11:42 Dracov dropped the opportunity with finishing the match against Akai's Mature sooner, thanks to one recent buffs Billy gained within the patch. I know saving at lease a special gauge or two for the next round is a thing in K-O-F, but had Dracov cancelled Billy's "Dragon/Serpent Cane" Chun counter into his "Super Fire Wheel", Akai's Mature would've been outta there with more health to spare for the next around. Great fights from both of them tho.
Awesome Mature 🖤🤍
11:42 Dracov dropped the opportunity with finishing the match against Akai's Mature sooner, thanks to one recent buffs Billy gained within the patch. I know saving at lease a special gauge or two for the next round is a thing in K-O-F, but had Dracov cancelled Billy's "Dragon/Serpent Cane" Chun counter into his "Super Fire Wheel", Akai's Mature would've been outta there with more health to spare for the next around. Great fights from both of them tho.
Mature would have been a nightmare if the game had bleeding effect.
I had forgotten Samsho characters are in this game 😩