They sinned in eternity and were the CLOSEST beings to God. If they were right with God and still turned away, then theres no chances for them@kareizaamune429
Not in the Bible. But I read somewhere that we are the spirits that rebelled against God. Adam was one of the angels who fell a second time to the trickery of satan whom he was supposed to overcome. He was not perfect. This was why satan was able to get the better of him. Those of us that pass the test of will on earth become like angels when we die, because that was where we originally came from. The soul particles of humans that fail the test will have to go through earth by animating the plant and animal kingdom creation until they reach the stage where they can achieve embodiment as humans after an infinitely long period of time.
I am not from NCC but i had listened to his preaching when i was still an unbeliever. Ps J.P 's preaching always points to Jesus and His finished work at the cross. Through his preaching i get to know God more. Pr J.P never criticise another pastor.but other pastors like to talk bad about him. Pls do not judge another pastor. We should preach the gospel of Christ to people to save souls. Dont waste your energy picking faults on J.P. We are not the judge.Dont judge. Let God be the righteous judge.
@michellechuah37 JP is a worldclass heresy preacher. Sad that u don't have the discernment to see it. Commonsense would be enough to pick him out from among the many so called "man of God". Read your Bible, there is enough warning from God. We are not jealous of his popularity at all as long as he is preaching the truth of God's Word. He is indeed a false preacher and a wolve in sheepskin. We can't reveal his true intentions. Only the Holy Spirit can. Please seek the Holy Spirit for yourself. The Holy Spirit will set you free from all his heretical teachings.
We are in the end times, it is inevitable that preachers like JP who claim these things shows up into the world. They will make way for the anti-Christ. Read the bible, it's all in there, what's happening now in Israel, the prophecies, it's all in there. Be careful, guard your heart, be ready for Jesus will come again soon.
The Bible contains multiple warnings and prophecies about false prophets. These warnings are found throughout both the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing the importance of discernment and vigilance. ### Old Testament 1. **Deuteronomy 18:20-22** - Warns against false prophets who speak in God's name but without God's command. 2. **Jeremiah 23:16-17** - God, through Jeremiah, denounces the false prophets who speak visions from their own hearts, not from the mouth of the Lord. 3. **Ezekiel 13:2-3** - Ezekiel condemns those who prophesy out of their own imaginations. ### New Testament 1. **Matthew 7:15** - Jesus warns: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." 2. **2 Peter 2:1** - Peter cautions that false prophets will arise among the people. 3. **1 John 4:1** - Urges believers to test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. These passages highlight the consistent Biblical theme of being cautious and discerning, ensuring that the words and actions of those claiming to speak for God align with true scriptural teachings.
God is using Pastor Joseph Prince to bring people into his knowledge of truth. His teachings are based on the bible and have transformed lives. He doesn't bring attention to himself but the love of Jesus. I have personally experienced God's abundant love and blessings in my life through his teachings. God bless Pastor Joseph Prince and his ministry.
Just stick to the fundamentals of the Bible. Ask for wisdom from God and be led by the Holy Spirit in dividing the truths in the Word. There is no perfect church in this world and neither is there a perfect preacher! Even Billy Graham made mustakes. I am from a main stream church but I do listen to NCC's sermons. As long as all points to the completed works of the Scriptures, do not criticise and divide the body of Christ. There are thousand of mega churches all over the world and they are not perfect. Leave the mega job of making things right to God. Spend time in preaching the gospel to hungry souls. Jesus would leave the 99 and look for the 1 missing sheep. Time is running out! Go forth into the world to share the Good News. Let's unite our hearts to serve the Living God and not fight amongst ourselves. Let the Holy Spirit, our Teacher, lead us...
Billy Graham is not a real christian. He is a freemason. Freemasons are the modern day satanic worshippers. They are politics, business, entertainment industry and even in churches.
Genesis 2:7 | KJV And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
A lot of people attending or listening to Joseph Prince preachings were healed and transformed from the inside out. Surely it is God's work. Joseph Prince always points to Jesus. You on the other hand, if you like to serve God, get yourself busy serving God and His people rather than criticizing what other pastors preach.
A lot of people attending or listening to this channel were disabused of the heretical teaching of Joseph Prince. Surely it is God's work. This channel points to the true teachings of Jesus, not some sugar-coated sermons of Joseph Prince. You, on the other hand, if you like to serve God, get yourself busy serving God and His people rather than criticizing and lecturing what other channels preach.
A lot of people attending or listening to Jospeh Prince preachings were not healed and not transformed from the inside out. They didn't tell you. Surely people get sucked in by not what others say but by what they don't say. Any false teacher can say I preach Jesus for a million times. A wolf in sheepskin can always outsmart you. Invert, always invert
@@kof-w4n A lot of people attending or listening to Joseph Prince preachings are not healed and not transformed from the inside out because they don't believe that by the stripes of Jesus they are healed. And they did not tell you. People get sucked in by not what others say but by what they don't say. Any false teacher like your guy criticizing other preachers can say I preach Jesus for a million times. A wolf in sheepskin can alway outsmart you just like today. Invert, always invert.
He speaks more Truth than most preachers in our world. He peaks Gods Grace more clearly than all these preachers condemning and hurting the flock . And Joseph Prince made it clear what he was about to say is not in the Bible so don’t accept what he’s about to say as 100 percent . A wolf would not have made that clear . God is using JP to spread his goodness and love to a world that’s so afraid to come to God
Shows Prince has suceeded in making you feel very good with his theology. No such thing as pseudo or cheap grace? Why did Prince say he got the vision from God and yet said its not in the Bible? Was he trying to show he is from God? How sure can he be its from God? Should one just accept his word mindlessly? In Jan 2019, Prince declared 2019 to be the year of the latter rain, telling his congregation to be prepared for abundant blessings. Well he got that vision from God. Goolge it. What happened in 2019? Outbreak of covid-19 that devastated millions of lives. Its covid-19 not covid-20!
I used to be under someone with similar theology to JP and I can tell you that he is a false teacher. But, don't take my word for it as I am just a man too, ask the Lord sincerley and he will reveal the truth to you through his word. As it says in the scripture be like a berean and test everything that you hear by the word of God.
@@danielfinnigan2984Exac-tly! BE A BEREAN! There was nothing here before Day 1 of Creation. We are not pre-incarnate. God said to Jeremiah that before He created him in his mother's womb He knew him and appointed him as a prophet. But God CREATED HIM IN HIS MOTHER'S WOMB! NOT IN HEAVEN! Jeremiah 1:5 WOW, I feel so sad that yet another pastor who many people trust & follow is a false 14:53 teacher.😢
@@kof-w4nTruth be told- I have never seen Pastor Prince criticize anyone's teachings. It's corny. It's a bad look. If you disagree with him- then don't listen. Could it be any simpler 🤦♂️
@christianchacon3564 I have never heard this man preach the Truth of God's Word in over 30 years. if you know the Truth, the Truth will set you free. Only the Holy Spirit can set you free. Have you evolved into a much better person now that you have received much of JP teachings ? Or are you now transformed inside out through his teachings into the image of our Lord Jesus ?
I am from Singapore...currently JP's church;New Creation Church is the largest mega church around...years ago i attended his church but after a few months realized that doctrinally he was really off track...he's super popular because of his charisma,entertainment value and tickling people's ears...i made a quick exit but sadly my two sisters and brother in law are church members and serving actively...they put him on a pedestal and think that he can do no wrong😢😢😢...pure idolatry..i pray for them.thsnk you brother for exposing this wolf in sheep's clothing...truly end times are upon us....when you see churches drunk with the wine of Babylon...but think that they are saved...LORD have mercy on us all....shalom brother.❤
Shalom, you were wise to leave. This is the time for great deception and much of it comes from the churches. You may be interested in a channel I found 'follow the lamb today' that exposes the deceptions of the world. Be blessed.
Oh dear sister in Christ, I was from ncc too. I'll pray for your 2 sisters and brother in law that the scales might fall off their eyes and that they would repent and seek the true Lord God. For me it was the reading of the whole bible myself that made me quickly quickly realise the Jesus prince preaches is not the Jesus of the bible. Humility of our Lord is so apparent in the bible and yet prince regularly talks of victory, glory, grace. I still remember he liked to say how if we ask God for things in faith but don't have enough faith ,we can tag on to the faith of Jesus. It made it sound like Christ is the credit card to unlock the ATM of God to satisfy the will of our own desires. The heart is desperately wicked, and his teachings tickle the carnal ears. I really pray your loved ones see the truth of our Lord.
Btw, do you recommend any biblically sound local churches? Non calvinist ones? I'm so hurt from his teachings and after attending a few questionable churches here, I sought to instead learn directly from the bible and physical study bible and online sermons and bible commentary like david guzik's excellent Enduring Word, but still a bit afraid to get deceived by false churches..
There's not a hard argument for or against either. But the first chapter of Jeremiah God tells him that BEFORE I FORMED YOU IN THE WOMB I CHOSE YOU. So you can't really have an argument against what he's saying.
@iThinkBiblically , so you're saying that the Bible is a lie? Just because it's written in poetic form doesn't mean it's not true. With that logic the whole book of Psalms is a lie. In Jeremiah the verses begin with THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME SAYING. It's a prophecy. Did not the word come to pass? So Almighty God is not capable of knowing you before hand? Even in the NT in Romans 8 it says that THOSE THAT HE FOREKNEW HE PREDESTINED. The Greek word FOREKNEW means to know before hand. The word PREDESTINED means to appoint or determine before hand. God knew us before hand. He knew mankind would fall when He said Christ was slain BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. So why was Christ slain BEFORE the world began?? Obviously God already knew we would fall right???
@@andriesbritz6061 , my bubble is not burst Sir. It literally reads THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME SAYING. This is prophetic. It's not an allegory. Doesn't matter if it's written in poetic form or not. Jeremiah wrote poetry. So a poem can't be true? So let's get rid of the Psalms then. Was not what God told Jeremiah true?? Was he a prophet to the nations? So all of it is true EXCEPT the part where GOD told him that HE knew him before he was born. So God lied then. My bubble is still in tact Sir
You can't say this is not true. Everything Joseph teaches is biblical. Also, he says you don't have to take it... you don't have to believe him about Adam's spirit. Don't worry; Joseph expects persecution! We love him! Preach it Pastor Prince! I love this clip! The Holy Spirit through Pastor Prince changed my life! Rather spend your time preaching about Jesus than bringing down a bright light! Who did this video help or save? Only you through monetization.
This is what happens when people chase after "new revelations"; if you just preach the good "old fashioned gospel" you won't wow the congregation; if you just preach Christ and Him crucified your church won't grow.
He likes to say amen often and thank you Jesus as if he is preaching God’s word and Jesus spoke to him. He now declared he is the oracle of God. To say amen to him is to say according to your words, be it unto me. So don’t say amen next time. We only say amen to God’s Word.
Sounds to me that you are a lousy student! No one can teach you anything! Prince is CORRECT in his teaching on THIS subject. If you die, you GO SOMEWHERE. What part of YOU is that? And how, and when did you GET THAT part of you to begin with? Don't you ever ASK QUESTIONS about yourself? WHO AM I, WHAT AM I, WHERE DID I COME FROM? Your body goes to the dust of the earth. BUT WHERE DO YOU GO? What is that YOU PART?
Prince says you can take it or leave it because it's not in the scriptures. No thanks, another so-called pastor who received special revelation from God. Like you said "Rubbish"
He has a favorite habit of abusing the word 'Amen' in all his speeches (won't even classify them as sermons), by repeatedly throwing it around multiple times. Forcing one to agree with his statements whether you like it or not?
Its possible that a false prophet can fabricate a story about visions, relate it and tell you its outside of the Bible, to act honest, so to speak; pretending to be truthful to deceive others whilst actually being dishonest. This is a form of manipulation where a person projects sincerity to gain trust and credibilty. Its a calculated effort to appear reliable while lacking genuine integrity.
@@kof-w4n That's right. JP has no intergrity and it is his modus operandi to produce stories etc out of thin air in all of his sermons. The spirit of witchcraft is very prevalent in his church. He is the King of manipulation.
Sound more and more like an entertainer. who pride himself building a church in high places. May the Lord make him repent and no longer preach but humble himself.
That is exactly what I was thinking. Many people these days prefer what is loosely called 'entertainment' over the gospel of Jesus Christ. They fulfill Paul's prophecy about being unable to endure sound doctrine.
Why are you wearing those stupids mask? You know the whole scam was to make fools out of us. God said we are to take care for nothing and fear nothing but him. Turn the tv off they are lying to you.
True...we were all spirit beings/souls In the first earth age. 2 Peter 3:5 mentions 3 earth ages. PS: God destroyed the first earth age after Lucifers rebellion. That was not Noah's flood. The second earth age is while we are here in the flesh, to decide whom we will serve. In the 3rd earth age we are back in our eternal spiritual bodies. Same earth, same souls, Different ages. Think industrial age, age of technology, etc. That is why God knew Esau, (and all of us) before we were in our mother's womb. God's ELECT were most likely placed in this last generation, because they had the courage to stand against Satan/ Lucifer in the 1st Earth Age. AC / Satan is returning as the False Christ; deceiving the masses who are in a stupor. He fooled 1/3 the first time around. PS: I am NOT a Mormon. Raised Protestant and learned to study the Bible from my favorite Bible Teacher...P@stor @rnold Murray ( RIP). Sh3p3rd's Ch@pel. Gr@vette, AR.
The fallen angels were not born of woman. Therefore they cannot enter heaven, Already judged to perish. "Born again" actually = born from above. Of spirit & water. ( mother's water bag in womb). The already existing spirit is placed into the mother's womb at conception.
These are Wolf's... Waiting to catch God's children. False teachers. Making own teachings. Not anything as per Bible. And many are deceived by such preachers. Lets all take some time to pray for those people who are in these false preachers hands.
It's amazing how people want bring this wonderful man of God. But I can truly tell you that I have been following JP for, because of his preaching, my life has been transformed drastically
I've been watching Joseph Prince almost 10 years he is one of the best pastor he speaks God's word briefly understandable touching so many hearts 💕 around the world I'm a kiwi 🥝 he is full of blessings 🙌 with wisdom of God Amen 🙏
It is amazing how many people are trying to gain relevance online from other people. Do your work and serve GOD, don't try and gain relevance through putting down others.
You should never use dreams or visions to teach doctrines. Too much food and multitudes of activities can cause perfect dreams and visions. We stay with the scriptures. If Moses did not write, if Jesus did not speak about it, if the as postles did not teach it, then we should not think that we are smarter than them.
Please continue to expose this false teacher Joseph Prince. He's actively hurting deceived Christians in Singapore with his false doctrines.I was one of those who was deceived by him for decades. It's genuinely a sad thing. JP refuses to repent, adding judgement for himself on the day of the Lord.
@chapmaned24 hi friend, thanks for your comment.. I made a long answer bc I'm excited to share.. apologise in advance. the bible is actually very clear about the creation of man. The body was made first and the Lord breathed life into the body made from dust. It does not even hint that there are ready-made spirits of man shouting to be inhabited into body, like reincarnation. Genesis 2:5 When no bush of the field[a] was yet in the land[b] and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up-for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, 6 and a mist[c] was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground- 7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. When we die, the bible mentions both believers and unbelievers will be raised (acts 24:15) where we give an account of our life to Jesus who has been given authority by the Father (romans 14:12, psalm 50: 3-4, 1 peter 4:5) and there will be judgement ) Believers will be in the presence of the Lord, and there will come a time where we receive a new body like Jesus, a new creation. There will be a new heaven AND a new earth, and believers will inhabit the earth, not heaven, in the presence of the Lord (revelation 21) Prince claims it's his belief because of this vision the order is spirit before soul. He makes no effort to check scripture to discern if this was of God or Satan or his own thinking, which is something believers ought to do, instead he says you can take his idea if you want. It's careless and lazy and irresponsible. If I were teaching something the most important thing you could learn, and I had the fear of the Lord that He is watching, I should better make super sure I'm not harming anyone by telling them even a wrong thing I'm not sure of. James 3:1 says teachers will be judged more strictly, but you don't see prince being careful about what he tells the congregation. I have been to JP's services many times before and am familiar with how he twists scriptures, because he is good at doing public speaking, it is easy to like and want to believe him, but teachers of the bible *must* faithfully preach what the Word of God says and not add additional theology. Did you know when Apostle Paul preached to the Corinthians, he determined to speak plainly and simply because he did not want to impress man with his own strengths? Paul had an impressive education by today's standards, yet because he wanted the gospel to shine 1 cor 2:1. If you compare his attitude to Prince you can tell the difference, Paul cared more for the listeners, Prince cares about his image, he often inserts greek words and definitions to make his teaching sound more sophisticated. I can go on about judging by the fruits which we are called to do in the bible, but I won't. I just hope you can see where Prince is not the teacher you believe him to be and check against scripture for all things, because the Word of God is truth and the foundation of all things.
@patrickmba7638 his teachings are not just unbiblical on this issue, but over multiple issues. He once preached speaking in tongues repairs one's body from eisegeting the Greek word Oikodomeo as repairing into healing. This was preached in spite of 2 cor 14 teaching public speaking of tongues must be accompanied by interpretation, for if tongues is used in church, people dont understand it, and benefits no one. In that same passage Paul says he prefers prophecy be spoken in church bc it is in common language and benefits more believers in the church setting. If you search oikodomeo and tongues you'll see jp's wrong teaching in an article rightaway. Another instance, joseph prince preaches you can ask God for anything and if you have enough faith it shall be done, and if you are not healed, then it means you don't have enough faith, so he says you can simply tag on to the faith of Jesus and Jesus will have enough faith for you to receive from God. Says no bible verse ever. We shall not pray according to our will, but according to the Will of the Father as Jesus taught in Matthew 6. Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. Joseph prince will never preach the less glamorous aspects of being a believer, which includes picking up one's cross and putting to death the deeds of the flesh, persecution, suffering, not tripping a fellow believer, standing up for truth even in the face of opposition, genuine humility as Christ does. If Jesus christ, and John the baptist and the prophets before Him faced hardships and persecution, but the messages prince preaches tickle even the secular carnal ears. It sounds so pleasant, even non believers can get behind it. I'm not even saying it as an outsider, but I have been in his church for more than a decade, and have scoffed at people who claim joseph prince was false. I have not seen any fruit of the spirit over the years in his church and lived like the world, but when I read the bible myself and repented, my life changed completely, I began actually understanding the fear of the Lord.
I will ask people who defend prince to ask themselves if it is Christ they follow or Prince they follow. For if it is Christ, then we obey his commandments because we love Him, and you will diligently read his commandments and follow them.If it is Prince you follow, you defend him because you think he is not wrong. But scriptures must be our foundation by which all truth is based on, any man who preaches counter to scripture can be wrong and should be held accountable for it, because james talks about teachers being judged more strictly and 2 peter talks about false teachers who the darkness are reserved for them if they do not repent
@FromAgonyToLight the Spirit of God exists outside of time, so yes, God's Spirit was before Adam was created, that doesn't equate to Adam being before he was created
@@ShopharTemple Respectfully, that’s unrelated. God still placed Adam’s spirit in his body, which means his spirit was around before his body, this is Biblical.
@FromAgonyToLight it's completely related. Mormons teach that they had personal experience and existence before being created. This is not biblical. Man is not God just because we get our spirit from God.
Hi @iThink Biblically. My friend is part of the Old Apostolic Church. We talk about the Bible often but sometimes he has some out there interpretations of the bible. Can you please investigate the Old Apostolic Church as there is no videos on UA-cam on them please.
“Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord God of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth. Give ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken, and hear my speech.” -Isaiah 28:22-23 Christ has strong words for those which mock the truth. Ask God what is true.
Totally Mormonism. Prince is always trying to bring "new light" to verses that have been clearly understood by the Church for millennia. He is gnostic through and through. Sadly, too many are ready and willing to hear it. See Gal.1 and 2 Cor. 11. I share these with Mormons, but Joseph Prince would do well to work out they are speaking about such as him, so he can't repent.
If you are more keen in the word...get yourself immersed with the Lord. Picking out onto others more like self righteousness act, no difference from the Pharisees. Even for church goers.. be rooted where you can contribute rather than telling people this is a hoax because you feel is idol worshipping. Look at yourself w God.
If you are more keen in the word then just spend time with the Lord. There is no need for you to correct me like the self-righteous act. No difference between you and the Pharisees. Just contribute positively rather than trying to correct me. Look at yourself with God.
@@iThinkBiblically Precisely u cant even accept corrections how to think and act biblically just as others have mentioned to you. Continue to be in your sheep clothing. Good luck being the righteous one.
@@chanleochanleo3021exposing false doctrine is our responsibility as christians .lol. Its like leaving a blind man to stumble down a cliff and say: “Oh I didn’t want to offend him , that’s why I didn’t warn him” How evil of you
Normally I enjoy your commentary and you usually have strong arguments, but that is not the case in this video. Your arguments against a pre-existence are just as weak as those for it. The fact is that none of us can make a good argument for or against a pre-existence by an appeal to the Bible. There is simply not enough information. There are, however, sources such as the Dead Sea scrolls which demonstrate that many Jews around Jesus’s era DID believe in a pre-existence, so to use the Bible as a univocal voice against any ancient Jews believing in a pre-existence is a misuse of scripture. I am not arguing for or against a pre-existence. My argument is simply that one cannot responsibly take a hard stance on the matter by any reference to the Bible.
As a pastor he should have kept this to himself. It is not biblical and nowhere is this taught in the by the apostles or even the modern day church. This is insane.
Insane? It isn't exactly like he said there's another way to get to Heaven outside of Christ. So ,what is so insane about something he shared and pointed out that that didn't have to be taken as scripture? Do you imagine all Christians believe exactly the same things ? If they did, there would only be one denomination.
@jpsatre Yes but you didn't really answer my question. What is so insane about what Pastor Prince said about an issue that's not really central to the message of the gospel?
God is a Spirit and therefore man was Created in His Image(spirit man).... And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. -- Genesis 1:26-27 KJV Holy Bible And then God Created man out of the dust of the earth .... And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. -- Genesis 2:7 KJV Holy Bible
Every time I see "Joseph Prince"(seriously is this even his real name?) I can't help but chuckle. Everything about him just screams stereotypical "con artist" and "charlatan" to me.
What a rabbit hole. Attempting to discern between what's to be taken literally and what is poetry.. one is bound to get a little confused. By the way poetry is sometimes much more enlightening about the truth than literal or physical things. Was Isiah poetic when he reffered to a virgin giving birth?
@@Outlaw-of2lt it's what James, half brother of Jesus said. James 3:1 1 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly But yes, I believe JP should repent, but has been refusing to even consider he might he wrong. He was once prophesied over by a false teacher who told him he will be a preacher. That man will also be judged for misleading others.
You are taking Jospeh Prince words out of context and show just one part of his sermon. You are right and what you’re trying to explain we didn’t pre existed before we born neither Adam But that is no what JP is talking about in his sermon. Channels like this don’t glorify the name of Jesus, you should only focus on the grace and salvation through Jesus and that includes ours future body redemption. Blessings
@@tomy8339 I know by the power of the Holy Ghost that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. Aligning with our untwisted teachings is an honorable thing, and reproached by the world who refuse to ask of God what is true. I so testify in the sacred name of the Lord God, even Jesus Christ, amen.
@FromAgonyToLight Stop being so deceived. You will not become a God yourself and rule your own planet. And other such nonsense such as baptizing for the dead. Leave the LDS church, come to your senses, repent and turn properly towards Christ before it's too late.
@ Jesus said in John 10:34 that we are gods, and in 1 Corinthians 15:29 baptism for the dead is taught in conjunction with resurrection. I am grateful to not be deceived, the Lord God bearing witness of it. I so testify of this also, in the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
@FromAgonyToLight Jesus did not say we are gods. You have twisted that badly. Enough with this nonsense, baptizing for the dead, eternal marriages, heavenly mother etc. Repent before it's too late!
Wow Joseph Prince can see "from God's breath, from inside him came spirit babies". So how did God's breath look like? " No one has ever seen God... (John 1:18) "You cannot see My face, for no one may see Me and live" ( Exodus 33:10) People know spirit babies are not in the Bible. So why did he tell his listeners so? Act honest to cover dishonesty in other areas. So why mention his vision? To make people think he is the anoited one, His golden boy, receiving truths not given to other unanoited preachers.
From personal experience I know that some visions and dreams require interpretation. It sounds like from Joseph's personal account that it's possible he may not have received the full interpretation of the vision at the time. He even prefaced his testimony that it was a personal experience and not a God ordained scriptural revelation. Just my initial thoughts on what may be what we're witnessing. Thanks for your works, James
Do the people who attend these false teachers ever read the scripture? It amazes me that the get these huge audiences. Just proves the Bible is true word for word
The dual problem here is that as he describes it it's not in the Bible, so we don't have direct scriptural reference. However, while Genesis 2:7 suggests the creation of a soul at the point of Adam's creation it doesn't completely exclude the idea that the 'breath of life' is the imparting of a pre-formed essence, a 'living' soul, subject now to mortal life. The question then would be is that the 'spirit baby' idea, an incorporeal form of pre-existence of which we were or were not aware? And if we had awareness did we or did we not ask to be sent to Earth? Also, I'd say that John 8:18-23 reads more as about denial than a lack of prior awareness.
Mathew 7:15 Jesus said: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” He has been called out by real teachers many times and the people who believe in his “teachings” are equally living in sin because they are hearing what they want to hear and not what our gracious god and heavenly father wants us to hear and follow.
So, were you in Christ before the foundation of the world? Explain how you were born in sin and rebellion to God but some how you were in Christ as well.
Not everyone is as clever and smart as you. These false prophets are called wolves in sheepskin because they so cleverly disguise themselves that one cannot see whats beneath the sheepskin. Thats why there are people, who aren't as clever as you, who appreciate the value of channels like Caleb's which bring dark teachings to light
Adam was first in the image of God genesis 1:26. THEN he gave him form in genesis 2. God is a spirit. That's scriptural has nothing to do with any man made doctrine
The church father Origen believed in the pre-existence of the soul before we were born, but he had some very questionable theology and believed in allegorising the scriptures, which is problematic.
You could have started with reading genesis 1:26-27 then after that you would have gone to genesis 2.. i dont understand why you left out genesis 1:26-27...
what I read and I learn, when Peter asked Jesus in John 21:21-22. Jesus instructed Peter to follow Him, and we should do as well, not to criticize others.
Critics you said that the spirit of man is created in man but not send from God. How would you explain Psalm 104:29-30, where God said " He send forth his word and they are created?"
Brother, I truly appreciate your dedication to the Word, and I agree with the vast majority of your teachings. However, I must address your statement about not relying on poetry to prove biblical truths. When you discounted the poetic structure in Jeremiah, you then by association, discounted books like Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Solomon. These books are part of the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). For example, Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path,” affirming the authority of even poetic passages as divine instruction. Interestingly, you then used Psalm 139 in your next point to support your argument. This shows that poetry in Scripture carries truth, purpose, and authority. In Psalm 139:1, it clearly states, “O Lord, You have searched me and known me,” reflecting God’s intimate knowledge of His creation. On the topic of spiritual bodies existing in heaven, I agree with that belief. Jeremiah 1:5 doesn’t suggest pre-existent spiritual bodies but highlights God’s foreknowledge and purpose: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you.” This speaks to God’s sovereignty and His divine plan for Jeremiah’s life before his physical creation. In Genesis 1:26-27, it speaks of humanity being created in the image of God: “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” What is God’s image? John 4:24 provides clarity: “God is Spirit, and those who are created by Him are first created in spirit. “BEFORE I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”” Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV Scripture, whether poetic or not, is unified in its truth and authority. Let us handle it carefully and with reverence, allowing the Word to speak for itself.
Hey mate, maybe I could have worded that better. I should have said that we can't always take poetry literally. I snippet out the small section where I said we can't rely on poetry to form doctrine. However, I don't think we can say that God literally knew Jeremiah before he was born. Its poetically saying that God knows all things, including the future, so intimately and concretely that it can be described as though he already knew him. His plans and his callings are so sure that they can be described as already taking place. This is confirmed by Psalms 139:16 which I cited and explained.
In my perspectives by Joseph Prince mean that before the fall Adam is the more live by his spirit rather to his body since after the fall our life tend to live by our body than to our spirit. So even Adam got Spirit, Soul and Body but the way his live is more according to his spirit rather than his soul or body.
Corinthians 15:46 In-Context 46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. 48 As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven.
That's the verse that I use to debunk Original Sin, because the Catholics preach that Adam began with a spiritual body, but LOST IT. That verse states that he never had a spiritual body to begin with! Spiritual bodies come from heaven, and are not made of dirt.
Before God, there are only two types of existence (man) - The first Adam and the Last Adam. One is flesh (living soul) and the other Spirit (life given Spirit). He that is born of the flesh is flesh, and he that is born of the Spirit is spirit. All other arguments are diversions. Let's be watchful!
There are a lot of decieved people on here. I used to listen to him until i really started reading the word and studying it. Letting bible interpret bible. He is very false. He is the prosperity gospel, which is not biblical. He takes scripture out of context. Just because he preaches scriptures does not make him a true preacher as a lot of false teachers use the word but twist the word and take scriptures out of context to make them sound like they have sound doctrine. Read the word yourself and study it.
Richard Wurmbrand: Imagine talking to a baby in the womb. You say: Hello, baby. How's it going? BABY: Good, but I have hands, but cannot use them; I have eyes, but cannot see; I have feet, but cannot walk. YOU: Those aren't for THIS world. Those are for the world to come . . . Life begins at conception. Nine in the womb; 90 in the world; in the wherever FOREVER! THAT is the progression of LIFE! Daniel 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting shame and contempt. Don't bet your eternal soul that God was kidding when he wrote those words!!
i wouldn't necessarily call it poetry when it says that God saw something before it was formed, just like someone building a house first envisions it in their mind and then even makes a blueprint before it is created. everything starts in the mind and from there, through the Word spoken, through the works done, according to the Will of the mind it is brought into existence.
Pastor Joseph Prince In Jesus's redemptive works is Son of God who shares the ministry of Jesus Christ to be a light to the world by preaching Jesus and Jesus alone. I love him as my elder brother and father in spiritual sence in Jesus. He showed me Jesus Christ as saint Paul would have showed me if Paul was with us. May the ministry began in Pastor Joseph Prince by our Lord Jesus Christ may live on in him and us at least till the time of Rapture in name our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Amen❤❤❤❤
When someone twist soneone’s words is not of God. The fact that the other clearly said what he saw in his vision is not from the bible and not to force to believe in but as an additional way to explain whats to come in heaven is far more better than what we have on earth.
You are making an irrelevant point. It doesn’t matter if he says it’s not in the bible and that we don’t need to accept it. What matters is that he claims that God gave him a vision and that vision contradicts scripture. Therefore, he is either lying or he has had a demonic experience.
The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Even in context, doesn’t this verse mean no food in heaven?
Yes, you speak the truth we don't pre-exist in heaven. Trying to describe the mechanics of human creation, how the spirit links with the fleshly body is dangerous because the bible doesn't tell us anything about that, like when does a foetus become a living soul - we really don't know.
The typographical convention of marking verse in the Bible as such is relatively recent (I believe 19th century). KJVs don't generally do this (some editions do).
He that is not scattering is gathering! I once asked somebody; is everything in the bible ? Don't you think that there are things the apostles saw by revelations that they could not tell anyone or even wrote them down because these things are beyond human imaginations. Our focus should be on Jesus Christ just as their focus were on Jesus Christ.
What he got wrong was the teaching that we would have the same body as we do now in the resurrection. This is clearly wrong because Jesus said flesh and blood cannot inherit eternal life. Not only that, Jesus said we would be like the angels. Then also remember that in the rapture our body will be translated into the glorious body in an instant as Paul said. When Jesus was raised by God from death, it was in this flesh and blood, but when he started ascending, his body changed as mortality was swallowed in immortality. We never existed before Genesis 1. God formed our body, and breathed the breath of life into the formation and man became. Became means something else was created - soul. A lot of misconception in the body because there is a lack of teachers filled with the spirit of God.
Why would spirits want to be born as human and risk not believing the gospel to end up in hell?
Possibly because God gives the once fallen spirits another opportunity to be embodied as humans in order to obtain salvation.
@kareizaamune429 Not true...salvation is available to human only..
They sinned in eternity and were the CLOSEST beings to God. If they were right with God and still turned away, then theres no chances for them@kareizaamune429
@@kareizaamune429 where in the Bible does it say that?
Not in the Bible. But I read somewhere that we are the spirits that rebelled against God. Adam was one of the angels who fell a second time to the trickery of satan whom he was supposed to overcome. He was not perfect. This was why satan was able to get the better of him.
Those of us that pass the test of will on earth become like angels when we die, because that was where we originally came from.
The soul particles of humans that fail the test will have to go through earth by animating the plant and animal kingdom creation until they reach the stage where they can achieve embodiment as humans after an infinitely long period of time.
I am not from NCC but i had listened to his preaching when i was still an unbeliever. Ps J.P 's preaching always points to Jesus and His finished work at the cross. Through his preaching i get to know God more. Pr J.P never criticise another pastor.but other pastors like to talk bad about him. Pls do not judge another pastor. We should preach the gospel of Christ to people to save souls. Dont waste your energy picking faults on J.P.
We are not the judge.Dont judge. Let God be the righteous judge.
So how do we have spiritual vigilance to guard against heresy? For the Bible warns of false prophets and wovles in sheepskin
JP is a worldclass heresy preacher.
Sad that u don't have the discernment to see it.
Commonsense would be enough to pick him out from among the many so called "man of God".
Read your Bible, there is enough warning from God.
We are not jealous of his popularity at all as long as he is preaching the truth of God's Word.
He is indeed a false preacher and a wolve in sheepskin.
We can't reveal his true intentions. Only the Holy Spirit can.
Please seek the Holy Spirit for yourself.
The Holy Spirit will set you free from all his heretical teachings.
1 Corinthians 5:12
We are in the end times, it is inevitable that preachers like JP who claim these things shows up into the world. They will make way for the anti-Christ. Read the bible, it's all in there, what's happening now in Israel, the prophecies, it's all in there. Be careful, guard your heart, be ready for Jesus will come again soon.
The Bible contains multiple warnings and prophecies about false prophets. These warnings are found throughout both the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing the importance of discernment and vigilance.
### Old Testament
1. **Deuteronomy 18:20-22** - Warns against false prophets who speak in God's name but without God's command.
2. **Jeremiah 23:16-17** - God, through Jeremiah, denounces the false prophets who speak visions from their own hearts, not from the mouth of the Lord.
3. **Ezekiel 13:2-3** - Ezekiel condemns those who prophesy out of their own imaginations.
### New Testament
1. **Matthew 7:15** - Jesus warns: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."
2. **2 Peter 2:1** - Peter cautions that false prophets will arise among the people.
3. **1 John 4:1** - Urges believers to test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
These passages highlight the consistent Biblical theme of being cautious and discerning, ensuring that the words and actions of those claiming to speak for God align with true scriptural teachings.
God is using Pastor Joseph Prince to bring people into his knowledge of truth. His teachings are based on the bible and have transformed lives. He doesn't bring attention to himself but the love of Jesus. I have personally experienced God's abundant love and blessings in my life through his teachings. God bless Pastor Joseph Prince and his ministry.
Just stick to the fundamentals of the Bible. Ask for wisdom from God and be led by the Holy Spirit in dividing the truths in the Word. There is no perfect church in this world and neither is there a perfect preacher! Even Billy Graham made mustakes. I am from a main stream church but I do listen to NCC's sermons. As long as all points to the completed works of the Scriptures, do not criticise and divide the body of Christ. There are thousand of mega churches all over the world and they are not perfect. Leave the mega job of making things right to God. Spend time in preaching the gospel to hungry souls. Jesus would leave the 99 and look for the 1 missing sheep. Time is running out! Go forth into the world to share the Good News. Let's unite our hearts to serve the Living God and not fight amongst ourselves. Let the Holy Spirit, our Teacher, lead us...
Billy Graham is not a real christian. He is a freemason. Freemasons are the modern day satanic worshippers.
They are politics, business, entertainment industry and even in churches.
Genesis 2:7 | KJV
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
A lot of people attending or listening to Joseph Prince preachings were healed and transformed from the inside out. Surely it is God's work. Joseph Prince always points to Jesus. You on the other hand, if you like to serve God, get yourself busy serving God and His people rather than criticizing what other pastors preach.
A lot of people attending or listening to this channel were disabused of the heretical teaching of Joseph Prince. Surely it is God's work. This channel points to the true teachings of Jesus, not some sugar-coated sermons of Joseph Prince. You, on the other hand, if you like to serve God, get yourself busy serving God and His people rather than criticizing and lecturing what other channels preach.
A lot of people attending or listening to Jospeh Prince preachings were not healed and not transformed from the inside out. They didn't tell you. Surely people get sucked in by not what others say but by what they don't say. Any false teacher can say I preach Jesus for a million times. A wolf in sheepskin can always outsmart you. Invert, always invert
@@kof-w4n A lot of people attending or listening to Joseph Prince preachings are not healed and not transformed from the inside out because they don't believe that by the stripes of Jesus they are healed. And they did not tell you. People get sucked in by not what others say but by what they don't say. Any false teacher like your guy criticizing other preachers can say I preach Jesus for a million times. A wolf in sheepskin can alway outsmart you just like today. Invert, always invert.
Finding false teachers and exposing them so the flock of Jesus Christ stays clear of wrong doctrine is indeed God's most precious work
He speaks more Truth than most preachers in our world. He peaks Gods Grace more clearly than all these preachers condemning and hurting the flock . And Joseph Prince made it clear what he was about to say is not in the Bible so don’t accept what he’s about to say as 100 percent . A wolf would not have made that clear . God is using JP to spread his goodness and love to a world that’s so afraid to come to God
Yes which is why so many sad pastors like these make a career out of criticizing one man.
Shows Prince has suceeded in making you feel very good with his theology. No such thing as pseudo or cheap grace?
Why did Prince say he got the vision from God and yet said its not in the Bible? Was he trying to show he is from God? How sure can he be its from God? Should one just accept his word mindlessly?
In Jan 2019, Prince declared 2019 to be the year of the latter rain, telling his congregation to be prepared for abundant blessings. Well he got that vision from God. Goolge it. What happened in 2019? Outbreak of covid-19 that devastated millions of lives. Its covid-19 not covid-20!
I used to be under someone with similar theology to JP and I can tell you that he is a false teacher. But, don't take my word for it as I am just a man too, ask the Lord sincerley and he will reveal the truth to you through his word. As it says in the scripture be like a berean and test everything that you hear by the word of God.
I know what you mean bro. Similar experience. God bless
@@danielfinnigan2984Exac-tly! BE A BEREAN! There was nothing here before Day 1 of Creation. We are not pre-incarnate. God said to Jeremiah that before He created him in his mother's womb He knew him and appointed him as a prophet. But God CREATED HIM IN HIS MOTHER'S WOMB! NOT IN HEAVEN! Jeremiah 1:5
WOW, I feel so sad that yet another pastor who many people trust & follow is a false 14:53 teacher.😢
Pastor Prince has taught me sooo much. I would have never evolved as much as I have had God not introduced me to Pastor Prince.
Truth be told, there are people who are disillusioned and dismayed at his teachings as they grow in knowledge, understanding.and clarity of thought.
@@kof-w4nTruth be told- I have never seen Pastor Prince criticize anyone's teachings. It's corny. It's a bad look. If you disagree with him- then don't listen. Could it be any simpler 🤦♂️
I have never heard this man preach the Truth of God's Word in over 30 years.
if you know the Truth, the Truth will set you free.
Only the Holy Spirit can set you free.
Have you evolved into a much better person now that you have received much of JP teachings ?
Or are you now transformed inside out through his teachings into the image of our Lord Jesus ?
@@christianchacon3564 the Bible days that we are to test the teachings we hear. There's is an entire Playlist for him and his false doctrine.
@christianchacon3564 U don't know God. You know the man JP more than you know the word of God
I am from Singapore...currently JP's church;New Creation Church is the largest mega church around...years ago i attended his church but after a few months realized that doctrinally he was really off track...he's super popular because of his charisma,entertainment value and tickling people's ears...i made a quick exit but sadly my two sisters and brother in law are church members and serving actively...they put him on a pedestal and think that he can do no wrong😢😢😢...pure idolatry..i pray for them.thsnk you brother for exposing this wolf in sheep's clothing...truly end times are upon us....when you see churches drunk with the wine of Babylon...but think that they are saved...LORD have mercy on us all....shalom brother.❤
I'm just curious. IF you know more than the preacher, why do you go to church?
Shalom, you were wise to leave. This is the time for great deception and much of it comes from the churches. You may be interested in a channel I found 'follow the lamb today' that exposes the deceptions of the world. Be blessed.
@@chapmaned24Question, does the preacher know more than the Holy Spirit and the word of God?
Oh dear sister in Christ, I was from ncc too. I'll pray for your 2 sisters and brother in law that the scales might fall off their eyes and that they would repent and seek the true Lord God. For me it was the reading of the whole bible myself that made me quickly quickly realise the Jesus prince preaches is not the Jesus of the bible. Humility of our Lord is so apparent in the bible and yet prince regularly talks of victory, glory, grace. I still remember he liked to say how if we ask God for things in faith but don't have enough faith ,we can tag on to the faith of Jesus. It made it sound like Christ is the credit card to unlock the ATM of God to satisfy the will of our own desires. The heart is desperately wicked, and his teachings tickle the carnal ears. I really pray your loved ones see the truth of our Lord.
Btw, do you recommend any biblically sound local churches? Non calvinist ones? I'm so hurt from his teachings and after attending a few questionable churches here, I sought to instead learn directly from the bible and physical study bible and online sermons and bible commentary like david guzik's excellent Enduring Word, but still a bit afraid to get deceived by false churches..
There's not a hard argument for or against either. But the first chapter of Jeremiah God tells him that BEFORE I FORMED YOU IN THE WOMB I CHOSE YOU. So you can't really have an argument against what he's saying.
You obviously didn't watch the video because I addressed that passage and you seem to have no respose.
@iThinkBiblically , so you're saying that the Bible is a lie? Just because it's written in poetic form doesn't mean it's not true. With that logic the whole book of Psalms is a lie. In Jeremiah the verses begin with THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME SAYING. It's a prophecy. Did not the word come to pass? So Almighty God is not capable of knowing you before hand? Even in the NT in Romans 8 it says that THOSE THAT HE FOREKNEW HE PREDESTINED. The Greek word FOREKNEW means to know before hand. The word PREDESTINED means to appoint or determine before hand. God knew us before hand. He knew mankind would fall when He said Christ was slain BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. So why was Christ slain BEFORE the world began?? Obviously God already knew we would fall right???
@@khines2994in this case it was
Sorry to burst your bubble 😂
@@andriesbritz6061 , my bubble is not burst Sir. It literally reads THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME SAYING. This is prophetic. It's not an allegory. Doesn't matter if it's written in poetic form or not. Jeremiah wrote poetry. So a poem can't be true? So let's get rid of the Psalms then. Was not what God told Jeremiah true?? Was he a prophet to the nations? So all of it is true EXCEPT the part where GOD told him that HE knew him before he was born. So God lied then. My bubble is still in tact Sir
You can't say this is not true. Everything Joseph teaches is biblical. Also, he says you don't have to take it... you don't have to believe him about Adam's spirit. Don't worry; Joseph expects persecution! We love him! Preach it Pastor Prince! I love this clip! The Holy Spirit through Pastor Prince changed my life! Rather spend your time preaching about Jesus than bringing down a bright light! Who did this video help or save? Only you through monetization.
What verse proves jp correct?
This is what happens when people chase after "new revelations"; if you just preach the good "old fashioned gospel" you won't wow the congregation; if you just preach Christ and Him crucified your church won't grow.
He likes to say amen often and thank you Jesus as if he is preaching God’s word and Jesus spoke to him. He now declared he is the oracle of God. To say amen to him is to say according to your words, be it unto me. So don’t say amen next time. We only say amen to God’s Word.
Sounds to me that you are a lousy student! No one can teach you anything! Prince is CORRECT in his teaching on THIS subject. If you die, you GO SOMEWHERE. What part of YOU is that? And how, and when did you GET THAT part of you to begin with? Don't you ever ASK QUESTIONS about yourself? WHO AM I, WHAT AM I, WHERE DID I COME FROM? Your body goes to the dust of the earth. BUT WHERE DO YOU GO? What is that YOU PART?
Prince says you can take it or leave it because it's not in the scriptures. No thanks, another so-called pastor who received special revelation from God. Like you said "Rubbish"
I'm not sure if criticizing pastors is what God calls you for. People who are doing what you do are usually jealous.
I’m not sure if Commenting is what God has called you to do. Usually people who comment negatively are jealous.
Not necessarilly. Some things need to be highlighted if it's not clearly in Gods word!
It's not criticism it's slander and slander is in the Bible so it's biblical lol.
He has a favorite habit of abusing the word 'Amen' in all his speeches (won't even classify them as sermons), by repeatedly throwing it around multiple times. Forcing one to agree with his statements whether you like it or not?
All things are possible with God our pea brain is too small to comprehend God until He reveals Him to you you will be blown away
As always great stuff Caleb!
this guy has been gaslighting christians for years but we are seeing how spiritually bankrupt he actually is
2x2 =5. Amen! 3x3=6 Hallelujah! Saying "amen" and "hallelujah" does not make these statements true.
No wonder you missed the rapture. You forgot to carry the 1!
He did say that bit of spirit bodies is outside the Bible. "You can take this or you don't have to take this. This is outside the Bible."
Its possible that a false prophet can fabricate a story about visions, relate it and tell you its outside of the Bible, to act honest, so to speak; pretending to be truthful to deceive others whilst actually being dishonest. This is a form of manipulation where a person projects sincerity to gain trust and credibilty. Its a calculated effort to appear reliable while lacking genuine integrity.
That's right. JP has no intergrity and it is his modus operandi to produce stories etc out of thin air in all of his sermons.
The spirit of witchcraft is very prevalent in his church.
He is the King of manipulation.
If it's outside the bible what's he even saying it for. He's supposed to be up there preaching the Word of God.
Sound more and more like an entertainer. who pride himself building a church in high places.
May the Lord make him repent and no longer preach but humble himself.
That is exactly what I was thinking. Many people these days prefer what is loosely called 'entertainment' over the gospel of Jesus Christ. They fulfill Paul's prophecy about being unable to endure sound doctrine.
Good in telling story. Great storyteller.
Why are you wearing those stupids mask? You know the whole scam was to make fools out of us. God said we are to take care for nothing and fear nothing but him. Turn the tv off they are lying to you.
@@shinchews Exactly! Not everyone who calls Jesus "Lord Lord" will enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Adam was first Created in the Image of God(God is a Spirit John 4) as a spirit man according to the Bible.
@@eagleeyes6642 Say it louder for those in the back.
True...we were all spirit beings/souls In the first earth age. 2 Peter 3:5 mentions 3 earth ages. PS: God destroyed the first earth age after Lucifers rebellion. That was not Noah's flood. The second earth age is while we are here in the flesh, to decide whom we will serve. In the 3rd earth age we are back in our eternal spiritual bodies. Same earth, same souls, Different ages. Think industrial age, age of technology, etc.
That is why God knew Esau, (and all of us) before we were in our mother's womb. God's ELECT were most likely placed in this last generation, because they had the courage to stand against Satan/ Lucifer in the 1st Earth Age. AC / Satan is returning as the False Christ; deceiving the masses who are in a stupor. He fooled 1/3 the first time around. PS: I am NOT a Mormon. Raised Protestant and learned to study the Bible from my favorite Bible Teacher...P@stor @rnold Murray ( RIP). Sh3p3rd's Ch@pel. Gr@vette, AR.
The fallen angels were not born of woman. Therefore they cannot enter heaven, Already judged to perish.
"Born again" actually = born from above. Of spirit & water. ( mother's water bag in womb).
The already existing spirit is placed into the mother's womb at conception.
My Biblical confirmation reply deleted immediately. 👿😠 .
@@FromAgonyToLightRubbish! He was first formed from the dust of the earth ... then.... God breathed into him the breath of life.
These are Wolf's... Waiting to catch God's children. False teachers. Making own teachings. Not anything as per Bible. And many are deceived by such preachers. Lets all take some time to pray for those people who are in these false preachers hands.
It's amazing how people want bring this wonderful man of God. But I can truly tell you that I have been following JP for, because of his preaching, my life has been transformed drastically
....and if Planned Parenthood wrote worship songs, you would probably sing them
I've been watching Joseph Prince almost 10 years he is one of the best pastor he speaks God's word briefly
understandable touching so many hearts 💕 around the world I'm a kiwi 🥝 he is full of blessings 🙌 with wisdom of God Amen 🙏
Yeah, Nah!
It is amazing how many people are trying to gain relevance online from other people.
Do your work and serve GOD, don't try and gain relevance through putting down others.
We need channels liks this to help people find their way through a maze of misleading teachings. Keep it up, Caleb
I love Pastor Joseph Prince
I learnt so much about God's loves for me and Christ finished work at the cross ✝️ through his messages
You should never use dreams or visions to teach doctrines. Too much food and multitudes of activities can cause perfect dreams and visions. We stay with the scriptures. If Moses did not write, if Jesus did not speak about it, if the as postles did not teach it, then we should not think that we are smarter than them.
Come on
Decode Prince's Grace preaching, you talk so much for things that are less important.
Please continue to expose this false teacher Joseph Prince. He's actively hurting deceived Christians in Singapore with his false doctrines.I was one of those who was deceived by him for decades. It's genuinely a sad thing. JP refuses to repent, adding judgement for himself on the day of the Lord.
Prince is correct. When you die, you GO SOMEWHERE. Am I right? Well, what is the YOU that goes somewhere, and where did that come from?
@chapmaned24 hi friend, thanks for your comment.. I made a long answer bc I'm excited to share.. apologise in advance. the bible is actually very clear about the creation of man. The body was made first and the Lord breathed life into the body made from dust. It does not even hint that there are ready-made spirits of man shouting to be inhabited into body, like reincarnation.
Genesis 2:5 When no bush of the field[a] was yet in the land[b] and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up-for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, 6 and a mist[c] was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground- 7 then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.
When we die, the bible mentions both believers and unbelievers will be raised (acts 24:15) where we give an account of our life to Jesus who has been given authority by the Father (romans 14:12, psalm 50: 3-4, 1 peter 4:5) and there will be judgement ) Believers will be in the presence of the Lord, and there will come a time where we receive a new body like Jesus, a new creation. There will be a new heaven AND a new earth, and believers will inhabit the earth, not heaven, in the presence of the Lord (revelation 21)
Prince claims it's his belief because of this vision the order is spirit before soul. He makes no effort to check scripture to discern if this was of God or Satan or his own thinking, which is something believers ought to do, instead he says you can take his idea if you want. It's careless and lazy and irresponsible. If I were teaching something the most important thing you could learn, and I had the fear of the Lord that He is watching, I should better make super sure I'm not harming anyone by telling them even a wrong thing I'm not sure of. James 3:1 says teachers will be judged more strictly, but you don't see prince being careful about what he tells the congregation.
I have been to JP's services many times before and am familiar with how he twists scriptures, because he is good at doing public speaking, it is easy to like and want to believe him, but teachers of the bible *must* faithfully preach what the Word of God says and not add additional theology. Did you know when Apostle Paul preached to the Corinthians, he determined to speak plainly and simply because he did not want to impress man with his own strengths? Paul had an impressive education by today's standards, yet because he wanted the gospel to shine 1 cor 2:1. If you compare his attitude to Prince you can tell the difference, Paul cared more for the listeners, Prince cares about his image, he often inserts greek words and definitions to make his teaching sound more sophisticated. I can go on about judging by the fruits which we are called to do in the bible, but I won't. I just hope you can see where Prince is not the teacher you believe him to be and check against scripture for all things, because the Word of God is truth and the foundation of all things.
What's the deception exactly? General statements aren't helpful here.
@patrickmba7638 his teachings are not just unbiblical on this issue, but over multiple issues. He once preached speaking in tongues repairs one's body from eisegeting the Greek word Oikodomeo as repairing into healing. This was preached in spite of 2 cor 14 teaching public speaking of tongues must be accompanied by interpretation, for if tongues is used in church, people dont understand it, and benefits no one. In that same passage Paul says he prefers prophecy be spoken in church bc it is in common language and benefits more believers in the church setting. If you search oikodomeo and tongues you'll see jp's wrong teaching in an article rightaway.
Another instance, joseph prince preaches you can ask God for anything and if you have enough faith it shall be done, and if you are not healed, then it means you don't have enough faith, so he says you can simply tag on to the faith of Jesus and Jesus will have enough faith for you to receive from God. Says no bible verse ever. We shall not pray according to our will, but according to the Will of the Father as Jesus taught in Matthew 6. Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.
Joseph prince will never preach the less glamorous aspects of being a believer, which includes picking up one's cross and putting to death the deeds of the flesh, persecution, suffering, not tripping a fellow believer, standing up for truth even in the face of opposition, genuine humility as Christ does. If Jesus christ, and John the baptist and the prophets before Him faced hardships and persecution, but the messages prince preaches tickle even the secular carnal ears. It sounds so pleasant, even non believers can get behind it. I'm not even saying it as an outsider, but I have been in his church for more than a decade, and have scoffed at people who claim joseph prince was false. I have not seen any fruit of the spirit over the years in his church and lived like the world, but when I read the bible myself and repented, my life changed completely, I began actually understanding the fear of the Lord.
I will ask people who defend prince to ask themselves if it is Christ they follow or Prince they follow. For if it is Christ, then we obey his commandments because we love Him, and you will diligently read his commandments and follow them.If it is Prince you follow, you defend him because you think he is not wrong. But scriptures must be our foundation by which all truth is based on, any man who preaches counter to scripture can be wrong and should be held accountable for it, because james talks about teachers being judged more strictly and 2 peter talks about false teachers who the darkness are reserved for them if they do not repent
Adam BECAME a living soul AFTER God formed him and then breathed life into him
@@ShopharTemple Which was done after God put into Adam his spirit, which existed before his body.
@FromAgonyToLight the Spirit of God exists outside of time, so yes, God's Spirit was before Adam was created, that doesn't equate to Adam being before he was created
@@ShopharTemple Respectfully, that’s unrelated. God still placed Adam’s spirit in his body, which means his spirit was around before his body, this is Biblical.
What is Adam when he dies?
@FromAgonyToLight it's completely related. Mormons teach that they had personal experience and existence before being created. This is not biblical. Man is not God just because we get our spirit from God.
Hi @iThink Biblically. My friend is part of the Old Apostolic Church. We talk about the Bible often but sometimes he has some out there interpretations of the bible. Can you please investigate the Old Apostolic Church as there is no videos on UA-cam on them please.
“Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord God of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.
Give ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken, and hear my speech.”
-Isaiah 28:22-23
Christ has strong words for those which mock the truth. Ask God what is true.
These special unbiblical revelation are destroying the gospel. Teach the Bible and point people to Jesus Christ. Finish
Totally Mormonism. Prince is always trying to bring "new light" to verses that have been clearly understood by the Church for millennia. He is gnostic through and through. Sadly, too many are ready and willing to hear it. See Gal.1 and 2 Cor. 11. I share these with Mormons, but Joseph Prince would do well to work out they are speaking about such as him, so he can't repent.
We know the devil is not happy with message of grace
Not surprising this guy exists as the Bible warns us to beware of false prophets. Anyone who preaches another gospel is a false prophet
He's not preaching another gospel, nor is he a prophet.
Who is this guy?
Then what is the real Gospel for you?
If you are more keen in the word...get yourself immersed with the Lord. Picking out onto others more like self righteousness act, no difference from the Pharisees.
Even for church goers.. be rooted where you can contribute rather than telling people this is a hoax because you feel is idol worshipping. Look at yourself w God.
If you are more keen in the word then just spend time with the Lord. There is no need for you to correct me like the self-righteous act. No difference between you and the Pharisees. Just contribute positively rather than trying to correct me. Look at yourself with God.
Precisely u cant even accept corrections how to think and act biblically just as others have mentioned to you.
Continue to be in your sheep clothing. Good luck being the righteous one.
@@chanleochanleo3021exposing false doctrine is our responsibility as christians .lol.
Its like leaving a blind man to stumble down a cliff and say: “Oh I didn’t want to offend him , that’s why I didn’t warn him”
How evil of you
Like your new studio setup, looks good, and open. 😊
Thanks! 👍
Normally I enjoy your commentary and you usually have strong arguments, but that is not the case in this video. Your arguments against a pre-existence are just as weak as those for it. The fact is that none of us can make a good argument for or against a pre-existence by an appeal to the Bible. There is simply not enough information. There are, however, sources such as the Dead Sea scrolls which demonstrate that many Jews around Jesus’s era DID believe in a pre-existence, so to use the Bible as a univocal voice against any ancient Jews believing in a pre-existence is a misuse of scripture. I am not arguing for or against a pre-existence. My argument is simply that one cannot responsibly take a hard stance on the matter by any reference to the Bible.
As a pastor he should have kept this to himself. It is not biblical and nowhere is this taught in the by the apostles or even the modern day church. This is insane.
Insane? It isn't exactly like he said there's another way to get to Heaven outside of Christ. So ,what is so insane about something he shared and pointed out that that didn't have to be taken as scripture? Do you imagine all Christians believe exactly the same things ? If they did, there would only be one denomination.
@@patrickmba7638 its amazing how you tried defending unbiblical things by using unbiblical things. good job. now you are even more unbiblical.
@jpsatre Yes but you didn't really answer my question. What is so insane about what Pastor Prince said about an issue that's not really central to the message of the gospel?
@@patrickmba7638 if you dont know why its insane then you got a bigger problem. lol
God is a Spirit and therefore man was Created in His Image(spirit man)....
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
-- Genesis 1:26-27
KJV Holy Bible
And then God Created man out of the dust of the earth ....
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
-- Genesis 2:7
KJV Holy Bible
Sounds Mormon to me !
Just recently, I heard a Muslim also say that Adam was created in heaven and brought down.
If he was created in heaven where did the clay for his body come from? All creation was done on earth.
If you've seen me, you've seen the father. According to Jesus plenty of people have seen the father
Every time I see "Joseph Prince"(seriously is this even his real name?) I can't help but chuckle. Everything about him just screams stereotypical "con artist" and "charlatan" to me.
What a rabbit hole. Attempting to discern between what's to be taken literally and what is poetry.. one is bound to get a little confused. By the way poetry is sometimes much more enlightening about the truth than literal or physical things.
Was Isiah poetic when he reffered to a virgin giving birth?
PROVERBS 30:3-4 ?
EXODUS 3:13-15, 6:2-7,
EXODUS 20:1-17,
EXODUS 33:20,
JOHN 5:46,
ISAIAH 42:8, 43:15, 45:15,
1 TIMOTHY 3:16, JOHN 4:25-26,
1 TIMOTHY 6:15-17,
ISAIAH 7:14,
MATTHEW 9:4-7,
ISAIAH 53:1-12, 35:4-6,
MATTHEW 8:5-13, 8:23-27, 9:1-8,
ISAIAH 43:10, 41:13, 48:17,
ISAIAH 9:6-7,
MATTEW 9:4-7, 1:22-23,
PSALMS 82:5-7,
2 PETER 2:6-9, 1-22,
MATTHEW 15:8-9,
PSALMS 139:13-14,
MATTHEW 19:14-15,
MATTHEW 18:4-5,
MATTHEW 18:6-7,
ACTS 9:5,
ACTS 2:38,
JOHN 5:14,
PROVERBS 30:8-9, HEBREWS 13:5-6,
1 TIMOTHY 1:8-11,
JOHN 5:14,
ROMANS 6:23,
ECCLESIASTICUS 15:20, 1-19, 5:4, 5, 6, 1-15,
ROMANS 6:23,
ROMANS 14:17,
ACTS 9:5,
ACTS 2:38,
Few should be preachers because they will be judged more harsh
@@Outlaw-of2lt I believe that we should all preach, and fear not the unrighteous judgment of men.
It's not what Paul said
@@Outlaw-of2lt it's what James, half brother of Jesus said. James 3:1
1 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly
But yes, I believe JP should repent, but has been refusing to even consider he might he wrong. He was once prophesied over by a false teacher who told him he will be a preacher. That man will also be judged for misleading others.
You are taking Jospeh Prince words out of context and show just one part of his sermon. You are right and what you’re trying to explain we didn’t pre existed before we born neither Adam But that is no what JP is talking about in his sermon. Channels like this don’t glorify the name of Jesus, you should only focus on the grace and salvation through Jesus and that includes ours future body redemption. Blessings
Come one, you must be blind as a bat or willingly ignorant
@@iThinkBiblically: That's not a very gracious thing to say. And this is the second comment I've seen where you responded in like manner.
Ugh, twisting scriptures that align with Mormonism. How despicable.
@@tomy8339 I know by the power of the Holy Ghost that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. Aligning with our untwisted teachings is an honorable thing, and reproached by the world who refuse to ask of God what is true. I so testify in the sacred name of the Lord God, even Jesus Christ, amen.
@FromAgonyToLight Stop being so deceived. You will not become a God yourself and rule your own planet. And other such nonsense such as baptizing for the dead. Leave the LDS church, come to your senses, repent and turn properly towards Christ before it's too late.
@ Jesus said in John 10:34 that we are gods, and in 1 Corinthians 15:29 baptism for the dead is taught in conjunction with resurrection.
I am grateful to not be deceived, the Lord God bearing witness of it. I so testify of this also, in the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
@FromAgonyToLight Jesus did not say we are gods. You have twisted that badly. Enough with this nonsense, baptizing for the dead, eternal marriages, heavenly mother etc. Repent before it's too late!
Wow Joseph Prince can see "from God's breath, from inside him came spirit babies". So how did God's breath look like?
" No one has ever seen God... (John 1:18)
"You cannot see My face, for no one may see Me and live" ( Exodus 33:10)
People know spirit babies are not in the Bible. So why did he tell his listeners so? Act honest to cover dishonesty in other areas. So why mention his vision? To make people think he is the anoited one, His golden boy, receiving truths not given to other unanoited preachers.
From personal experience I know that some visions and dreams require interpretation.
It sounds like from Joseph's personal account that it's possible he may not have received the full interpretation of the vision at the time. He even prefaced his testimony that it was a personal experience and not a God ordained scriptural revelation.
Just my initial thoughts on what may be what we're witnessing.
Thanks for your works,
Jer 23:16
Do the people who attend these false teachers ever read the scripture? It amazes me that the get these huge audiences. Just proves the Bible is true word for word
Joseph, Prince of darkness
Please Sir, God wants to use you but not in this way, open the scriptures and teach us not attacking other men of God. Please sir.
Which bible version are you referencing?
The dual problem here is that as he describes it it's not in the Bible, so we don't have direct scriptural reference. However, while Genesis 2:7 suggests the creation of a soul at the point of Adam's creation it doesn't completely exclude the idea that the 'breath of life' is the imparting of a pre-formed essence, a 'living' soul, subject now to mortal life. The question then would be is that the 'spirit baby' idea, an incorporeal form of pre-existence of which we were or were not aware? And if we had awareness did we or did we not ask to be sent to Earth? Also, I'd say that John 8:18-23 reads more as about denial than a lack of prior awareness.
Mathew 7:15 Jesus said: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” He has been called out by real teachers many times and the people who believe in his “teachings” are equally living in sin because they are hearing what they want to hear and not what our gracious god and heavenly father wants us to hear and follow.
You are very much ignorant of the Bible. The Bible himself said that God chose us in Christ even before the foundation of the world. Jp is right
So, were you in Christ before the foundation of the world? Explain how you were born in sin and rebellion to God but some how you were in Christ as well.
Thankyu for posting this sermon. It has blessed me more than your critics. He does more to the kingdom, you take away. May God open your eyes
Not everyone is as clever and smart as you. These false prophets are called wolves in sheepskin because they so cleverly disguise themselves that one cannot see whats beneath the sheepskin. Thats why there are people, who aren't as clever as you, who appreciate the value of channels like Caleb's which bring dark teachings to light
Quite correct❤❤❤❤❤❤,man was created a little lower than the angels,separate beings,not the same,no existence before
Adam was first in the image of God genesis 1:26. THEN he gave him form in genesis 2. God is a spirit. That's scriptural has nothing to do with any man made doctrine
It’s just sad isn’t it , pastors such as this content creator nitpicking on other pastor’s faults and mistakes, all for traffic and money.
The church father Origen believed in the pre-existence of the soul before we were born, but he had some very questionable theology and believed in allegorising the scriptures, which is problematic.
You could have started with reading genesis 1:26-27 then after that you would have gone to genesis 2.. i dont understand why you left out genesis 1:26-27...
The man said “take it or leave it” it is not biblical it was his vision ?
*Acts 11:5*
Jesus is clearly saying he's not a fallen being, like us. He's dealing with those who deny him. Jesus is detailing his divinity, his godhood
Not a single bible verse was quoted as usual
He even has a study bible named after himself! He behaves like an entertainer
what I read and I learn, when Peter asked Jesus in John 21:21-22. Jesus instructed Peter to follow Him, and we should do as well, not to criticize others.
Critics you said that the spirit of man is created in man but not send from God. How would you explain Psalm 104:29-30, where God said " He send forth his word and they are created?"
Brother, I truly appreciate your dedication to the Word, and I agree with the vast majority of your teachings. However, I must address your statement about not relying on poetry to prove biblical truths.
When you discounted the poetic structure in Jeremiah, you then by association, discounted books like Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Solomon. These books are part of the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). For example, Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path,” affirming the authority of even poetic passages as divine instruction.
Interestingly, you then used Psalm 139 in your next point to support your argument. This shows that poetry in Scripture carries truth, purpose, and authority. In Psalm 139:1, it clearly states, “O Lord, You have searched me and known me,” reflecting God’s intimate knowledge of His creation.
On the topic of spiritual bodies existing in heaven, I agree with that belief. Jeremiah 1:5 doesn’t suggest pre-existent spiritual bodies but highlights God’s foreknowledge and purpose: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you.” This speaks to God’s sovereignty and His divine plan for Jeremiah’s life before his physical creation.
In Genesis 1:26-27, it speaks of humanity being created in the image of God: “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” What is God’s image? John 4:24 provides clarity: “God is Spirit, and those who are created by Him are first created in spirit.
“BEFORE I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.””
Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV
Scripture, whether poetic or not, is unified in its truth and authority. Let us handle it carefully and with reverence, allowing the Word to speak for itself.
Spiritually FORMED before fleshly BORN
Hey mate, maybe I could have worded that better. I should have said that we can't always take poetry literally. I snippet out the small section where I said we can't rely on poetry to form doctrine. However, I don't think we can say that God literally knew Jeremiah before he was born. Its poetically saying that God knows all things, including the future, so intimately and concretely that it can be described as though he already knew him. His plans and his callings are so sure that they can be described as already taking place. This is confirmed by Psalms 139:16 which I cited and explained.
The new set looks good!
In my perspectives by Joseph Prince mean that before the fall Adam is the more live by his spirit rather to his body since after the fall our life tend to live by our body than to our spirit. So even Adam got Spirit, Soul and Body but the way his live is more according to his spirit rather than his soul or body.
Corinthians 15:46 In-Context
46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. 48 As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven.
That's the verse that I use to debunk Original Sin, because the Catholics preach that Adam began with a spiritual body, but LOST IT. That verse states that he never had a spiritual body to begin with! Spiritual bodies come from heaven, and are not made of dirt.
Before God, there are only two types of existence (man) - The first Adam and the Last Adam. One is flesh (living soul) and the other Spirit (life given Spirit). He that is born of the flesh is flesh, and he that is born of the Spirit is spirit. All other arguments are diversions. Let's be watchful!
There are a lot of decieved people on here. I used to listen to him until i really started reading the word and studying it. Letting bible interpret bible. He is very false. He is the prosperity gospel, which is not biblical. He takes scripture out of context. Just because he preaches scriptures does not make him a true preacher as a lot of false teachers use the word but twist the word and take scriptures out of context to make them sound like they have sound doctrine. Read the word yourself and study it.
Do a review on world mission church society
They have 3mm members and they think we had a pre existence and are fallen angels
The first Adam was made a living soul. The last Adam a quickening spirit.
We all are still THE FIRST ADAM. The resurrection has only happened to one person so far.
Richard Wurmbrand: Imagine talking to a baby in the womb. You say: Hello, baby. How's it going? BABY: Good, but I have hands, but cannot use them; I have eyes, but cannot see; I have feet, but cannot walk. YOU: Those aren't for THIS world. Those are for the world to come . . . Life begins at conception. Nine in the womb; 90 in the world; in the wherever FOREVER! THAT is the progression of LIFE! Daniel 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting shame and contempt. Don't bet your eternal soul that God was kidding when he wrote those words!!
Its not just Prince teaching this, its becoming popular amongst more and more "teachers". Of course, as is the norm, this cannot be found in scripture
i wouldn't necessarily call it poetry when it says that God saw something before it was formed, just like someone building a house first envisions it in their mind and then even makes a blueprint before it is created. everything starts in the mind and from there, through the Word spoken, through the works done, according to the Will of the mind it is brought into existence.
Jesse Duplantis said he saw baby spirits asking God to make them humans and he said to some of them go and………woosh they went to earth to be babies?
Pastor Joseph Prince In Jesus's redemptive works is Son of God who shares the ministry of Jesus Christ to be a light to the world by preaching Jesus and Jesus alone. I love him as my elder brother and father in spiritual sence in Jesus. He showed me Jesus Christ as saint Paul would have showed me if Paul was with us. May the ministry began in Pastor Joseph Prince by our Lord Jesus Christ may live on in him and us at least till the time of Rapture in name our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Amen❤❤❤❤
Why do you not call him or write him about his teaching or debate him?
Happy to debate him.
@@iThinkBiblically I'd debate you, but you don't talk to me much. And if you did, you would just dismiss me. So why bother?
When someone twist soneone’s words is not of God. The fact that the other clearly said what he saw in his vision is not from the bible and not to force to believe in but as an additional way to explain whats to come in heaven is far more better than what we have on earth.
You are making an irrelevant point. It doesn’t matter if he says it’s not in the bible and that we don’t need to accept it. What matters is that he claims that God gave him a vision and that vision contradicts scripture. Therefore, he is either lying or he has had a demonic experience.
Sound docterine isn’t taught to believe Christ is to trust and obey his commands to fear God and give him glory the everlasting gospel
The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Even in context, doesn’t this verse mean no food in heaven?
Come on ! He's been so clear ! He didn't say anything wrong
Genesis speaks of forming what is already there. The substance exists before it's formed, as per psalm 139. You existed prior, just not formed
Yes, you speak the truth we don't pre-exist in heaven. Trying to describe the mechanics of human creation, how the spirit links with the fleshly body is dangerous because the bible doesn't tell us anything about that, like when does a foetus become a living soul - we really don't know.
The typographical convention of marking verse in the Bible as such is relatively recent (I believe 19th century). KJVs don't generally do this (some editions do).
He that is not scattering is gathering! I once asked somebody; is everything in the bible ? Don't you think that there are things the apostles saw by revelations that they could not tell anyone or even wrote them down because these things are beyond human imaginations. Our focus should be on Jesus Christ just as their focus were on Jesus Christ.
Exactly the same thing...breath of life God gave to Adam a became a living soul...
He did say this is not the Bible so you don't have to take it. With that he has a good out.
What he got wrong was the teaching that we would have the same body as we do now in the resurrection. This is clearly wrong because Jesus said flesh and blood cannot inherit eternal life. Not only that, Jesus said we would be like the angels. Then also remember that in the rapture our body will be translated into the glorious body in an instant as Paul said. When Jesus was raised by God from death, it was in this flesh and blood, but when he started ascending, his body changed as mortality was swallowed in immortality. We never existed before Genesis 1. God formed our body, and breathed the breath of life into the formation and man became. Became means something else was created - soul. A lot of misconception in the body because there is a lack of teachers filled with the spirit of God.