For me, it's impossible to buy all the originals I want. I can buy as many replicas of kislux as I want. If the craftsmanship is really good, why wouldn't I want Chanel and Kelly bags in all colors?
The way I see it. Real or fake if it's a style I like then I like it and will buy it. But to me the kislux one looks better than the real one. And who's gonna be inspecting ladies purses. If your out there trying to figure out if someone's bag is real who are you the prise police? So If you can get a really nice fake one then why not? Most of us don't have thousands dollars to spend on a real one and wouldn't anyway. No one has to know if it's fake or real. That's nobodies business. Enjoy and wear your bag which ever you have.
Can we please talk about Gabi Migala finishing in 8th place despite missing the last 4 events 😮 I hope her injury isn't too serious!❤
Tia's core strength & Fitness _ with brilliant game strategy still maintaing Rouges worlds fitness woman.
Tia is the 🐐
That is all👩🏽⚖️
Poppy goes over the heart. We remember!
Who doubted Tia? lol
For me, it's impossible to buy all the originals I want. I can buy as many replicas of kislux as I want. If the craftsmanship is really good, why wouldn't I want Chanel and Kelly bags in all colors?
The way I see it. Real or fake if it's a style I like then I like it and will buy it. But to me the kislux one looks better than the real one. And who's gonna be inspecting ladies purses. If your out there trying to figure out if someone's bag is real who are you the prise police? So If you can get a really nice fake one then why not? Most of us don't have thousands dollars to spend on a real one and wouldn't anyway. No one has to know if it's fake or real. That's nobodies business. Enjoy and wear your bag which ever you have.
It's sad to seee laura Horvath loss
Women or not?
You're miserable