Marvelously portrayed, Artabano, Arbace's father in Vinci's Artaserse, by Juan Sancho. I have two copies of the dvd, just to be sure... Love it to bits! Thanks for posting.
I have been thinking about getting a safety deposit box somewhere or something and putting a variety of things, such as particularly treasured recordings, backup drives for my computer (including, for instance, my music library), copies of important documents, etc. in there. Backups and extra copies are little use if your house burns down and they're all in there. Your comment may push me to finally do this.
Così stupisce e cade pallido e smorto in viso al fulmine improviso l'attonito pastor. Ma quando poi s'avvede del vano suo spavento, sorge, respira e riede a numerar l'armento disperso dal timor.
Marvelously portrayed, Artabano, Arbace's father in Vinci's Artaserse, by Juan Sancho. I have two copies of the dvd, just to be sure... Love it to bits! Thanks for posting.
I have been thinking about getting a safety deposit box somewhere or something and putting a variety of things, such as particularly treasured recordings, backup drives for my computer (including, for instance, my music library), copies of important documents, etc. in there. Backups and extra copies are little use if your house burns down and they're all in there. Your comment may push me to finally do this.
Absolutely magnificent!
Lo mas impresionante.Es que se nota que es un hombre...No disimula como otros.
Me fascina . Bravo ! Abrazos para ti desde Chile !
One cant get better.
Primo Juan cantas maravillosamente bien!Bravo!Estoy impresionada con los cambios de voz que haces!!!
Ich liebe das .... so sehr
I love this performance!
Fasolis rocks!!!
Can someone give the lyrics
Ms. Olya Olson has given the lyrics
Can someone share the lyrics of this aria please?
Così stupisce e cade
pallido e smorto in viso
al fulmine improviso
l'attonito pastor.
Ma quando poi s'avvede
del vano suo spavento,
sorge, respira e riede
a numerar l'armento
disperso dal timor.
@@olyaolsson Thank you so much for the upload of the lyrics of this lyric aria