Fieldsports Britain - Crow goes futuristic

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • It's pigeon decoying like we might be in 50 years time. Andy Crow has a 200+ bird day and has time to try out decoying with a radio-controlled pigeon. And he gets to go out for the first time in a long time with 'Plus One', his cousin Gary. Meanwhile, we are giving away a £500 Aimpoint Acro to the Fieldsports Nation. We are at the first Browning Tour event, held at Bywell Shooting Ground in Northumberland. And Charlie tries his hand at fly-shooting, with the new Bug-A-Salt shotgun. David has the news on the News Stump and Charlie selects the best hunting and shooting videos on UA-cam in Hunting UA-cam. It's this week's #FieldsportsBritain
    Here are the links to the individual items in this show:
    ▶ Andy Crow
    Andy is sponsored by:
    Jack Pyke www.jackpyke.c...
    Retro Crow • Retro Crow - old schoo...
    Bionic bird
    ▶ Fieldsports News
    GB shooting team Olympic medal hopes -
    Labour’s rural England policy consultation nears end -
    BASC shows how hysteria about heather burning is nonsense - / 1313011459136592
    Shoots celebrate osprey success -
    Families fear relatives’ remains after badgers spotted at Berwick cemetery - www.chroniclel...
    Shoot marks 25th anniversary of Disabled Shooters Group - www.disabledsg...
    Simon Cowell’s charity needs land to release baby animals -
    Sainsbury’s pulls ‘vegan’ lasagne containing meat and dairy -
    Vegans target vegetable farm because of pest control - / crf5ln0l02s + + www.accesstola...
    SCI slams social media giant’s hypocrisy - / crb-ttxsxwa +
    US city to force gun owners to pay for gun crime - sanjosespotlig...
    Block 19 - culperprecisio...
    ▶ Fly shooting
    For the Bug-A-Salt V3.0 'Orange Crush', visit
    ▶ Offers, prizes and campaigns
    For the Game Fair Theatre programme, go to
    For the Aimpoint Acro C-2, visit
    For the FORM rifle stock, visit formriflestock...
    Win a Merkel K5 Arabesque rifle
    For the Browning Tour, visit
    For our #WritetoBoris campaign, visit - all the details you need
    ▶ Hunting UA-cam
    For the films in this week's Hunting UA-cam, go to • Hunting UA-cam, episo...
    For our gun and hunting UA-cam channel rankings visit
    ▶ Join the Fieldsports Nation and fund our fight for fieldsports in the media - for our membership offer - for full details
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    We’re proud to promote enjoyment of fieldsports and the countryside. There are three guiding principles to everything we do on Fieldsports Channel:
    ▶ Shoot responsibly
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  • @tomk8312
    @tomk8312 3 роки тому +2

    i think the electronic bird dive-bombing the hide was the hardest i've ever laughed at this show

  • @colinjohnston5465
    @colinjohnston5465 3 роки тому +5

    Great show tonight, thanks! Andy Crow is like the proverbial bus. We don't see him for ages and then 3 shows come along at once.
    I hope you have a great Game Fair and that everyone stays safe and healthy. Talking of which, how gutting it must be for Amber to not be able to compete in the Olympics because of Covid. She is young enough to be able to go again but, she must be absolutely gutted.

  • @waikarimoana
    @waikarimoana 3 роки тому +7

    Hello Charlie and the team, awesome videos for this week with great contents, love them all and thumbs up too, many thanks and greetings to all UK hunters and fishers from faraway land of New Zealand.Tight lines and hot barrels.

    • @fieldsportstv
      @fieldsportstv  3 роки тому

      Thanks Tony - same to you. / Charlie

    • @jamaicanbacon363
      @jamaicanbacon363 3 роки тому

      The Rapture is coming, and we need to be right with God, so that we’re saved from Tribulation!! Open your eyes to the events of the world around you. The natural disasters such as the 1000 year flood in china and floods in Germany will continue to get worse around the world, we’re going to be punished by God’s Judgement. In Genesis 6 in the bible the fallen angels that we’re thrown out of heaven began to have offspring with the fallen angels//demons. They corrupted the genes of mankind so much that, God brought a flood to wipe out all living things on the planet. Only Noah, Noah’s wife, and his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their wives we’re spared from the flood. Giants were the result of fallen angels/demons mixing with human women. And giants existed before an after the flood. The skull of a Giant was recently found by Chinese researchers. It’s called the dragon man skull. Proof of giants!
      Matthew 24:37-39 “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”
      The second coming of the Son of Man will be when Jesus returns to Rapture us. Altering DNA will cause the Tribulation to start (also known as Jacob’s trouble, when the wrath of God will be poured out on the whole earth) The Tribulation last for 7 years.
      We’re doing things that shouldn’t be done and we’re going to be punished by God for it. We’re doing abominable things like creating pig organs for humans, it’s called Xenotransplantation. We’re trying to grow human organs in pigs, which can mutate the pig as well. This is evil, the technology they’re using is called crispr gene editing, it’s used to change/mutate the DNA of an organism on a molecular level. The V that they want everyone to take is also designed to mess with the mRNA, they’re trying to alter the genetic sequence of a gene in your body. Humanity never learns, we’re all idiots, We can’t even supply ourselves with enough toilet paper during a pandemic, and now we’re trying to alter the DNA that God has blessed us with. This can only go horribly wrong. We’re just going to cause horrible mutated monstrosities by messing with DNA.
      Since Bill Gates owns the Pfizer covid vaccine, they are trying to condition people into accepting the mark with these covid policies. The Delta variant will be used to enforce more lockdowns. Then they want to enforce a third booster shot injection in the fall. If the first two vaccines weren’t even effective, why would a third booster shot help? Biden also is planning to go Door to door to “encourage people to take the vaccine.” They are currently in the talks of making the vaccine mandatory. The word “Lockdown” is actually a prison term. Having a worldwide mandated vaccination is not normal. Why are they so suddenly concerned with our health? Why are cancer treatments and insulin not given away freely then? If they’re giving it away for free, then there’s a reason for it, and it’s not for the benefit of your health. “and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” Can’t enter businesses to buy or sell unless you have your vaccine or wear a mask. Eventually it will turn into vaccinated only. They are currently in the works of building what they call The Giant Statue in 21 cities in the US for the year 2021. This will be used for idol worship and the image of the beast.

      Pfizer Inc. is owned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill the founder of Microsoft just patented a cryptocurrency system for microsoft that uses body activity data to mine crypto currency. The patented ID number is WO2020060606. Ends with 3 sixes. The Bible warned us about the mark of the beast system that will come in the future. The current V is not the mark of the beast, but this patented cryptocurrency system will become it in the future.
      Revelation 13:16-18 “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
      The bible also warned us about the inflation that is currently happening and will get worse during tribulation. The stimulus checks, unemployment benefits and child tax credit that they keep giving out, is printing money into infinity. And every currency is weighted on the US dollar. So this will cause skyrocketing inflation not only in the US but across the world as well.
      Revelation 6:5-6 “When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”
      This is a biblical prophecy showing that in the future, inflation will become so bad that it will take a days wage to buy a single loaf of bread.
      All these biblical prophecies unfolding before our eyes, and the Bible is the only religious text prophesizing the truth that’s happening to us to this very day. Because only the bible is 100% accurate, all of the word of God is true. The bible is living text, and we’re merely characters written in God/the creator’s story of life. Jesus is the Messiah, he is our savior and our only salvation. Jesus is the programmer of the fabric of reality. We are living through the words he wrote in the bible. When God speaks, it is done. We must repent to Jesus now and ask him for forgiveness of our sins, and thank him for dying on the cross for ours sins. We only have life thanks to Jesus and we need to thank him for this free gift. The real mark of the beast will occur during tribulation, in order to be saved by Jesus in the Rapture, we must repent to him now, thank him for dying for our sins on the cross, and acknowledge that he’s the one true God, and is one with the holy trinity the Holy Spirit, God the Father and Jesus the son. Prepare for Rapture.

  • @nicke6394
    @nicke6394 3 роки тому +3

    Another great episode. Love the mobile phone trick with the heather burn 👍👏👏

  • @brianoneill6718
    @brianoneill6718 3 роки тому +2

    wow, Andy shooting pigeons again, how refreshing

  • @doomfathertm8771
    @doomfathertm8771 3 роки тому +9

    I don't know why people say a 20 bore is less recoil, a mental thing maybe. The same amount of shot, the same velocity and a lighter gun means the recoil is actually more

    • @diarmuid850
      @diarmuid850 3 роки тому +2

      Ive fired one and was shocked at the recoil. Ive a very light 16 bore and with 28g carts it hits my shoulder harder than my 12 bore

    • @harrylee2196
      @harrylee2196 3 роки тому


    • @traildogisla
      @traildogisla 3 роки тому

      I think classically lighter loads where used but the trend has been for heavier/same as 12 bore loads, plus they used to be physically lighter making them easier to carry and move but again because of the trend for heavier loads, they have become physically heavier to deal with it, all that negates the original benefits!

    • @doomfathertm8771
      @doomfathertm8771 3 роки тому +1

      @@traildogisla I think you're right

  • @theashbys8863
    @theashbys8863 3 роки тому +2

    Awesome as always thanks guys

  • @Aikibiker1
    @Aikibiker1 3 роки тому +1

    Those salt shotguns are a lot of fun, but also useful. I used one to clean out a bar moth infestation inside the house. We also have a species of moth in my area that when in the caterpillar stage has the twin annoying habits of eating the vegetables in my wife's garden and causing stinging pain when touched by small curious children. The bug a salt makes short work of them.
    I can report however that it is much to light a caliber (even with large grained kosher "buck salt" in the hopper) for paper wasps. It just tends to annoy them and put them in a "stingy" mood. Stick to wasp spray or wd40 for that kind of game.

  • @michaeldekoker6728
    @michaeldekoker6728 3 роки тому +3

    Venison meat - mince it with 10/12% brisket fat - AWESOME in pastas :) Down here in South Africa the hunting season's going big, so tons of meat...dried etc :)

  • @outdoor-suedost
    @outdoor-suedost 3 роки тому +2

    Hi Charlie! Have some nice days at the Game Fair at Ragley Hall! All the best and stay safe from 🇦🇹!

  • @johnmclean8543
    @johnmclean8543 3 роки тому +2

    Another great show team..👍

  • @CH-tt8gk
    @CH-tt8gk 3 роки тому +2

    Hi Live the videos and everything outdoors live in London my only real escape is my fishing would live to see some more fishing content and news 🤞🏻

  • @dannyboy7289
    @dannyboy7289 3 роки тому +1

    Hi Charlie, the badger story is back in the paper today,

  • @stephenthomas1129
    @stephenthomas1129 3 роки тому +2

    Aimpoint ACRO C-2 gun sight, great show as always - keep it up 👍

  • @traildogisla
    @traildogisla 3 роки тому +1

    Disappointed that I can not make it to the Browning shows, quite fancy a 725!

  • @jasonshepherd9906
    @jasonshepherd9906 3 роки тому +2

    Can we have a look at the upcoming season. See how is opening and put birds dawn for 2021 season. And let's have a map and flag we're thay are.

  • @allandobbs7059
    @allandobbs7059 3 роки тому +2

    Did I hear that Automaton say “Your Move Creep!” to the Crowman?🤭🙂P.S I am at the Gamefair but I have to warn you I only drink Kopi Luwak Coffee!!!😉

  • @MrPh30
    @MrPh30 3 роки тому +2

    What a exellent program

  • @ShotawayFilms
    @ShotawayFilms 3 роки тому +1

    Hope you can help Charlie.Wish to know the make of the Browning Tour Tents please.

  • @gonzo_the_great1675
    @gonzo_the_great1675 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks. And see you guys at the Game Fair. (Milk, no sugar for me).
    Shame about Amber. Heard it on the news earlier.

  • @officially-ROB
    @officially-ROB 3 роки тому +1

    Mush alright mush. Got to be in Essex surely

  • @fanci5287
    @fanci5287 3 роки тому +1

    Great video! What pilla lenses are you wearing in this video?

  • @marynewman5334
    @marynewman5334 3 роки тому +1

    I love year vids they mAke my day

  • @jrussk
    @jrussk 3 роки тому +1

    Is that...could it be...Lloyd Pattison at 23:37?

  • @southsomersetferretersfiel5202
    @southsomersetferretersfiel5202 3 роки тому +2


  • @robertkar339
    @robertkar339 3 роки тому +1

    Anyone shoot a Blaser f16 sporting? I really want one but never have shot one. How does it handle and shoot?

  • @martin2514
    @martin2514 3 роки тому +1

    The bug assault is great however it is so over priced I will stick to a swat.
    I bough 3 fly zappers for the cost of the fly gun.

  • @medicatedflowers821
    @medicatedflowers821 3 роки тому +1

    Hope you lads had sun cream on

  • @mikegauld2451
    @mikegauld2451 3 роки тому +1

    Come on Browning, what about Scotland? : > (

  • @gunsakturuk5681
    @gunsakturuk5681 3 роки тому +1


  • @tazmeadows2925
    @tazmeadows2925 3 роки тому +1

    Not going to game fair for first time in 45 years it is geting to expensive!

  • @davidsimpson2685
    @davidsimpson2685 3 роки тому +1

    LABOUR party to little to late for me.