Native Tradition. Powers of Love. Lelya, Maiden Rocks, maiden dedications, April 14-30

  • Опубліковано 5 чер 2024
  • Read the book "Introduction to Wisdom. Theory of Love and Practice of Love" (Ukrainian) (Russian)
    Native Tradition. Powers of Love. Lelya, Maiden Rocks, maiden dedications, April 14-30
    00:00:00 Glory to the family! Glory to the Native Gods! Glory to Ukraine and Russia! Well, my dear relatives, relatives, friends, comrades-in-arms! I congratulate you all with Lelnyk..
    00:01:29 if you look at the map, there is less...
    00:02:09 I am happy to report that there is actually very good news.
    00:03:23 it is a sin to rejoice at someone else's misfortune, it is not cool to rejoice at someone else's misfortune. It's just karma, we see how that people actually did such karma to themselves.
    00:04:11 Vedic tradition describes when murder is not a sin, does not burden karma..
    00:05:44 The world of goodness, love, honor and nobility, starting with yourself, everyone should think about whether it is for honor or for conscience. I live without allowing even one iota..
    00:06:46 the power of Perun is actually the power of justice, it is the truth, it follows the most direct path, and this is how we should remember Our Father, Our Father, Perun, because we are the Children of Perun, the Grandchildren of God, the Great-Grandchildren of Svarozh.
    00:07:44 we read my books and know how to use these forces, how to use them in life, how we can use the power of Lela.
    00:09:41 Polel is primarily a periwinkle and the symbol
    00:11:44 so that everything was smooth
    00:13:11 joy is becoming more and more every day, which means
    00:14:11 you have spiritual power, and so every glorification
    00:14:46 has changed a lot and the fire is burning, it's not just a physical fire, it's a spiritual fire
    00:16:11 there are many sacred places, places of power
    00:17:09 times and I felt that it was not growing, something was not adding up in my head
    00:18:43 felt the power of Lelya
    00:19:44 girls' games girls' dedications girls' studies
    00:20:44 to shield and structure life from all wrongdoing with the power of love
    00:21:46 process of energy exchange and both grow in those forces..
    00:22:44 that's the first thing they have...
    00:23:39 I work hard and write books, so I pass it on..
    00:24:09 so listen and listen to what will happen now..
    00:25:02 So like thousands of years ago..
    Every Sunday we hold Our Proto-Slavic traditional our native #Orthodoxy, libation of milk, honey, butter in the #Holy Fire together with our thoughts, prayers for our people, for our Mother Ukraine, for our planet
    #Family Gods are the essence of the Forefathers and Foremothers of our race, who have already reached a much higher spiritual evolutionary level
    They hear us and wait for our requests, wishes, hopes
    In addition, at Orthodoxy, we honor and invoke the Powers of the Saviors of the Slavic Family, who guarded and protected our families, spiritual horses, knowledge, faith, customs of our people
    Now more than ever we need the support and protection of our Saviors
    And, of course, at Orthodoxy, we are cleansed by spiritual forces from all kinds of wrongs and are filled with the Powers of Heaven and Earth. We direct these forces to the recovery of our relatives, friends, well-wishers, our land
    And then we remember our ancestors and send them our faith, love, joy, so that their souls are cleansed from all kinds of wrongs, protected from all darkness, so that they will be sweet and joyful in all the Three Worlds, wherever they are
    That is why we do Orthodoxy in this difficult and very responsible, important time for us, so that the Powers of the Gods of the Native Gods and Saviors of the Slavic Family will incinerate all kinds of wrongs in our lives, burn and drown the occupiers, protect our defenders with their forces, and protect their souls with bravery, courage, and honor inspired, protected from harm, protected our families, led to the Light, filled with Light
    To free our lands from the invaders!
    So that our families are freed from crime, corruption, lies and oligarchy, so that we BECOME TRUE MASTERS, KNOWLEDGEABLE RULERS ON OUR LAND, ORTHODOX RUSSIAN UKRAINIANS!
    Everyone who participates in the ceremony increases its effect seven or even 11 times!
    Spiritual processes work in the recording as well. Therefore, if you cannot join during the broadcast, you can do it at a convenient time for you and contribute to our #Victory of Ukraine of Light and Truth
    To submit your list of relatives and ancestors for speaking, write to Skype:
    #RidnaVira #Gods #Easter #Yarylo #Dazhbog #love
    Slavolyub-Alan Bogach, #healer, spiritual psychologist, author of books, methods, trainings and courses on the development of vision, hearing and management of subtle energies, teacher of love and relationships #Любомудрије
    Founder of the School of Healing, Love, Love and Relationships "Healing Life"
    Share this video with your friends so that there is more love, joy and happiness in our world


  • @zoer325
    @zoer325 Місяць тому

    Слава Роду Слава Україні Русі

    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому

      Навіки Слава Богам, Предкам і Героям Нашим! Хай пребуде Сила Богів Рідних з вами!

  • @annashevchenko3453
    @annashevchenko3453 Місяць тому

    Слава Лелі матінці! Слава!

    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому

      Навіки Слава! Хай пребуде благодать Лелі з вами!

  • @annashevchenko3453
    @annashevchenko3453 Місяць тому

    Дякую. Цікаво і інформантивно

    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому

      радий, що ваша душа резонує. Вірю, що і книги мої вам багато відкриють і допоможуть у вашому житті.

    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому

      ось вам для початку

  • @ohcinema7857
    @ohcinema7857 Місяць тому +1


    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому +2

      і вам дяка, раз ваша дуща резонує. Хай Боги Рідні вашу родину від кривд всіляких оберігають!

  • @annashevchenko3453
    @annashevchenko3453 Місяць тому


    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому

      Хай розгорається Вогонь Любові, Вогонь Радості, Вогонь Віри і Вогонь Слави в душах роду вашого!

  • @tanitademidova6229
    @tanitademidova6229 Місяць тому +1

    Вітаю 🙏

    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому

      і вас радий бачити! Хай Боги Рідні ваш дім оберігають1

  • @user-no4xx2rm6u
    @user-no4xx2rm6u Місяць тому

    Цікаво було послухати. Але , нажаль , нечіткий звук . Нн всі слова чути. Фон перекриває текст

    • @SlavolyubBogach
      @SlavolyubBogach  Місяць тому

      Радий, що вам цікаво. На превеликий жаль бува таке, що на певних пристроях звук або слабкий, або не чутно за фоном, хоча на інших все прекрасно чутно. Та у випадку з цим відео можна послухати його без обробки (правда і без додаткових зображень) у записі прямої трансляції
      Спробуйте, може цей звук буде у вас відтворюватися краще.
      Окрім цього знайомтеся з моїми книгами. Розпочніть з першої - " Введення у Любомудріє. Теорія Любові і Практика Кохання"