  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024


  • @gertrude9967
    @gertrude9967 11 місяців тому +14

    0:01 Pabby: Hi guys! For today's video, we're gonna play
    0:05 Both: Never Have I Ever.
    0:08 Pabby: Who's gonna speak first?
    0:09 Cassy: You, of course, because this is your vlog.
    0:10 Pabby: Me? Okay. I don't want to prolong the intro anymore because I want us to be able to ask a lot of questions.
    0:16 Cassy: /nods
    0:17 Pabby: Once you answer the question, you have to explain, okay?
    0:20 Cassy: Alright.
    0:23 Pabby: Okay, let's start. Never have I ever--
    0:27 Cassy: You're testing my kindness.
    0:32 Pabby: Never have I ever... Let's start it off with an easy one. Had a boyfriend?
    0:42 Cassy: I did, of course.
    0:44 Pabby: You're so arrogant, /imitates cassy/ "I did!"
    0:46 Cassy: Of course, I’m bi(sexual). My first relationship was actually with a guy. After that, some girl just approached me, then that’s when I started dating girls.
    0:54 Pabby: How many boyfriends have you had?
    0:56 Cassy: Four, but-
    0:58 Pabby: What was the age of the oldest boyfriend you had?
    1:04 Cassy: 23 (years old).
    1:05 Pabby: How long did your relationship last?
    1:09 Cassy: 2 months.
    1:11 Pabby: Huh?
    1:12 Cassy: I swear.
    1:13 Pabby: 2 months?!
    1:14 Cassy: I’m really not for long term relationships, boo. I don’t know, they couldn’t stand me.
    1:18 Pabby: Really? Okay.
    1:20 Cassy: /laughs/
    1:21 Pabby: Why are you laughing?
    1:23 Cassy: Nothing, I just found it funny.
    1:24 Pabby: Okay, 2 months was the longest-
    1:28 Cassy: Our agreement was to do a Never Have I Ever vlog, not a Question and Answer.
    1:31 Pabby: That’s already part of it.
    1:34 Cassy: Huh? Amazing.
    1:35 Pabby: 2 months was your longest, how about the other 3 boyfriends that you had?
    1:39 Cassy: What do you mean?
    1:40 Pabby: You said you’ve been with 4 boyfriends in the past, right?
    1:41 Cassy: Oh, those were unserious relationships, I met them in school.
    1:45 Pabby: When did you have your last boyfriend?
    1:46 Cassy: Last year.
    1:48 Pabby: Last year. That’s the guy you’ve been with for 2 months?
    1:50 Cassy: Mmhm.
    1:51 Pabby: Oh, okay. To answer the same question, no, I have never had a boyfriend.
    1:59 Cassy: Explain.
    2:00 Pabby: (What else is there to explain)? I’ve never had a boyfriend because I like peanuts (note: peanuts is a term used by Pabby to refer to girls).
    2:03 Cassy: /laughs/
    2:05 Pabby: Are you crazy?
    2:06 Cassy: No, I mean, of course some people are curious about Pao. Right?
    2:08 Pabby: Ah, no, they know it already. If you guys know me and you’ve been stalking me on facebook or have watched me at the No Bashing segment (of THOC), you’d know why I have Paopao. I’m not gonna say it here anymore because we might get banned.
    2:22 Cassy: Okay.
    2:23 Pabby: Next, it’s your turn.
    2:25 Cassy: Never have I ever kissed a stranger. For instance, you just met somebody then you already kissed them.
    2:36 Pabby: Kissed a stranger? Like for example, while having drinks (at a party or a club)?
    2:40 Cassy: Yeah.
    2:42 Pabby: Of course, I had moments where I got carried away, so yes, I did.
    2:44 Cassy: /laughs/
    2:46 Pabby: But not like (a torrid kiss), probably just a smack. She’s also not totally a stranger, but still a stranger in a sense that I don’t know her very much yet although we’ve been seeing each other (on occasions).
    2:59 Cassy: Me, I have never.
    3:00 Pabby: Hmm?
    3:01 Cassy: Mmhm. Because if I do it with someone, I want that someone to be a person I know very well.
    3:06 Pabby: Wait, how do you define stranger?
    3:09 Cassy: Just like what you said, someone you just grabbed drinks with then you suddenly kissed later on. Like that.
    3:13 Pabby: But you’ve seen each other (at occasions) for more than once. (Is that still a stranger)?
    3:16 Cassy: No, that’s not a stranger anymore.
    3:19 Pabby: Ah, I see. I’ve hung out like thrice with the person that I kissed.
    3:24 Cassy: Oh, so she’s not a stranger.
    3:26 Pabby: She’s more of like an acquaintance, but she’s not a friend because I’ve only hung out with her for a while. She’s just someone I know (by name). But that was long ago, that happened in 2018.
    3:42 Cassy: It’s your turn (to ask).
    3:48 Pabby: Never have I ever got wheelchaired at a party (for being drunk wasted).
    3:56 Cassy: Never, but I want to experience that because I don’t pass out when I drink.
    4:00 Pabby: I’ve never experienced that too. /laughs/ But I experienced getting carried.
    4:07 Cassy: If the Secret Bar was a big bar, I probably would’ve been wheelchaired because that’s the first time I got drunk to the point that I passed out.
    4:20 Pabby: My experience-
    4:22 Cassy: Wait, let me just add. I’m a party-goer. Right, booboo? You know that.
    4:27 Pabby: /nods/
    4:28 Cassy: I’m a party-goer so I don’t know why I passed out at the Secret Bar (of THOC). That was the first time that happened to me because I am confident that I don’t get drunk. I even told them I don’t know how to get wasted so I was shocked when I learned that I passed out after I argued with Red and who else? I actually fought a lot of people that night, but I mainly argued with Red. That’s the only thing I remember before I drifted off to sleep. That’s it.
    5:05 Pabby: I’ve never been wheelchaired too, but I experienced getting carried. 2015 was the first time I tried liquor then I got drunk and got carried out of the bathroom. That was my only experience of getting carried by a bouncer. I was still young back when they told me to try liquor. I was like 16, 17, or I just turned 18 (years old) that time. But I’m not a heavy drinker, guys, I only drink at occasions or when I’m happy and celebrating. If I also like the person I’m with, for example, Cassy, my booboo, why not (drink)? It’s your turn, boo.
    6:17 Cassy: Never have I ever ghosted someone because I got broken hearted. Yes, I did.
    6:24 Pabby: You ghosted someone because you got broken hearted?
    6:26 Cassy: Mmhm. I also actually liked the person but (the situation) doesn’t work for me so I just ghosted them.
    6:42 Pabby: I did, but I don’t know if the person I talked to considered it ghosting. They might not even be affected (that I ghosted them).
    6:54 Cassy: You ghosted each other.
    6:56 Pabby: Yeah, we ghosted each other.
    6:59 Pabby: Okay, never have I ever… This is hard... Boo, I can’t find the words to say. Never have I ever met up with a person that I talked to through a dating app.
    7:42 Cassy: Never.
    7:44 Pabby: Never?
    7:47 Cassy: I tried using a dating app in Japan because there’s a lot of handsome boys there.
    7:53 Pabby: Ah, handsome? (note: she’s teasing Cassy about looking for men instead of women)
    7:54 Cassy: Yeah, handsome.
    7:55 Pabby: Then?
    7:56 Cassy: When I’m single, I actually try to look for men (to date), but I always end up getting a girlfriend.
    8:02 Pabby: Ah…
    8:03 Cassy: Yes, boo. You know, guys, I honestly always look forward to dating men, but I always accidentally get a girlfriend. I also don’t understand why that happens, maybe I’m really destined to end up with a girl- especially, with you (Pabby). So yeah, I used a dating app when I was in Japan. I was talking to someone there (through the app), but I just got stressed. He’s handsome, he has the looks that I find attractive in men. However, I found it hard (to communicate) since he’s Japanese, so I stopped talking to him. I also didn’t meet with him in person because it’s almost time for me to come home (to the Philippines).
    8:48 Pabby: Me, I did. I mean, no, I only talked to her through chat because this person that I talked to (through the app) admits to being paranoid. I got scared, of course, that if we ever meet, she might actually be paranoid. That's what I find scary in dating apps. You're not sure if the person you believe you're talking to is real or is just a poser (a person pretending to be somebody else). I think it's really hard to date someone through apps because you're never sure; there are lots of pretentious people there. I prefer getting to know someone personally, for example, someone I met through a mutual friend or someone you'll meet somewhere unexpected. That's what I prefer. I met my first girlfriend through a mutual friend, we attended the same event. That time, I really didn't notice her; it was her who messaged me first on Facebook to say hi. My second girlfriend, on the other hand, was someone I got introduced to. Yeah, so that's how I always meet my partner. Good thing I met Cassy here at THOC. It's your turn.
    *Continuation is replied under this comment.

    • @gertrude9967
      @gertrude9967 11 місяців тому +4

      10:30 Cassy: Never have I ever gambled for love when I shouldn't anymore. (note: this means do everything for love when it's not worth it anymore)
      10:40 Both: Yes, I did.
      10:43 Cassy: I did. My longest relationship was with a girl. I sacrificed a lot (too much) for that girl. (During that time) I was at the point where I didn't want to collect anymore people (or still be with other people), so I wanted to do everything to save her for me (for her to be my last).
      11:07 Pabby: Mmhm. I also did. I experienced all kinds of pain, I forgave countless of times because I loved the person. I tried to keep the relationship going in hopes that she will change, right?
      11:25 Cassy: Yes, that's why I also forgave her nonstop because I was hoping that she will soon realize everything that I did (for her) since she tells me she loves me anyway. /jokes/ (I was) so stupid.
      11:41 Both: /laughs/
      11:44 Cassy: Kidding aside, of course when you love someone, you (figuratively) go blind (note: this means you won't see the red flags of that person); you really wouldn't realize that they don't value you anymore. With just one "I love you", we're blind again.
      11:53 Pabby: You also wouldn't listen to your friends' advices even if it's evident to them that whatever happens is not right anymore. You really wouldn't listen (when you're blinded by love). That's why sometimes our friends don't want to give us anymore advices when we don't listen because only us, ourselves, know how much more we can take before we finally give up. Only you know that. Okay, my turn. Never have I ever...
      12:25 Cassy: Can I just add something? Just a piece of advice: when you love someone, just give your all (into the relationship). Don't overthink things, don't think that you might get tired of giving your all; just let yourself reach the point of exhaustion because that's when you'll realize everything. Instead of stopping (from making efforts for the relationship) midway and feeling the pain, give all the love you can give to that person until you realize how much you've done (for them).
      13:07 Pabby: Never have i ever fallen in love with my bestfriend or friend.
      3:15 Cassy: I did. I was friends first with all of my exes before they became my partner.
      13:27 Pabby: I did, but gradually. It's like I didn't expect that I will fall in love (with her/them). I did but I prefer to treasure the friendship because if you were my friend for a long time already and we decided to be in a relationship, our friendship might get ruined. Okay, last.
      14:12 Cassy: Say the last one, boo. I can't think of anymore (situations).
      14:13 Pabby: Think of just one. I want to hear the last one from you.
      14:18 Cassy: /jokes/ Tell (the last one) to me and I'll say it (out loud). /laughs/
      14:22 Pabby: No, do the thinking.
      14:23 Cassy: You said you wanted it to come from me, right?
      14:26 Pabby: No, it should come from your mind.
      14:33 Cassy: Never have I ever left my family behind because I was blinded by love. I did.
      14:37 Pabby: I did. /laughs/ I'm weak, I'm stupid (that's why I did).
      14:44 Cassy: That was one of the times I really felt bad. I was at my adulting stage during that time, at the age of 19. That's the time you should be yearning for your family, right, but I chose love. I soon realized when I was finally spending time with them, that it feels good to be with them while they're still here (alive). I mean, it's okay that I did that because that served as my lesson; it's part of our growth as a person. Because of these experiences, we become aware of what might still happen to us in the future because these good and bad experiences are inevitable as we're growing older. So if you experienced being independent or stubborn at an early age, you'll learn your lessons earlier. (I believe) a person's experiences equate to their maturity.
      15:47 Pabby: When you also enter a relationship, you may meet someone you can bring home to your family, to your hometown, but you may also meet someone who almost doesn't want you to come home to your family. Some partners are possessive and selfish that even if you want to come home to your family, you can't because your partner wants you all for herself. It's better if the time you can allot to your families and to your partner is balanced. We should be equal, we should be able to give both of our families time.
      16:32 Cassy: I think (it's a factor) that teenagers (in a relationship) are more focused on each other. They haven't realized yet that their partners must be a part of their family because they often think that their families will get in their way or that their families will ruin their relationship.
      16:46 Pabby: But it shouldn't be that way.
      16:47 Cassy: It's only right to consider your families in your relationship so you won't have a hard time telling them you're together already. It won't be difficult to tell them anymore because your family will get to know your partner at the same time as you. It actually feels good to be open to your family.
      17:14 Pabby: Yeah, it's really better to include your family in your dreams and your plans because it feels good to bring your girlfriend along with you when you come home to your family who accepts her (wholeheartedly). Just a piece of advice for the people planning to enter a relationship: we think it's good to be open to your family. No matter their reactions, at least in the end, you won't have regrets of not introducing your partner to your family. It's good to really let your partner get the chance to meet your family. If you haven't come out yet, take it slow; do it gradually because you wouldn't know (the outcome) if you wouldn't try, if you wouldn't let them meet. I'm that brave. When I have a girlfriend, I literally don't care about the outcome, I introduce her to my family right away.
      18:11 Pabby: That's it, guys. I hope you guys enjoyed. If you have content or vlog requests, comment your suggestions below.

    • @aniyuspita219
      @aniyuspita219 11 місяців тому +1

      please translate cassby ig vlog video sorry convo reveal part 1 and part 2.

    • @messybabygirl3291
      @messybabygirl3291 11 місяців тому

      thanks for your kindness🥰🥰🥰🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

    • @fibrianjani3827
      @fibrianjani3827 11 місяців тому

      @@KetutSudiari bayi tabung kali

    • @KetutSudiari
      @KetutSudiari 11 місяців тому

      @@fibrianjani3827 ada yang tau ceritanya gak

  • @almiejeanmadrio3759
    @almiejeanmadrio3759 Рік тому +27

    ignoring cassy for 24 hours 😁

  • @raycel15
    @raycel15 Рік тому +3

    napaka authentic talaga ng dalawang 'to. walang script acript. on the spot vlog/never have i ever questions

  • @christinealba3614
    @christinealba3614 Рік тому +6

    Hindi talaga nawawala ang mga ngiti nilang dalawa hanggang matapos ang vlog... We love you both... Kaya maraming ng mamahal sa cassby...ignoring 24 hours cassy

  • @kecebadai-u1i
    @kecebadai-u1i Рік тому +4

    Pabby, sana talaga may subtitles kasi marami sa labas ng Pilipinas 🫶🫶🫶at hindi ko maintindihan ang Filipino

  • @RossanaNaong
    @RossanaNaong Рік тому +15


  • @LenyJeanFrancisco
    @LenyJeanFrancisco Рік тому +4

    Dadiii Boo TOTROPAHIN OR JOJOWAIN CHALLENGE 🙏😁(mga girls Tiktokers sana) 😄😄

  • @KetutSudiari
    @KetutSudiari 11 місяців тому +3

    Coba ada sub indo kan enak nonton ya

  • @alonaabellada8057
    @alonaabellada8057 Рік тому +3

    Hindi nawala ngiti ko hanggang matapos🥰. Q&A naman pero yung malalalim na tanungan na hihi😅😊.

  • @emeyamparo7051
    @emeyamparo7051 Рік тому +4

    Sana next vlog nyo po "Who's Most Likely To" 🤗

  • @jocelyncasiple5296
    @jocelyncasiple5296 Рік тому +1

    Bat ang cute Nyo? Tapos mag kamukha pa mata lang ang nag kaiba, kayo na po ba ang palit sa team Tara like it love you both.

  • @leejung-suk
    @leejung-suk Рік тому


  • @jmmendivel575
    @jmmendivel575 Рік тому

    Hello Cassyb princess cutesweet ❤️
    So cute and beautiful pretty 😍

  • @blackpinkupdate2912
    @blackpinkupdate2912 Рік тому +1

    yun😹 nag more-on talks sa ex🫣🫶🏻😹 more pa more😹🫶🏻🥳

  • @RoxanneVillafuerte-yz3ss
    @RoxanneVillafuerte-yz3ss 6 місяців тому

    Cassby love ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @NormalitaGranito-vj9fn
    @NormalitaGranito-vj9fn Рік тому +1

    Cute hanggang huli nkasmile lang ako

  • @lilibite1045
    @lilibite1045 Рік тому +1

    Sana pag di kayo bc ni mami boo every weekends me vlog kahit update sa inaraw araw kasi nakakawala kayo ng pagod

  • @Vamiyaaah___
    @Vamiyaaah___ 5 місяців тому

    Tara marathon 😅

  • @depsdepol
    @depsdepol Рік тому +1

    Bat ganun tagal na ako na nonood nng vlog mo pab hnd kapa na munitice sayang namn Wala pang ads Isa na akong hnd mag skip untill end ❤❤❤❤

  • @adiztynianagabriel9684
    @adiztynianagabriel9684 Рік тому +4

    I need Subtitle 😭😭😭

  • @nietzkieviernes
    @nietzkieviernes Рік тому +1

    Cute nyo dalawa ❤️😍

  • @BeatrizVillegas979
    @BeatrizVillegas979 Рік тому +5

    I wanna see a prank on Cassy

    • @xtineflores2012
      @xtineflores2012 Рік тому

      Me too, go gusto ko mga prank cla Jan MO makita sino my mataas na pasenxa.. 😂😂😂

  • @HerlinaLiau
    @HerlinaLiau 11 місяців тому

    Beutifull my girls

  • @trayaaa03lali57
    @trayaaa03lali57 Рік тому

    I like them but I can't hear please translate the clip for me 🙏🏻

  • @JonalynBalderamos
    @JonalynBalderamos Рік тому

    ang cutee nyo nmn, ate pwede pa request prank nyo po ate cassy prank nyo po ng chikinini prank, tignan ntin if ano po ung reaction nyaa❤

  • @diaherlangga756
    @diaherlangga756 Рік тому

    Ga ngerti ngomong apa tapi tetap di tonton😢

  • @ronalynespinosa9918
    @ronalynespinosa9918 Рік тому

    Cute Cassby

  • @ivyapolonio3928
    @ivyapolonio3928 Рік тому

    Vlog about your life before thoc and before meeting cassy

  • @jaizasuperio158
    @jaizasuperio158 Рік тому +1

    Next vlog po Ignoring Cassy for 24 hours😊

  • @MariaClarissaCalusa-wo1uj
    @MariaClarissaCalusa-wo1uj Рік тому

    More prank pp sa inyo cassby🥰🥰

  • @celinejoyperez3679
    @celinejoyperez3679 10 місяців тому +1

    l love to u ❤

  • @lilibite1045
    @lilibite1045 Рік тому

    Dadi and mami boobooo❤❤❤❤

  • @celinejoyperez3679
    @celinejoyperez3679 10 місяців тому


  • @myrasolpicardal5690
    @myrasolpicardal5690 Рік тому +1

    next vlog makes cassy jealous ❤

  • @jessicahilomen3032
    @jessicahilomen3032 Рік тому +3

    Prank si Mami boo na nainlove ka sa iba

  • @pahimafelmin9254
    @pahimafelmin9254 Рік тому

    Nxt Q&A or gate no its athe's❤

  • @roselyndimla-m9l
    @roselyndimla-m9l Рік тому


  • @ginamalinao9324
    @ginamalinao9324 Рік тому

    Dadi boo next vlog wag pansinin si Cassy for a day❤

  • @celinejoyperez3679
    @celinejoyperez3679 10 місяців тому


  • @crisbarbasa8772
    @crisbarbasa8772 Рік тому

    try nio pabs whisper challenge😊

  • @mamadaraofficial
    @mamadaraofficial Рік тому

    I Miss you

  • @Marss04_
    @Marss04_ Рік тому

    QnA please

  • @jsyrahtontubil44
    @jsyrahtontubil44 Рік тому +2

    Dadi boo prank ka na may iba ka😂

    • @xtineflores2012
      @xtineflores2012 Рік тому

      Excited Jan natin makita gaano ka selosa c cassy.. 😂😂😂

  • @sherelynmaranan3429
    @sherelynmaranan3429 Рік тому

    Baka pagsisihan pagprank or ignoring,ok naman ang prank but wag naman yung malala😂❤

    • @xtineflores2012
      @xtineflores2012 Рік тому

      Okay Lang Yan kc vlogger cla eh.. 😂😂😂

  • @mysteriousmoon09
    @mysteriousmoon09 8 місяців тому

    So pinakamatagal na nya si pabby now??

  • @lalaland8169
    @lalaland8169 Рік тому

    Can someone tell me bat nagkaroon si pabby ng anak since sabi nya wala pa siya naging jowang lalaki ehhe 😁

  • @kharlivanoblena4429
    @kharlivanoblena4429 Рік тому

    Ignoring cassy for 24hrs 🫶🫶🫶❤
    Wanna see how will cassy react 😅

  • @dmx3077
    @dmx3077 Рік тому


  • @LarabelAniñon
    @LarabelAniñon Рік тому

    Inoring prank for 24 hours 😅

  • @FlowerSmiley
    @FlowerSmiley Рік тому


  • @queeniejanepaladinRivera-yi6xw

    Next with ubo fam nmn po

  • @clairecruz9871
    @clairecruz9871 Рік тому


  • @mimaygratil5100
    @mimaygratil5100 Рік тому

    ignoring prank

  • @venprincess601
    @venprincess601 Рік тому

    Waiting nanamn

  • @chrizeljoytugonon6883
    @chrizeljoytugonon6883 Рік тому

    Prank mo si ate cassy

  • @myewintersummer
    @myewintersummer Рік тому

    Baby talk for 24 hrs

  • @nietzkieviernes
    @nietzkieviernes Рік тому

    Trotropahin O Jojowain naman

  • @jessicahilomen3032
    @jessicahilomen3032 Рік тому +1

    Paselosin si Cassy or ignoring prank

  • @LarabelAniñon
    @LarabelAniñon Рік тому

    Ignoring cassy for a day 😊

  • @Asty-kc1mt
    @Asty-kc1mt Рік тому


  • @lanskielutlut
    @lanskielutlut Рік тому

    Mas maserap padin batuta kesa sa mani

    • @LovejelPrankme
      @LovejelPrankme Рік тому

      Paulit-ulit ka, ibig sabihin nakatikim ka na batuta? 😂

  • @JasmineNobleza
    @JasmineNobleza Рік тому

    Annoying cassy

  • @marisvlogz7909
    @marisvlogz7909 Рік тому


  • @simplejhulztumpag08
    @simplejhulztumpag08 Рік тому


  • @joleenbalidio
    @joleenbalidio Рік тому
