OMG...I JUST TURNED 93 and today is the 1st time that I was introduced to this genius. I always admired Larry Adler,but today heard Toots and can’t get enough of his performances..I have saved the site and will probably listened to him everyday..thanks UA-cam...Chester Capponi from Burlington ont Canada
What a blessing. I respect, deeply respect persons like you who have lived so long. May Jehovah our heavenly Father continue to bless you , so you can continue to listen to beautiful music like this.
Incredible song that evokes romance, walks along the beach, vistas from a mountaintop, sharing smiles over coffee - and so much more. Pat's music has no nationality. It speaks across oceans and borders. It is a universal 'language' that brings a quiet smile to the world. What a gift.
bonjour ami lointain.j'aime beaucoup vôtre poésie a propos de celui que je considère comme le plus grand génie musical du 20 ème siècle L'IMMENSE PAT METHENY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! personne ne m'a emmené si haut et si loin dans les étoiles que cet extra terrestre de la musique !!!!!!!! que dire à son propos je crois qu'il suffit de l'écouter ça se passe de tout commentaire tant sa musique véhicule de beauté de profondeur de spiritualité et de nostalgie. DIEU est descendu un jour sur terre et il s'est déguisé en PAT METHENY pour composer ce chef-d'œuvre absolu cet Himalaya musical ce joyau éternel.ce morceau dédié à ses parents lois et Dave l'ai vu souvent en concert à Paris bien sûr et inutile de vous dire qu'à chaque fois c'était SUBLIME ( avec le PAT METHENY GROUP qui est pour moi le plus extraordinaire groupe du 20 ème siècle sans contestation possible !!!!!!!!!! Amicalement Guy
To me it's not romantic but far more of a reassuring, soothing atmosphere, like all is right with the world or soon will be. It sounds like family-ness at its best. Like walking through the neighborhood on Thanksgiving Day and smelling all the food cooking and coming back to your own house where family and friends are playing a board game in one room, others are watching the game and all is calm.
Very well put, Doug. I've been a fan since '84 and he always takes me places I've never been but would love to see. Sunset on a beach in Brazil, maybe. The gray skies of Missouri.
When I was 22, I was listening to this song, again and again without a particular emotion.. Good vibrations, no more... Beautiful of course... Today, as I am 49, I can cry ... at last
I first discovered Pat in the early 80's while staying up till 3 am studying for my college finals and was able to picked up a distant FM station that played jazz. I now have all of his releases and have seen him live in concert four times.
Secret story is one of Pat’s most diverse and worldly albums (and one my favorite of his in addition to letter from home) . His guests including Toots and London Symphony brings out the multi layer depth of emotion he delivers within his writing. I think Pat said he wrote this for his parents.
due geni assoluti, due miti viventi...gente che ha l'anima visibile, che si palesa nella musica..solo così si può capire come si possa fare della musica simile..che tocca l'insondabile dentro di noi...grazie Pat, Grazie Toots..grazie per tutta la vita...
Love the way Toots introduces his harmonic styling on the new phrase at 3:53. It adds that special sound to Pat's mellow guitar solo. The strings create a misty dimension...somewhere out there in time.
Sesame Street led me here long ago as I knew Toots when he knew i was a child born to love every note ever he would sound .Pat always has my ear as well.
wow, that is an emotional heart string pulling experience. This song reminds me of a rainy train trip I took through Cambodia. I had this recording (Secret Story) on an MP3 player and listened to it passing the ancient beautiful sad country. Now when i hear a song from that album I'm transported.
This song has that rare thoughtful sensitivity and warmth that make some music truly transcendent! I can always count on it to sooth my jangled nerves and make me feel that every thing will be OK.
una larga caminata en un atardecer soleado, donde vamos dejando que el sol se vaya escondiendo de a poco, entre las montañas, tiñendo de un rojo pálido todo el paisaje, dando paso a una noche estrellada que se hace esperar, y que culmina con la armónica de Toots Thielemans, invitándonos a la tranquilidad; todo eso me transmite esta hermosa canción
Since discovering "The Pat Metheny Group" while living in New York City in `79 I've been listening to Pat's progression as an artist. Fascinating musician! Simply great!!! And a duet with Toots no less!!!
I saw Pat Metheny in Seattle on the tour following the release of Secret Story. Every song was played perfectly, with the edge that a live nine man group brings to a venue. One of the great musicians of our time, without question.
Toots is a melody, Jos Meurrens. a perfect, harmonious, beautiful, everlasting melody. I've always been in love with his talent. there must be a Heaven for all those wonderful souls like his to be.
I've been in love with this muse-gician ever since I heard him in Vancouver hmmm 80's... he stole my heart and took my breath away... nothing has changed. Thank the angels and his Momma for him gracing this realm..
I thought I had compiled a list of my all time PAT METHENY FAVOURITES until today when I happily stumbled onto this gorgeous tune. His ability to evoke feelings of profound nostalgia through music is unsurpassed. My older brother left this world too soon, and because we lived 2,000 miles apart from each other our visits, while always memorable, were too short - and far too few. The brief - and oh so lyrical - harmonica solo in this piece is a perfect metaphor for the relationship I had with my brother. When you hear TOOTS play those few phrases you just ache with longing to hear more - as I ache with longing to have had just a few more days, hours, minutes with my dear departed brother Carl. I will treasure this piece as long as I have breath in my body.
My beautiful sister gave me the gift of Pat Metheny and his music. She said she went to his concert and I immediately had to find out who he was! I have been listening to him now for years thanks to her! Thanks Sis. Love you forever….
Thank you Loraine, As I am a lover of fine music and heard Toots's talents from Pat Metheny and hs collaboration with Toots Thielemans and his harmonica, I never knew who he was until his passing. I am touched by his music and thank you for making a post too. I hear the music and my heart sings, All the best. Michael
I had the privilege of seeing Toots at the Blue nite in New York in 2000. What a show. He reduced me to tears as the 78 year old man at the time created this magnificent music with his quartet. RIP dear Toots. You made a memorable contribution to our world.
que dire quel mot utiliser pour décrire ces 6 minutes d'éternité !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PAT METHENY est le plus grand génie de l'histoire de la musique tout simplement !!!!!!!!!!!!!! un moment où le temps suspend son vol.le pouvoir d'évocation de cette merveille est totalement renversant. quand a la performance du prodige TOOTS THIELEMANS à l'hamonica ( c' était probablement à cette époque le plus grand harmoniciste vivant malheureusement il nous a quitté récemment) elle rend totalement justice a ce joyau absolu.ecoutez et réécoutez vous ne vous lasserez jamais !!!!!!!!!!!! dernière chose cette merveille à été composée en hommage à ses parents lois et Dave metheny. un jalon important dans l'histoire de la musique !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! la musique de METHENY nous trenscende et nous rend meilleur au delà du temps et de l'espace !!!!!!!!!!! dans mille ans on sera toujours aussi ébahi devant le talent de cet extra terrestre de la musique !!!!!!!!!!!!! TOUT SIMPLEMENT MIRACULEUX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LE GRAAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUY
Waterworks every time, geez?! Man, that Toots!? It's this element of bittersweetness that Pat (& Lyle) did so well and is what always drew me to Pat & Co.. Secret Story is such a wonderful album
I cannot stress enough the genius level of the human brain, which was so capable to compose a nice bunch of sounds into such a tender and painful piece! Beautiful Music! Awesome Musicians! Great performance!!!
This piece introduced me to Pat's music when I was in college. Toots and Pat are perfect together. This piece has touched me so deeply like no other song has.
nice to hear from someone else on the same wavelength! - he's accompanied me on many a backpacking/climbing trip also, it's been the soundtrack to the last 25 years of my life and encompases all of my happiest and most precious memories including my Honeymoon. Pat & Co, I can never thank you enough.
For as much as I have been a fan or Pat Metheny, I completely missed this one. Love Toots, too. From hearing this the one time, I can tell where Pat got some of his later sounds on the Synclavier System. Having gone long, I must still remark that this is a wonderful composition and Toots adds to it immeasurably.
Secret story is Pat Matheny’s greatest album, but this song with Toots Thielemans is one of the most beautiful songs ever recorded and every time I listen to it I weep because it is so timelessly beautiful. 💞💫
Every time I hear this guy I wonder why the Kennedy Center hasn't recognized him as a national treasure. If you have any influence please use it before he dies....and make sure Lyle Mays is included. Thanks.
Totally agree - Pat is not only one of the greatest musicians on the planet, but a person of incredible integrity and vision. His legacy is and will continue to be absolutely priceless.
Que musicalidade por excelência, harmonia perfeita, entrosamento espetacular, quem teve a sorte um dia de descobrir a musicalidade genial de Pat, com certeza aprecia e tem um ótimo gosto musical, ele faz a diferença, parabéns Pat.
journeying to meet friends - driving down a lonely hilly backroad in SW Iowa on a warm autumn night - sleeping in the truck by a river - windows down dog nestled in next to me. warm wind and bright moon. this song was forever imprinted gently on my mind. life is so full. so thankful for PM and Toots.
Growing up I always loved Stevie Wonder's harmonica playing but Toots is amazing he presents these beautiful qualities that really makes the harmonica a beautiful sounding instrument that normally is hardly expressed.
So timeless and touchy combo ! Traveling in so many directions to express my feelings that this melody squeezes out my soul ! Effortless ! Thxs for the post !
Too much felt is here, that my poor, poor fragile heart & soul gates, cannot but break and surrender to the flooding tide of emotion, no longer contained.......
I remember watching a movie one time and was taken aback by the guy who was playing the harmonica. I thought that guy really knows how to play and interpret the moment with his instrument. I had heard the style again through many other films and records. I finally tracked him down and found out he was known as Toots. So perfect of a name for this musician. Pat Matheny has always been one of my favorite guitarist and his compositions always attract my attention. This song your listening to is of two great artist who just know how to do it right. I hope Toots gets more recognition for his body of work that he's left us, he deserves it. And Pat continuing to give us such wonderful music, man are we blessed or what? Love them both.
This song reminds me of a long walk I took through the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris on a rainy afternoon. I was surrounded by wonderful friends after having spent the morning in the De Orsay museum and having finished up a lovely lunch. It was a perfect day. This took me back to that moment. My eyes are welling up with tears just thinking about it.
How wonderful music brought us the dimension of Toots ,since i was a child ,and now at my 75 ,i still treasure this ambassador , for us South Americans,he was a Brazilian brother ,and blended with so much nature and friendship, at every country he went ! Virtuoso on every call of event ,either blues , bossa nova , rock , or classical, it was a WOOOW ! I can only say thank you Toots , i hope my small tribute reach haven were others of your dimension like Antonio Carlos Jobim , Astor Piazzolla, and so many gather on a concert of legacies !
EXCELENTE MANCUERNA HICIERON ESTOS DOS GRANDES ICONOS DEL JAZZ , lastima que conoci al gran Tuts ya muy viejito pero no por eso dejo de trabajar y de dejarnos un hermoso y enorme legado y lección de vida , hasta que su vida se agoto como una vela, Descansa en paz gran Tuts, En cuanto a Pat, soy un gran fan de el , Saludos desde MEXICO a todos los aqui presentes!!!...
Hi, I, like Toots, play jazz chromatic and only met the genius once, backstage at the Barbican theatre in London. Toots couldn't have been nicer to me on that day. RIP were just fantastic.
Beautiful..... I have a privilege to meet pat on. Backstage and i gave me his mediator. I always remember his blue eyes so deep. And i love toots music
OMG...I JUST TURNED 93 and today is the 1st time that I was introduced to this genius. I always admired Larry Adler,but today heard Toots and can’t get enough of his performances..I have saved the site and will probably listened to him everyday..thanks UA-cam...Chester Capponi from Burlington ont Canada
That's the spirit at 93!!!!!!
Music keeps you young.
Did you know Toots was also a wonderful guitar player and whistler? Here he is on a record by Quincy Jones.
bless you Chet.
What a blessing. I respect, deeply respect persons like you who have lived so long. May Jehovah our heavenly Father continue to bless you , so you can continue to listen to beautiful music like this.
Incredible song that evokes romance, walks along the beach, vistas from a mountaintop, sharing smiles over coffee - and so much more. Pat's music has no nationality. It speaks across oceans and borders. It is a universal 'language' that brings a quiet smile to the world. What a gift.
bonjour ami lointain.j'aime beaucoup vôtre poésie a propos de celui que je considère comme le plus grand génie musical du 20 ème siècle L'IMMENSE PAT METHENY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! personne ne m'a emmené si haut et si loin dans les étoiles que cet extra terrestre de la musique !!!!!!!! que dire à son propos je crois qu'il suffit de l'écouter ça se passe de tout commentaire tant sa musique véhicule de beauté de profondeur de spiritualité et de nostalgie. DIEU est descendu un jour sur terre et il s'est déguisé en PAT METHENY pour composer ce chef-d'œuvre absolu cet Himalaya musical ce joyau éternel.ce morceau dédié à ses parents lois et Dave l'ai vu souvent en concert à Paris bien sûr et inutile de vous dire qu'à chaque fois c'était SUBLIME ( avec le PAT METHENY GROUP qui est pour moi le plus extraordinaire groupe du 20 ème siècle sans contestation possible !!!!!!!!!! Amicalement Guy
To me it's not romantic but far more of a reassuring, soothing atmosphere, like all is right with the world or soon will be. It sounds like family-ness at its best. Like walking through the neighborhood on Thanksgiving Day and smelling all the food cooking and coming back to your own house where family and friends are playing a board game in one room, others are watching the game and all is calm.
Very well put, Doug. I've been a fan since '84 and he always takes me places I've never been but would love to see. Sunset on a beach in Brazil, maybe. The gray skies of Missouri.
When I was 22, I was listening to this song, again and again without a particular emotion.. Good vibrations, no more... Beautiful of course... Today, as I am 49, I can cry ... at last
This is so true and beautiful what you wrote...
Of course ,at that age we only think of exercising,partying ,girls ,working etc.Once we get older we don't take for granted the details
That's a beautiful sentiment. Thanks for sharing.
Pat and Toots together. Nothing less than a lasting masterpiece.
This is an example of perfect harmony between the arrangement and the musicians. We always will miss Toots.
Music that heals my soul! Thank you Pat ,Lyle, Toots and the rest of these wonderful, heaven sent musicians.
one of Pat’s most beautiful songs 👍🏻
ascoltata un miliardo di volte per tre anni interi della mia vita
Ascoltandola spesso scorre il film della mia vita,i ricordi sono tanti qualcuno mi intristisce perche vede coinvolti persone che nn ci sono più ❤
Wish Toots's part in this had been longer. Miss him. Glad Pat Metheny's still going strong.
Pat & Toots worked on putting this solo together for over 4 hours ...
The Best With The Best Beautiful the world needs to hear more of this x
I first discovered Pat in the early 80's while staying up till 3 am studying for my college finals and was able to picked up a distant FM station that played jazz. I now have all of his releases and have seen him live in concert four times.
R.I.P Toots Tielemans what a artiest a man with a pure soul and and of first class harmonica player
I love this track. I danced it with my wife when we first met. 🥰💕God bless Pat and Toots! Thanks
Secret story is one of Pat’s most diverse and worldly albums (and one my favorite of his in addition to letter from home) . His guests including Toots and London Symphony brings out the multi layer depth of emotion he delivers within his writing. I think Pat said he wrote this for his parents.
due geni assoluti, due miti viventi...gente che ha l'anima visibile, che si palesa nella musica..solo così si può capire come si possa fare della musica simile..che tocca l'insondabile dentro di noi...grazie Pat, Grazie Toots..grazie per tutta la vita...
Love the way Toots introduces his harmonic styling on the new phrase at 3:53.
It adds that special sound to Pat's mellow guitar solo. The strings create a
misty dimension...somewhere out there in time.
I love this particular song by Pat Metheny with Toots playing his heart out. Beautiful composition. And wonderful playing by both musicians.
Sesame Street led me here long ago as I knew Toots when he knew i was a child born to love every note ever he would sound .Pat always has my ear as well.
wow, that is an emotional heart string pulling experience. This song reminds me of a rainy train trip I took through Cambodia. I had this recording (Secret Story) on an MP3 player and listened to it passing the ancient beautiful sad country. Now when i hear a song from that album I'm transported.
A sad, beautiful place, Cambodia.
Secret Story is an incredibke classic.
This album is special...This song was and will be mythical...sorrow and joy sweet and bitter like a life..lovers come lovers go...we always stay
This song has that rare thoughtful sensitivity and warmth that make some music truly transcendent! I can always count on it to sooth my jangled nerves and make me feel that every thing will be OK.
Beautiful Song.👍🏾❤️
Sublime Music.....Peace redefined!
una larga caminata en un atardecer soleado, donde vamos dejando que el sol se vaya escondiendo de a poco, entre las montañas, tiñendo de un rojo pálido todo el paisaje, dando paso a una noche estrellada que se hace esperar, y que culmina con la armónica de Toots Thielemans, invitándonos a la tranquilidad; todo eso me transmite esta hermosa canción
Muy bien expresado.Excelente tema.
imagenes excelentes con tus palabaras. Gracias!
Since discovering "The Pat Metheny Group" while living in New York City in `79 I've been listening to Pat's progression as an artist. Fascinating musician! Simply great!!! And a duet with Toots no less!!!
Questo pezzo è un'emozione senza fine.....
I saw Pat Metheny in Seattle on the tour following the release of Secret Story. Every song was played perfectly, with the edge that a live nine man group brings to a venue. One of the great musicians of our time, without question.
This is lovely, almost mesmerizing. Astonishingly beautiful.
These are two of my favorite musicians, and it brings me back to a time & space of childhood innocence.
Me does back in time...masterpieces
Thank you Maestro Toots Thielemans for showing the LIFE from the most beautiful side! R.I.P. ......
Toots is a melody, Jos Meurrens. a perfect, harmonious, beautiful, everlasting melody. I've always been in love with his talent. there must be a Heaven for all those wonderful souls like his to be.
as it has shown repeatedly through his manners towards other musicians and the public. sweet person. thanks for your feedback.
San Nervosa Such people already are in heaven. This is their way of communicating it.
isn't it, David Watermeyer? sublime, that's what they are. I feel blessed to have the unspeakable pleasure of listening to them.
Thank you for seeing the Lord's hand in these performances!
I've been in love with this muse-gician ever since I heard him in Vancouver hmmm 80's... he stole my heart and took my breath away... nothing has changed. Thank the angels and his Momma for him gracing this realm..
Touches me ... 💝💋... // Thanks for this longing piece of infinity!
I thought I had compiled a list of my all time PAT METHENY FAVOURITES until today when I happily stumbled onto this gorgeous tune. His ability to evoke feelings of profound nostalgia through music is unsurpassed. My older brother left this world too soon, and because we lived 2,000 miles apart from each other our visits, while always memorable, were too short - and far too few. The brief - and oh so lyrical - harmonica solo in this piece is a perfect metaphor for the relationship I had with my brother. When you hear TOOTS play those few phrases you just ache with longing to hear more - as I ache with longing to have had just a few more days, hours, minutes with my dear departed brother Carl. I will treasure this piece as long as I have breath in my body.
My beautiful sister gave me the gift of Pat Metheny and his music. She said she went to his concert and I immediately had to find out who he was! I have been listening to him now for years thanks to her! Thanks Sis. Love you forever….
Along with Jaco's Three Views of a Secret these notes remind me of the love that happens only once in a lifetime.
Absolutely love this song. When toots comes in about midway it gives me the chills every friggin time!!!
Sadness and remembers from this music , thanks Pat and Toots
So delicately played by them both ... and such an understated string arrangement. So Beautiful ...
crazy sounding strings!!
With the String arrangement and the playful/exploring improv from Pat and Toots, this is musical perfection.............for me.
This one always makes me cry 💝
Dear Toots, Thank you for all the good moments lived and enjoyed because of your beautiful music...sleep in peace.
Thank you Loraine, As I am a lover of fine music and heard Toots's talents from Pat Metheny and hs collaboration with Toots Thielemans and his harmonica, I never knew who he was until his passing. I am touched by his music and thank you for making a post too. I hear the music and my heart sings, All the best. Michael
I had the privilege of seeing Toots at the Blue nite in New York in 2000. What a show. He reduced me to tears as the 78 year old man at the time created this magnificent music with his quartet. RIP dear Toots. You made a memorable contribution to our world.
Loraine Ravilet vous paraissez belle !!
Yes indeed
que dire quel mot utiliser pour décrire ces 6 minutes d'éternité !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PAT METHENY est le plus grand génie de l'histoire de la musique tout simplement !!!!!!!!!!!!!! un moment où le temps suspend son vol.le pouvoir d'évocation de cette merveille est totalement renversant. quand a la performance du prodige TOOTS THIELEMANS à l'hamonica ( c' était probablement à cette époque le plus grand harmoniciste vivant malheureusement il nous a quitté récemment) elle rend totalement justice a ce joyau absolu.ecoutez et réécoutez vous ne vous lasserez jamais !!!!!!!!!!!! dernière chose cette merveille à été composée en hommage à ses parents lois et Dave metheny. un jalon important dans l'histoire de la musique !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! la musique de METHENY nous trenscende et nous rend meilleur au delà du temps et de l'espace !!!!!!!!!!! dans mille ans on sera toujours aussi ébahi devant le talent de cet extra terrestre de la musique !!!!!!!!!!!!! TOUT SIMPLEMENT MIRACULEUX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LE GRAAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUY
Desde lo Inefable no hay palabras para describir las emociones que se despiertan al escuchar esta, tan dulce y mágica canción ❤
When did love become a passing 'season' in our lives? ~a missing spring for all winters to warm the cold ...
Amo este temazo de Pat Metheny...! Uno de los mejores..! Increíble composición de un grande del jazz...!
Always and forever in our soul. Thanks for your wonderful music.
Metheny.... the name, simply mentioned, evokes pure joy in my soul.
Waterworks every time, geez?! Man, that Toots!? It's this element of bittersweetness that Pat (& Lyle) did so well and is what always drew me to Pat & Co.. Secret Story is such a wonderful album
Where Toots coms from they have the Waterwerken......
everyone should listen to this lovely piece of music at least once in there lives.
So beautiful, so painful, so peaceful! Thank you, both, and RIP maestro!
I cannot stress enough the genius level of the human brain, which was so capable to compose a nice bunch of sounds into such a tender and painful piece! Beautiful Music! Awesome Musicians! Great performance!!!
So smooth, so gentle, so pure, I must stop everything else and just listen.
Fine words to hear ,,,,
I get the same feeling. : )
Peaceful state of mind... Gorgeous, awesome and so many feelings coming out.. One of the music I should bring on a lost island.
So I just did ...
Гениальное сочинение, гениальное исполнение; останется в веках
This piece introduced me to Pat's music when I was in college. Toots and Pat are perfect together. This piece has touched me so deeply like no other song has.
Yes,2 giants, toots will make your hart shake too,check his Brazilian project,and Affinity,enjoy
Сколько же лет прошло с выхода данного концерта и каждый раз наслаждаюсь эти ЗВУЧАНИЕМ . УНИКАЛЬНЫЙ МУЗЫКАНТ
Без слов, чистая красота
nice to hear from someone else on the same wavelength! - he's accompanied me on many a backpacking/climbing trip also, it's been the soundtrack to the last 25 years of my life and encompases all of my happiest and most precious memories including my Honeymoon.
Pat & Co, I can never thank you enough.
RIP....thx Mr. Jean Tooth Thielemans...very quit evening
I have never heard of Toots Thielemans and yet I'm finding myself crying while listening to this song and reading all the comments about his death
For as much as I have been a fan or Pat Metheny, I completely missed this one. Love Toots, too.
From hearing this the one time, I can tell where Pat got some of his later sounds on the Synclavier System.
Having gone long, I must still remark that this is a wonderful composition and Toots adds to it immeasurably.
Secret story is Pat Matheny’s greatest album, but this song with Toots Thielemans is one of the most beautiful songs ever recorded and every time I listen to it I weep because it is so timelessly beautiful. 💞💫
Every time I hear this guy I wonder why the Kennedy Center hasn't recognized him as a national treasure. If you have any influence please use it before he dies....and make sure Lyle Mays is included. Thanks.
Totally agree. They've done Sonny and Herbie, next up Pat!
He's only 62 & seemingly in pretty good health, they'll get around to it.
well I'm do it before I die.
Are you talking about Toots ? He's from 🍫 Belgium
Totally agree - Pat is not only one of the greatest musicians on the planet, but a person of incredible integrity and vision. His legacy is and will continue to be absolutely priceless.
"Always and Forever" Le titre parfait pour une mélodie interprétée par 2 maîtres !
Que musicalidade por excelência, harmonia perfeita, entrosamento espetacular, quem teve a sorte um dia de descobrir a musicalidade genial de Pat, com certeza aprecia e tem um ótimo gosto musical, ele faz a diferença, parabéns Pat.
Have loved Pat Metheny and this one brings tears to my eyes, its beauty is so astounding.
It makes me cry ....... love it !
journeying to meet friends - driving down a lonely hilly backroad in SW Iowa on a warm autumn night - sleeping in the truck by a river - windows down dog nestled in next to me. warm wind and bright moon. this song was forever imprinted gently on my mind. life is so full. so thankful for PM and Toots.
This still hurts, beautifully, after 24 years of regular playing. Simply wonderful.
you may find 'rap' music a dryer listen.
Growing up I always loved Stevie Wonder's harmonica playing but Toots is amazing he presents these beautiful qualities that really makes the harmonica a beautiful sounding instrument that normally is hardly expressed.
So timeless and touchy combo ! Traveling in so many directions to express my feelings that this melody squeezes out my soul ! Effortless ! Thxs for the post !
The first time I heard this song I fell the melancholy enter my heart and a smile on my face at the same time.
How this song soothes my soul from the cares of this crazy world!
Enzo T amen. Play these tune and think of find memories not the craziness of today.
True that... And sounds the very life, if looking back, finally, thankfully.
This is so longingly ..painfully amazing
Too much felt is here, that my poor, poor fragile heart & soul gates, cannot but break and surrender to the flooding tide of emotion, no longer contained.......
The entry of the harmmonica is a Kick in the middle of the soul!
Sensacional! Extremo bom gosto, e de uma sensibilidade ímpar!
In my opinion, it's Pat Methen's best composition, I never get tired of listening to it...❤🙏❤
Transports me to a more peaceful and loving place. Thank you Toots and Pat for your beautiful works.
Belgium and world treasures Toots
I remember watching a movie one time and was taken aback by the guy who was playing the harmonica. I thought that guy really knows how to play and interpret the moment with his instrument. I had heard the style again through many other films and records. I finally tracked him down and found out he was known as Toots. So perfect of a name for this musician. Pat Matheny has always been one of my favorite guitarist and his compositions always attract my attention. This song your listening to is of two great artist who just know how to do it right. I hope Toots gets more recognition for his body of work that he's left us, he deserves it. And Pat continuing to give us such wonderful music, man are we blessed or what? Love them both.
Thanx God for this and men like Pat and Toots..
This song reminds me of a long walk I took through the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris on a rainy afternoon. I was surrounded by wonderful friends after having spent the morning in the De Orsay museum and having finished up a lovely lunch. It was a perfect day. This took me back to that moment. My eyes are welling up with tears just thinking about it.
There are many musicians who play perfectly and beautifully. But these guys added something priceless to this perfection & beauty. Some call it LOVE
Two great artists..
Toots composed music pieces for some movies for example movies with Marcello Mastroianni or the great Jean-Paul Belmondo.
RIP Toots... you were the master of the harmonica and the ability to show emotion through it.
Steve Hall - also a first rate (phenomenal is probably more apt than first rate) guitar player as well.
Oh,yes. Let's also not forget his masterful whistling, especially on his masterpiece, "Bluesette".
All the thumbs down come from people who don't know or don't appreciate real music.
Merci pour ce voyage, quel plaisir de vous entendre ensemble .magnifique !
Pensées émues à M Thielemans et grand merci à M Metheny
How wonderful music brought us the dimension of Toots ,since i was a child ,and now at my 75 ,i still treasure this ambassador , for us South Americans,he was a Brazilian brother ,and blended with so much nature and friendship, at every country he went ! Virtuoso on every call of event ,either blues , bossa nova , rock , or classical, it was a WOOOW ! I can only say thank you Toots , i hope my small tribute reach haven were others of your dimension like Antonio Carlos Jobim , Astor Piazzolla, and so many gather on a concert of legacies !
EXCELENTE MANCUERNA HICIERON ESTOS DOS GRANDES ICONOS DEL JAZZ , lastima que conoci al gran Tuts ya muy viejito pero no por eso dejo de trabajar y de dejarnos un hermoso y enorme legado y lección de vida , hasta que su vida se agoto como una vela, Descansa en paz gran Tuts, En cuanto a Pat, soy un gran fan de el , Saludos desde MEXICO a todos los aqui presentes!!!...
2 divine musicians on stage ! 1 what more could heaven want?1
I will miss you. Forever and Always !!! Thanks Toots. RIP.
Hi, I, like Toots, play jazz chromatic and only met the genius once, backstage at the Barbican theatre in London. Toots couldn't have been nicer to me on that day. RIP were just fantastic.
My heart runs the full range of emotion each and every time I listen to these two masters of their instruments. . .
Was lucky enough to hear and see Toots at Ronnie Scott's in London back in the 80's. a fabulous player and lovely man.
I dare life to know a more beautiful masterpiece than this!
Beautiful..... I have a privilege to meet pat on. Backstage and i gave me his mediator. I always remember his blue eyes so deep. And i love toots music
absolutely some of the most beautiful music by two giants! Bravo!
este tema me lleva a otros lugares y tiempos, y alguna que otra lagrima..
Antes de escuchar a pat, soñaba con su música. Ahora el sueño es perpetuo.
Siempre que escucho este disco me emociono, es genial y perdurà siempre, gracias
Between a tear and a smile... Best description of Toots. This is a masterpiece.
Love this song and a big PM and Toots fan...RIP toots...your music lives on..:)
É simplesmente maravilhosa essa dupla Pat e Toots, maravilhosa!!!!
Most beautiful piece...touches my heart and soothes my soul...greatest musicians♥
It takes me away........with tears..........BEAUTIFUL !
One of most beautiful musics ever heard, with two excellent performers, Thank you Pat and Toots! You both be in my heart, afor Always and forever!!!