@@bumberClart1000 Is that why the 🇪🇺 have an online spying department called the EDMO network? Trying to reverse the democratic decision of the country 😂
@@DeneMonkeyBecause it’s took years to get straight after the last labour gov. Oh but funny they’ve gorgeous millions to give out to other countries init?
...well after listening to that BBC clown I will be buying it. Perhaps if pensioners weren't being forced to pay the BBC TV tax they might be able to stay a little warmer this Christmas!
Did he actually say 'Let him have a Christmas'? The same sort of Christmas that freezing pensioners are having? The same sort of Christmas that the people imprisoned for tweets are having? The same sort of Christmas that the people who have lost their business are having? The same sort of Christmas that farmers are having?
‘Let him have a Christmas’. Can the same be said of the woman locked up, because of something that she wrote and then deleted on social media, who won’t be able to see her family at Christmas, despite writing something that wasn’t illegal, - exercising her Democratic right to freedom of speech.
@ this is it, yet we supposedly live in a democratic state with freedom of speech laws that should enable us to. It’s utterly shocking what is happening to our country, and I for one will be voting Reform.
Since when was looking after pensioners best interests right wing, he doesn't have a clue. We've all got relatives this affects like my 86 year old mother who gets a tiny private pension which takes her £10 over the threshold and has lost £300 because of it. She's 86 and scared to put on her heating, something this rich idiot doesn't have to worry about.
I refuse like most to watch the BBC! A silly row and campaign? Let starmer have a Christmas…. Has he allowed others to? No worried about the cold, can I eat? Starmer made his choices and here are the people’s voices x
Parody and political satire (Yes Minister, Spitting Image, The Thick of It) are long celebrated features of British life. The fact these idiots seem to have forgotten that, with this particular PM, is notable.
The BBC played "Ding, Dong, the Witch Is Dead" at least once after Mrs. Thatcher's passing, and many Beeboids enthusiastically shared their personal playlist with it on social media.
People like Starmer don't care if they're not liked but they desperately need to be feared. What they hate is to be laughed at and seen as ridiculous. If we can't give him the same Christmas prezzie Nicolae Causesçu got from the Romanian people in 1989 we can at least laugh him out of office. This BBC producer is clearly a wokie.
Perhaps the Beeb needs to a) find a sense of humour and b) be less in thrall to a callous Marxist government. Employing less pdf files would be good as well.
I don't know why they keep getting this old boring champagne socialists Mair on the show, he's always going to defend the British Bashing Corporation, he's made a very good living climbing on board the gravy train and still has plenty of ex colleagues and very probably family? Dtill on board.
In my head i now hear the 'once darling of the BBC' Jimmy Saville as he introduces Freezing this Christmas as the festive season's no 1 on Top of the Pops
Let Starmer have a Christmas, guys! Please don't upset him by making him feel any slight guilt over all the OAPs that'll die this winter. That would just make you right-wing meanies 😢
Communists can't stand criticism.
That must make Trump a communist then because he's so thin-skinned, he can't take an ounce of criticism.
@@bumberClart1000 Is that why the 🇪🇺 have an online spying department called the EDMO network?
Trying to reverse the democratic decision of the country 😂
@@bumberClart1000You've already lost Comrade.
@@johnkitching2248 get yr TDS sorted ya clown
@@johnkitching2248Maybe because it's hate not criticism
Get rid of Starmer and the B.B.C.
Start another petition so it can fail again
@@DeneMonkeyOh dear you really need to get some living done.
I dumped the BBC 4 years ago......
@@DeneMonkeyit’s a shame you are not funny
Neither the BBC or Starmer are fit for purpose.
I hope this is your last post before you get shipped out to Ukraine.
Yet they not cancelled
Give it time @@DeneMonkey
But they are, that is the problem, they are working exactly as planned.
You are not fit for purpose 😂😂
No, it's about reminding the masses what Labour have done to the pensioners.
And forgetting why we are in this mess
Am on the full state pension i wont be freezing this Christmas
The BBC always the propaganda outlet for the Labour party.
@@DeneMonkeyBecause it’s took years to get straight after the last labour gov. Oh but funny they’ve gorgeous millions to give out to other countries init?
@@sugarkane4830 so Tories did nothing wrong
Close the BBC down.
I worked for the BBC for 10 years and I can tell you everything you think about them is 100% true.
I think that they are a bunch of c*nt5.
Same here.
Rich BBC producer no problem paying his utility bills and his gold plated public funded pension
It's not a novelty song, it's sending a powerful message of what this nasty labour government is about,,
Well if its just a silly little campaign why so sacred to play it ?
They always wheel this guy out, he is a BBC stick of rock. Still lives in the 70s and thinks the BBC is perfect
Seconded but in my view he's a khunt.
It needs to be the Christmas number 1! It is sending Starmer a message that he is NOT WELCOME.
What's right wing about not wanting old people to die from hypothermia? But perhaps it is a right-wing view by Labour's moral standards
...well after listening to that BBC clown I will be buying it. Perhaps if pensioners weren't being forced to pay the BBC TV tax they might be able to stay a little warmer this Christmas!
Bought over a week ago.
Me too.
Retired Beeboid doesn't like it! Once a TV tax trougher, loyalty assured.
His pension is paid by TV licence. Wonder why
@@barrymayson2492 And that pension depends on his toeing the bbc line without any diversion.
It's another example of attacking freedom of speech.
Starmer the communist automaton.
CARDWELL his assistant!!
No novelty about freezing to death.
Very defensive little man.
Is this man disputing the vile and cruel things that Labour has done
Did he actually say 'Let him have a Christmas'? The same sort of Christmas that freezing pensioners are having? The same sort of Christmas that the people imprisoned for tweets are having? The same sort of Christmas that the people who have lost their business are having? The same sort of Christmas that farmers are having?
Yes. And Ricky Jones is home for Christmas. Probably claiming his heating expenses that we pay for.
I guess only right wing pensioners feel the cold then 😮
Former bbc producer living comfortable on his nice big fat pension I'd imagine
‘Let him have a Christmas’.
Can the same be said of the woman locked up, because of something that she wrote and then deleted on social media, who won’t be able to see her family at Christmas, despite writing something that wasn’t illegal, - exercising her Democratic right to freedom of speech.
while other remain free of course we cannot mention them
@ this is it, yet we supposedly live in a democratic state with freedom of speech laws that should enable us to. It’s utterly shocking what is happening to our country, and I for one will be voting Reform.
sad BBC producer.
It’s not a novelty song it’s a message
Lets get this song to number 1 folks.
Hi. What's best way to buy it?
Proceeds go to charity, this little BBC man needs to open his eyes.
Let him have a Christmas while Millions of Brits Cannot afford one.
Former BBC employee showing his true colours and why so many of us do not use anything that requires a license!
They always say "look" when they lie.
Yes, but they get tuition on how to speak to the masses
Blair says look quite often
BBC - Jimmy Saville, Huw Edwards let's leave it there shall we?
Good of you to leave Rolf Harris off that list…. I know it’s hard to keep up there’s that many
Says it all.
Former BBC producer John Mai, gets a lovely fat BBC pension, so I'm sure he loves the BBC.
@@johnkitching2248are you snarky to everyone ?
@@johnkitching2248 You do know producers like him protected the fiddlers at the BBC right? Unless of course you support that?
Since when was looking after pensioners best interests right wing, he doesn't have a clue. We've all got relatives this affects like my 86 year old mother who gets a tiny private pension which takes her £10 over the threshold and has lost £300 because of it. She's 86 and scared to put on her heating, something this rich idiot doesn't have to worry about.
Maybe her family can all help her out, all put something in the pot so to speak. Rather than let her worry and freeze!
Funny how the BBC had no issue playing Part of the Union by Strawbs? But of course that was a left wing song.
A bbc producer on publicly backed organisation that's overpaying their workers. An I'm alright Jack attitude
It;s because it is true pensioners had their pensions cut, and most of them are cold. That is why it is popular.
Remember Relax? banned, my ding-a-ling? banned, God save the Queen? banned.
It will be Freezing this WInter, Whist Starmer the granny harmer is Warm, If will be freezing this winter Reeves is a Fraud...Pure brilliance...lol
If being right means right wing sign me up
I refuse like most to watch the BBC!
A silly row and campaign? Let starmer have a Christmas…. Has he allowed others to? No worried about the cold, can I eat? Starmer made his choices and here are the people’s voices x
Once a BBC stooge always a stooge. What about the money going to pensioners? The live system is delayed by a few seconds.
It’s a song made by the people, for the people… they are just not used to acknowledging the people, hence why the song was produced!
Relax got banned and that went straight to number 1. I can only hope that the same thing happens here
I refuse to watch the bbc
Your guest looks nice and warm in his house......no blanket for him to keep warm.
Parody and political satire (Yes Minister, Spitting Image, The Thick of It) are long celebrated features of British life. The fact these idiots seem to have forgotten that, with this particular PM, is notable.
Silly loony left producer?
How's it even right-wing
The BBC played "Ding, Dong, the Witch Is Dead" at least once after Mrs. Thatcher's passing, and many Beeboids enthusiastically shared their personal playlist with it on social media.
Leave him alone, he says?? Starmer made his bed......
John Mair and Keir Starmer will be warm this Christmas.
Why should Starmer have a Christmas when the pensioners won't?
People like Starmer don't care if they're not liked but they desperately need to be feared.
What they hate is to be laughed at and seen as ridiculous.
If we can't give him the same Christmas prezzie Nicolae Causesçu got from the Romanian people in 1989 we can at least laugh him out of office.
This BBC producer is clearly a wokie.
Perhaps the Beeb needs to a) find a sense of humour and b) be less in thrall to a callous Marxist government. Employing less pdf files would be good as well.
Former BBC Producer means: Former protector of the likes of Jimmy.
I don't know why they keep getting this old boring champagne socialists Mair on the show, he's always going to defend the British Bashing Corporation, he's made a very good living climbing on board the gravy train and still has plenty of ex colleagues and very probably family? Dtill on board.
The Ex BBC guy sounds exactly like Starmer! Are they related?
Same programmer.
Have you said sorry to tommy robinson yet peter?
He's not man enough to say sorry! Still hasn't provided evidence about tommy been racist.
He is a better Marketeer than any one at BBC
Thanks for the plug Mr BBC Labour shill. I’ve just bought it when I otherwise wouldn’t have thought of it
Mair has been latched onto the BBC's teat for so long he simply cannot give up the habit .
As a x bbc producer I bet his pension makes sure he won't freeze this winter .
Not playing on the BBC shows us what side they are on, then again we all knew lol
What a silly 🤬that John Mair is this is a great Xmas song 🇬🇧🇬🇧
Just shows the BBC is irrelevant when it comes to music as well as programming. If it disappeared it won;t be missed
Peter hasn't listened to the song all the way through...come on man do your research.
The BBC banned a Ken Dodd record in 1963.
Because of the diddy men?😊
The BBC needs the government to help perpetuate and increase the (BBC) TV Licence tax.
Silly Mair
In my head i now hear the 'once darling of the BBC' Jimmy Saville as he introduces Freezing this Christmas as the festive season's no 1 on Top of the Pops
John Mair is a regular BBC apologist... and he has a lot to apologise for...
cancelling my TV licence after xmas fed up with the same crap from bbc
8 yrs ago
I did it months ago and wish it was YEARS ago. I don't watch live TV or iPlayer so I don't need a licence.
...it was Barry McGuire...not Barry McKenzie who sang Eve of Destruction...can't this Beeb hack get anything right!😊
Used to put this on the pub jukebox all the time ! 😊
Barry McGguire sang Eve Of Destruction not McKenzie
@crystal He was thinking of Scott McKenzie methinks. Easy mistake to make.😊
Its only funny when its the left duckies
With producers like Mair, it is no wonder the BBC is failing.
Starmer the harmer does not deserve a Christmas
No, it's just the only way we've got left to show our disgust of labour without being arrested.. we do, after all, live in a police run dictatorship.
Just ask the question /// what would happen if Boris Johnson was PM and Keir Starmer was in opposition ?
Why should he have a Christmas when other people cant because of there destructive polices , what's the saying TRUTH HURTS, yes to playing they song ,
It’s raising money for the pensioners… its a great cause
Good for the chap that wrote it and this old geezer trying to say it is just hype. It tells the truth.
Bet he isn’t cold, thanks to his gold plated BBC pension that those freezing have paid for!
bbc wont play it because it they are woke and its truthful
I wouldnt know as i never watch the BBc
The sickening greed of the bbc and it's employees is truly nauseating.
650,000 British people cancelled the BBC this year. In 2025 we should aim to make it 1,000,000.
Perhaps he can help the pensioners
The bbc aint got the bauble to upset lybour but if it gets to number 1 they have to play it
John has definitely quaffed the kool aid..
I have no doubt the BBC will be buying another song in bulk to stop the song being number 1
Why would anyone believe anyone who had a present, or past, financial involvement with the BBC.
Correction: Eve of destruction was performed by Barry Maguire NOT MACKENZIE. John Mair should get his facts right.
"leave him alone" Poor Starmer "Let him have a Christmas"
Let Starmer have a Christmas, guys! Please don't upset him by making him feel any slight guilt over all the OAPs that'll die this winter. That would just make you right-wing meanies 😢
BBC refusing to play this song, no problem nobody listens to the bbc anyway
“All the usual subjects”.??? Who the heck is he referring to?
That sad old dude is acting like the song was about him
So what is Right Wing about it exactly ?
Makes me want to watch it on repeat!!