The Kirk Story w/ John MacArthur

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • The story of Kirk Cameron and how the Lord took hold of his life.


  • @countingthecosttofollowChrist
    @countingthecosttofollowChrist 14 років тому

    I have a friend whose brother committed his life to Christ and shortly died later in an accident. He came back to life and talked about how wonderful it was to be with the Lord Jesus and how amazing heaven was. My husband's father, before he died, saw into heaven and became very excited and exclaimed, this is better than I imagined" before he died. My fiancee's father was a heart surgeon and had patients die sometimes to cry out about demons pulling on them. Luke 16:19-31

  • @classicstorm
    @classicstorm 9 років тому +14

    Kirk Cameron gets so much flack for being a Christian and he goes so hard for his beliefs it's crazy...that's what he is supposed to do...I'm glad he doesn't sugar coat his faith like some so called Christians...they hated Jesus first...

    • @10072018
      @10072018 9 років тому

      It's really because he puts himself out there as some kind of expert, and runs his mouth about things he has no clue of. There are christian apologists and debaters out there I have nothing but respect for, but Kirk Cameron is just a clown (Ray Comfort too).

    • @classicstorm
      @classicstorm 9 років тому +2

      10072018 Didn't read this whole thing...but I guess...I think he just stating whats in the bible...if you read the bible he just says whats in there and uses examples..if thats an expert me he just seems like he cares...and hes trying to show people how to reach out to other people and for people to understand the bible and Gods law...if he rubs you the wrong way because he is preaching the gospel than it says a lot about you (you in general) not him...I mean look how Jesus spoke to people in the bible...

    • @10072018
      @10072018 9 років тому +1

      Jesus spoke with wisdom and authority. Kirk is a parrot with a small mind given to trite, over-simplified talking points. Somehow he is the posterchild for modern Christian apologetics, when (most) Christians don't realize that (or why) he is an embarrassment to their cause. Look up guys like John Lennox or William Lane Craig. They're smart, well educated, skilled debaters. Everything Cameron is not.

    • @classicstorm
      @classicstorm 9 років тому +1

      10072018 And that's your opinion and your own perception...and yes Jesus did speak with wisdom and authority He is God but He put people in their place...Jesus is God and Kirk is only human...

    • @croat9059
      @croat9059 9 років тому

      Kirk does not "sugar coat" the Gospel with his works-based salvation.

  • @bleuskye8124
    @bleuskye8124 7 років тому +2

    Well I don't really believe in God, but I'm certainly not going to knock Kirk for his faith and his beliefs

  • @Mr.5.Points
    @Mr.5.Points 12 років тому


  • @turquoise770
    @turquoise770 11 років тому

    just like you were made to understand language and even the concept of 2 and + and 7 and =, God also gave you the ability to realize that the knowledge of Himself is innate

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 13 років тому

    @Shoots1978 certainly we should strive to prevent ourselves from wronging others. We don't need an imaginary friend in the sky to tell us that, however, we simply need our empathy toward our fellow feeling creatures. The problem with setting morality in a context that is thought to be unchanging and perfect is the fact that morality itself is not unchanging nor perfect. If we are to truly be moral beings, we must allow that morality to adapt to things we discover along the way.

  • @jbarryalive
    @jbarryalive 12 років тому +1

    Great message, love this video

  • @yellowcougar18
    @yellowcougar18 15 років тому

    I used to think homosexuality was wrong from both an evolutionary stand point and a religous stand point, and I was a terrible homophobe, not a violent one, but one who would avoid someone I suspected was gay. But I realised that after alot of reading and research, that despite it being different to me, as a heterosexual male, it is still love. I know longer consider it wrong, from a religious or evolutionary stand point. It's love, plain and simple.

  • @xtremetom180
    @xtremetom180 12 років тому +1

    some really good stuff here

  • @tiapanda8824
    @tiapanda8824 7 років тому

    wow that's awesome

  • @RealTime88
    @RealTime88 15 років тому

    I will listen again to what Kirk has said about homosexuality and what John has said. I think there's a difference but I need to find it.

  • @yellowcougar18
    @yellowcougar18 15 років тому

    But do we know what the original word was? I don't mean to cause offence, but is the original scripture intact? Can we say that this is the definitive untouched original writing that was meant to be read as is?
    I don't want to be hostile, and I don't intend to be, but I know the written word can be misinterpreted, I am merely asking questions as I am keen to know more.

  • @Seeker0fTruth
    @Seeker0fTruth 5 років тому +1

    “An atheist most of my life” yet he became a Christian at 18?

  • @yellowcougar18
    @yellowcougar18 15 років тому

    Oh, I'm very sorry. I did not mean to misterpret your words. Sorry for all that.
    Did not know that it was Havelock Ellis who defined sexuality. I believe it was Freud who proved that homosexuality was not based on any deciding factor, and that being born heterosexual or homosexual was about as much choice as being born male or female.

  • @yellowcougar18
    @yellowcougar18 15 років тому

    The Greeks, in the years BC, Before Christ, were totally okay with Homosexuality. They considered it loving an equal.
    Homosexuality was around for quite a while before that.

  • @wabisabi6983
    @wabisabi6983 6 років тому

    According to Genesis, we all come from Adam and Eve who had three sons. Think about it. Take all the time you need.

  • @wijcik
    @wijcik 15 років тому

    Most translations of the Bible do not differ on theological matters, but instead have been put into modern language. Instead of saying "name begat" the phrase used is " name was the son of name". I must say that I disagree with you in thinking that the Bible's true meaning is gone; the Word is intact.

  • @thismortalsoul
    @thismortalsoul 11 років тому

    It's not my fault I was born with a sinful nature as you say. The cards are stacked against me. What a bunch of BS.

  • @RealTime88
    @RealTime88 15 років тому

    I think Kirk is a great man. I think he's very smart and he helps people with his faith. But let me ask you something, what do you know about his friend here John MacArthur? He strikes me as a homophobe. I heard him say things about gay people that make me angry. My hero, my uncle is gay and I will always defend him and anyone else who is gay because they are not bad people and they need a voice. So why is John so hateful towards them?

  • @LuvJesusHecanSaveYou
    @LuvJesusHecanSaveYou 11 років тому

    do you not think about vile things from the time that you become concious of your doings? even a child is know by their doings, is it ok to think about porn or lay eyes on someone else's wife/husband? can you stop yourself from commiting stuff with your own carnal ways? Well, He gives us a package full of gifts with His sacrifice for our foolishness and whoever takes them either will keep the gift and accept the brakes(grace+wisdom) that keeps us from desiring sinful stuff supernaturally ot not

  • @elsenderodeluz.oficial
    @elsenderodeluz.oficial 12 років тому

    not in Spanish :_(

  • @thismortalsoul
    @thismortalsoul 11 років тому

    But he didn't give me enough evidence to conclude that he is real. The very idea that he left it to other humans to pass the word on shows that he is either a terrible planner or he really doesn't want everyone to know. What a cruel and stupid game it all is.

  • @400KrispyKremes
    @400KrispyKremes 11 років тому

    It sounds like you know everything. How is this so? It's simple when you answer the most important question ever asked with, "Duh, God did it". Or the question, how did you come about this grand knowledge with, " a book that I know without any doubt was at least heavily by a human being". You can no more prove the existence of God than I can prove the existence of Leprechauns. It's no more than one "person's" word against another's. True wisdom comes from the knowledge that you know nothing.

  • @yellowcougar18
    @yellowcougar18 15 років тому

    I'm afraid I have to deny the whole homosexuality thing. It is not condemned in the bible. In fact, it is nowhere near condemned. The bible says it is an 'abomination'. However, the word 'abomination'meant 'uncommon' back then, when it was written. Therefore someone with two differently coloured eyes, say one blue, one brown, could also be called an 'abomination'.
    Funny how you say I have the right to my opinions, then try to force your own opinion onto me.

  • @shiloh77xx
    @shiloh77xx 10 років тому +1

    Jesus said Luke 24:46-47"He told them,"This is what is written:The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

  • @emmaduncan2991
    @emmaduncan2991 11 років тому

    Your not afraid of the big sky daddy? or the little red guy on the side of the tin of deviled ham?

  • @vangyblue
    @vangyblue 15 років тому +3

    This was the best interview I've heard and seen from Kirk Cameron about him coming to Christ and being saved. Really good video. :)

  • @johnnysimmons1546
    @johnnysimmons1546 10 років тому +11

    The Lord is mighty to save!

  • @amapola53
    @amapola53 15 років тому +5

    Thank you, Kirk, for your courage to stand up for what you believe and for your compassion for those who do not yet know what Jesus has done at the Cross. May your life continue to be a great witness of God's mercy and love.

  • @laralynn79
    @laralynn79 10 років тому +9

    why do people not like kirk. he is such a good smart person. well im sure its cause i too follow Christ. so those who dont cant understand what hes trying to say.

    • @ophirdog
      @ophirdog 10 років тому

      I quite like Kirk, I just don't agree with his religious beliefs.

    • @Anygodwilldo
      @Anygodwilldo 10 років тому +2

      ophirdog He's a liar. So is ray comfort.

    • @annmb5581
      @annmb5581 10 років тому +1

      Anygodwilldo now you calling him a liar. Do you have to show pple how unhappy you are? Really, you just sound angry that is all.

    • @Anygodwilldo
      @Anygodwilldo 10 років тому +2

      He is a liar. I wouldn't mind so much if he actually BELIEVED this rancid garbage he pukes out. But he doesn't. He relies on intellectual dishonesty, willful misunderstanding of science, slander and distortion of facts. He is a disingenuous scumbag.

    • @Anygodwilldo
      @Anygodwilldo 10 років тому +1

      Scumbags like this add even more weight to the notion that god does not exist.

  • @gamingnovice
    @gamingnovice 10 років тому +16

    Atheists are always asking "What makes the Christian God different from Zeus, Thor, Confucius, Ra, Isis, Osiris, Mithra, any of the gods of the Canaanite nations or even the baphomet (which illustrates Satan himself)?" The fact that people get upset about the Christian God, in the life of the believer, and are offended by the name of Jesus Christ, is what makes the Christian God different.

    • @gamingnovice
      @gamingnovice 8 років тому

      ***** I'm speaking as a general rule here. It's certainly true, in general. Of course the exceptions always apply, in whatever marginal sense. There is a growing intolerance in the west, but more notably the middle east is a breeding ground for Christian persecution as is China and the underground church's there. If you can show me the Buddhists, the followers of Confucius, the Hindus or even the atheists etc. being beheaded, burned to death, drowned etc. there might be a case to make for that argument, but in actuality this is the reality of it.
      We've always had to learn to live with each other, but that is never without conflicts and turmoils that follow. I can agree with you, if you're speaking of western Christians who live a contemptible and hypocritical life opposed to what they claim. It's unfortunately true, but not so much with the rest of the world.

    • @wrasslinwarrior
      @wrasslinwarrior 8 років тому

      gamingnovice ya I notice they gat those who speak truth or live the truth

    • @wrasslinwarrior
      @wrasslinwarrior 8 років тому +1

      Adrienne Gurge im a christian i hate no human I hate the desciption clouding there minds

    • @wrasslinwarrior
      @wrasslinwarrior 8 років тому +1

      Adrienne Gurge im hated by the world and im in America sin is evil

    • @els7362
      @els7362 6 років тому +1

      He is also the only one that offered himself as an offering to save all who accept the payment for their sins. Others all think you can do it yourself. He is also the only one who wants you to question everything and use your brain.

    @GODSPEAKS898 7 років тому +6

    What beautiful testimony. There is no work righteousness here because it is God who draws the sinner to Jesus Christ. No one will or could come to Christ Jesus on there own (John 6:44, 60-71).

  • @lifenew7047
    @lifenew7047 10 років тому +1

    mr. Charles Almon, I stay away from any of atheist sites,b/c I know I disagree with them. I wondered why an intelligent sounding person like you would not do the same, and stay within same belief videos. I do believe that the reason you search for different beliefs than yours is not to hurt or insult others, as others might imply from your comments , but b/c you are searching for a place of peace that you so long searched for and still not found. May you find that true peace and When you do I hope you will share with us. Be blessed!!!!

    • @Mikewee777
      @Mikewee777 8 років тому

      +life new ,

  • @goneherondale
    @goneherondale 6 років тому +1

    " they love the dark because their deeds are evil." so deep yet so true.

  • @400KrispyKremes
    @400KrispyKremes 11 років тому +1

    It's strange that so many would hail the end times. Maybe they seek the pleasure of looking down indignantly on the rest of the world as they "ascend" to this "Heaven" place they like to go on about so often. This troubles me as I would never wish for such evil. I would wager that they are using fear to control others and make them believe what they are told to believe. Because the tellers' then become, in effect, the masters of those who listen.

  • @petrusprimus
    @petrusprimus 14 років тому +1

    Yes, very touching except when you remember that heresy disqualifies you from Heaven. I have contacted Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort about a debate about how one is saved. Thus far, they have shied away from even giving me a date in the next two years for the event. Their anti-Catholic slander will be accounted for, I promise you. Whether it is in this world in an open forum, or in the next, after they have used their cowardice to avoid confronting the truth.

  • @JacobBecomesIsrael
    @JacobBecomesIsrael 10 років тому

    So sad that he walked into a false teacher's church who preaches a false gospel. Now Cameron preaches a false gospel and thinks he's saved and doing God's work.

  • @CarrieArt7
    @CarrieArt7 9 років тому +7

    I like Kirk Cameron, he seems very genuine. And John MacArthur always speaks boldly.

  • @shiloh77xx
    @shiloh77xx 10 років тому

    JESUS SAID: Matt. 4:17 From that time on Jesus began to preach,"Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near." Mark 1:15"The time has come,"he said."The kingdom of God is near, Repent and believe the good news!"Luke 13:3 I tell you no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.

  • @paulmayta6792
    @paulmayta6792 8 років тому

    John Preaches a true Gospel. God His Infinitely Holy . We are Sinful. He provided Salvation through His Son. Christ is the Mediator between Man and God. Who gave Himself a Ransom to be mo testified in due Time. It's the Goodness of God that Calls you and me to repentance.

  • @scarletpumpernickel3353
    @scarletpumpernickel3353 4 роки тому

    Both men are Great.
    But if you want accurate bible teaching, try Arnold Murray... seriously!
    (This is the wrong time to be talking about televangelists.)

  • @rentedtux1883
    @rentedtux1883 10 років тому

    Too bad Cameron couldn't answer the question posed to him about homosexuality. The question was, "is homosexuality a sin?" He looked up in the air and his answer was..."it's unnatural". He sinned against God! I hope he gets more guts and loves Christ enough the next time he is asked that question, he will answer in the way a Christian should answer.

  • @luna6720
    @luna6720 10 років тому

    The truth is always a hard thing to swallow, its easier to call people races, bigot, crazy, fanatic, any thing is better then accepting the truth, because truth does not excuse sin, it only amplify, and people don't want to repent they just want to excuse what they do, so when truth comes their way instead of researching the information they objected and criticize those who speak truth into their lives. Sorry for being blunt but I myself finds truth to swallow many times, that when I have to fall on my knees and ask God to reveal His truth to me.

  • @meganstratford500
    @meganstratford500 6 років тому

    God help you, Kirk and John. Truly you are confused on what truth is: that we are all loved by an loving God. Maybe you don't know Him as well as you think you do? Just some food for thought.

  • @Chris_Eatz
    @Chris_Eatz 9 років тому

    How come all these people talk about God as if they knew him personally? I understand Kirk being all religious and stuff but does he really have to tell everybody about it? Who cares

  • @judyholiday653
    @judyholiday653 6 років тому

    Kirk came to my hometown in SC a couple of yrs ago and helped out a couple of hrs at a local restaurant where my friends daughter worked part time..He was nice and not some crazy person like he gets portrayed due to his beliefs..I can say this because I met him and he never started trying to preach to me nor did he mentioned salvation or the Bible to me..

  • @paulgross3067
    @paulgross3067 7 років тому

    Salvation has nothing to do with what we think about our sent salvation has to do with what God says God says we are sinners it is not of man it's not of us feeling sorry for Rj send that saves us we have to believe that God saved us through his son so John MacArthur and Kurt Cameron you both are not saved in my opinion

  • @hairyreasoner
    @hairyreasoner 12 років тому

    Yes--Mr. Cameron, you have indeed found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, as you alluded to.
    So, you believe in Leprechauns?
    You're not "filthy" or "grimy" you're just weak enough to be the victim of a cult.

  • @paulgross3067
    @paulgross3067 7 років тому

    No God does not seek you out OK God draws you and drawls all men unto his son you have to make the decision whether you believe it or not so when you read the Gospel do you believe the gospel this is the real gospel not with John MacArthur said and not what you said

  • @DoNotBeDeceived1
    @DoNotBeDeceived1 11 років тому

    Those that decide to have hate filled comments on here realize you are proving scripture true right? "If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you." John 15:18
    If you are going to attack our God maybe you should read scripture first otherwise you are proving to us true fact. Would you open the Bible atheist? Or are you scared God may convict you? When your life nears the end do you truly want to be that person, or a new creation through Jesus Christ?

  • @ZiplineShazam
    @ZiplineShazam 11 років тому

    Ok. John MacArthur says that we live in a fallen world. So, My Question to John is this. Why would you consciously bring another "sinful" baby into an already fallen world with the possibility of then having to spend eternity in Hell? WHy bring a child into a world where an anti-christ is coming into power and has the abiltiy to decieve millions, "even the elect." ???!!! Wouldn't it be better to just not exist than to have to be in eternal torment ? WTF ??

  • @DGMrpoetry
    @DGMrpoetry 12 років тому

    John 8:32
    32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
    I encourage you all to put your personal opinions aside and dedicate some real time to researching and learning the word of God! What it says and doesn't say...
    And after doing so than choose which way you want to go..
    It is only fair to you and those around you to educate yourselves before declaring anything.
    Joshua 24:15;
    But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 13 років тому

    @tototirenama A very small amount of logic is required to disprove the concept of an all-powerful deity. The only logically possible "creator being" would be an imperfect entity like any other, no more worthy of praise than us. Assuming that there is a being that started things off with the big bang (unlikely), and that even moreso they care about what we do (even less likely), if you are judging their wisdom by the state of humanity, they must actually be pretty stupid.. or cruel.. or both.

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 13 років тому

    @Shoots1978 (cont) when you allow something *obviously* written by emotional, ignorant, imperfect beings to be held up as the sacrosanct pure law of everything, you set yourself up for a fall. All you do is bind imperfect, flawed moral logic in stone as unable to change, when in reality, what we perceive as moral naturally changes as we learn, grow, and think as individuals and as a society. If you try to pin it down forever, you will just eventually be left with outdated, archaic morality.

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 13 років тому

    @Shoots1978 (cont) examples from the christian bible: 1) Slavery is not denounced, and in fact a slave who disobeys his master is seen in a negative light in the bible.. we have since the penning of those words realized that slavery is immoral. 2) In the bible, if a man rapes a maiden who is not betrothed, he must marry her (which means she must marry him).. we have realized in modern times, however, that women are not property and rape victims should not be forced to marry their rapists.

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 13 років тому

    @Shoots1978 the difference is in the target of repentance. We are accountable to ourselves and to the society in which we live. Morality is a tricky subject with fuzzy edges. Morality is subjective, with layers of influence determining the validity of a moral judgement. Those most closely affected by an action are the most empowered to declare that act moral or immoral. We ALL make mistakes. The point is that we should square them with those we affect by our mistakes, not our imaginary friends.

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 13 років тому

    @Shoots1978 (cont) the true irony is in begging what is perceived to be the perfect creator of all things for forgivness for being who you are. Seriously, if we accept for argument's sake that such a being exists and created us, then shouldn't it be begging OUR forgivness when we do something wrong? "Sorry bout that faulty programming there!"
    I mean really.. a creator whose creations (who he designed down to their very essence) do bad things then demanding forgiveness for those behaviors?

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 13 років тому

    @Shoots1978 (cont) acceptance of your imperfection does not mean that everything you do is OK. It means ACCEPTING yourself as an imperfect being, rather than the angle that folks like Cameron take, constantly denegrating themselves for being imperfect. He feels he has to grovel to the "perfect" to be forgiven for not being perfect himself. The truth is, however, that everything is imperfect. We owe NOONE an apology for being imperfect. We are still responsible for our distinct actions, however.

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 13 років тому

    @Shoots1978 If you do such things, then you have harmed another. You will need to settle that with the person you harmed, or their proxy if they are not available (if you murdered them?). By redemption, I mean the type Cameron speaks of. I don't need an invisible man in the sky to forgive me. If I wrong someone, the forgiveness for that wrong comes from the PERSON I wronged, not from a ghost in the ether. I accept my own imperfection, which implies taking responsibility for it.

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 14 років тому

    @pfarabee it is a similar journey, if you think about it. He found peace by making his imperfection the responsibility of an imagined third party. By surrendering himself to that party, basically becoming the property of it, he absolves himself of fault for being flawed. I found peace through the realization that as a natural creature, imperfection is part of the package. Absolution is unnecessary, because being flawed goes hand in hand with being alive. That is true peace, if you ask me.

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 14 років тому

    kind of funny.. kirk started "thinking" and became christian around 17 or 18... I was christian until 16 or 17, until I started thinking about what is actually in the book.. about it's believability and the odds of it actually being true, and how terrible it would be if it really were true. Cameron is thankful for being a "filthy wretched sinner". Wheras, I am thankful for the realization that as a human, I am inherently flawed. I don't need redemption, only acceptance of my own imperfection.

  • @TearsAmongAshes
    @TearsAmongAshes 12 років тому +1

    Now if only the good Lawd could bless Kirk with some talent.

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 14 років тому

    @loveroflife365 we turn back into what we started as.. disorganized organic matter. Our bodies decay, absorbed into the surrounding life.. the building blocks that make up our bodies will eventually be dispersed into thousands... millions of different organisms as time progresses.. they too will all die in turn, repeating the process.

  • @paulmayta6792
    @paulmayta6792 8 років тому

    I respect Kirk Cameron, He ID a good Testimony. God has been Glorified by saving a celebrity, And allowing Him to be good Testimony.And allowing Him to be a good Public Spokes Person, He's a true Witness. He represents His King we'll. May God give Him Grace to spend more time Sharing The Gospel with Ray Comfort. people Need to Hear The truth of God.

    • @helensearle1896
      @helensearle1896 6 років тому

      "May God give Him Grace to spend more time Sharing The Gospel with Ray Comfort. "
      Sorry, he broke up with Ray :-(

  • @Fiddahcom
    @Fiddahcom 8 років тому

    The One who created us has no partner. There is only One True God. None deserves to be worshipped except Allah. Isa(Jesus) -peace be upon him- is a Messenger of Allah. The birth of Isa(the son of Maryum(peace be upon her)) -peace be upon him- was a miracle. The people who hear of the miracle can easily believe him to be a Messenger of Allah. The birth of Yahya(John)-peace be upon him- was a miracle. Zakariyya -peace be upon him- was old and his wife was barren and he was gifted a son named "Yahya". Adam - peace be upon him- had no father and no mother.
    When Allah decrees a matter it happens. Simple. The sea split at the time of Musa-peace be upon him- when he and his people were trying to escape Firaun and his army. When Allah commands something to happen, it happens. Ayyub(Job) peace be upon him - was cured from his illness by the command of Allah. Ibraheem(peace be upon him) worshipped Allah alone. All the Messengers of Allah conveyed the message to the people that they should worship Allah only. Every human must worship Allah directly. It is so simple and beautiful.

    • @wretchedsavedbygrace4499
      @wretchedsavedbygrace4499 8 років тому +3

      Aiesha Jesus was mentioned more in the Quran then Muhammad and Jesus did many miracles,raised the dead,cured the sick,walked on water,excorcism demons and died on the Cross for the sins of man that were intended for and rose three days later. The Quran contradicts itself and not at all accurate, please get a bible and read the gospel..

  • @pfarabee
    @pfarabee 14 років тому

    @loveroflife365 then we get to escape being constantly bombarded by the obsurdity of ancient superstious wish-thinking.. because we are dead, and are no more.

  • @hildasnyder8197
    @hildasnyder8197 9 років тому

    and GOD said good and faithful servant child of Christ Jesus

  • @Brucev7
    @Brucev7 14 років тому

    @nonagzone People don't choose to be tortured, cast off by family and community for nothing. They knew the truth in love. Joh 14:6

  • @binboh
    @binboh 11 років тому

    We are not of this world just as Jesus isn't of this world. Nothing in this life lasts. We all die and we take nothing with us. Where we go when we die is entirely up to us. God doesn't make us accept him but by rejecting Jesus,you are rejecting the Only way to Heaven and eternal life with Christ. This life is nothing compared to eternity. Choose who you will follow, Jesus or satan. there is no other option. Heaven is real and so is hell.

  • @TheBeautiful238
    @TheBeautiful238 11 років тому

    God has done evrythinq for a purpose those tragedies happen for a reason it is given to strong people so they can testify and give glory to his name but some choose to stay the same and to even get a benefit become more depressed ! God is real evrythinq in the blible is cominq true even the prophecies before our eyes! Just dont be too proud and analyze for a second.miracles exist Evrythinq has a purpose in life.! He has done alot in my life as he can do to yours! Glory to God

  • @TheBeautiful238
    @TheBeautiful238 11 років тому

    To all of this blasphemics here pls if you have no proof of what u say nor dared to study it and u talk with ignorance just for the sake of doinq so keep shut because nothinq are u doing but condeminq urself..if u dont believe in God no need to insult if u supposly "dont care about it" why would u care if other people do is because deep inside of u there is still that open doubt about God is not a casualty EVRYONE has had the wonder of a God just think about that..not even science can deny!

  • @turquoise770
    @turquoise770 11 років тому

    yes, but God has provided you a door to walk through calld Jesus Christ that leads to forgiveness, happiness, mercy, love, contentment, compassion, assurance--we all are in the same room together faced with the same choice--to walk through that door to experience that salvation, ever to be with God--or to remain in the room of rebels(the majority of this world)who create their own gods out of $, pride, & themselves--reveling in their drugs & drunkeness, sex, plagued by depression, doubt and fear

  • @turquoise770
    @turquoise770 11 років тому

    i'm from this planet too, of the same species, and believe me, yes He did put "enough" in you to know of His existence--you simply have to become submissive and obedient in order to know Him, which is the reason why you are here--to see if you will be submissive and obedient to His will according to His word the Bible in order to be full of His spirit, or whether your own sinful nature of pride will instead make itself god---like it or not, that is the reality you are in...

  • @LuvJesusHecanSaveYou
    @LuvJesusHecanSaveYou 11 років тому

    some will say "well, i do not wanna operate with the instructions of this package or i don't know how to put the gift together from the start they fail, they're unwilling to cope against the worldy desires and they surrender to the old ways after being washed up then they go like which is like a vanity fair place pick and choose place that leads to inmorality detestable lives and then destruction" so you choose today my friend you wanna follow the light or darkness? Today whom will you serve?

  • @400KrispyKremes
    @400KrispyKremes 11 років тому

    He told you all that did he? I find that hard to believe. I told you once before that I don't believe in fairy tales. I would remind you of that now. This book for which you place so much faith is little more than paper and gilded edges. It has no more power than that which you give it. If you were born in Kuwait it would be a different book you'd be quoting now. Your belief proves nothing. Though there is no way to prove what you claim so I hold no malice towards you.

  • @turquoise770
    @turquoise770 11 років тому

    God said, "i am" denoting a perpetual state of being without beginning or end, if you find that hard to comprehend go out and look at the stars and figure out where that ends--you are in an undeniable reality which is infinitely small, infinitely large, without bottom or ending in any direction--there is no choice but that you be here, and whether you like it or not God is part of your reality

  • @400KrispyKremes
    @400KrispyKremes 11 років тому

    Okay then. I've been here before. Lets start with a question, shall we? If a God is necessary to create something from nothing, where did this God exist when he created everything? If he was necessary how then did "he" exist. If he was not created in some way then it means he always existed and therefore there would have never been a time that "nothing" existed. Furthermore, if he and any place he dwelt would disprove your claim that something can come from nothing. Without being created. He was

  • @turquoise770
    @turquoise770 11 років тому

    if the leprechauns were made into a nation, & that leprechaun nation wrote not only all their genealogy down but also made predictions about what would happen right about now concerning that nation(given that the leprechaun nation was destroyed & all the leprechauns dispersed) predicting that leprechauns would come back as a nation--& if after 2000 yrs that all exactly came to pass w/ the exact same geopolitical situations the leprechauns predicted in their most published, best-selling book...

  • @britneywoodruff3927
    @britneywoodruff3927 12 років тому

    He doesn't judge, he loves everyone unconditionally but just because he loves you doesn't mean you won't still die and go to hell. The bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. I pray that God comes to you and talk to you in your dreams and show you that he is God. Ask God to prove himself to you because he will. I promise. After he proves himself I promise you will never be the same. I love you with the love of christ and have a great day.

  • @britneywoodruff3927
    @britneywoodruff3927 12 років тому

    For the ones that don't believe in God please do this for me. Say Lord if you are really who you say are and you are the God that people always talk about show me your glory. Ask him to prove himself to you. Say Lord send someone my way that knows nothing about me and tell me one secret that only I know. I've seen so many people that don't believe God do this and their lives are never because they start to believe. And christians don't judge, what we do is preach according to God's word.

  • @coolair00
    @coolair00 12 років тому

    Logic has nothing to do with your personal feelings , or anecdotal evidence of a magical skydaddy. And thanks for the loving christian threats of hell. Guess what....I dont beleive in that either , its like threatening to throw a unicorn at me. I love this non-sensical argument from ignorance fallacy you use too much. "You just need to open your eyes" fallacy. There were closed for 35 years, only now are they open , and I see the natural world , and nothing in religion can compete with that

  • @Pandorasbox123
    @Pandorasbox123 12 років тому

    Well first of all... stupid question, but to answer your question... We are all sinners since the beginning of time when Adam broke his promise to God in the garden of Eden. Which leads us to our purpose here on earth and that is to live by God's commandments and to do our best to not try to brake the rules he made for us to follow if we want to earn eternal life with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of heaven. When we live by sin and do things immoraly to please ourself just because we think it's o

  • @Pandorasbox123
    @Pandorasbox123 12 років тому

    "And you will be hated for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved". Matthew 10:22
    Everything that is, has been and is yet to come is all written in the Holy Bible.
    "Ask, and you will be given; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door shall be opened". Matthew 7:7
    If you ask God for forgivness, and believe in him with all of your heart and soul God will find you too.

  • @Pandorasbox123
    @Pandorasbox123 12 років тому

    ...the God who died for our sins so that we all would get a second chance to live our life a righteous way like Jesus did, in the best way we can. Unfortinally man kind is weak and doesn't want to leave his sinfull life even if it means that he will loose his life to an eternal life in hell. Just ask youself: What if God do exist? What if there is a hell, what would happen to me?
    "And you will be hat

  • @Pandorasbox123
    @Pandorasbox123 12 років тому

    May God bless you Kirk, for turning away from the sinfull Hollywood life by finding Jesus Christ in your heart and preach about the gospel to everyone so that more people will find the truth and come to faith before it's to late. You truly have a place in heaven. Don't be offended by these ignorant foolish comments people are writing or saying, they don't know what's comming for them... for they will be judged on judgement day by God almighty, the same God they rejected without ever knowing, th

  • @lisahalkiopoulos1228
    @lisahalkiopoulos1228 12 років тому

    God makes the laws not Kirk
    read the word of God
    pray to God and you will find truth
    there are millions and billions of christians who stand for what Kirk stands for
    get over it
    we have to live with people and hear people talk about their faith when its in disagreement with the christian faith but people who dont follow the jesus and the bible and his laws we have to listen to their crap sorry suck it up did you ever think that you people offend christians????

  • @TheLeenez
    @TheLeenez 12 років тому

    The negative comments made against Mr.Cameron are coming from all those who cannot take the courage to admit that they are also lost & need freedom from sin. The only thing I look forward too is when we stand before the judgement seat of Christ & these nasty people look toward Kirk, with his smiling face & ask,"Why didn't you tell us,why didn't you warn us?"
    Wake up people!!! Before it's too late.Look to Christ for redemption, not at Kirk to judge!

  • @tengrands
    @tengrands 12 років тому

    May God bless you, Kirk, as you try to live out your faith in a hostile environment. To the unbelievers who have so nastily attacked him and the rest of us for our belief in the God of creation and the Bible, I say that I'll not waste time arguing with you. But be aware that you are betting your soul on your own wisdom as opposed to God's. Please read the Gospel of John (4th book in New Testament) with an open heart and mind. Give God a chance to show Himself to you. What can you lose?

  • @countingthecosttofollowChrist
    @countingthecosttofollowChrist 14 років тому

    @zurudu We are all gods? Satan thought the same thing. He was kicked out of heaven with a third of the angels. Yes, there are "aliens" in the form of demons. But, you are gravely mistaken to think of yoruself as a god. Do you really want to go before the one true Almighty God guilty of all your sins before a just God? God is perfect and just and must punish those who are guilty of sin. A pure and perfect God can not let a wicked sinful man into heaven, unless you have One that paid your price.

  • @countingthecosttofollowChrist
    @countingthecosttofollowChrist 14 років тому

    @zurudu I can prove He lives because He now lives in me and I can testify of His goodness and kindness toward me, hours of stories when he spared my life or the lives of my children (doctors can testify that medically I shouldn't be alive). I know Him as a daughter knows a father. John in Matthew 11 had the same question you have. Have you ever asked Him if he exists? Fast, pray and seek Him (asking Him with humble heart if He exists).

  • @countingthecosttofollowChrist
    @countingthecosttofollowChrist 14 років тому

    @verybigego Your question is one based on if you were God to make the decisions. Understand that our finite minds can't begin to understand all that God understands. Your question doesn't take into account the mercies and kindness of God. A sinful man committing wickedness doesn't represent God's will. That is the ugliness of sin and why Jesus had to die. Regarding the girl, Jesus said he won't lose any that have been given to him. Don't forget Peter lost faith and later returned. Read bible.

  • @boluke26
    @boluke26 15 років тому

    Jesus was a good moralist, ahead of his time who added much value to humans knowledge of themselves.
    But a son of some god who created everything, etc. etc. is just dogma and, frankly, superstition. Lets learn from the bible, jesus and various disciples without having to add the nonsense about revelation, transcendance, hell etc. Its primitive superstition and we're better than that.
    I used to be religious and only found the route to fulfilment after discarding it and turning to fellow man.

  • @Yuji-n7r
    @Yuji-n7r 15 років тому

    Luke 14 - And, behold, there was a certain man before him which had the dropsy. And Jesus answering the Pharisees, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day? And they held their peace. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go; And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ox fallen into a pit, and will not pull him out on the sabbath day?And they could not answer him again to these things.

  • @painterinoil
    @painterinoil 15 років тому

    What a beautiful and Powerful testimony to the gospel and Jesus Christ. I admire Kirk for what he has done. Clearly by the hateful comments here, one can see satan's urgency during these endtimes. The Left Behind series is an eye opener and has reached many unsaved. Evil has always despised good because the goodness makes evil look at itself and evil lashes out because it knows it is inferrior.

  • @yellowcougar18
    @yellowcougar18 15 років тому

    I can't change it, no. But it has been changed over time. Speaking o 'huge', "girth" also means big or wide, but in old english, it is written as 'girt' and can stand for surrounded or enclosed by, like an ocean surrounding an island. Meaning changes over time.
    Heck, abomination was alos applied to pigs, shellfish and sleeping with a woman during her period.
    We weren't even allowed to eat animals according to the bible.
    Are you telling me that all of these things are evil too?

  • @osu122975
    @osu122975 15 років тому

    John MacArthur said at 6:30 that people were happy for us to believe in God, but not the God of the Bible. It seems more evident in "my experience" that people are ok w/ the God of the Bible as long as He is not Jesus Christ. God is ok, but Jesus Christ is rejected. Mention the name God, and you're probably ok, but you mention the name Jesus Christ and that is when people will step 10 ft back.

  • @RealTime88
    @RealTime88 15 років тому

    I don't understand organized religion but I do believe in God. I hate that banner too. I thought we were all God's people and we should learn to love one another. And i think lying and evil thoughts are more a sin. I won't write you and other Christians off. I didn't know my uncle was gay until a few years ago. But after I found out I still loved him because he's the greatest uncle in the world.

  • @wijcik
    @wijcik 15 років тому

    You can't take a word in english and say it has a different meaning now from when it was translated as a way of discrediting an anchient manuscript. You have to go to the origanal language (in this case koinine greek). It is the same for all ancient works, like the rosetta stone, the Koran, the works of Plato, etc. When translating anything, it isn't a word for word process either, but a meaning for meaning one.

  • @yellowcougar18
    @yellowcougar18 15 років тому

    (contd from above)
    I abhor religion, but am still theist. I feel religion is about creating fear, which is idiotic, and saying that this is the one true religion and the one true plan. Rubbish. Nobody knows the whole plan. Nor can we ever know. The bible, I agree, is used to manipulate, but it's meaning is lost entirely due to bits being cut out, added in, or moved around. It's true meaning, it's true intent, is gone forever, and lost in the sands of time. All to serve the rich.

  • @yellowcougar18
    @yellowcougar18 15 років тому

    What I was trying to say is that pieces have been removed, or intentionally misinterpreted. Take the word 'Abomination'. When the bible was written, the word abomination meant 'uncommon'. For example, homosexuality was seen as an abomination, ie uncommon. Nowadays the word has come to be seen as evil or sinister, hence homophobia.
    What I mean to say is that a number of versions of the bible exist, 50 in English alone! And all have been twisted to serve some other rich guys needs.