Yes pull that cash for your sinking funds. Then put your wallet in area that you don’t see every day. Out of sight out of mind. You will be surprised how much you will saved in a year. Even if it is just a dollar at a time. Love the setup. Looking forward to see your progress in 2025!
Loved the set up 😊 I also have a printer that doesn’t print double-sided. What I do is print both of the pages and once the first page prints I grab it flip it to the blank side and I put it upside down back again in the printer and I get double sided. 🩵 I hope I explained it correctly 🫣
The cappuccino metal discs would look amazing with that Know Your Worth planner 😊
Yes pull that cash for your sinking funds. Then put your wallet in area that you don’t see every day. Out of sight out of mind. You will be surprised how much you will saved in a year. Even if it is just a dollar at a time. Love the setup. Looking forward to see your progress in 2025!
Thank you, I am excited to see how this goes!
Loved the set up 😊 I also have a printer that doesn’t print double-sided. What I do is print both of the pages and once the first page prints I grab it flip it to the blank side and I put it upside down back again in the printer and I get double sided. 🩵 I hope I explained it correctly 🫣
Yes than you! That always stresses me out that I will put it in wrong lol, but I may give that a try next time!
@ yes I do as well 😆 I have to always do a trial run before I print multiple pages. If you do, I hope it works 🤞🏼😁