Updated RCT3 Space Mountain Disneyland 2005



  • @69glenjamin
    @69glenjamin 11 років тому +1

    I was trying to find a video of space mountain on youtube without ppl using their bloody night vision. I've ridden this ride but I've read of its magic. Mate, you took me on an interstellar cruise, simply sensational. I've played RT briefly in the past and tinkered with coaster design but what you've done here is art of the highest order and credit to Disney for such an awesome immersive experience. Seriously, if your not employed in CAD design or computer modeling then your missing your calling

  • @mattatt15
    @mattatt15 14 років тому +1

    Always fun to see people using my Space Mountain Custom Scenery Set =)

  • @HuntleyBrosStudios
    @HuntleyBrosStudios 13 років тому

    @KrakatoaCoo This was the best space mountain recreation i've seen. Felt like i was riding a POV. sir, u are most certainty a BAMF

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @crazydisneylandfan thank you, the fencing inside the spaceport was my own that I have created when I made my Ghost Galaxy recreation. I might release it in the future.
    The wall was a normal brown wall from one of shyguy's sets and i used slanted posts from either bigburger's timber or shyguy's alpine sets to make the wooden beams.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @DudeJelle if you have the wild expansion, you can turn the light colors to black, which turns them off.
    i turn the darkness all the way down in the game, but when filming, it brings it back up, so i just darken it in the editor.

  • @emilianopadilla1589
    @emilianopadilla1589 10 років тому +5

    how do you make the track not glow at night,how do you make it so that you can't see the track so much?

  • @parkerseverns4347
    @parkerseverns4347 9 років тому +1

    Does anyone know where the music is from during the queue scenes in the beginning? It's basically the same as the on-ride soundtrack but it seems to be extended and mixed to be longer and it just sounds different with more orchestra.

    • @aaronpriess2156
      @aaronpriess2156 8 років тому

      Parker Severns Sorry for the late comment. The music in the beginning is the WDW Space mountain exit music 2005 - 2009.

  • @malcolmneel5098
    @malcolmneel5098 9 років тому +3

    How do you add stars? How can you make strobe lights?

  • @ChocolateChipmunks
    @ChocolateChipmunks 12 років тому

    When the cart 'exited' the dark part, my eyes felt EXACTLY like they do on the REAL ride XD

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  12 років тому

    @64thomascorvair thanks for your feedback! I haven't ridden this since 2005, so I can't remember things too particular. On teh side note, creating fairly accurate CSOs are very tough to handle. xD Thanks man!

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @DudeJelle oh, just a second, I used a CTR for this... my original recreation used the hyper coaster and I had to turn off the lights....
    The space mountain CTR used does not have lights... as most CTRs do, since I think the lights on the cars are a little pointless if there are no LEDs....

  • @L321
    @L321 12 років тому

    How do u download stuff of rapidshare?

  • @Dylan5589
    @Dylan5589 13 років тому

    This is the best ride there and this is best rct3 video of it I've seen

  • @CaptainMotrox
    @CaptainMotrox 11 років тому

    How did you manage to tilt the queue line parks in your set? (like when the walkway goes down, you did you get the gates to tilt too?

  • @AttractionSpot
    @AttractionSpot 13 років тому

    @TheNeonTide it wont come out cause Chris the creator of the game got screwed by frontier and atari so they what was supposed to be roller coaster tycoon 4 was thrillville off the rails which sucks.

  • @NeppyNep1
    @NeppyNep1 13 років тому

    That was so epic........... it looked like im in there riding it............(sigh) i wish to go there again.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @Smallpoxproductions theres only 2 custom track out, and they both DO NOT contain coaster track..... but its just the extended track with the SM CTR.

  • @crazydisneylandfan
    @crazydisneylandfan 14 років тому +1

    Wow this is very impressive! This is my favorite ride in Disneyland and this really is EXACTLY right! I really want to know where you got the custom scenery in the beginning like the wall that goes under the Space Mountain dome and the planters and walk ways. Also where did you get all the fencing inside the space port? Fantastic Recreation!

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @mrolympustitan this took me a few weeks. All I did was change out some CSOs from the Ghost Galaxy Recreation and remove some other stuff. Then I had to change the lighting and add in the CSOs for the 2005 version. I'm not going to make a complete Disneyland since it would take a lot of work and it would be impossible to have it all in one scenario.

  • @SuperHotLarry
    @SuperHotLarry 14 років тому

    @KrakatoaCoo but the ride is synced up to the soundtrack this one sorta is synced up but is mosly not

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @mrolympustitan the old atari forums are gone and some of the links may not have been updated. you can find links at vodhins or SGW.

  • @L321
    @L321 12 років тому

    Where can u find the custom scenery for this?

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @TheNeonTide it can be done, but the amount of polys needed for disneyland would be more than anyone could possibly imagine....

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @SuperHotLarry what are you comparing this to? It is synced.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @SuperHotLarry Thats ok by me, thx for the notice. Anyways, I meant the accuracy by comparing it to other RCT3 Space Mountains and not other software.

  • @wishmaker
    @wishmaker 12 років тому

    nice space mountain but question:
    where did you post the station fences to?
    I check SGW and its not there.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @DudeJelle you are welcome... if you need any more help... feel free to ask.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @theblakeman9 they are light effects from CSOs.

  • @elevatoralarmcoasterandarc1214
    @elevatoralarmcoasterandarc1214 11 місяців тому

    The THX Deep Note plays at the very start!

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @8nVidiaGTX8 There are a few CSO sets made specifically for space mountain. I also created some pieces of my own that weren't made yet as well.

  • @theblakeman9
    @theblakeman9 14 років тому

    how did you do the effects for the space station lighting?

  • @legoboy12336
    @legoboy12336 9 років тому +1

    How did you make the track become invisible in the dark?

  • @JelleJelleJelle
    @JelleJelleJelle 13 років тому

    Very nicely done.
    How did you get it so dark though? When I build something like this it's too light because of the moonlight reflection and the coaster car itself has a light on the car too. How did you turn them off?

  • @knucklesfan8
    @knucklesfan8 13 років тому

    Well re watching I realized his station is a little bad looking due to non-removed-supports and the track looks a little too bright at points plus the music is off. I thing maybe overall yours is better but I remember the re entry being more bright like his. They're both really good.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @salsaontop Space Mountain in DIsneyland California was built in 1977, it was time for a major refurb and it closed in 2003 and reopened in 2005 for Disneyland's 50th anniversary. This recreation is the 2005 version. I am goig to watch im0988's in a sec. I did lend him my gates and stuff....

  • @DrewTheDisneyManiac
    @DrewTheDisneyManiac Рік тому

    How did you make this remix of the music?

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @TheNeonTide there's two problems.
    RCT3 stuff can't be sold privately (legally)
    If someone makes the whole park with detail to the fullest, there will be lag. unless it can be done....

  • @seangodman5254
    @seangodman5254 10 років тому +3

    space mountain is more intense in disneyworld than in disneyland

    • @ishiki5111
      @ishiki5111 7 років тому +1

      but the effects at Disneyland's blow Disney World's out of the water

    • @x-fun3149
      @x-fun3149 6 років тому

      Yeah, Disneyland themes their's better to compensate for the lack of space

  • @coastermaniac16
    @coastermaniac16 13 років тому

    bravo bravo that was amazing how long did it take you. you put a lot of work in to it

  • @naijaboy545
    @naijaboy545 13 років тому

    That. Was. AWESOME.

  • @mackneigh867
    @mackneigh867 10 років тому

    im using the same if not similar custom scenery set but do u have any tips to y it is crashing my game and how to fix it cuz it looks like it work for u. thanks

    • @Soccer1296
      @Soccer1296 10 років тому

      turn off shadows. it wont crash anymore

  • @CosmicMerlin
    @CosmicMerlin 11 років тому

    that was incredibly accurate. Nice job

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @TheNeoChamp THe gates and fences in the station were made by me. thats all i need.

  • @hexic11698
    @hexic11698 13 років тому

    hey! now I can look at this when im not at diseyland!!

  • @Amayas_G
    @Amayas_G 13 років тому

    I have this cs set but I don't know to remove original station and put spacemountian station help

  • @2brothersvideos
    @2brothersvideos 14 років тому

    How did you get the font when the first scene of the queue opens up that says your KrakatoaCoo presents and then Space Mountain 2005?

  • @SpaceMountain77
    @SpaceMountain77 14 років тому

    That was well done. Especially for RCT3. Good job.

  • @Defnotanna
    @Defnotanna 10 років тому +5

    this is incredible!!! Except the only non accurate part is that in this ride there isn't a 12 hour wait to ride haha!!

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @SuperHotLarry Yep, Rct3 does......

  • @Stratales
    @Stratales 14 років тому

    where did the rest of the queue go? The part where it debriefs you on you space flight.
    Great recreation! I love it.

  • @TheNeoChamp
    @TheNeoChamp 14 років тому

    It is pretty good, considering what you have to work with. If you had made your own scenery you would have found there is much for freedom to the building process.

  • @Stratales
    @Stratales 14 років тому

    @Stratales Just another thing. You didn't weigh the car before take off. We could of hit another car ahead of us. XD

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому


  • @mschermerhorn1801
    @mschermerhorn1801 12 років тому

    i think he ment how did did you make it pitch black in the dome.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  12 років тому

    I have put the download link in the description. Enjoy!

  • @Niek__o
    @Niek__o 11 років тому

    Why hate 5 people this video, this is so cool

  • @Obunga5152
    @Obunga5152 12 років тому

    @KrakatoaCoo how did you get it so dark.

  • @L321
    @L321 12 років тому

    K thanks I'll check that out later

  • @TopCat0601
    @TopCat0601 11 років тому

    How can 4 people not like this video?

  • @ExBuickRacer
    @ExBuickRacer 14 років тому

    How did you get the sation gates?????

  • @Deltasquad382943
    @Deltasquad382943 9 років тому +1

    The link for the mods goes to Alone in the Dark, not the actual mods.

  • @Jago972936
    @Jago972936 14 років тому

    @KrakatoaCoo yeah shure Thanx!

  • @wishmaker
    @wishmaker 12 років тому

    thanks ^ ^! sorry abuot that, and now the final question, where did you manage to get those lightsources? i never seen those type before...

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @sideswiper22 the stobe tunnel is mxtilay's as it is perfect.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @Jago972936 do you want me to upload it to megaupload? because the site where I got it from last year is down.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @Smallpoxproductions sorry, I do not wish to put this up for download because of others that steal and make a video to claim as their own.....

  • @JelleJelleJelle
    @JelleJelleJelle 13 років тому

    @KrakatoaCoo Well, for some reason the Twister rollercoaster still has the headlight on, even though I turned all lights to black. But I also meant the fact that there is no lightreflection on the track (as far as I can see) but that might be because of the way you darkened the game.
    I was actually hoping that you had used the Errt's Lights Changer tool though, since I kinda want it but I can't find a working link. :(

  • @xNovocane
    @xNovocane 14 років тому

    how to you get it so dark i make it and you can see the darn tracks

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @sideswiper22 thats the lift.

  • @Soccer1296
    @Soccer1296 13 років тому

    the only thing i have to cricitize is making the galaxy spin in unison w/ the 2nd lift. other than that its flawless

  • @mrlego611
    @mrlego611 11 років тому

    The tracks are not disappeared. They are there but he put the game in night mode to hide it.

  • @rct3isepic
    @rct3isepic 12 років тому

    where did you get the pic at the end? i tried googling it but got nothing.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @SpaceMountain77 Thank you. You basically nailed it on NoLimits, so I'll counter with RCT3. :p

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @ExBuickRacer thx dude! How you know?

  • @16srt392
    @16srt392 12 років тому

    So awesome!!but how did u make the track dissapear? And can u put the download link some where else? I don't like Atari forums:( thanks_)

  • @sodbuster123
    @sodbuster123 14 років тому

    absolutly amazing

  • @CrokedBlueCreeper101
    @CrokedBlueCreeper101 10 років тому


    • @joshy1024
      @joshy1024 10 років тому

      he he he I just skipped to the fun part at 3:10

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @xNovocane any video editing program can darken the footage...... i believe Windows Movie Maker has one for new video makers.....

  • @Kittyhat
    @Kittyhat 13 років тому

    what type of ride?

  • @SuperHotLarry
    @SuperHotLarry 14 років тому

    @KrakatoaCoo i already asked SS77 to edit and upload his vids

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @ExBuickRacer I used my own created CS, Mattatt14's, and MtXilay13's.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @tehfailcopter it certainly is.

  • @Bradly105
    @Bradly105 8 років тому


  • @SoraRoxasdude1
    @SoraRoxasdude1 12 років тому

    Is the guitar riff played randomly? I don't always hear it.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @SuperHotLarry What do you mean inaccurate? The layout is pretty much the same!

  • @SuperHotLarry
    @SuperHotLarry 14 років тому

    @KrakatoaCoo did i say they were MY recreations? no i said they were MY VIDS

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  12 років тому

    i released them a while ago i believe. I'll look it up for ya.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  12 років тому

    you can find them at Shyguy's World

  • @yukikominmei1048
    @yukikominmei1048 10 років тому

    awesome how dide you do that

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @mrolympustitan It is too late. I already changed the ride for another surprise. Sorry.

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @dinex123 they sure do!

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @TransformersGuy911 yep, DAMN

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  13 років тому

    @HuntleyBrosStudios Hey thanks man.

  • @rct3isepic
    @rct3isepic 11 років тому

    can you make a park download of this and ghost galaxy?

  • @Soccer1296
    @Soccer1296 13 років тому

    @Soccer1296 and more stars in teh building in general. :)

  • @KrakatoaCoo
    @KrakatoaCoo  14 років тому

    @Duskillaz i did darken it a bit too much.

  • @ExBuickRacer
    @ExBuickRacer 14 років тому


  • @MediocreToker
    @MediocreToker 14 років тому

    Awesome Effects

  • @EmanuelAliprantis
    @EmanuelAliprantis 11 років тому

    Do you have a download of everything that you used? :D SOOOOO AMAZING

  • @Soccer1296
    @Soccer1296 13 років тому

    can i have a link to your custom scenery? fourms got reamped so i cant find your download... :P