В конце на записи поединок двоих и не сразу понял почему они сабли держат певернутыми и только позже до меня дошло, чтобы удары наносить не острием а обратной не острой частью клинка.
You got it. The polish and hungarians and germans called those who practiced it Brawlers, but you see it all the way back at least as far as ancient Egypt with staves and has been kept alive as a sport there to this day. In meyers 1568 treatise he has the driving cuts and in the rapier section he has the brawling cuts which contains cross cutting. No surprise there. He calls it "a compiled summary and true kernel of both weapons dusack and rapier ..... so that anyone who can simply deliver the four cuts long from themselves can well understand and usefully learn from it, even if he has only learned the simple basics." And since the use of the dusack comes from the longsword cross cutting is the basis of that two. Germans, italians, hungarians etc all developed their own "system" which can look different but they all come from the same source, the old ancient cross cutting art.it was a common general method that spanned many, many countries and not hundreds but thousands of years. The next usefull thing to understand is the difference between drawn cuts, or cutting in the manner of a slice as meyer terms it, and hewing, that is to say the primary cuts in the german system, which hema still doesn't seem to understand yet. Having a basis in a living tradition then researching other living traditions is the only way to go as far as im concerned. My years in Hema taught me how not to use a sword. Russian Systema taught me how to use my body etc, that was the beginning of real understanding for me.
Qamarjoba vsem kartveli iz Azerbaycana.✊
В конце на записи поединок двоих и не сразу понял почему они сабли держат певернутыми и только позже до меня дошло, чтобы удары наносить не острием а обратной не острой частью клинка.
You got it. The polish and hungarians and germans called those who practiced it Brawlers, but you see it all the way back at least as far as ancient Egypt with staves and has been kept alive as a sport there to this day. In meyers 1568 treatise he has the driving cuts and in the rapier section he has the brawling cuts which contains cross cutting. No surprise there. He calls it "a compiled summary and true kernel of both weapons dusack and rapier ..... so that anyone who can simply deliver the four cuts long from themselves can well understand and usefully learn from it, even if he has only learned the simple basics." And since the use of the dusack comes from the longsword cross cutting is the basis of that two. Germans, italians, hungarians etc all developed their own "system" which can look different but they all come from the same source, the old ancient cross cutting art.it was a common general method that spanned many, many countries and not hundreds but thousands of years.
The next usefull thing to understand is the difference between drawn cuts, or cutting in the manner of a slice as meyer terms it, and hewing, that is to say the primary cuts in the german system, which hema still doesn't seem to understand yet.
Having a basis in a living tradition then researching other living traditions is the only way to go as far as im concerned. My years in Hema taught me how not to use a sword. Russian Systema taught me how to use my body etc, that was the beginning of real understanding for me.
ხევსურებს ვენაცვალე
თქვენი ჭირიმეთ :* :*
ar gacherdet unda vimravlot AMIN
@baxioteli jos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
чвенс ода бадес дидебаааааааааа
magrebi xart ! bolomde miawekit!!
" ეს სიმღერა სად ვნახო ?
მაგარია ეგ მუსიკა სად ვიპოვო
@baxioteli მადლობ ძმაო !
saqartvelos gaumar....................?!
bero baxioteli jos
kidevac daizdebian algets lekvebi mglisani:)ixare ero m .mtero
ქართული ფარიკაობის რამოდენიმე სკოლისო და სხვები რეებია ვინმე მეტყვის, რომ ვიპოვო იუთუბზე? მადლობთ წინასწარ.
ამ საბრძოლო ხელოვნებას ქვია კეჭნაობა
+rvapexa არხოტო სამშობლო ასე ეძებე
@AnglesM888 georgian