Sounds to me,Konami makes the rules as they see fit: even if I do play a deck and in it has 3 cards that make it will hurt Konami cause no one wants to play the same style over/over they think it's ok to cut their losses for those cards,man fck them. If it's good why change it,you can't fix what isn't broken.
Now I can play 3 garnets with 1 briliant fusion so that i can eventually draw the one brilliant and not the garnet since my luck loves drawing that one card i don't need #Reverse_Psychology
@@afraid2losebalance303 That's about it and replenishing. I guess for what it's worth, I can still play it in Infernoids and recycle it back with Omega, but that's highly unlikely. Either way, the mill effect can be more beneficial than the draw itself.
ILLUMI ZOLDYCK Yes, but at one, it is literally impossible to pull off its second effect. And it’s second effect was literally made to deal big damage, so why are people so upset when it does exactly what it was supposed to do? *[EDIT]:* Slash Draw FTK with Grinder Golem.
ILLUMI ZOLDYCK It does set up the Grave and recycles Cards you have already used, but the mere thought of getting FTK’ed forced the use of negates (for me anyway) and now that Slash Draw is at 1, it will just feel like an empty void of the card it used to be. Should have hit Skull Dread as well or instead. But it’s not like I used the effect to burn more than change the Graveyard, but I liked reshuffling my Slash Draws back in.
@DynamicUrufu Dimensional Wall would still deal damage since it affects the players lol. And how would you use Limiter Removal if it was immune to card effects?
Eradicator to 3 seems like an attempt to balance against Sky Strike/Geist as we head towards what feels like a very control like format, but Thunder Dragons will put the bodies on board for that so easily. 3 traptricks let you run essentially 6 copies.
Time for my secret Sky Striker tech of Royal Decree. Royal Decree and that new field spell Spell-Mining Cave. Don't get the Shizuku search, but locking down monster effects and attacks once they put 2 bodies on board while negating all traps is a pretty worth it.
@@zombiemanjosh I feel like good ole trap stun is better for eradicator as it would shut off a whole turns and not be suspect to s/t destruction, BUT I could also see why you want it up multiple turns for altergeist etc
@@House_Of_Champs Senpai responded to me! I also don't play the most meta way, I used to side Royal Decree to deal with Altergeist and decks that used Anti-Spell or Imperial Order to try and get an auto-win against Sky Striker, I would swap it in in place of the copies of Imperial Iron Wall that I ran in the main deck as a semi-floodgate since a lot of cards banish for cost (and stopping TD from banishing at all is very nice) and it has the added bonus of giving me infinite recycling with Multi-Roll since they would always go back to the grave.
That 3 of Interrupted Kaiju Slumber came out of nowhere. You'd figure they'd take Black Hole off the Limited List before giving us 'better Black Hole' to three.
1:33 Go here for a great explanation of why the ban list exists besides for gameplay reasons. I also think Sky Strikers weren’t hit because they’re not too unfair as a Deck and/or engine and they’re making Konami a lot of money.
Exactly. Strikers are overspecialized, if nothing else. All their strength comes from their Spells, and the strength of their Spells comes from having nothing in their Main Monster Zones. Hence a Kaiju and/or Denko Sekka = death to their backrow.
the honesty i get from these videos are everything that the yu gi oh community should really be talking about instead of bs hype sometime three of dem thangs
I know as a user of Trickstars the likelihood of Reincarnation getting limited is inevitable once the equip spell that acts like a premature burial for them comes out into the TCG but until then I'm enjoying the ride. Even so, I'm super happy that once the new Fusion Trickstar and Corobane come into the TCG people won't need to depend solely on Reincarnation to win anyway.
As someone who hates Trickstars, Reincarnation should've been hit a long time ago! Although, if DP is right (he is probably one of the more wise people in the YGO community), hoping it comes true and *maybe* Trickstars will become more tolerable, although their rep in the game is a bit beyond salvaging
Pretty easily too, it does require some type of shenanigans.dek if you really wanna be sure, or just play it for the small chance of fucking your opponent big time if you summon the right floodgate out of it.
He can do even worse bullshit than before, but it doesn't matter as much because of how much stronger everything else in this game got; he's just way way way too easy to interrupt at this point, and then you most likely lose.
Totally agree, but if someone "protects" it from being hit by handtraps it can get ugly. I've already seen some hype around Last Warrior from another planet now that cyber-stein is no longer limited... IDK, hope shit doesn't hit the fan, but you know... Being prepared for that kind of disappointment never hurts anyone
I play Dark Magician and it's another way for me to get to the Dragon Knight if I'm willing to drop 5,000 LP on it. I think I'd be able to come up with something but it would most likely end up as a tech for guys like me. What hurts my deck more is Galaxy Tomahawk leaving the game since that was my easiest method to get to my Link-3 and 4's but I'm totally fine with that.
You can summon it off of Summon Sorc, link it away and then summon it back from grave, get eff. In ocg you can do this right away with that new world chalice synchro
LS support coming up hopefully. They need the compression treatment, 2-3 new cards that speed the deck up and let it get more power so it and all of its variants can be boosted. LS support is indirect Infernoid support as long as it includes maindeck shit.
Well given that it used LS only for milling these days while playing the "How many engines can we fit in here." Game for the most part, not much of a loss
I'm glad you went over the whole Konami being a company talk. It along with the ban list are just updated reminders of why I don't buy the cards anymore and just dick around in Percy or Devpro.
Looking forward to Cyber-Stein and Kaijus at full power. No, this isn't sarcasm. Cyber-Stein at 1 could add a healthy tinge of bullshit to rogue decks that can afford to give up the Normal Summon, and Kaijus, while frustrating to be thwarted by, are vital for particular decks in order to out otherwise unbreakable boards. People complain about Sky Stikers being unscathed (which is completely understandable), but I think I'd rather have a control deck as the meta than some hand-loop bullshit that's worse to play against than stun, or a monster that's un-outable by practically everything except XYZ Encore. Kind of gonna miss Slash Draw at full power, though. Kind of hope that they bring its effect back as another card with a fixed mill & recycle amount (maybe something like 3 or 4 each) and remove the insta-win effect. I always liked that it could set up the grave, recycle things, _and_ return a garnet in hand to the deck all at the cost of a -1. There really isn't anything else like it, and having it limited really stings.
Whoa did they just kill half the meta, sheesh 0_0 (yes i know i'm probably being dramatic but this was still a pretty big hit of the "meta" playstyles that i've heard of since the last banlist)
They killed dark warriors and slash draw ftk and hit td with snow,gold sarc, brilliant fusion. Td will fall off a bit but will recover. Salamandgreat will take there spot as #3 and ba and prank kids mught not won but they have gotten top 32/64 or even 16 so these changes can really make the format interesting. Also trickstar could come back only thing keeping them down was thunder dragons but with there newer support they might have what it takes to get back in the meta until td find replacement cards.
Welp, guess I got to remove #42 out of my Red Eyes deck... *Slowly removes #42 out of the card sleeve. *One tear fell out and Changes by X is playing on the background.
I mean that's the second reason. The first reason is to make sure the game is fair. Even though I feel like it should have a time limit(about 2 minutes)for each turn.
In my opionion are many cards Not fair on the list Like snow yeah it is pretty good But banned is to much because On 1 is this more as fair because nobody would play one snow and one brilliant Fusion in one Deck and when it can easily brick And called by the grave it her nemessis So would more fair for limited No strike hit no altergeist no trickstar hit? And Chaos emperor Dragon is in thunder Dragon busted The can play this without Problems and a field and hand nuke? Nahh Chaos trickstar would be Option too because trickstar burn easily your life down and make with CED easily the finish My opinion this is to strong. And what are With other cards the maybe should come back Tribe Virus? Inzektor libelle (come in inzektor is not good even Full Force) saruya not on 1 Maxx c Stil banned? The banned list is Not bad but it could much better
thsi is the worst banlist ever , change my mind, like legit . snow shouldve been at 1 and if they rlly want it banned get me grass back . NO SKY STRIKER HIT NO ALTERGAY HIT no master peace to 1 , no reincarnation to 1 , "see here im goin with it ? "
Regarding this comments' responses: Fairy tail at 1 makes no sense, people played her at 1 anyways, I agree it shouldn't be banned but putting her to 1 is like putting gumblar at 1: useless. Maxx c is always an argument of debate, but I would say at 0 is fine, also they want to sell null nun which wouldn't see that much play with maxx c around. Did I really see someone saying masterpeace at 1? That card is oppressive and here we have 3 diagram 2 terraforming and true draco have a way to recycle it, it has to stay banned, saying it should be at 1 is stupid. I agree skystriker and, in a minor way, altergeist should have been hit, but this list addresses all the meta viable ftks and also puts cards that are banned but not that strong back in the game; so it is somewhat a good banlist.
I'm gonna fuel inject here and say this. Between Fairy tail Snow, Gold Sarc, Allure of Darkness, Left Arm Offering, Necroface, AS WELL AS the new wolf that helps you banish one monster in hand and another with the same type in your deck on the same turn... I'm pretty sure T Dragons won't miss snow. Hell Green Maju decks won't miss dat Stank bitch either since they can now hit 2 NecroFaces at once or the same turn.
I remember when you said waaaay back when snow was revealed how well it would be with Construct off the list... And then it comes off just as snow goes
Divinity D right? Lol dig throughthe entire deck to see one ofs way easier so ban soul charge instead of limiting saryuja Soul charge was only unhealthy when used going first
Personally, I'm glad that strats that just don't let people play are getting systematically excised out of the game. Control is one thing, not letting people play their cards is another. That said, Altergeist is still at full power, and is able to play an egregious amount of floodgates that just make match-ups against them not fun AT ALL. Konami will need to address that sooner or later.
I had the same reaction about Shurit. Now how about Nekroz get all their cards back (besides the fat summoner because thats cancer) and let me just play the original blue cards.
With Snow gone and Slash Draw at One... Sure kills the Lightsworn Engine. With Construct and Shurin back... Fun Times may ensue. :) But they have not World Legacy as of late. And I know it's too early to call Cubics into the mix, but they will have to hit Cubics at some point to avoid an FTK.
@@brenukkyyuukary3215 Eh, anyone will complain about something. It is in our nature. But I think I am going to take great pleasure fighting Lightsworns with out Slash Draw and Fairy Tail Snow.
I was hoping they would errata Firewall. Instead, they ban another Link-4. Now Xceed Dragon has lost another target for its effect. Now there are only two available, and one of them is Mekk-Knight Crusadia Astram, which doesn't even make sense as a Cyberse.
@Orga777 It's a 3k lvl 8 monster with an easy summon requirement, can be used as material, etc. The effect is like a plus. Thunder dragons can abuse it.
@Orga777 I do want to point out that it deals damaged based on the number of cards sent to your opponent's graveyard, not yours. So it could be good as a nuke + damage card if you're struggling, but yeah other than that...
@Orga777 It's not a replacement of BLS, you can play both if you want, also it's a dark so allure of darkness. Yes the restriction is ridiculous but the fusions have protection effects so you can gain advantage if activated in the right moment.
Construct only back to 1 in 2019. About 2 years late Konami, any reason for being there died quickly and even more in MR4 with the Shaddoll link being terrible.
Cyber Stein has been somewhat relevant in the OCG, and I dare say it will see meta play in the TCG because, even with a limited amount of success, the chances of floodgating your opponent with either Last Warrior or Exterio are worth 1 main deck space.
@@admontblanc Only catch is, with just 3000 LP if your opponent gets rid of your floodgates you die almost instantly. With cards like Impermanence around, that won't be hard to do.
Yes!!! I'm so glad Eradicator is at 3 now. This makes my Lair of Darkness deck much better to play with. Also it's a shame that Gumblar is on the ban list since it was cool to remove cards from your opponent's hand and burn at the same time. I never managed to get Rhongomyniad so I can't say much about it. Lastly, now that Fairy Tail - Snow is banned, can we please get back That Grass Looks Greener?
Shurit unbanned and Brio at 3 with Nekroz reprints in Duel Power? Coincidence? I think not. Hell they might put Unicore at 2 or 3 next list for all we know. Nekroz meta boys. And with Impcantations?
She's an obnoxious card and has been since she released. Not once per turn, a stun card, gives advantage to decks that gain hella advantage from having stuff banished, free ass r4nk plays. She's just obnoxious in every sense of the word lmao
It was the most frustrating when used as a bp trick, it's a complete reversal and you end up sideboarding only against it, despite the fact you can respond to outs to snow, with snow. Fuck that card. Good riddance
Why is book of moon and inzektor dragonfly on the banlist still? I never saw Inzektors as being good in the current meta as I think they can semi limit or limit twin twister and put Featherduster, Giant Trunade and Heavy Storm to one cause those cards have been up there long enough. Also Konami good job on the list this banlist is pretty good
Bruh I wish I could support but I'm broker that a 2 dollar hooker. Always love the content man definitely helped me to not fully fall out of the community although I've been severely disconnected for a bit.
Now the Xyz firewall is *useless* The 2 better link4 cyberse targets was Firewall and Gumblar since if you SS exceed in the Extrazone and use the eff on 1 you win 2 spaces (⬅➡) the new option is the new Crusadia but only works in mainzone
I'd say Lair because you will likely be playing Lilith on top of Traptrick, and can possibly even sack an opponent's monster for the cost. Orcust have probably not so much need of it, but if you think they do then it's mor elikely gonna be on the side deck not the main.
Thunder Dragon Virus is now gonna be a death knell for Altergeist and Strikers. EEV is now at 3, and thanks to Traptrick that's basically 6 copies of EEV ready to go.
@@cameraredeye3115 I thought so too for altergist....but then I realized they got that trap card that's actually not bad to play....the one where your opponent cant target your gist trap or be destroyed by card effects
1:30 well its true that Konami wants people's money and I don't mind as long as its balanced (Sleeves and Mats are fine to sell) but since the cards itself is based off of skill I'm not buying their card unless I'm collecting so for now I'm playing online
So now slash draw is no longer playable cause it needs 2 of it to be used fully also may I get some R.I.P for infinity dino's (tyrano Infinity varient of dino deck) cause now it don't got any way of making it consistent
Technically, Slash Draw's second effect was icing on the cake-the primary first use of this was GY fixing, since you picked what you returned while milling a lot on a heavy board. So that's still available, but the mass burn is not. Sorta like a mass Foolish Burial.
I'm no Vet, but I don't know the last time Cyber-Stein was playable. I'm guessing a long time ago. The game has change indeed; it isn't so broken anymore.
Sure, Konami wants your business and to sell product. At the same token, Konami doesn’t make any money off the secondary market. Therefore, influencing sales off of the ban list is a slim margin of any difference for them. I don’t know about anyone else, but I wouldn’t be buying packs of Duelist Alliance to try to pull a Construct when I can pay the (currently) $15 to buy one outright.
Because you cut out ALL the non-essential information, even your 4 minute video felt like a 1 minute video. That's amazing. It's too easy to binge watch your content.
i didn't say anything about Gold Sarc because... i "forgot".
so here it is...
"absolutely nothing.. "
dpYGO (Yu-Gi-Oh!) Lol
Noooooooooooooooooo :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(
Sounds to me,Konami makes the rules as they see fit: even if I do play a deck and in it has 3 cards that make it will hurt Konami cause no one wants to play the same style over/over they think it's ok to cut their losses for those cards,man fck them. If it's good why change it,you can't fix what isn't broken.
The only thing that hurts is thunder dragons, to my knowledge
Your banlist videos are the best. No bullshit over the top reaction. Straight to the point. Just as high quality of your regular single card videos
trumpeter811 exactly no fake obnoxious yelling over a card game
@@YgoFissureNation *cough* teamsamuraix1 *cough* dude had shitty sound quality then screams bloody murder into the mic.
Looks like Shock Master’s gonna have some roommates.
Rest in peace to em
I hope shock never gets unlocked
Now I can play 3 garnets with 1 briliant fusion so that i can eventually draw the one brilliant and not the garnet since my luck loves drawing that one card i don't need #Reverse_Psychology
Otangaku D Yokeman *draws 3 garnets*
Cristian Perez this comment deserves more likes than OP.
I know your pain all too well.
Konami release a Kaiju monster to counter Kaijus but who plays Kaijus anymore?
"Coincidence?! I think not!!"
Yeah they want to make kaijus popular again so we go and buy it
Bigode true words here
Kaijus also hard counter Sky Strikers
LMAO 😂 oh konami you pranksters.
Slash Draw at one literally defeats the purpose of the card.
Other than that, welcome back Cyber-Stein.
It can be used to mill
@@afraid2losebalance303 That's about it and replenishing. I guess for what it's worth, I can still play it in Infernoids and recycle it back with Omega, but that's highly unlikely. Either way, the mill effect can be more beneficial than the draw itself.
ILLUMI ZOLDYCK Yes, but at one, it is literally impossible to pull off its second effect. And it’s second effect was literally made to deal big damage, so why are people so upset when it does exactly what it was supposed to do?
*[EDIT]:* Slash Draw FTK with Grinder Golem.
Because FTK's shouldn't be in the game Duh!
It does set up the Grave and recycles Cards you have already used, but the mere thought of getting FTK’ed forced the use of negates (for me anyway) and now that Slash Draw is at 1, it will just feel like an empty void of the card it used to be. Should have hit Skull Dread as well or instead.
But it’s not like I used the effect to burn more than change the Graveyard, but I liked reshuffling my Slash Draws back in.
Limiter Removal finally lived up to its name.
Better hope you don't run into Dimension Wall or Magic Cylinder. Lol
@@cameraredeye3115 use it on a monster that's immune to card effects too.
And only noobs play those.
@DynamicUrufu Dimensional Wall would still deal damage since it affects the players lol. And how would you use Limiter Removal if it was immune to card effects?
Let me hear you say that again when Cylinder hits for that 6k+ damage you tried to hit your opponent.
@@tehjefey you play it same time you'd play they wouldn't be able to play the cards that make you take damage
Eradicator to 3 seems like an attempt to balance against Sky Strike/Geist as we head towards what feels like a very control like format, but Thunder Dragons will put the bodies on board for that so easily. 3 traptricks let you run essentially 6 copies.
And Orcusts with Dingirsu :)
Time for my secret Sky Striker tech of Royal Decree. Royal Decree and that new field spell Spell-Mining Cave. Don't get the Shizuku search, but locking down monster effects and attacks once they put 2 bodies on board while negating all traps is a pretty worth it.
@@zombiemanjosh I feel like good ole trap stun is better for eradicator as it would shut off a whole turns and not be suspect to s/t destruction, BUT I could also see why you want it up multiple turns for altergeist etc
@@House_Of_Champs Senpai responded to me! I also don't play the most meta way, I used to side Royal Decree to deal with Altergeist and decks that used Anti-Spell or Imperial Order to try and get an auto-win against Sky Striker, I would swap it in in place of the copies of Imperial Iron Wall that I ran in the main deck as a semi-floodgate since a lot of cards banish for cost (and stopping TD from banishing at all is very nice) and it has the added bonus of giving me infinite recycling with Multi-Roll since they would always go back to the grave.
Still doesn't make since that they only nerfed two out of the top four decks
Right at time to do NOTHING
Well she's technically on parole for good behavior
Welcome back Shurit, overdue return
was waiting for his return
I just want to say this. Your banlist videos are a joy to watch and your video reaction is always on my radar.
That 3 of Interrupted Kaiju Slumber came out of nowhere. You'd figure they'd take Black Hole off the Limited List before giving us 'better Black Hole' to three.
This is probably one of the best band list that's ever been made.
Soul charge was always stupid.
Monster reborn at 3 would've been way less problematic. As long as they couldn't be recycled.
I'd rather one soul charge than 3 monster reborn
If Monster Reborn was at 3 they would have to ban Magician of Faith.
@@arthurgettler211 Considering how fast the game is, flip effects are too slow.
And there are so many cards that negate effects that magician of faith doesn't mean shit
I was talking generally, like with a pot card.
Now that's the most honest banlist review I've seen
I’m gonna miss gumblar, but at the same time “it’s about time!”
Drew, you always make such great banlist videos. I enjoy hype overreactions too, but I like you and Lithium's more measured videos a ton too.
That soul charge ban really fucked me
Only Firewall can save us now. He died for our sins.
Firewall should never come back
1:33 Go here for a great explanation of why the ban list exists besides for gameplay reasons. I also think Sky Strikers weren’t hit because they’re not too unfair as a Deck and/or engine and they’re making Konami a lot of money.
Exactly. Strikers are overspecialized, if nothing else. All their strength comes from their Spells, and the strength of their Spells comes from having nothing in their Main Monster Zones.
Hence a Kaiju and/or Denko Sekka = death to their backrow.
3:11 I've been waiting for this
*Three of them thangs* 👌
the honesty i get from these videos are everything that the yu gi oh community should really be talking about instead of bs hype sometime three of dem thangs
All the board clears are back, storm forth at 3 makes these sons of bitches true draco tier 0
Konami, you say i have to play Nekroz now, uh? You want me to buy Nekroz stuff, uh?
Konami: *AM I LYING?*
Nekroz was one of the most expensive decks in tcg history back in its prime...I'm getting flashbacks already
I know as a user of Trickstars the likelihood of Reincarnation getting limited is inevitable once the equip spell that acts like a premature burial for them comes out into the TCG but until then I'm enjoying the ride. Even so, I'm super happy that once the new Fusion Trickstar and Corobane come into the TCG people won't need to depend solely on Reincarnation to win anyway.
As someone who hates Trickstars, Reincarnation should've been hit a long time ago! Although, if DP is right (he is probably one of the more wise people in the YGO community), hoping it comes true and *maybe* Trickstars will become more tolerable, although their rep in the game is a bit beyond salvaging
Damn, even dpYGO had to comment on this banlist...had to step out the card review genre.
He always does a video for the banlist.
You know they unlimited virus bc of altergeist and sky strikers
Where is that "Banned" clip from?
I'm not that sure about the "it just ain't the same game anymore" for Cyber Stein, someone will come up with something degenerate using that
Pretty easily too, it does require some type of shenanigans.dek if you really wanna be sure, or just play it for the small chance of fucking your opponent big time if you summon the right floodgate out of it.
He can do even worse bullshit than before, but it doesn't matter as much because of how much stronger everything else in this game got; he's just way way way too easy to interrupt at this point, and then you most likely lose.
Totally agree, but if someone "protects" it from being hit by handtraps it can get ugly. I've already seen some hype around Last Warrior from another planet now that cyber-stein is no longer limited... IDK, hope shit doesn't hit the fan, but you know... Being prepared for that kind of disappointment never hurts anyone
I play Dark Magician and it's another way for me to get to the Dragon Knight if I'm willing to drop 5,000 LP on it. I think I'd be able to come up with something but it would most likely end up as a tech for guys like me.
What hurts my deck more is Galaxy Tomahawk leaving the game since that was my easiest method to get to my Link-3 and 4's but I'm totally fine with that.
You can summon it off of Summon Sorc, link it away and then summon it back from grave, get eff. In ocg you can do this right away with that new world chalice synchro
R.I.P Lightsworns 😢
Press F to pay respect
Gulo Gulo F
pour one out for Judgment Dragon
LS support coming up hopefully. They need the compression treatment, 2-3 new cards that speed the deck up and let it get more power so it and all of its variants can be boosted. LS support is indirect Infernoid support as long as it includes maindeck shit.
Well given that it used LS only for milling these days while playing the "How many engines can we fit in here." Game for the most part, not much of a loss
Forgive me for my ignorance but how did Thunder Dragons make Brilliant Fusion, not Seraphinite, a problem?
I'm glad you went over the whole Konami being a company talk. It along with the ban list are just updated reminders of why I don't buy the cards anymore and just dick around in Percy or Devpro.
Looking forward to Cyber-Stein and Kaijus at full power. No, this isn't sarcasm. Cyber-Stein at 1 could add a healthy tinge of bullshit to rogue decks that can afford to give up the Normal Summon, and Kaijus, while frustrating to be thwarted by, are vital for particular decks in order to out otherwise unbreakable boards.
People complain about Sky Stikers being unscathed (which is completely understandable), but I think I'd rather have a control deck as the meta than some hand-loop bullshit that's worse to play against than stun, or a monster that's un-outable by practically everything except XYZ Encore.
Kind of gonna miss Slash Draw at full power, though. Kind of hope that they bring its effect back as another card with a fixed mill & recycle amount (maybe something like 3 or 4 each) and remove the insta-win effect. I always liked that it could set up the grave, recycle things, _and_ return a garnet in hand to the deck all at the cost of a -1. There really isn't anything else like it, and having it limited really stings.
Whoa did they just kill half the meta, sheesh 0_0 (yes i know i'm probably being dramatic but this was still a pretty big hit of the "meta" playstyles that i've heard of since the last banlist)
? Sky Striker, Altergeist are still tier 1 together with the new Salamangreats, after that comes Danger Thunder Dragons i guess.
For now, at least it will be perfectly balanced, as it should be *snaps*
They killed dark warriors and slash draw ftk and hit td with snow,gold sarc, brilliant fusion. Td will fall off a bit but will recover. Salamandgreat will take there spot as #3 and ba and prank kids mught not won but they have gotten top 32/64 or even 16 so these changes can really make the format interesting. Also trickstar could come back only thing keeping them down was thunder dragons but with there newer support they might have what it takes to get back in the meta until td find replacement cards.
@@000_DARK there is also decks like cyber dragons, true draco that are doing great and orcust will probably become meta in a near future
Welp, guess I got to remove #42 out of my Red Eyes deck... *Slowly removes #42 out of the card sleeve. *One tear fell out and Changes by X is playing on the background.
So how about some of them infernity archfiends on the next list
lawdy lawdy, construct on its way
Dang stormforth and kaiju slumber both at 3 now, gonna be come fun times
Sleep in your case of glass, Snow my child. Someday your prince will come :(
Fun list
Wait. Slash Draw at...ONE?
when the card requires at least 2 copies to function?
Rongo Bongo? More like Rongo GONEgo
Konami be like: Oh you wanna abuse a promo pack Xyz bye bitch!
Damn! He spittin dat truth on why banlist are made.
I mean that's the second reason.
The first reason is to make sure the game is fair. Even though I feel like it should have a time limit(about 2 minutes)for each turn.
Best banlist since 2015
Change my mind
Why would I try to give you a wrong opinion?
In my opionion are many cards Not fair on the list
Like snow yeah it is pretty good But banned is to much because
On 1 is this more as fair because nobody would play one snow and one brilliant Fusion in one Deck and when it can easily brick
And called by the grave it her nemessis
So would more fair for limited
No strike hit no altergeist no trickstar hit?
And Chaos emperor Dragon is in thunder Dragon busted
The can play this without Problems and a field and hand nuke?
Chaos trickstar would be Option too because trickstar burn easily your life down and make with CED easily the finish
My opinion this is to strong.
And what are With other cards the maybe should come back
Tribe Virus?
Inzektor libelle (come in inzektor is not good even Full Force)
saruya not on 1
Maxx c Stil banned?
The banned list is Not bad but it could much better
thsi is the worst banlist ever , change my mind, like legit . snow shouldve been at 1 and if they rlly want it banned get me grass back . NO SKY STRIKER HIT NO ALTERGAY HIT no master peace to 1 , no reincarnation to 1 , "see here im goin with it ? "
Regarding this comments' responses:
Fairy tail at 1 makes no sense, people played her at 1 anyways, I agree it shouldn't be banned but putting her to 1 is like putting gumblar at 1: useless. Maxx c is always an argument of debate, but I would say at 0 is fine, also they want to sell null nun which wouldn't see that much play with maxx c around. Did I really see someone saying masterpeace at 1? That card is oppressive and here we have 3 diagram 2 terraforming and true draco have a way to recycle it, it has to stay banned, saying it should be at 1 is stupid. I agree skystriker and, in a minor way, altergeist should have been hit, but this list addresses all the meta viable ftks and also puts cards that are banned but not that strong back in the game; so it is somewhat a good banlist.
I'm gonna fuel inject here and say this. Between Fairy tail Snow, Gold Sarc, Allure of Darkness, Left Arm Offering, Necroface, AS WELL AS the new wolf that helps you banish one monster in hand and another with the same type in your deck on the same turn... I'm pretty sure T Dragons won't miss snow. Hell Green Maju decks won't miss dat Stank bitch either since they can now hit 2 NecroFaces at once or the same turn.
I remember when you said waaaay back when snow was revealed how well it would be with Construct off the list... And then it comes off just as snow goes
Honestly the Kaiju slumber and eradicator unbanning were a big a big fat middle finger to skystriker.
Surprised saruja isnt at 1 with the amount of degeneracy multiple copies can create
Saryuja Exodia when? :3
Divinity D right? Lol dig throughthe entire deck to see one ofs way easier so ban soul charge instead of limiting saryuja
Soul charge was only unhealthy when used going first
Welcome back my man, Shurit.
Personally, I'm glad that strats that just don't let people play are getting systematically excised out of the game. Control is one thing, not letting people play their cards is another.
That said, Altergeist is still at full power, and is able to play an egregious amount of floodgates that just make match-ups against them not fun AT ALL. Konami will need to address that sooner or later.
I had the same reaction about Shurit. Now how about Nekroz get all their cards back (besides the fat summoner because thats cancer) and let me just play the original blue cards.
Hear hear. On everything but Unicore, however-if Releaser's cancer, Unicore's HIV.
Wait, they set Exciton Knight to unlimited?
The generic 2x Raigeki on legs?
Time to play Shaddolls! Any good variants?
With Snow gone and Slash Draw at One... Sure kills the Lightsworn Engine.
With Construct and Shurin back... Fun Times may ensue. :)
But they have not World Legacy as of late. And I know it's too early to call Cubics into the mix, but they will have to hit Cubics at some point to avoid an FTK.
@@brenukkyyuukary3215 Eh, anyone will complain about something. It is in our nature. But I think I am going to take great pleasure fighting Lightsworns with out Slash Draw and Fairy Tail Snow.
Welcome back construct
Damn your video on the ban list is real and amazing I really liked the truth
Damn bro you spoke to me there. Enlightenment
Anyone else had missed that version of just a little bit near the end?
What I miss is the "Motherfucking DINERO"
So a free summon with cyber Stein is.... Not good.... A not once per turn when you can negate the payment?
He'll be banned back in April 2
I was hoping they would errata Firewall. Instead, they ban another Link-4. Now Xceed Dragon has lost another target for its effect. Now there are only two available, and one of them is Mekk-Knight Crusadia Astram, which doesn't even make sense as a Cyberse.
Chaos Emperor? CHAAAOOOOS EMPEROOOOR????!!!!
Its been power creeped so it wont see any play lol
@Orga777 It can still kill your opponent pretty easily. That alone justifies the errata.
@Orga777 It's a 3k lvl 8 monster with an easy summon requirement, can be used as material, etc. The effect is like a plus. Thunder dragons can abuse it.
@Orga777 I do want to point out that it deals damaged based on the number of cards sent to your opponent's graveyard, not yours. So it could be good as a nuke + damage card if you're struggling, but yeah other than that...
@Orga777 It's not a replacement of BLS, you can play both if you want, also it's a dark so allure of darkness. Yes the restriction is ridiculous but the fusions have protection effects so you can gain advantage if activated in the right moment.
MY 2 MAIN DECKS JUST GOT A BUMP IN POWAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Malefic Kaijus and Big Core Shaddolls soooo goood nughghhgh
Construct only back to 1 in 2019. About 2 years late Konami, any reason for being there died quickly and even more in MR4 with the Shaddoll link being terrible.
my boi shurit and his pal brio. lets go
Exciton Knight at 3 of them?????
Going second still sucks so having 3 of him means nothing.
Show me a person who plays more than one (if any)
well I'm only complaining Because I PERSONALLY HATE IT...and thats it
2 exciton is highly appreciated when you fight against altergeist or subterror just saying.
Competively it does very little, most decks can just negate it or recover from the effect
Cyber Stein has been somewhat relevant in the OCG, and I dare say it will see meta play in the TCG because, even with a limited amount of success, the chances of floodgating your opponent with either Last Warrior or Exterio are worth 1 main deck space.
For 5000 LP? Well good luck with that...
@@cameraredeye3115 for the ability to shut down some of the most unconvenient meta decks in the most effortless way? Heck yeah.
@@admontblanc Only catch is, with just 3000 LP if your opponent gets rid of your floodgates you die almost instantly. With cards like Impermanence around, that won't be hard to do.
Yes!!! I'm so glad Eradicator is at 3 now. This makes my Lair of Darkness deck much better to play with.
Also it's a shame that Gumblar is on the ban list since it was cool to remove cards from your opponent's hand and burn at the same time.
I never managed to get Rhongomyniad so I can't say much about it.
Lastly, now that Fairy Tail - Snow is banned, can we please get back That Grass Looks Greener?
Im not sure how well it would work but im thinking of a soul absorption deck abusing cyber stein heavily
Triple Eradicator AND stormfourth? *smirks in lair of darkness monarchs*
I m not sure those mesh well
It does NOT 💀😂
Shurit unbanned and Brio at 3 with Nekroz reprints in Duel Power? Coincidence? I think not. Hell they might put Unicore at 2 or 3 next list for all we know. Nekroz meta boys. And with Impcantations?
can I just point out something shadoll players are still gonna be happy to have construct back
He must really hate Fairy Tail Snow lol
She's an obnoxious card and has been since she released. Not once per turn, a stun card, gives advantage to decks that gain hella advantage from having stuff banished, free ass r4nk plays. She's just obnoxious in every sense of the word lmao
@@justsomeguy727 IKR she should've been banned forever ago but kocunts like their money
And grass is still banned ..
It was the most frustrating when used as a bp trick, it's a complete reversal and you end up sideboarding only against it, despite the fact you can respond to outs to snow, with snow. Fuck that card. Good riddance
Ignister Prominence, The Blasting Dracoslayer
Obnoxious Fairy Tail Celtic Guardian
Red-eyes lost number 42
I lost soul charge since i want to use for galaxy-eyes deck
Triple eradicator and stormforth and slumber? Konami wants yall to play lair, nows the time to do it.
Why is book of moon and inzektor dragonfly on the banlist still? I never saw Inzektors as being good in the current meta as I think they can semi limit or limit twin twister and put Featherduster, Giant Trunade and Heavy Storm to one cause those cards have been up there long enough. Also Konami good job on the list this banlist is pretty good
#001 Book of Moon is still limited because Komoney is still scared of Flip Effect Monsters. ( *whispers* FT Snow is a flip effect monster btw)
+Orga777 A HOPT on regular Trunade would be fine I think.
Or just put it at 1 unless theres some kind of repeatable spell recycling I am unware of
I wouldn't bring back HFD. Not with Interrupted Kaiju Slumber at 3, plus Dark Hole and Raigeki at 1 apiece.
Bruh I wish I could support but I'm broker that a 2 dollar hooker. Always love the content man definitely helped me to not fully fall out of the community although I've been severely disconnected for a bit.
Love watching your videos
Now the Xyz firewall is *useless*
The 2 better link4 cyberse targets was Firewall and Gumblar since if you SS exceed in the Extrazone and use the eff on 1 you win 2 spaces (⬅➡) the new option is the new Crusadia but only works in mainzone
500k before 2020, you deserve it bruh.
Looks like I'll be making true draco demise/kaijus(?)
amazing video man
dude, konami aint about just selling product based on the ban list, they dont want mufukas to throw their hands up and straight up leave the game
Side note: watch Crusadia OTK and Salamangreat decks rise to the challenge of Altergeists and Strikers.
wtf, why yugioh has problems with "return to hand from field" effects of kind?
Where is the banned clip from
Whaaaaaat?! Limiter Removal is unlimited?! Ancient Gear Ultimate Golem OTK is gonna be sooooo viable now or trains are going to be a powerhouse.
Lair or Virus Orcust? Am I smart?
I'd say Lair because you will likely be playing Lilith on top of Traptrick, and can possibly even sack an opponent's monster for the cost. Orcust have probably not so much need of it, but if you think they do then it's mor elikely gonna be on the side deck not the main.
@@admontblanc True, I made a Virust deck and I'm waiting to test it.
Thunder Dragon Virus is now gonna be a death knell for Altergeist and Strikers. EEV is now at 3, and thanks to Traptrick that's basically 6 copies of EEV ready to go.
@@cameraredeye3115 I thought so too for altergist....but then I realized they got that trap card that's actually not bad to play....the one where your opponent cant target your gist trap or be destroyed by card effects
Do you mean Lair *of* Virus Orcust?
The Orcusts do have quite a bit of DARK field presence, so perhaps they could work as a Virus Deck... :3
shame they banned literally everything else that would help for that.
Love this banlist. Personally I would have loved for certain decks to be hit directly, but it was a nice banlist either way. Best I have seen so far
1:30 well its true that Konami wants people's money and I don't mind as long as its balanced (Sleeves and Mats are fine to sell) but since the cards itself is based off of skill I'm not buying their card unless I'm collecting so for now I'm playing online
This was the best banlist vid I’ve seen lol
One of the realest mothersmuckers In yugioh
So now slash draw is no longer playable cause it needs 2 of it to be used fully also may I get some R.I.P for infinity dino's (tyrano Infinity varient of dino deck) cause now it don't got any way of making it consistent
Technically, Slash Draw's second effect was icing on the cake-the primary first use of this was GY fixing, since you picked what you returned while milling a lot on a heavy board.
So that's still available, but the mass burn is not. Sorta like a mass Foolish Burial.
Stormforth is unlimited. Today is a good day.
To die
I play kozmo and i hate that card ugh!
I'm no Vet, but I don't know the last time Cyber-Stein was playable. I'm guessing a long time ago. The game has change indeed; it isn't so broken anymore.
the fact sorc isnt on the list probably means we aren't getting needlefiber for some time
Sure, Konami wants your business and to sell product. At the same token, Konami doesn’t make any money off the secondary market. Therefore, influencing sales off of the ban list is a slim margin of any difference for them. I don’t know about anyone else, but I wouldn’t be buying packs of Duelist Alliance to try to pull a Construct when I can pay the (currently) $15 to buy one outright.
Cyber Stein for GAME, i will GLADLY play 5000 for game
Because you cut out ALL the non-essential information, even your 4 minute video felt like a 1 minute video. That's amazing. It's too easy to binge watch your content.