my K/D been stuck at 2.3 for the past few weeks. im consistently playing games at a 3.0+ K/D and it wont change. probably played around 100 games in those few weeks. my K/D trend consistently stays between +.18-+.26. but the overall K/D never moves up. My K/D should be much closer to 3 now. my question is if my Trends consistently stay positive throughout 100ish games. how does the overall K/D not go up as well unless its bugged.
Because the trend is only based on your last 10 games compared to your current K/D. So lets break down some math idk how many kills you actually have but lets say you have a nice even 10000 and if your K/D was 2.3 you'd have around 4340 deaths. Meaning if you go and play 100 games at a 3.0 and get 30 kills and 10 deaths per game times 100 times thats now 3000 kills and 1000 deaths. Adding that to your previous total brings your new total to 13000-5340 which would just bring your K/D to 2.4 like just barely. Now without actual screenshots of those 100 games you really can't say for sure, could have been a few games where you went 2.5 k/d or something which would probably swing it just enough to keep it at 2.3 only because we can't see that 2nd number after the decimal
I tried posting a comment idk what happened to it but i swear its bugged. I think the real issue behind kd and this topic is the fact they don't showcase your deaths, if they did that then nobody would complain anymore.
I had a feeling this was going to come down to people either not realizing how the math behind ratios works, or them thinking that it is a "Last 10 games" value. I feel like the stats screen should get an overhaul. Something like a whole nother page, alongside the current one, showing all the same stat values it currently shows, but limited to the last 10 matches played. This would give people a more accurate representation of their current skill level, allowing them to see more clearly when they are improving or not.
Agreed, once you play I'd say about 100 games, unless you significantly improve you won't see it on that page. I think that was why they put the trends in there, but something like seasonal stats might help as well similar to what they have in Siege.
The time you played doesn't really having anything to do with it being at 1.0. Do you feel it should be higher? Do you constantly average over 1.0 every game?
its 100% broken for some, i was lvl 33 when i checked them for the first time, now im at 63 and the 4 displayed stats are equal, and thats like 80 games in.
Hi NyteFall, I am the one who did that Twitter post you mentioned in your video. Your video just popped up in my timeline, and I was surprised to see my Twitter post in a thumbnail :D . First of all, it is not cool to assume that people just do not know basic statistics. I think it is just like the hit reg and netcode problems: Some are affected, some are not. Just because you are not affected, does not mean that I am wrong. Twitter does not allow long posts (if you have a free account), so I had to make it short. But here, I can go more into detail. I play the game since launch day. In the beginning, I had to figure out the best control settings for me and had to get into the game in general. I did not get stomped, but it also was not a great performance. On day 2 or 3, I got the hang of it, and most of my games end with a positive K/D since then (of course, I also go negative from time to time). I play the game almost every day (it's the honeymoon phase, don't judge me :D ). I checked my K/D now and then. It went up and down in the beginning. But then suddenly, it got stuck at 0.9 only a few days after launch. Over 2 weeks later, it was still 0.9, even though most of my matches went better than that. Furthermore, the trend over the last 10 matches was always positive, around +10 % (this value actually went up and down a bit). How can I have a constantly positive trend for over 2 weeks, and the career stats still show the same value that I had after the first approx. 3 days of playing? This does not make sense. The next day after my post on Twitter and Marks response, I played another match, and my K/D went up to 1.0. I was thinking "Well, maybe I really just had a false perception". But a day later, also the K/D trend stopped working. I have a trend of exactly +6.2 % for almost a week now. Today, I played 3 matches. First one I got a negative K/D, second one it was 1.0, and third one was over 2 (I had to learn to slow down my playstyle for TDM, a mode I normally do not like to play). It is impossible that my 10 matches trend does not change at all after these. The stats are definitely buggy. I am not mad about it. I have fun, not matter what my stats say. I just want to contribute to this amazing game, and if I find a new bug, I write about it, because I know that the devs are reading it and actually care. But it is funny to hear that my post triggered some outrage on other platforms :D .
Okay for starters, that' super cool that this made it back to you lol. I was never really saying you didn't know basic math, just all the people I talked after seeing your tweet would tell me their story on why it's broken and most of them I found thought that that K/D number was based on the last 10 games, and not the trend so had to correct a lot of people. It very well could be stuck for you and some others, but other people are then using that as an excuse to say theirs is messed up when they are actually just trash lol. I think everyone had a rough go at the start getting settings to feel good for them and playing with new guns and what not, so that's understandable. But I do want to address a few things you mentioned here, and if you could tell me what platform you play on and what your gamertag is I can look into it further to try to understand better. But basically you mentioned you had a trend of 6.2% over the last 2 weeks. I'm not sure how many games you played in total over those 2 weeks. And while it's unlikely that it stayed at 6.2% exactly and wasn't stuck, it is possible. Keep in mind that it's not taking 10 game chunks meaning your trend is based on games 1-10 and then 11-20, but rather it's based on the last 10 games you played meaning 1-10 and then if you play one more it now erases that 1st game and now calculates the trend on 2-11. Hope that makes sense. As for your 3 matches today if you got a negative K/D lets say you went 15 and 20 (.75) then the next game you went 20-20 (1.0) and the next game you went 50-20 (2.5) that means you went a total of 85-60. This stat line alone is 1.4 but if you add those numbers similar to what I did in this video your overall K/D won't even budge. The only thing this may effect is your trend, but impossible to calculate without knowing your other 7 games. But I would love to investigate and make a follow up video if you want to reach out to me on Discord my name is same over there nytefalll 3 Ls at the end
I think another component to this is that your career stats are tracking actual kills, while the in-game scoreboard is tracking kills and kill assists. My KD is at 1.2 currently, and if I go by what is on the scoreboard I very rarely go less than 1.5, and a majority of the time I am 2 or higher, but that is considering kill assists. I do wish they would keep it consistent between career stats and the scoreboard either way, but I think this is a big factor in the confusion. I can't find confirmation that my theory is correct, but it does seem to make my estimated math come out much closer to what the career stats are showing.
I think that's exactly what's happening, assuming your talking about the kill assists that actually get counted as kills, not the actual assists column
Nope, you are wrong. I've been playing COD for years and from experience i can say that the XDefiant k/d is bugged. You play on average 1KD games, so your solution to the problem is "simple math". But when you play multiple days in a row games averaging 2.5 k/d - 3 k/d with 50,60 kills and your KD stays a 1.6, then you know its glitched. The reason for my change in performance is because i used to play on 60hz and the game was unplayable compared to now 120hz. We're not yet at that point where people have that many kills, where the k/d is not moving due to the amount. Any experienced player can see the k/d ratio is glitched.
I literally said I can only go based on what I can see with my own eyes and asked for someone willing to work with me to show me their stats. And we are definitely at that point lol most players who play a couple hours a day have well over 10k kills already
@@NyteFalll I guess we'll see if the XD team say something about it. But when there's multiple people saying the same thing, there has to be something. I've never seen people complaining in COD about the KD. Good videos though, man. Keep it up, you deserve a lot more subscribers and views.
@gamer34man I appreciate it. And I did do my own test and put out a newer video. I don't think it's broken in the way people are saying but there's definitely something not being calculated correctly if you have some time to check that one out let me know what you think
@@NyteFalll yeah it's 100% broken for me. Tracked 10 games and it's not changed. It's not changed for around 3 weeks now. Regardless of playtime the game it's still relatively new so I'd 100% expect to see some change over that timescale. Especially since I'm adamant I've improved at the game.
I mean yeah but no. My kd was like 1.8 at launch and then dropped to a 1.6 about a week after. The percentage increase changes right under it and its funny because the percentage increase is now at like 11% which means it should be at minimum a 1.7. However almost every single game i play which i play often. I drop a 2.0 or a 3.0. Stats are broken for me, the only thing that tracks properly is the time played and the win ratio i think. I dont care about stats too much, i think they have bigger fish to fry. Its just that i think you are wrong with saying that this is always not the case. There are always exceptions. If you worded the video a bit differently then i think your feedback would be viewed differently
I really think smtgs wrong w it, I’ve been going at least 10 plus positive for the last 15 games I’ve played and my kd hasn’t changed even tho I’ve only played a total of 50ish games. Confused on how it hasn’t went up at least .1 I’ve been really positive kd for a while now
Ok but why does my career stat page say i have 33hrs playtime, while tracker says 52hrs? And i see theres a discrepancy between your hrs played as well. I definitely think the stat page is bugged. Also i might be misremembering math class but i think providing numbers of kills and deaths might be important to figuring out the rest of the equation.
Yeah we definitely need to see the number of kills and deaths. And I think the tracker may counting hours you have the game opened vs the game is only counting time in the match not too sure on that one haven't looked into it
@@NyteFalll yea my initial thought was also the time difference just coming from having the game open, but that wouldn't explain the discrepancies with the hrs played from each individual faction. This is the first shooter game I've dedicated a decent amount of time to since BO2 and I remember that game having a better stat page a decade ago. I've been enjoying the game but definitely feel like the stat page needs a complete overhaul
@@NyteFalll so on the in game stats they total to 31hrs but I imagine the missing 2 hours is from them rounding down the hours played for each faction. But on tracker they total to 92 hours despite it saying I have 52 hours played. I have no clue what's going on lol. Whether there is some rhyme or reason to these numbers or not they definitely need to fix something here lol
they already said kd is not important to them and shouldnt be pretty sure thats why they dont show or track the deaths. im always on top of my kd with every game and this doesnt move at all. always been at 1.3 and then the green has been at 12.3 since the start. show me my deaths
Yeah but the percentage of the increase isn't budging not even by 0.1% and 9/10games im getting a 1.5/2.0 kd sooo it is bugged cause 10 games getting stleast 1.5kd woukd nudge that percentage by 0.1% atleast..
My career stats have been frozen since season one started 😂 even hours played on faction are frozen according to the in game stats with all faction it says I only played 90 hrs I have over 400 hours 😂
Well I mean when you first start it will show 0.0 but after you play even your first game it should update in game. Whats your gamertag and what platform do you play on?
@NyteFalll well to be fair I only got 168 games under my belt I'll have to check the tracker I didn't know they had xdefiant on there I usually check my apex
Why do you think it should be closer to 3.0? Sorry to be blunt but I see a lot of people saying it should be this, how do you know what it should be if you can't see how many deaths you have?
@@NyteFalll I’m level 110 or so and I’ve been a 2.2 since about 50, my average game I’m going 30-10 but it’s not uncommon for me to get 70+ kills carrying a 5plus kd. I should be creeping on 3.0 by now and I’m still at 2.3. Just doesn’t seem right that’s all.
@@anthonysmigielski831 Bro its not just you, Im also sitting at a 2.3. Exact same thing for me I'm averaging a 4-5kd over the past 50 games with numerous 50 plus 10kd games, and it has not budged.
After reading through the comments the better answer is that Kill Assist are not tracked towards your KD as (kills). in most games people have a higher KDA than KD. My issue with your "wrong math" logic before I saw that Kill Assist werent added is that over that 10 game span my percentage of change is (15+)%. That 15% has been that way for over 2 weeks. Its understandable that at a 1.9% uptick youll very rarely see a difference. I started my first few days on the game struggling to get a kill and now weeks later I rarely go negative 1 which in itself is higher than my displayed KD. What would solve the possible confusion is the addition of the true kill and death counter
ubisoft need to start taking this game/team more seriously, i now it is a long term game and its free but the lack of care and content doesnt fit neither the player count nor the reachable potential of the project. it feels like an indie game in many aspect, and i have no problem with the team, but Ubi putting the south park developers onto this project is insane. this game has zero competition, not even cod. it will most likely never die, but surely it can be forgotten and be a 2nd tier popular shooter like R6, and thats a huge flop imo because if worked around this HAS the potential to beat COD on a competitive scene and be one of the most played shooters in the future. not at this rate though
If you just leave any game you are about to lose you can just pad ur stats. i have 4300 skill rating and 5 w/l and 2.1KD. This is why those stats are meaningless right now. I don't do it every game but the game where none of my teammates can get above 0.3 KD i will just leave bc its a waste of time....
@@NyteFalll yep doesn't give you a loss, don't lower ur avg score or skill lvl. Not sure if KD is affected, my KD is around 2.0 each game.... tracker shows around 13k kills for me
@@NyteFalll Yeah you could be right there. I also noticed on the tracker my kill/match is decently high at 58 so that might be boosted too if it seems to be counting kills and not losses. 220 matches show on my tracker as well.
Hmm I'll have to make a second account now and do some investigating on that and make a video with what I find, thank you for letting me know about that
Any game that's ever had K/D visible automatically means 98% of people aren't playing OBJ in my opinion they need to take out every single OBJ mode and just leave TDM in the game heck even hotshot on here people never pick up coins and when you're the hotshot your teammates all the sudden want to steal all the coins so you team still loses
Lol this is the most true statement. But adding TDM has helped I feel in the other game modes. Seems like less people just running and gunning for kills
there most definitely is a bug, i have a 2.9k/d ever since launch, and i now average a 4-6 k/d every game with 50-60 kills, k/d has never updated
Well aren't you just smoking lobbies lol 4-6 on average dayyum
No you’re not and I thought it was stuck too but you gotta think about it you have thousands of kills bruh
my K/D been stuck at 2.3 for the past few weeks. im consistently playing games at a 3.0+ K/D and it wont change. probably played around 100 games in those few weeks. my K/D trend consistently stays between +.18-+.26. but the overall K/D never moves up. My K/D should be much closer to 3 now. my question is if my Trends consistently stay positive throughout 100ish games. how does the overall K/D not go up as well unless its bugged.
Because the trend is only based on your last 10 games compared to your current K/D. So lets break down some math idk how many kills you actually have but lets say you have a nice even 10000 and if your K/D was 2.3 you'd have around 4340 deaths. Meaning if you go and play 100 games at a 3.0 and get 30 kills and 10 deaths per game times 100 times thats now 3000 kills and 1000 deaths. Adding that to your previous total brings your new total to 13000-5340 which would just bring your K/D to 2.4 like just barely. Now without actual screenshots of those 100 games you really can't say for sure, could have been a few games where you went 2.5 k/d or something which would probably swing it just enough to keep it at 2.3 only because we can't see that 2nd number after the decimal
and you 100% hack , learn to play and get a life. stop paying hacks
I tried posting a comment idk what happened to it but i swear its bugged. I think the real issue behind kd and this topic is the fact they don't showcase your deaths, if they did that then nobody would complain anymore.
@ODStat yeah they would lol they'd claim there's no way they died that many times 🤣
@@NyteFalll should do an update on the kd bro i'm telling you i promise you its bugged (has to be)
@ODStat it is now and it's on my list of videos to make, all the stats are bugged now even the trends are frozen
I had a feeling this was going to come down to people either not realizing how the math behind ratios works, or them thinking that it is a "Last 10 games" value.
I feel like the stats screen should get an overhaul. Something like a whole nother page, alongside the current one, showing all the same stat values it currently shows, but limited to the last 10 matches played. This would give people a more accurate representation of their current skill level, allowing them to see more clearly when they are improving or not.
Agreed, once you play I'd say about 100 games, unless you significantly improve you won't see it on that page. I think that was why they put the trends in there, but something like seasonal stats might help as well similar to what they have in Siege.
my kd never changed from 1,0 after plsying 80 hours, its a bug, no doubt. and win/lost games also is at 1,0 too. I hate this
The time you played doesn't really having anything to do with it being at 1.0. Do you feel it should be higher? Do you constantly average over 1.0 every game?
My kd has been stuck for a while now, even the number below the kd has been stuck for over 20 hours of game time
Yeah since Season 1 launch it's been stuck
My kd hasnt changed at all since my 4th match played. I've definitely improved and now have 20 hours played
Would you be willing to help me investigate further? If so you can message me on discord my name on there is nytefalll 3 Ls
its 100% broken for some, i was lvl 33 when i checked them for the first time, now im at 63 and the 4 displayed stats are equal, and thats like 80 games in.
They are 100% frozen now since the season 1 update, but prior to that I had yet to see anyones who was actually frozen
Hi NyteFall,
I am the one who did that Twitter post you mentioned in your video. Your video just popped up in my timeline, and I was surprised to see my Twitter post in a thumbnail :D .
First of all, it is not cool to assume that people just do not know basic statistics. I think it is just like the hit reg and netcode problems: Some are affected, some are not. Just because you are not affected, does not mean that I am wrong. Twitter does not allow long posts (if you have a free account), so I had to make it short. But here, I can go more into detail.
I play the game since launch day. In the beginning, I had to figure out the best control settings for me and had to get into the game in general. I did not get stomped, but it also was not a great performance. On day 2 or 3, I got the hang of it, and most of my games end with a positive K/D since then (of course, I also go negative from time to time). I play the game almost every day (it's the honeymoon phase, don't judge me :D ).
I checked my K/D now and then. It went up and down in the beginning. But then suddenly, it got stuck at 0.9 only a few days after launch. Over 2 weeks later, it was still 0.9, even though most of my matches went better than that. Furthermore, the trend over the last 10 matches was always positive, around +10 % (this value actually went up and down a bit). How can I have a constantly positive trend for over 2 weeks, and the career stats still show the same value that I had after the first approx. 3 days of playing? This does not make sense.
The next day after my post on Twitter and Marks response, I played another match, and my K/D went up to 1.0. I was thinking "Well, maybe I really just had a false perception". But a day later, also the K/D trend stopped working. I have a trend of exactly +6.2 % for almost a week now. Today, I played 3 matches. First one I got a negative K/D, second one it was 1.0, and third one was over 2 (I had to learn to slow down my playstyle for TDM, a mode I normally do not like to play). It is impossible that my 10 matches trend does not change at all after these.
The stats are definitely buggy. I am not mad about it. I have fun, not matter what my stats say. I just want to contribute to this amazing game, and if I find a new bug, I write about it, because I know that the devs are reading it and actually care.
But it is funny to hear that my post triggered some outrage on other platforms :D .
Okay for starters, that' super cool that this made it back to you lol. I was never really saying you didn't know basic math, just all the people I talked after seeing your tweet would tell me their story on why it's broken and most of them I found thought that that K/D number was based on the last 10 games, and not the trend so had to correct a lot of people. It very well could be stuck for you and some others, but other people are then using that as an excuse to say theirs is messed up when they are actually just trash lol. I think everyone had a rough go at the start getting settings to feel good for them and playing with new guns and what not, so that's understandable. But I do want to address a few things you mentioned here, and if you could tell me what platform you play on and what your gamertag is I can look into it further to try to understand better. But basically you mentioned you had a trend of 6.2% over the last 2 weeks. I'm not sure how many games you played in total over those 2 weeks. And while it's unlikely that it stayed at 6.2% exactly and wasn't stuck, it is possible. Keep in mind that it's not taking 10 game chunks meaning your trend is based on games 1-10 and then 11-20, but rather it's based on the last 10 games you played meaning 1-10 and then if you play one more it now erases that 1st game and now calculates the trend on 2-11. Hope that makes sense. As for your 3 matches today if you got a negative K/D lets say you went 15 and 20 (.75) then the next game you went 20-20 (1.0) and the next game you went 50-20 (2.5) that means you went a total of 85-60. This stat line alone is 1.4 but if you add those numbers similar to what I did in this video your overall K/D won't even budge. The only thing this may effect is your trend, but impossible to calculate without knowing your other 7 games. But I would love to investigate and make a follow up video if you want to reach out to me on Discord my name is same over there nytefalll 3 Ls at the end
I think another component to this is that your career stats are tracking actual kills, while the in-game scoreboard is tracking kills and kill assists. My KD is at 1.2 currently, and if I go by what is on the scoreboard I very rarely go less than 1.5, and a majority of the time I am 2 or higher, but that is considering kill assists. I do wish they would keep it consistent between career stats and the scoreboard either way, but I think this is a big factor in the confusion. I can't find confirmation that my theory is correct, but it does seem to make my estimated math come out much closer to what the career stats are showing.
I think that's exactly what's happening, assuming your talking about the kill assists that actually get counted as kills, not the actual assists column
Yep that's what I'm talking about
Nope, you are wrong. I've been playing COD for years and from experience i can say that the XDefiant k/d is bugged.
You play on average 1KD games, so your solution to the problem is "simple math".
But when you play multiple days in a row games averaging 2.5 k/d - 3 k/d with 50,60 kills and your KD stays a 1.6, then you know its glitched.
The reason for my change in performance is because i used to play on 60hz and the game was unplayable compared to now 120hz.
We're not yet at that point where people have that many kills, where the k/d is not moving due to the amount.
Any experienced player can see the k/d ratio is glitched.
I literally said I can only go based on what I can see with my own eyes and asked for someone willing to work with me to show me their stats. And we are definitely at that point lol most players who play a couple hours a day have well over 10k kills already
@@NyteFalll I guess we'll see if the XD team say something about it. But when there's multiple people saying the same thing, there has to be something. I've never seen people complaining in COD about the KD.
Good videos though, man. Keep it up, you deserve a lot more subscribers and views.
@gamer34man I appreciate it. And I did do my own test and put out a newer video. I don't think it's broken in the way people are saying but there's definitely something not being calculated correctly if you have some time to check that one out let me know what you think
My thoughts were that your kill assists don't count in K/D stats.
They don't
I fill like I would win more gunfights if the dam hit reg was working right
Tell me about it
You are officially my new favorite content creator
@AnonUnited aww thanks 😊
Not sure about this. Mine haven't changed for a long time, even the percentages haven't changed and I play daily.
The percentages is a little different. My K/D recently went up by .1 so I know it's not stuck for me, could be for some though
@@NyteFalll yeah it's 100% broken for me. Tracked 10 games and it's not changed. It's not changed for around 3 weeks now. Regardless of playtime the game it's still relatively new so I'd 100% expect to see some change over that timescale. Especially since I'm adamant I've improved at the game.
I mean yeah but no. My kd was like 1.8 at launch and then dropped to a 1.6 about a week after. The percentage increase changes right under it and its funny because the percentage increase is now at like 11% which means it should be at minimum a 1.7. However almost every single game i play which i play often. I drop a 2.0 or a 3.0.
Stats are broken for me, the only thing that tracks properly is the time played and the win ratio i think.
I dont care about stats too much, i think they have bigger fish to fry. Its just that i think you are wrong with saying that this is always not the case. There are always exceptions. If you worded the video a bit differently then i think your feedback would be viewed differently
That's not how the percentage works
It's telling you that over the last 10 games your average kd was 11% better than the 1.6 you currently have.
I really think smtgs wrong w it, I’ve been going at least 10 plus positive for the last 15 games I’ve played and my kd hasn’t changed even tho I’ve only played a total of 50ish games. Confused on how it hasn’t went up at least .1 I’ve been really positive kd for a while now
Would need to do the math and estimate how many deaths you have since it doesn't track that anywhere unfortunately
@@NyteFalllya true, was never that bad but ig kill assists be making u seem like u getting a better kd then u actually get
Ok but why does my career stat page say i have 33hrs playtime, while tracker says 52hrs? And i see theres a discrepancy between your hrs played as well. I definitely think the stat page is bugged. Also i might be misremembering math class but i think providing numbers of kills and deaths might be important to figuring out the rest of the equation.
Yeah we definitely need to see the number of kills and deaths. And I think the tracker may counting hours you have the game opened vs the game is only counting time in the match not too sure on that one haven't looked into it
@@NyteFalll yea my initial thought was also the time difference just coming from having the game open, but that wouldn't explain the discrepancies with the hrs played from each individual faction. This is the first shooter game I've dedicated a decent amount of time to since BO2 and I remember that game having a better stat page a decade ago. I've been enjoying the game but definitely feel like the stat page needs a complete overhaul
@@jackbartlett30 does the time played for each faction on the in game screen not total the total playtime on that same screen?
@@NyteFalll so on the in game stats they total to 31hrs but I imagine the missing 2 hours is from them rounding down the hours played for each faction. But on tracker they total to 92 hours despite it saying I have 52 hours played. I have no clue what's going on lol. Whether there is some rhyme or reason to these numbers or not they definitely need to fix something here lol
they already said kd is not important to them and shouldnt be pretty sure thats why they dont show or track the deaths. im always on top of my kd with every game and this doesnt move at all. always been at 1.3 and then the green has been at 12.3 since the start. show me my deaths
Yeah but the percentage of the increase isn't budging not even by 0.1% and 9/10games im getting a 1.5/2.0 kd sooo it is bugged cause 10 games getting stleast 1.5kd woukd nudge that percentage by 0.1% atleast..
This video is weeks old. Ever since the season 1 update all the stats have been frozen along with the percentages.
My career stats have been frozen since season one started 😂 even hours played on faction are frozen according to the in game stats with all faction it says I only played 90 hrs I have over 400 hours 😂
Even now? Have you tried to play a few games? Everyone is reporting it's moving again
My kd was at 0.0 for the first week it's only a 1.0 and I get some nice games but it don't increase
Well I mean when you first start it will show 0.0 but after you play even your first game it should update in game. Whats your gamertag and what platform do you play on?
My game tag is ILLSIDE89 iam on pc
I've been sitting at 1.4 for literally 2 weeks now haha
Well you probably got more than 10k kill already like I do gonna be tough to change it
@NyteFalll well to be fair I only got 168 games under my belt I'll have to check the tracker I didn't know they had xdefiant on there I usually check my apex
@@NyteFalll I actually only have 5.8k surprisingly
@@Jbishop12 whaaaat? Well still that's a lot lol
@NyteFalll ha I know my stats in games shows I should have alot more ha just don't play too often need to start more to catch up ha
Yeah my kd should be close to 3.0 and I’m at 2.2 just went to a 2.3 after like 50 hours.
Why do you think it should be closer to 3.0? Sorry to be blunt but I see a lot of people saying it should be this, how do you know what it should be if you can't see how many deaths you have?
@@NyteFalll I’m level 110 or so and I’ve been a 2.2 since about 50, my average game I’m going 30-10 but it’s not uncommon for me to get 70+ kills carrying a 5plus kd. I should be creeping on 3.0 by now and I’m still at 2.3. Just doesn’t seem right that’s all.
@@NyteFalllalso maybe 1 out of every 10 games I fall below a 2.3 so I just don’t think the math is mathing.
@anthonysmigielski831 okay that's fair, have your tried the new xdloadout site to see what it says your kd is?
@@anthonysmigielski831 Bro its not just you, Im also sitting at a 2.3. Exact same thing for me I'm averaging a 4-5kd over the past 50 games with numerous 50 plus 10kd games, and it has not budged.
your number game is crazy.
math is not my strong suit lol worst class by far in school, but I find myself using it more now than I ever thought I would
After reading through the comments the better answer is that Kill Assist are not tracked towards your KD as (kills). in most games people have a higher KDA than KD.
My issue with your "wrong math" logic before I saw that Kill Assist werent added is that over that 10 game span my percentage of change is (15+)%. That 15% has been that way for over 2 weeks. Its understandable that at a 1.9% uptick youll very rarely see a difference. I started my first few days on the game struggling to get a kill and now weeks later I rarely go negative 1 which in itself is higher than my displayed KD.
What would solve the possible confusion is the addition of the true kill and death counter
Agreed, shows your kills but currently nowhere I know of to view how many deaths you have
Playing ranked also gives an increase in your stats bro. I have tested it. Give it a shot
What do you mean it gives an increase to your stats?
It would be so much easier if they just showed career kills and deaths
100% agree with you there
ubisoft need to start taking this game/team more seriously, i now it is a long term game and its free but the lack of care and content doesnt fit neither the player count nor the reachable potential of the project. it feels like an indie game in many aspect, and i have no problem with the team, but Ubi putting the south park developers onto this project is insane.
this game has zero competition, not even cod. it will most likely never die, but surely it can be forgotten and be a 2nd tier popular shooter like R6, and thats a huge flop imo because if worked around this HAS the potential to beat COD on a competitive scene and be one of the most played shooters in the future. not at this rate though
Yeah its sad to see the state of the game right now
If you just leave any game you are about to lose you can just pad ur stats. i have 4300 skill rating and 5 w/l and 2.1KD. This is why those stats are meaningless right now. I don't do it every game but the game where none of my teammates can get above 0.3 KD i will just leave bc its a waste of time....
So it doesn't give you a loss if you leave before it ends?
@@NyteFalll yep doesn't give you a loss, don't lower ur avg score or skill lvl. Not sure if KD is affected, my KD is around 2.0 each game.... tracker shows around 13k kills for me
@GeorgeAlexanderTrebek interesting 🤔 I would think your kills still count because you level up your gun mid game so it's still calculating those kills
@@NyteFalll Yeah you could be right there. I also noticed on the tracker my kill/match is decently high at 58 so that might be boosted too if it seems to be counting kills and not losses.
220 matches show on my tracker as well.
Hmm I'll have to make a second account now and do some investigating on that and make a video with what I find, thank you for letting me know about that
Good Stuff
KILL ASSISTS don’t count as kills in your career stats, but they do in the post match leaderboard.
That’s why it feels like there’s a discrepancy
Been trying to tell everyone this for weeks lol
@@NyteFalll I first noticed it in a TDM where everyone on both teams had more kills that deaths, the maths wasn’t mathing
no team play then ,no obj at all go back to cod k/d warrior, k/d so 2010 hahah
umm what now?
Who cares about K/D? Go for objective and don’t tell me I’m bad because I have 50 assist kills and 30 deaths with an objective score of 4300
Well a lot of people care about it and with team deathmatch now added it kinda is the objective
Any game that's ever had K/D visible automatically means 98% of people aren't playing OBJ in my opinion they need to take out every single OBJ mode and just leave TDM in the game heck even hotshot on here people never pick up coins and when you're the hotshot your teammates all the sudden want to steal all the coins so you team still loses
Lol this is the most true statement. But adding TDM has helped I feel in the other game modes. Seems like less people just running and gunning for kills
@@NyteFalll it's definitely helped more I've noticed I win much more games now then before I think once ranked is added it will help even more
@@ickilla Its an objective based game, PLAY THE MOTHERFUCKING OBJECTIVE.