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BAMBI Ruth Kalibala🤩🤩🤩🤞Njagala nkufanane Teri kukweka myaka 😘Batwegombe abeyita abato🤩🤩🤩
Banange mukama Mulungi Congs RemmyObweda nonya wendabira ku Mr kuku kubanga kumakya yesunze omukolo banange
Kasuku wama genda ewa phibie weloboze abuyina mubunji oyo Allan ajakulwisa🎙️🎤
My number one celeb omu bwati Ray p congratulations remmie 🙏 🙏 abenugu muffe
Wabula Ruth kalibala and Rebecca jingo how do u use banaye so old with age but looks fabulous and young oh my God
love u Allan n Kasuku ela temwayogela nonsense nga waswa nabalala
congz bby gal remmie mukama abawangaze bambi
😂😂😂😊😂 naye kasuku waffa mbu tontuzza mubigamba
congratulations Ray p
Hahahaha 😂🤣😂😂 jaja ichuli azimbye omutima
Congs to remy
Congrats babygirl
Cong's Ray P
Ate kitufu wama 😍😍😍😍
Mukama okyikoze nela 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏webale kuswaza balabe ba black queen A. K. A precious remmy more blessings ka maama
Naye kasuku😅congz darling ray p🙏🙏
May God bless your marriage beautiful Ray P🙏🙏🙏🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Abenuguu muli kukyii ba dear congratulations 🎊 🎊 dear
Congs remmy
Amajje gayina oberawo kuba Remmie afumbidwa mu one family, welcome to Western ka mum🥰🥰
Kasuku bulikigambo ekikuvamu kinsesaa man 😂 onyumila nyoo
Abomugambo ogutokomoka bakuufa hoo. More blessings Ray P
Congs Remy
Wawoo nice banange congratulations baby
We are for you bambi ka mummy congs kuba sibyangu
Allan oli smart ka ssebo
Naye mum Ruth looking gud🥰
Kasuku awali emere ayogera paka kumakya
l love seeing people happy.may the Almighty bless 🙏 the beautiful Remmy with a sweet marriage.
So do I
Congs ray p
Congs ka sweet
Banange congratulations ka maama aka ray p
Congs rema
congz kamaama
Remmy congz mukwano
more blessing in there marriage Mary from Saudi
Ok 👍👍 dear
Congs Remmy
My diva
Congratulations to
Congs bambi🙏🙏🙏
congs remmy
Yiyi mbu fellow Ugandan mufulume🤣🤣🤣🤣🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kasuku walahi uo killing me wz laughs, always uo eyes on eats
Congs remmie clanmate dia
Congrats ray p
Mbade ndobye nga sagala kagwe
Walai walai kasuku sabula wabula allan nze nsiima mukwano thanks for updating us congratulations Ray p wa bindeeba
Congs to Ray Bambi much love Cruz
Hahahaha mbu temwayogera wabula kasuku though kasuku looks smaller while on Tv
Congratulations and more blessings to your marriage Remmy
Congs Ray p
Congz dia
congs wamma Rayp
Congz Mukyala Dero😍
I don't know why but whenever I watch a video of Allan cruz I look out for improvement in dressing n branding. #presentabilitymatters
congratulations dia
Luv u Allan and kuku
Congs banange 🤩🤩
May Allah bless your marriage Remmy
Congs love
Isim tagwa kweyogeza🤣🤣🤣🤣
Congrats my RayGreater days ahead of you ❤️❤️
Congratulations Remmy, am really happy for her Bambi, more blessings
Waaaaaoooo congratulations ka maama 🙏🏻🥰
Thank u Allan we r streaming live kwetuli nnyo ...congz remmy waffe
Congratulations love
Mbade kubatenda anti leero bamutadeyo misana naye nga ndi kukimu agwa di yarabi
Gyetuva sweet
Team kawanda kanyogoga jemuli
Wofuna omusajja bakwogerera babera bagala ozunge obere nga bbo
Naye kasuku I even start laughing before I had a word from you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 looking smart though
Cruz yiga enyambala mikolo jabano
Congratulations mukyaala Dero
Aran gwasinga warayi
Congratilation Ray p
Yah Emirates king of the sky
Wen God 🙏🙏 opens no ot can close congz Ray waRay
Congs baby girl Ray p
We thank God for a shaming all yo enemies, blessings in yo marriage
Congratulations RayP
Am just happy for Remmy ❤️❤️
Nze I can't kwanjuula nga mpangissa kati ninna benkuutte awaluumma.
Otuli bubi
@@robinahnub3569 ate
Congratulations remmy bambi
Remmy ogobye ebigambo bby
Tebisobola kugwaawo , obufumbo lugendo
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒛 𝑹𝒂𝒚 𝑷 𝒘𝒂 𝒎𝒆❤️❤️❤️❤️
🤣🤣🤣🤣bu amereka tho mi am so happy ate nyo coz team Ray p
Wama Kuku baburire abanamawurire beuganda bogereranyo abantu
It wil end in tears continue in peace ffe tuli ok....amma congrats ma darling
The way am happy you might think that it's my party congratulations Rayp
Wama congs remmy ❤️😍👌
Am happy for my Remmy congs dear oyongedde okubalunywa neela mudeemu mwasaame eheee
H🍎🍎p family more love
Congratulations bujju I know this place The Rena
Cong's mukwano
Congs bbygirl
Byadala sweet congz Remy
May God continue blessing Ray p
Congratulations Ray
BAMBI Ruth Kalibala🤩🤩🤩🤞Njagala nkufanane Teri kukweka myaka 😘Batwegombe abeyita abato🤩🤩🤩
Banange mukama Mulungi
Congs Remmy
Obweda nonya wendabira ku Mr kuku kubanga kumakya yesunze omukolo banange
Kasuku wama genda ewa phibie weloboze abuyina mubunji oyo Allan ajakulwisa🎙️🎤
My number one celeb omu bwati Ray p congratulations remmie 🙏 🙏 abenugu muffe
Wabula Ruth kalibala and Rebecca jingo how do u use banaye so old with age but looks fabulous and young oh my God
love u Allan n Kasuku ela temwayogela nonsense nga waswa nabalala
congz bby gal remmie mukama abawangaze bambi
😂😂😂😊😂 naye kasuku waffa mbu tontuzza mubigamba
congratulations Ray p
Hahahaha 😂🤣😂😂 jaja ichuli azimbye omutima
Congs to remy
Congrats babygirl
Cong's Ray P
Ate kitufu wama 😍😍😍😍
Mukama okyikoze nela 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏webale kuswaza balabe ba black queen A. K. A precious remmy more blessings ka maama
Naye kasuku😅congz darling ray p🙏🙏
May God bless your marriage beautiful Ray P🙏🙏🙏
Abenuguu muli kukyii ba dear congratulations 🎊 🎊 dear
Congs remmy
Amajje gayina oberawo kuba Remmie afumbidwa mu one family, welcome to Western ka mum🥰🥰
Kasuku bulikigambo ekikuvamu kinsesaa man 😂 onyumila nyoo
Abomugambo ogutokomoka bakuufa hoo. More blessings Ray P
Congs Remy
Wawoo nice banange congratulations baby
We are for you bambi ka mummy congs kuba sibyangu
Allan oli smart ka ssebo
Naye mum Ruth looking gud🥰
Kasuku awali emere ayogera paka kumakya
l love seeing people happy.may the Almighty bless 🙏 the beautiful Remmy with a sweet marriage.
So do I
Congs ray p
Congs ka sweet
Banange congratulations ka maama aka ray p
Congs rema
congz kamaama
Remmy congz mukwano
more blessing in there marriage Mary from Saudi
Ok 👍👍 dear
Congs Remmy
My diva
Congratulations to
Congs bambi🙏🙏🙏
congs remmy
Yiyi mbu fellow Ugandan mufulume🤣🤣🤣🤣🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kasuku walahi uo killing me wz laughs, always uo eyes on eats
Congs remmie clanmate dia
Congrats ray p
Mbade ndobye nga sagala kagwe
Walai walai kasuku sabula wabula allan nze nsiima mukwano thanks for updating us congratulations Ray p wa bindeeba
Congs to Ray Bambi much love Cruz
Hahahaha mbu temwayogera wabula kasuku though kasuku looks smaller while on Tv
Congratulations and more blessings to your marriage Remmy
Congs Ray p
Congz dia
congs wamma Rayp
Congz Mukyala Dero😍
I don't know why but whenever I watch a video of Allan cruz I look out for improvement in dressing n branding. #presentabilitymatters
congratulations dia
Luv u Allan and kuku
Congs banange 🤩🤩
May Allah bless your marriage Remmy
Congs love
Isim tagwa kweyogeza🤣🤣🤣🤣
Congrats my Ray
Greater days ahead of you ❤️❤️
Congratulations Remmy, am really happy for her Bambi, more blessings
Waaaaaoooo congratulations ka maama 🙏🏻🥰
Thank u Allan we r streaming live kwetuli nnyo ...congz remmy waffe
Congratulations love
Mbade kubatenda anti leero bamutadeyo misana naye nga ndi kukimu agwa di yarabi
Gyetuva sweet
Team kawanda kanyogoga jemuli
Wofuna omusajja bakwogerera babera bagala ozunge obere nga bbo
Naye kasuku I even start laughing before I had a word from you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 looking smart though
Cruz yiga enyambala mikolo jabano
Congratulations mukyaala Dero
Aran gwasinga warayi
Congratilation Ray p
Yah Emirates king of the sky
Wen God 🙏🙏 opens no ot can close congz Ray waRay
Congs baby girl Ray p
We thank God for a shaming all yo enemies, blessings in yo marriage
Congratulations RayP
Am just happy for Remmy ❤️❤️
Nze I can't kwanjuula nga mpangissa kati ninna benkuutte awaluumma.
Otuli bubi
@@robinahnub3569 ate
Congratulations remmy bambi
Remmy ogobye ebigambo bby
Tebisobola kugwaawo , obufumbo lugendo
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒛 𝑹𝒂𝒚 𝑷 𝒘𝒂 𝒎𝒆❤️❤️❤️❤️
🤣🤣🤣🤣bu amereka tho mi am so happy ate nyo coz team Ray p
Wama Kuku baburire abanamawurire beuganda bogereranyo abantu
It wil end in tears continue in peace ffe tuli ok....amma congrats ma darling
The way am happy you might think that it's my party congratulations Rayp
Wama congs remmy ❤️😍👌
Am happy for my Remmy congs dear oyongedde okubalunywa neela mudeemu mwasaame eheee
H🍎🍎p family more love
Congratulations bujju I know this place The Rena
Cong's mukwano
Congs bbygirl
Byadala sweet congz Remy
May God continue blessing Ray p
Congratulations Ray