What They Say : Ketua TPS 3R SIDO MAKMUR Kelurahan Sidoharjo Pacitan

  • Опубліковано 8 жов 2024
  • Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    let me introduce myself, I am Mr. Jaidin, here I am the chairman of TPS 3R Sido Makmur, Sidoharjo sub-district, Pacitan sub-district, where our activities here revolve around waste, who often carry out our activities in waste management from SD Alam starting from class 1 to class 6. We educate children, we introduce them to waste management, from picking up rubbish we continue to introduce the types of rubbish, sorting waste, from organic to inorganic, organic waste, we e to processing fertilizer, we teach us to introduce this rubbish, which is something we have to do. After it don't forget to provide education on fertilizer management. From the beginning of making fertilizer, chopping and fermenting until the fertilizer can be used. And we also introduce magot cultivation here, for fish feed, animal feed, poultry feed. We hope that our children will be introduced to waste management here as an education that can be implemented in their schools at home to put this waste in its place.


  • @lenniera1543
    @lenniera1543 5 місяців тому

    Sekolah Alam mengenal langsung pengelolaan sampah 😍👍

  • @ardikatama
    @ardikatama 5 місяців тому

    Terimakasih ilmunya pak Jahidin