I have a 4.5lb Maltese and she is litter box trained. No worries that she is going to pee or poop on the floor. For litter I use the horse bedding pellets from Tractor Supply. You can get a 40 lb bag for around $8. cheaper than cat litter.
Your dog looks like a Yorkie / jack Russell terrier mix. Full blooded Yorkies are only about 2 to 3 lbs. still cute tho. And you did great on your video. Very helpful for new pet owners. The only thing I would add to your bag would be a pet first aid kit with tick remover tool added. You just never know what may happen when you are out and about. .
Miss Lexi is so cute🥹🩷🎀
Love this. This is super relatable
I have a 4.5lb Maltese and she is litter box trained. No worries that she is going to pee or poop on the floor. For litter I use the horse bedding pellets from Tractor Supply. You can get a 40 lb bag for around $8. cheaper than cat litter.
9:35-9:38 lol 😆
Your dog looks like a Yorkie / jack Russell terrier mix. Full blooded Yorkies are only about 2 to 3 lbs. still cute tho. And you did great on your video. Very helpful for new pet owners. The only thing I would add to your bag would be a pet first aid kit with tick remover tool added. You just never know what may happen when you are out and about. .
Keep it up girl
Thanks love!!
Can you do a puppy haul on everything she has? I plan on getting a Maltese in the future and I'm trying to get ideas while I can
Of course love!!
what is in the very front pocket? Trying to get ideas for my dog.
Extras for easy access!