
+Sip Reimer 8:42
Just picked up the jungle role, so im very greatful for this video as i can recognize myself in the "bad" jungler and how i can improof to become the "good" jungler. Thank you very much!
Great video. I'm getting really into jungling and found these to be good points to keep in mind when playing.
Awesome work foxie, one of your best videos so far imo.
Wow thank you foxxybabee! With this video I went from bronze to the lcs in under 15 minutes! But really this was a nice video keep up the good work. :D
Thank you, I am now buying Warrior's on Fiddlesticks and ganking as soon as possible.
I just realized because of Phylol's video that they are brothers
I sometimes do a little of both counterparts, but mostly often I can read when a bad decision was made or "I should have done differently".
Your videos are both educational and relaxing for me. It helps me a lot, really. Thanks for existing and keep your great work up.
Yours are one of the few league videos that are actually helpful...
Guys, I just remembered something from that first difference foxy talked about, You should buy oracle or sweeping lens to disable the ward, but don't attack it so you will be unseen, and gank easily
That was excellent ! I knew I was obviously very far from mastering that role, but now I think I have all the tools to analyse my games, thanks :D
Great pointers. I'll try to adapt to when my laners get behind and think of ways to help them.
Hey Foxdrop
Thanks for uploading these videos they really helped me out a lot
Now i know it takes time to become a better player but after a month or so i can already tell that i have gotten better
I have a different mindset , i dont tilt as easy as i did before and my decision making has come a long way
As someone who jungles, usually the only time I say "I can't do anything" is when I've been counter jungled to the point I'm starved badly enough that ganking a lane would only likely be offering a free kill on a silver platter. So I don't COMPLETELY agree with you there. But other than that, yeah your reasons make sense. Helpful video.
Also a good jungler always buys a pink every once and then.Very good video.I personally like junglers that have alot of ccs or utility in order to help the team rather than just picking a Twitch jungler or a teemo or something similar.
+Kostas Kavourinos I love tanky :) I love Maokai and Poppy even though they might not be the best like Gragas or Wrecksai.
I was always happy when we had a Mao Kai in Jungle :D.You make people smile when you pick a tanky champ with alot of cc like Mao Kai.
Nice video but, I would add in the video, some examples.
Like, for succesful gank you put there a gank that burns a flash or lets someone push, so people can understand better.
Anyways good video! :)
really good jg advise, thanks!
For someone trying to learn how to jungle, this was actually kinda helpful. Thanks!
Thank you so much for your amazing videos! I'm a sup/adc main and I would like to start playing more jungle to have more lane options and stuff. Your vids are easy to understand and make me want to try out my luck as a jungler even more 8)! Gonna check out more of your content, keep up your good work
Thank you for making this- as I try to do my best with jging but this sounds very helpful
By far, one of the best intros I've ever seen
I love the fact there were multiple regions in this video not just Eu or Na. There was a bit of Oce and China too.
Thanks for the videos and game plays. It has got me into the jungle which was a role I was always afraid to play
For the fourth point, I tend to think about where the enemy jungler is and what they're doing, like what would I be doing if I was him and react accordingly, especially if I have vision of them, or vision of their jungle.
Subscribed. As a noob, this is really great information as well as incredibly entertaining. Thank you Foxdrop.
Excellent video focusing on what's really important.
+foxdropLOL - Be A Better League Player Hey fox, love your jungle guides. I consider them one of the main reasons I was able to climb out of silver 3 to plat 1 this season. Keep doing what you do bro
As a low elo jungle main i find your videos really helpfull. You wouldn´t have any guides on Shyvana? Like what runes and masteries you should pick, builds etc.
+Joachim Eklund you know if you just type in "shyvana guide" into google you get tons of pages that are from experienced players?
Noooooooo, really? I didn´t know that. Thank you so much for telling me.......
no problem man, no need to ask useless questions anymore ;)
Can we appreciate how clean that Elise play at 6:00 was on the whole???
Wow you really killed with that Bob Ross bit. Classic comedy
that first and last tip helped a ton ty
lol that quick shag joke won my subscription.
Love it as always, does this video have a higher framerate than normal or is that just me? Looks great
wow i really appreciate the effort you put in the video editing, that was really intertaining, and was fun to watch. keep it up. #cooltransitionsandtext
Nice video man. I just subscribe recently and I watch your video every morning. You help me to be better playing at League of Legends thanks you !!!
I saw many videos about this topic but this is just nice :)
I don't really play jg but this video helped me understand them a bit more. Thanks.
Yet to try Teemo jungle since I've been studying the runes, masteries and build path. Once I get the runes for the job, I'll need to practice alot and hope it works.
that outro was beautifully edited.
The British humor is at full force in this video. I dig it.
I'm only 6 minuets in and this video was UNBELIEVABLY USEFUL thank you for making this
Thanks! This really helped me, i went from bronze 5 to silver 2😀
The Devourer thing is a bit odd when you consider Ekko. When I play him as a Devo Jungler, I go for the early ganks (specifically the lvl 3 FB on top or mid) because that's one spot Ekko excells in, from what I know. Getting Devo is the goal, but I find that he can play like an early game JG just fine, so long as at least one gank ends in a kill, he can keep up with the best of them. Most of my duos are top, so we coordinate an early gank and then I trust them to not give up an advantage I hand them. That allows me to get dragon or blue buff control, depending on what time of the game it is, and I can focus on ganking bot/mid to feed our carries... When behind, it's a bit harder, though, and I don't always know what to do there.... Say the first gank failed or the other Jg is moving faster than you, snowballing. How can I better look to stop that snowball? Any suggestions?
For a second I I got lost in watching Dominate play Nid...
R.I.P. LCS days :)
Imaqtpie died in that clip as bard. So ya I feel you.
This actually really helped me think about my jungeling.
Hey Foxdrop, What do you think about Sunfire Cape / Will of the Ancients Aurelion Sol?
No one has really talked about these items about him, but it's always cool to see the idea of it, even if it's bad. Who knows, it might just be pretty nice on him.
How do you complete jungle enchantment before level 6? I usually barely get it by level 8.
+Frid Kun wuuut... ur doing something very wrong xD
+Frid Kun I usually get Lee Sin warrior at level 4-5
1 Gank to each lane and at least did jungle 2 times
+Enrique García Bravo is that with or without scuttles?
BurakkuHishou With, but most of the time I only do 1 for the wards for the lane that I will gank the last
I just got to plat last season (currently rapping on the door to diamond) as a jungle main and in solo queue I find almost no value in assisting a laner that is getting dominated especially in lower divisions. Look for opportunities to tip an even lane your way or snowball your laner when they are dominating. When the enemy jungler shows up to gank your dominant lane you are there to even the odds, don't let the enemy put up any barriers to that momentum. When you go to assist a losing lane about 90% of the time even if you can kill the enemy laner the second he respawns your struggling ally will die again and will need you to babysit all game long and it will put both of you behind. Instead pressure the map, invade on your opposite number and make his life hell or farm your face off, always be doing something to get stronger.
Learn to plan for dragon timers but look at it more than one way, dragon will be up in 25 seconds but you have a big fat stacking wave in top lane and outer turret down. Is it worth it to concede a dragon to open up the inhib? The situation will tell but the game is won by kill pressure on nexus turrets so always be gauging what you might give up for what you will gain. See the enemy going for a 4 man dive bottom while you're slightly top side? Don't try to get down there, ping your allies back and shove mid as hard as you can and ping your top laner to push top lane hard especially if his teleport is down to make the enemy think better of such big commitments of manpower. Playing a successful jungle is all about getting into your opponents heads and making their decisions for them without their realizing it. This subtle method takes practice but feels great when done well. The best way to get a struggling laner back into the game is to take out the turrets in that lane as global gold and the loss of security for the enemy will help your laner most.
Most of all don't get anxious to force things to happen. The harder you try to force things the more likely you are to take a disastrous trade or even die for free conceding free objectives to the enemy. Opportunities will come but best way to consistently pressure the nexus is to be alive. Watch what is going on, predict and then let it happen, you'll be ready when it does and you will trade well, if you don't just take everything from the enemy team without giving anything back.
This is only like the third comment I've ever posted on youtube, this was a fantastic video! As a Jungle main this helps a lot hearing it in this context it makes complete sense.
great video. also good job on the editing
When's the underrated jungler guide coming out? And what jungler is it gonna be?
Seeing the Sejuani buffs and slight nerf to devourer's stack speed, what do you think Sejuani will be like in 6.5? Leading on from that, do you think Nunu will see any play, whether to take advantage of Sej's early game or just in general?