Porquerolles island

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Porquerolles is part of the archipelago of the Hyères islands, also called the “Golden Islands”, (“Iles d’Or”), with the islands of Port Cros and the Levant in particular. The island of Porquerolles is the largest and most visited among these three islands. It's a real paradise in the center of Europe, with unique nature and beaches similar to the Maldives or the Caribbean. we are going to the island of Porquerolles


  • @larsrons7937
    @larsrons7937 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for a wonderful tour of Porquerolles. Lucky you to have been there. What a pearl of a small island, I never knew this existed. And it even has a small castle (I love castles). And that house with the nice art exhibition inside, "planted vines" ...Did it have any connection to the old vineyard owner of the 1820s? Nice art inside, interesting, and well spaced so one can appreciate each piece. Was this a recent visit of yours?
    I love the nature on this island. Lush, full of life, and very diverse with to me unusual plants. Everywhere seems like a perfect place for a pleasant walk. Nice beaches too, and the water must be warm now. I would love to spend a couple of days here.
    The camera work was very good, fluent, calm, giving time to appreciate the views while panning by. The few photos fit well in, and the slight zooming effect in the photos work fine. I notice there's a difference between zooming out (like stepping back for a broader view) for landscapes and zooming in (like stepping forwards for a closer look) for objects, whatever is more fitting. Even if just zooming slightly it adds to the experience.
    The background piano music was a real pleasure. Relaxed, sort of quiet yet playful. I think this sort of music would fit many of your videos. The volume here, for this sort of music, was perfect, really (more aggressive music would've required lower volume). I have thought about music for such videos and come to think that single instrument music often seems to work best.
    Q.: The music, which composer is it?
    "Cabinet Medical", yes I understand why you like it. 😄 In fact the whole island seems nice and relaxed. It's so good there're (almost) no cars. The local doctor understandably needs a terrain capable car. And so many flowers everywhere, and interesting plants. That "botanical" garden was wonderful. It must feel like a small paradise there.
    _"What seperates man from beast is sauce."_ True words. I love that sign. Well chosen for the outro.
    You produced a real gem here. 👍 It's a pity I'm only allowed to give one "like" per video, I'd like to give ten "likes" here.

    • @LaParisienne971
      @LaParisienne971  Місяць тому +1

      Thank you! Pourquerolles it’s my favourite place. I visited there for the first time in 2003, when I studied French and went to a summer language school. We were taken on an excursion from Nice. Then I fell in love with this place forever and every time I was in the south of France I came to the island. This year I was able to return. I don’t know who the owner of the vineyards is, some are state owned, perhaps some are private. The state bought only 80% of the island. I think there should be private property, but it’s unlikely that the owners will be happy to the crowds of tourists with cameras on their doorstep. 200 people live on the island (according to official information), perhaps among them there are descendants of the old owners. Residents mainly work in tourism. There are a lot of tourists from April-May to November. It’s not visible in the video, but only from Hyères a ferry arrives every half hour and once a day from Toulon. There are also other ferry options. But when you walk around the island, there are not so many people. Sometimes it may even seem like you are alone here. The place is incredible and I recommend visiting it. Thanks for your comment and rating of the video. I'm trying to improve the quality.

    • @larsrons7937
      @larsrons7937 Місяць тому +1

      @@LaParisienne971 So you've known and returned to this island for 21 years? That's so cool. Lovely. I understand why you like it. And 200 residents? That's like the village where I grew up. 12 km2 is about the immediate area of my daily life as a boy back then. I think I could feel at home here. If I return to Southern France I definitely will try to visit this island, tourists or not. And I too would be a tourist myself, smile.
      I hope I get the chance to share this video. This one really deserves many views. cheers.

    • @LaParisienne971
      @LaParisienne971  Місяць тому +1

      @@larsrons7937 In 11 years. Last time I was there in 2013 (in 2003 first time). But in general I was there 5 or 7 times. After so many things happened. First, died my father, then war in this south of Ukraine, COVID and war in the whole country…. But this year I decided that I must visit this place! I booked airbnb in Marseille this year and took my train for Hyères at 5.00 to reach the island as early as possible! It I will have chance to earn enough money for the next year travels - there will be other part of the south France. From this year there are still materials from Marseille and also Avignon. And I didn't finish with all I filmed in Malta. Just writing texts from zero takes time

    • @larsrons7937
      @larsrons7937 Місяць тому +1

      @@LaParisienne971 Yes, I imagine it takes time with all that goes into the production. But I hope you have fun doing it. I certainly enjoy watching it. And it gives me a break from getting updated on the situation with the war and all, and from combatting rus-bots & trolls in the comments. That is like getting teeth pulled out, but must be done. That's my contribution to the fighting.
      Avignon is a nice city. I stayed in Avignon for a week when hitchhiking in Southern France in 1991. I brought my mother on that hitchhiking trip.
      We also visited Apt (in Vaucluse, Luberon) and nearby "Chateau de Buoux" where I wnet twice on a French language course in 1984 & 85.
      We almost bought that chateau in late 1985 (or 1987?). 50 of us from the language course joined together when the municipality sold it. But a few hours before the payment should fall and papers be signed 3 of the group dropped out and we were short of 30,000 Franc (€4,000), just 1.5% of the total price of Fr.2,000,000 (yes, just €268,000 for a real chateau) and we couldn't raise the missing money in that short amount of time. A real pity.
      Anyway I really love Provence, have visited so many beautiful, cosy, nice, interesting places. But I haven't been to the Mediteranian (in France, that is), and I never knew of this little island. Now it feels like a "must" to visit.
      Oh, "Gorge du Verdun" in Eastern Provence was an impressive place. It's a river, and lake, flowing through a canyon. It seemed very "prehistoric" to be there.
      Along a path halfway up the slopes (Northern side) we stumbled upon a tiny cave with stalactites & stalagmites, note of real stone but rather of calcium, of which the hills were full of. This to an extent that, where small streams when raining had been running down the slopes, twigs and branches that had fallen from trees & bushes were so thickly covered in calcium that they looked like openair stalagtites. Really impressive. I brought a few home with me.
      At some other point there was a crack in the cliff, a sort of side canyon, leading to another narrow canyon behind the cliff. At the bottom was extra warm, and a small almost tropical forest.
      Gorge du Verdun is worth a visit if in the area. One can also rent kayaks or canoos to paddle in the lake.

    • @LaParisienne971
      @LaParisienne971  Місяць тому +1

      @@larsrons7937 Thank you!