Connections in 3 Switch Fuse Connection Units (Switch Fuse Spurs) Layout of the Terminals Explained

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @manuelabayomi3276
    @manuelabayomi3276 Рік тому +1

    Your explanation for the third one was what I was looking for. Thanks

  • @julianfisher6373
    @julianfisher6373 Рік тому +3

    Again all fully explained & crystal clear !! Many thanks & keep your videos coming.

  • @cronopl
    @cronopl Місяць тому +1

    Needed wiring explenatation to the 2nd one! Thanks

  • @nazeemkureembocus3596
    @nazeemkureembocus3596 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you sir I fixed mine with your help

  • @kierandoherty1420
    @kierandoherty1420 2 роки тому +2

    Great stuff cleared up my confusion on supply & load 👍

  • @PickleJim
    @PickleJim 5 років тому +7

    Thanks Gary, clear concise and informative as ever.

  • @formicapple2
    @formicapple2 3 місяці тому

    Many thanks for explaining this to me.

  • @rabk5702
    @rabk5702 6 місяців тому +1

    The second had me confused as it was the same as the one, I have and I was not too sure about it as I not seen this type before, but your video help me thank you 😁😁

  • @tonydemetrios1251
    @tonydemetrios1251 5 років тому +10

    So glad I stumbled across your you tube channel. I’m a complete novice doing my part p 18 edition wiring course mid September. And find your videos so informative. Keep them coming 🤣🤝

    • @GSHElectrical
      @GSHElectrical  5 років тому +1

      Hi, thanks for the wonderful comment and good luck in your studies. Gaz 👍

    • @efixx
      @efixx 5 років тому +2

      Have you checked-out Gaz and Joe’s website and the UA-cam channel Efixx 👍. Thanks 👍

  • @adnanidf94
    @adnanidf94 3 роки тому +1

    Great video. Very clear to understand.

  • @tobycoombs2446
    @tobycoombs2446 5 років тому +4

    Another great video for your learners 👍🏻

    • @GSHElectrical
      @GSHElectrical  5 років тому

      Many thanks for the positive feedback and comment. GAZ

  • @dilligaf2386
    @dilligaf2386 2 роки тому +1

    Superb explanation

  • @davidroche6973
    @davidroche6973 5 років тому +3

    Helpful video as always 👍

  • @jeanclaude2794
    @jeanclaude2794 5 років тому +2

    hello from toronto canada cheers!!!

  • @zedman442
    @zedman442 5 років тому +2

    Great Job. One takeaway... Choose MK 😉

  • @Mark_Thompson_Author
    @Mark_Thompson_Author 2 роки тому

    Brilliantly explained!Thanks.

  • @davidb3537
    @davidb3537 4 роки тому +1

    Great factual video clearly pointing out the inconsistencies relating to terminations within accessories.
    While my personal preference is for the MK unit, I do find the flex cable grip difficult to use on any cable with conductors over 1mn csa.
    Considering how long accessories have been in production it is surprising the lack of uniformity from manufacturers.

    • @GSHElectrical
      @GSHElectrical  4 роки тому

      Thanks for commenting and the feedback. Gaz 🦾

  • @fostexfan160
    @fostexfan160 9 місяців тому

    can you connect another 2.5mm wire into the supply terminals to continue the supply or is it better to use a junction box?

  • @michaelcostello6991
    @michaelcostello6991 Рік тому +1

    Great detail. Thanks

  • @richardwash6678
    @richardwash6678 5 років тому +2

    Another useful video Gaz 👍

  • @imonw3b
    @imonw3b 7 місяців тому

    Hi can I add fcu from fcu as the other spur socket is going out to the garden. Thanks

  • @earlofgriefem
    @earlofgriefem 11 місяців тому

    I'm doing a job where I need to re-box in some boiler pipes. The old boxing had one of these switches and I plan to replace. So I understand the load is the kitchen extracor fan but I have 2 other cables feeding in, one is from a plug socket and one presumably is connected ti the consumer unit, I was wondering should both of these cables classed as supply (in) ?

  • @spencera.8453
    @spencera.8453 Рік тому

    Got a video for wiring a 3 Pole Fan Isolator Switch c/w 3 Amp Fuse?

  • @michaelcostello6991
    @michaelcostello6991 Рік тому

    Is there a video on where there may be dangerous high voltages present in a factory etc etc eg at transformers . Places we need to keep well away from.

  • @rickgreaves67
    @rickgreaves67 Рік тому

    Great video. Can I spur of a main ring socket with a fused spur, to almost make like a radial circuit to carry on going outside. Or do I need to cut into the main ring with the fused spur. Thanks.

  • @Marcel_Germann
    @Marcel_Germann 5 років тому +1

    For the protective earth I would always use the the terminal most far away from the flex entry. Then the PE conductor is always longer than the L and N of the flex. If someone rips out the flex cable and the strain relief is failing, the protective earth connection will fail as the last connection. I always make the PE ~20mm longer than L and N. Sometimes this is ensured by the construction, for example of a plug. The BS1363 for example, the PE conductor is the longest wire, and through this it will fail at last.

  • @errickmagar3928
    @errickmagar3928 4 роки тому +1

    Really helped! Thank you GHS

  • @mrj4264
    @mrj4264 2 роки тому

    Load would also be used for an inline fan?

  • @brightspark263
    @brightspark263 5 років тому +5

    Great video as usual Gaz. I wish manufacturers standardised the locations of the terminals so they are in the positions of the first FCU you showed. I've used FCUs with the terminals laid out in the second example and it's really fiddly to get the wires in neatly because they are spread across the back of the FCU, whereas with the first example you can bend the cables easier to fit into the backbox.

  • @mixer7586
    @mixer7586 4 роки тому

    Is the fused spur switch double pole? If so does the fuse just break the line conductor.?

  • @SinsofMathetes
    @SinsofMathetes 7 місяців тому

    So I have the first switch fused, all electrics works as should but when I switch off at fuse electrics still work, even when I take fuse out!

  • @rickprobert5189
    @rickprobert5189 3 роки тому +1

    Fab video, thanks!

  • @RjK-s5z
    @RjK-s5z 7 місяців тому +1

    Great, thanks!

  • @whatliesbeneathurbanexplor1631
    @whatliesbeneathurbanexplor1631 3 роки тому

    GSH ELECTRICAL hi see the way if you have two double sockets coming from a 13 fused switched spur from a 20amp trip switch. Can you add two 3amp fused spurs for lightning at the second double socket

    • @GSHElectrical
      @GSHElectrical  3 роки тому +1

      Wiring a Light From a Socket Outlet and Safe Isolation of a Switched Fuse Connection Unit (Spur)

  • @Ianw236
    @Ianw236 2 роки тому

    Are there any smart switches available that can replace these fused switches ?

  • @papillonbougie7080
    @papillonbougie7080 2 роки тому

    when you test continuity between live in supply part and live in load part there is no continuity so how current flows to the load

  • @استغفراللهوأتوباليه-ر6ث1ر

    Hello what will happend if I use this fuse in 12 volt system , the fuse will let the current enter to the load ( 12v load ) ? Or the 12 volt current won’t be able to enter to load ?

  • @hermanliu8637
    @hermanliu8637 3 роки тому

    Very good UA-cam learning. Please advise if i) a switched fuse spur for a boiler should be 3 amp or 13 amp ? ii) if the former, would it be ok if the fuse spur's 13 amp be just replaced by a 3 amp fuse ? iii) how come my switche fuse spur just has one hole for Earth ? Many thanks.

  • @dg2908
    @dg2908 5 років тому +3

    Good educational video. Kept it factual too rather than telling us that the second example was a rubbish design. Would it be more accurate though to state that the fuse must be selected to protect the outgoing cable rather than the connected load? I know practically speaking that you'd want to coordinate all three.

  • @shaunbeard593
    @shaunbeard593 5 років тому +6

    Hi Gaz could this be used to step down from a ring main to run a light in my she'd. With the appropriate wire and fuse. Many thanx

    • @GSHElectrical
      @GSHElectrical  5 років тому +1

      Hi Shaun, you would have many other considerations before carrying out the process you have stated. Thanks as always for your comment and all the best. Gaz 👍

  • @LocoSajoca
    @LocoSajoca 4 роки тому

    Hi Gary, can I ask..
    Could you wire straight into an fcu a 6mm twin and cpc cable and bypass a socket that is spurred from it? For instance a cooker cable. Just wondering if this would be possible with a 13A fcu

    • @JD_London
      @JD_London 4 роки тому

      Why would you bypass the socket bud?

    • @LocoSajoca
      @LocoSajoca 4 роки тому

      @@JD_London for example, my cooker is flat twin and earth 6mm cable that wires into a cooker outlet which is spurred from a cooker switch (traditional red switch type) so it isn't doesn't have a plug because it is not a flex. The reason i ask is if someone moved and kept their cooker but the new place has a socket outlet spurred from an fcu spurred from a cooker switch, could you just wire into the fcu or would you have to replace the cable?

  • @yaqubkhan8092
    @yaqubkhan8092 Рік тому

    Great video for guidance

  • @ibrootsc2867
    @ibrootsc2867 5 років тому

    Can you please do a video on wiring p.i.r. Motion sensor to existing lights?

  • @shaundavies2169
    @shaundavies2169 4 роки тому

    Great video very informative, a question I got from a relative who had to replace a fused swit h but because the manafactuarar must of been different so he couldnt copy the wiring he is unsure is he fitted properly as in putting the supply to supply and load to load he got the correct wires in as earth neutral and live but if he mixed the supply and load around would it still work? and isit dangerous? Thanks again buddy

    • @GSHElectrical
      @GSHElectrical  4 роки тому

      Shaun Davies hi it will still work

    • @shaundavies2169
      @shaundavies2169 4 роки тому

      @@GSHElectrical thanks for the quick reply! Still all safe then?

  • @papillonbougie7080
    @papillonbougie7080 2 роки тому

    I do apology yes there is contiguity, my socket switch was off that is why there was no continuity

  • @richardcook1987
    @richardcook1987 3 роки тому

    no not clear.