Alhamdulillah pernah punya unit ini selama 5th. Defender 110 V8 Bensin Double Tank versi military. Yg susah carinya itu businya. Karena busi ori nya ada kaki nya. Hrs impor dari UK. Ban nya juga di indonesia nggak ada. Konsumsi bensin 1:3. Radio komunikasinya pakai radio Racal.
Very nice and all, but it isn't a Defender but a 110 (Defender was 1991>). It is not a Wolf HS TUM, these are a different vehicle all together and came into service during 1997. Also this vehicle has not had the Remus Wolf upgrade as suggested, as it is not a Wolf HS and is lacking roll cage and acoustic treatment as per Remus upgrade. A Wolf was a custom military procurement which has a different chassis, suspension, axles, engine and more. It is more Wolf than it is Defender sharing very few similarities other than shape. Bowman radio antennas and warning stickers would never have been installed on a 110 as most were removed from service before Bowman was introduced.
Alhamdulillah pernah punya unit ini selama 5th. Defender 110 V8 Bensin Double Tank versi military. Yg susah carinya itu businya. Karena busi ori nya ada kaki nya. Hrs impor dari UK. Ban nya juga di indonesia nggak ada. Konsumsi bensin 1:3. Radio komunikasinya pakai radio Racal.
Luar biasa,,ini restorasi pake hati,bukan hanya sekedar hoby,TAPI TOTALITAS DR JIWA PETUALANG
Keren mobilnya,
Seperti pernah lihat di jalan rumah saya lurusan dari masjid Hayaalal falah, dekat Pintu masuk rindam 3
Dua jempol joss guandos
Wow.....maniak dan Top modifikasinya....salam anak kolong
Mantab keren mobilnya.. Buat off road asik banget nih..
Sipp lah komandan
Kelihatannya seperti yg digunakan Arhanud ya V8 untuk menarik peluru kendali...
Suaranya garang banget.
Wow, despite the language barrier but love the wolf 110 defender landy
Seseorang yg punya hobi dan uang maka dia akan jadi pemeran yg hebat.yg hobi tapi ngk punya uang spt gw hanya bisa like , subscribe dan share😂😂😂😂
mudah mudahan kedepan punya uang banyak om.....aamiin
Ini mobil pernah saya liat di parkiran bagian belakang Makodam Jaya
Uapik, kekinian kesan jadinya ❤
muantep abis
Luar biasa keren dan bikin ngiler 🔥🔥🔥
I wouldn't like to drive a V8 Defender with those non-directional bar grip tyres, as the vehicle is capable for quite a speed on a decent road.
Ok, thank you
CMC 93.. tetap semangat....
Keren parah
Very nice and all, but it isn't a Defender but a 110 (Defender was 1991>). It is not a Wolf HS TUM, these are a different vehicle all together and came into service during 1997. Also this vehicle has not had the Remus Wolf upgrade as suggested, as it is not a Wolf HS and is lacking roll cage and acoustic treatment as per Remus upgrade. A Wolf was a custom military procurement which has a different chassis, suspension, axles, engine and more. It is more Wolf than it is Defender sharing very few similarities other than shape. Bowman radio antennas and warning stickers would never have been installed on a 110 as most were removed from service before Bowman was introduced.
Maklum aja Meneer Sussex ... yg penting hiburan buat "wong cilik".
Bpk Hendy Antariksa, mohon izin bagaimana kabarnya Komandan
Alhamdulilah Baik....
Kereen euy
Mblnya keren... yg punya jg keren, tdk kalah keren Hostnya.... mantap👍👍
Toopppp oiiii
Ni baru marem..
Tapi Pak...inggris Dan amerika aja udah kalah Di segala bidang dengan china...mending koleksi wuLing confero aja lah pak
Belum lama ada lelangan di Solo, beberapa defender wolf. Gak berani lihat barang takut nangis wkkk
Oh gt?
Jos baanget dah.. macho 4x4=93😂
Cost in Rs.....
Suara mesinnya pengen denger mas
Itu sdh ada
Dijual gak om ?
Itu 3x3=93 gimana ceritanya? Pake teori apa ya...
Ribet dua karburotaor. Mesin Buick hmmmm
Militer israel aja sekarang masih pake itu.
Israel bukan Wolf, tapi puma yg dipotong sasisnya.
Kereen euy