Grandma was a farmer in Tainan (County). She never ate beef. When I went back to visit from the States 30+ yrs ago, one of my uncles brought me beef soup for breakfast. The broth was clear with sliced and diced ginger and the beef was thinly sliced. It's totally different from the more prevalent soy-sauce based beef broth in TW. I've never had it again. Not sure if it's the same beef soup you mentioned.
Found your channel by searching #哥特堡. I need to practice my Chinese, so it's fun listening to your life in Sweden and in my hometown Göteborg. My parents are also first gen Taiwanese in Sweden, but they came in the 70s, a little different =) Keep up the good work!
Found your channel by searching Taiwanese quarantine hotels. Need to visit family in TW (including Tainan!) hoping the quarantine period will be shortened.
謝謝youtube 演算法讓我看到你的影片! 你說話的方式很有重點之餘還很舒服XD
如果可以的話可以做一條有關在生活開銷跟有些tips 給一些想要去瑞典發展的人( 我是在說我QQ)嗎? 例如是你覺得在瑞典讀書找工作難嗎之類的!
沒問題!! 謝謝你給我拍片靈感XD
太謝謝你的留言和觀看拉~~:^D 我會努力出新片!
Grandma was a farmer in Tainan (County). She never ate beef. When I went back to visit from the States 30+ yrs ago, one of my uncles brought me beef soup for breakfast. The broth was clear with sliced and diced ginger and the beef was thinly sliced. It's totally different from the more prevalent soy-sauce based beef broth in TW. I've never had it again. Not sure if it's the same beef soup you mentioned.
Enjoyed this a lot. You've become my new dining companion.XD
The purpose of my channel is served!!😙😙😙
Found your channel by searching #哥特堡. I need to practice my Chinese, so it's fun listening to your life in Sweden and in my hometown Göteborg. My parents are also first gen Taiwanese in Sweden, but they came in the 70s, a little different =) Keep up the good work!
I can resonate 😃 It’s always fun for me to see foreigners explore my home country too! Thanks for your kind words. 😁
我喜歡瑞典的estrella的dill flavour, 還有gifflar, 每次回去都要吃好幾包
維維安你好~雖然兩年後才看到這部影片XD 看到你說在瑞典是讀sustainability in organizations 我有上網爬文過申請瑞典的大學好像要有和該科系相關的學習經驗才能報名那個科系(嗎? 但我也是讀外文系的 想說不知道能否報考與外文比較無關的科系XD 因為想要有更多出路(還在想要重讀大學還是報碩士🤔)
網路上關於去瑞典讀大學的資訊真的太少了 只好向你求助QQ 先謝謝你的答覆💗
謝謝你😍歡迎加入這個大家庭😆我是用iPhone 11pro,軟體是final cut pro☺️☺️
I found your channel by looking for "Taiwan quarantine", and really enjoyed it.
Happy to hear!😍
Found your channel by searching Taiwanese quarantine hotels. Need to visit family in TW (including Tainan!) hoping the quarantine period will be shortened.
Hope everything works out for you!😊
The snacks you said should be very good, do you do Taobao?
Hi Vivian, I stumbled upon your channel through Clubhouse - Instagram - UA-cam! I also work and live in Gothenburg, would love to connect! :)
Sure thing, dm me on my Instagram please!🥰