YES idrk y the producers made fez and jackie together they dont match THEY DIDNT EVEN RLLY HAVE THAT SCENES TOGETHER THROUGHOUT THOSE 7 SEASONS AND THEY MADE JACKIE AND FEZ TOGETHER FOR SEASON 8 they rlly said not all couples get together at the end like bitch no in my story they do so shut the fuck up no one cares abt jackie and fez’s relationship it doesn’t even exist to us like wtf dont make me get attached to a couple that i ship the most bcoz i wouldn’t get over it
@@shana6275 You're right, I must have remembered wrong. There were only 7 seasons of this show. Jackie and hyde will work out their issues and be together again.
Jackie and Hyde where supposed to be endgame but the new writers thought they were a bad couple, I cannot express the anger I feel towards those writers 😭🤬
i actually saw the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons too, and knowing that they are gonna have something after these seasons, it’s absolutely worth it. i mean this way i saw that they are used to hate each other, and then Jackie started to feel something for him... oh my gosh i already knew that they’re gonna be my fav couple. and after their first real kiss they just finished it with “well i don’t feel anything” and i was like... what the hell Jackie??!!!
My favourite TV couple! They were so good together. Brought out the best in each other. And Mila and Danny’s chemistry is a treat to watch. Great video!
Season 8 writers, literally pretended not to see the character development, and stunted everyone’s growth especially Hyde’s😡 the Hyde from season 7 would have eventually made his way back to Jackie
So you gonna tell me a guy with commitment issues finally opens up to his polar opposite, becomes a better man and the next summer he is married to a stripper until the writers didnt know what to do with her as all the sex jokes were made... seasonn 8 does not exist.
I cant help but think that if Jackie had just given him a chance and asked him about his decision instead of just leaving for Chicago, things would have been way different.
Why do I ship all the ships that hurt me?! Either they don't get together or they just don't end up together 😭 Jackie ending up with Fez mad no sense and was so dumb!!! Stupid writers! 🤬
they were supposed to be endgame :( . they both made each other become better people, what they had was true love . season 8 does not exist and that's that .
They did. Season 8 is fake, it can end however you want it to end. In my head they got married. Steven took over the photo hut and jackie is an assistant in television, in some fantasies she has her own garage to fix cars. Eric never left for africa and just became a teacher, donna a writer kelso i like as an officer, he sure has the intelect the force requires...
I just wanna point out how he respected her no matter what in the sense were he knew that Michael kept on cheating on her and like after they broke up and he punched the guy for calling her a bitch he literally said you know she hasn’t been with anyone else she still young she still trying to figure shit out and he respected her in that sense he’s always somewhat respected her and even when they were together he became such a different person and sweet hearted like he was generally a nice person you kind of see it one within their relationship as well as the fact that like this was Stephen‘s first relationship his first love and for Jackie this was her second love her second relationship with someone that actually made her want to become a better person for him and for everyone else in the sense that she became a better person as well as for him he became a better person and he wanted to become a better person for her and it’s very depressing just thinking about how she’s an eight just fucked all of it up to the point where Jackie becaus was still was a person that was doing good but the fact that Steven just look like he was going to spend the rest of his life sitting in the basement and drinking beers as Yaki was like possibly like moving away and accomplishing her dreams and it just makes it so sad because like the fact that Jackie saw future with him and he somewhat so I future with her it’s just very sad to think that the writers messed it up to the point that even when he saw her in a wedding dress and call her beautiful they still said you know what they’re not gonna make it it’s not working whatsoever
I don't think season 1-3 Hyde respected Jackie at ALL. The fact that he didn't care she was being cheated on was low of him. However, he grew after being taken in by the Foremans.
ssylwia, Thank you. This was really great the way you did the editing with the song Halo in the background. The song was just right for this nice gift you made for all of us fans of Jackie and Hyde's crazy Journey. Thank you.
I will never get over the writers separating these two amazing characters. I hope they all burn in hell(just kidding). Fantastic chemistry between these two actors.
I really think that, in That 90s Show, they would've came back together... However, Danny Masterson did what he did and they won't recast Hyde. It just... UGH! They should have been endgame! Point. Blank. Period.
I don't understand why people always trash on season 8, it was good stuff but i do wish Jackie and Fez was in the middle of the season and at the end Jackie and Hyde got back together, then they could of done the spinoff with Jackie and Hyde married with kids. Just saying.
For me also Season 5 e25 was the end. Graduation class of 79 it makes no sense to continue the show for 3 more years because that would take them into 1982. Without Erik what is the point of hanging out in the Forman's basement. Hyde marries Jackie. Kelso marries Donna. Fez goes to his homeland end of story. Anything else is a nightmare.
real honest here jackie and hyde were my favorite characters in this show bc they were endgame and bc jackie was somehow like me lol and hyde was attractive to me i just find him attractive sorry i dont find fez that attractive i find steven attractive so much bc of wattpad lol
Can someone pls help me? Theres a scene that Jackie and hyde are talking and they are not together anymore, and the have a dialogue that he says "what if he sees you without makeup" and she's like " I'm not wearing any makeup rn" and then he's like "your beautiful" PLS SOMEONE TELL ME IM NOT CRAZYYY I need to find this to.prove a point
No one can pay me to watch season 8 sad man if I could I would delete it that's so sad I got when they had to break up why would you do this to me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 someone needs to delete that season also I'll do it myself all go through it
Like it taht she ended dup with fez wish that had happened earlier with more episodes or that she s married hyde instead of hyde an dthat trashy girl with another husband
I've seen That 70's Show 4 times and my fave couple was Jackie and Kelso, they were the OG and hilarious. The way Jackie and Hyde got together was messy and I hated it ;) my opinion lol. Also Jackie only ended up with Fez because the writers didn't want her to stay single in the end.
We can just pretend that season 8 is from Leo's perspective. He was just really dazed
Your comment makes more sense than the whole of s8
even leo saw jackie and hyde together
YES idrk y the producers made fez and jackie together they dont match THEY DIDNT EVEN RLLY HAVE THAT SCENES TOGETHER THROUGHOUT THOSE 7 SEASONS AND THEY MADE JACKIE AND FEZ TOGETHER FOR SEASON 8 they rlly said not all couples get together at the end like bitch no in my story they do so shut the fuck up no one cares abt jackie and fez’s relationship it doesn’t even exist to us like wtf dont make me get attached to a couple that i ship the most bcoz i wouldn’t get over it
Leo would have written a better season
And Confused. Sorry I just saw an opportunity to make a reference
I wish they had the endgame they deserved, Jackie and Hyde are great together! The season 8 writers didn't see it, why?!
They didn’t want us to be happy
What season 8?
@@shana6275 You're right, I must have remembered wrong. There were only 7 seasons of this show. Jackie and hyde will work out their issues and be together again.
Yes absolutely❤❤
@@shana6275 just finished watching it today on netflix and theres 8 seasons
i’m just gonna act like season 8 never happened
f a c t s
Don't we all? ;)
Jackie and Hyde where supposed to be endgame but the new writers thought they were a bad couple, I cannot express the anger I feel towards those writers 😭🤬
To think They made Jackie be with Fez of all people!!! Who the hell hired these yo-yos??
After season 8, Fez finally admits to Kelso that he loves him and Jackie and Hyde get married. That is what happened and you can't change my mind.
so we're bringing back the fez's dream...
i start in season 4 and stop in season 7 just because of them
Maria Eduarda Borges barbosa i think you should watch s3 anyway
Me too!!
i actually saw the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons too, and knowing that they are gonna have something after these seasons, it’s absolutely worth it. i mean this way i saw that they are used to hate each other, and then Jackie started to feel something for him... oh my gosh i already knew that they’re gonna be my fav couple. and after their first real kiss they just finished it with “well i don’t feel anything” and i was like... what the hell Jackie??!!!
This just called me single in 100 different languages lol
I can't even express how much i hate season 8
Breaking these two up was the dumbest thing the writers did. Their chemistry was amazing.
The episode where jackie goes out and cries.. Hyde watches her cry but doesn't care broke my heart 😥
I think he cares is just that he don’t know what to do so he walks away.
@@turtlebunny8202 but then he marries a striper 😭😭this is inhuman 😂
srklover khan true. Idk why he would marry a stripper over the most cute gurl in the world... Jackie.
@@turtlebunny8202 ikr. They need to do a 90'or a 2000's show so they can be together and i can die in peace
Aman Smith-martin yeah. It’s sad. He probably was really really drunk
My favourite TV couple! They were so good together. Brought out the best in each other. And Mila and Danny’s chemistry is a treat to watch.
Great video!
Not as great as the chemistry she has with her husband and father of her children.
Just look how she always sits on Hyde’s lap
They made Jackie look like she was for the team her and Hyde deserved better
Season 8 writers, literally pretended not to see the character development, and stunted everyone’s growth especially Hyde’s😡 the Hyde from season 7 would have eventually made his way back to Jackie
“If I like her, shoot me!!” “pow” 2:11 😂
we just pretend that season 8 never happened...
So you gonna tell me a guy with commitment issues finally opens up to his polar opposite, becomes a better man and the next summer he is married to a stripper until the writers didnt know what to do with her as all the sex jokes were made... seasonn 8 does not exist.
I cant help but think that if Jackie had just given him a chance and asked him about his decision instead of just leaving for Chicago, things would have been way different.
It was supposed to end season 7 but got picked up last min but originally Hyde was finna propose and left on a cliff hanger him proposing
Season 8? What season 8?!
My memory is stuck at season 7!!!!
Why do I ship all the ships that hurt me?!
Either they don't get together or they just don't end up together 😭
Jackie ending up with Fez mad no sense and was so dumb!!! Stupid writers! 🤬
they were supposed to be endgame :( . they both made each other become better people, what they had was true love . season 8 does not exist and that's that .
I love how you can hear Eric giving advice in the background !
love the edit btw ❤
I wanna think that after season 8 they somehow got together):
They did. Season 8 is fake, it can end however you want it to end. In my head they got married. Steven took over the photo hut and jackie is an assistant in television, in some fantasies she has her own garage to fix cars. Eric never left for africa and just became a teacher, donna a writer kelso i like as an officer, he sure has the intelect the force requires...
The fact that you added *(season 8 doesn't exist)* made me so happy so thank you for that
Gosh i loved them together. Ugh why did take this away from us 😭😭
One of my favorite couples of all time. Still angry about their ending all these years later. Beautiful video!
im not crying, im cutting onions
In my head later on they found each other got married and had kids!🤗
Honestly, with the way things are with Danny Masterson, Jackie and Hyde getting together at the end of the series would've been all for naught.
chocked back tears until half the video😢
choked* oops
This is so cute!
Thanks ♥️
this is the most beautiful video i have ever seen
She's the Haley Dunphy of the 70's...
And the same bad ending there too
Omg she really is... love them both
We don’t even talk about season eight
The writers screwed up when they separated Hyde and Jackie. Best thing ever!
I am watching that 70s show right now
Season 8 doesn’t exist!!
I love this so much. Thank you!
I just wanna point out how he respected her no matter what in the sense were he knew that Michael kept on cheating on her and like after they broke up and he punched the guy for calling her a bitch he literally said you know she hasn’t been with anyone else she still young she still trying to figure shit out and he respected her in that sense he’s always somewhat respected her and even when they were together he became such a different person and sweet hearted like he was generally a nice person you kind of see it one within their relationship as well as the fact that like this was Stephen‘s first relationship his first love and for Jackie this was her second love her second relationship with someone that actually made her want to become a better person for him and for everyone else in the sense that she became a better person as well as for him he became a better person and he wanted to become a better person for her and it’s very depressing just thinking about how she’s an eight just fucked all of it up to the point where Jackie becaus was still was a person that was doing good but the fact that Steven just look like he was going to spend the rest of his life sitting in the basement and drinking beers as Yaki was like possibly like moving away and accomplishing her dreams and it just makes it so sad because like the fact that Jackie saw future with him and he somewhat so I future with her it’s just very sad to think that the writers messed it up to the point that even when he saw her in a wedding dress and call her beautiful they still said you know what they’re not gonna make it it’s not working whatsoever
I don't think season 1-3 Hyde respected Jackie at ALL. The fact that he didn't care she was being cheated on was low of him. However, he grew after being taken in by the Foremans.
The edit is just so beautiful
season 8 is a fever dream
Lets all pretend season 8 didnt happen and that jackie and hyde got married.
ssylwia, Thank you. This was really great the way you did the editing with the song Halo in the background. The song was just right for this nice gift you made for all of us fans of Jackie and Hyde's crazy Journey. Thank you.
Thank you for this
And rrighhttttt
Season 8 wasn’t there at all
They ended together No one can say otherwise
I will never get over the writers separating these two amazing characters. I hope they all burn in hell(just kidding). Fantastic chemistry between these two actors.
I love this video
Thank you for this. My heart is full. ❤️
QUEEN & KING!!!!!🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟🖤🖤🖤🖤
They deserve a happy ending
This is beautiful ❤️ I love it so much. Well done. Also, I think I’m going to edit a video with this song! It’s so smooth.
this is really beautiful
i love this edit
Breakups sucks you can create beautiful memories but still end up alone
I’ve never watched season 8 for obvious reasons so I just rewatch other seasons
I agree They Were Meant To be. He made her Better, Where Is This Fanfiction I want to read It!
did they come out with a season 8, hmmm didn’t notice
i'm not crying , you are
omg i love this video
she fell first, he fell harder
I really think that, in That 90s Show, they would've came back together... However, Danny Masterson did what he did and they won't recast Hyde. It just... UGH! They should have been endgame! Point. Blank. Period.
Who else cried watching this? Just me? Ok...
im crying 😭😭❤️
Nem terminei a primeira temporada e chorei 🥲
there to cute 😓
Jackie and Hyde should HAVE been the endgame! Season 8 NEVER happened 😡
This is love, not Kelso
I don't understand why people always trash on season 8, it was good stuff but i do wish Jackie and Fez was in the middle of the season and at the end Jackie and Hyde got back together, then they could of done the spinoff with Jackie and Hyde married with kids. Just saying.
Beulah 😂😂
For me also Season 5 e25 was the end. Graduation class of 79 it makes no sense to continue the show for 3 more years because that would take them into 1982. Without Erik what is the point of hanging out in the Forman's basement. Hyde marries Jackie. Kelso marries Donna. Fez goes to his homeland end of story. Anything else is a nightmare.
real honest here jackie and hyde were my favorite characters in this show bc they were endgame and bc jackie was somehow like me lol and hyde was attractive to me i just find him attractive sorry i dont find fez that attractive i find steven attractive so much bc of wattpad lol
Can someone pls help me? Theres a scene that Jackie and hyde are talking and they are not together anymore, and the have a dialogue that he says "what if he sees you without makeup" and she's like " I'm not wearing any makeup rn" and then he's like "your beautiful"
I need to find this to.prove a point
Haha! That's from HIMYM. It's a conversation between barney & Robin.
i didn’t get to season 8 yet and i’m not even going to watch it.. season 7 is endgame
No one can pay me to watch season 8 sad man if I could I would delete it that's so sad I got when they had to break up why would you do this to me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 someone needs to delete that season also I'll do it myself all go through it
Wait there’s a season 8?-
What is up with all the static....
Way too much NOISE at the end ... ...
I wrote season 8 out now.
Like it taht she ended dup with fez wish that had happened earlier with more episodes or that she s married hyde instead of hyde an dthat trashy girl with another husband
Danny Masterson has lost Mia Kunis to Aston Kusher
What show is this
Season 8 doesnt exist. Amen.
Season 8 never happened
Season 8?? Who's that?? I don't no her 🙂
Season 8 never happened Hyde and Jackie got married and babies
this is why i hate season 8
I've seen That 70's Show 4 times and my fave couple was Jackie and Kelso, they were the OG and hilarious. The way Jackie and Hyde got together was messy and I hated it ;) my opinion lol. Also Jackie only ended up with Fez because the writers didn't want her to stay single in the end.
Season 8 never happened