Number of Nuclear Weapons by Country 2024
- Опубліковано 20 гру 2024
- Countries by Number of Nuclear Weapons in 2024 and Most Powerful Countries in 2024
Source en.wikipedia.o...
"Fat Man - Nuclear bomb" ( by Warkarma is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (creativecommons.... - Розваги
Nice video.
Power of Asian countries
Pakistan one of the most powerful Islamic county Allah hamri hifazat kareen pakistan zindabad
USA/RF today 🇺🇸☢️5000 & 🇷🇺6000😏
USA/USSR cold war time 🇺🇸☢️26k vs 🚩☢️40k 👀😰🥶
asean is the most strongest Region in the whole world, I know it because I'm from indonesia, which is also part of the Asean Community; and the Southeast Asian nations are the most Powerful Countries in the whole world, because my country Indonesia and our neighboring countries Thailand Vietnam was the Responsible for funding the I SIS group and not Qatar, because they helped our countries by trading our economies with there own made missiles, that was the reason why our economies was unstoppable and could be more powerful than the EU on the future, this information was from the confidential group webpage of our three countries with our own government Analysics, it says there also that 0.35% of the gdp of our three countries was contributed to the I SIS Group, which USA and EU and other Westerner countries are doesn't know it, and we also funded the weapons of mister bin laden to make the 9/11 attack sucessful, because he is our Muslim brother; and the I SIS Group was helped our countries to be developed by trading us with there Missiles. and being from Southeast asia we are all Confident to disclose it here because only less people's are going to see this disclosures Selamat Pagi.
This is fucke* up but no matter what nato and America are stronger lol Europe is the most powerful
bros 3 yr old