라오스는 인구수는 적고 국토는 넓으며 공산,사회주의를 지향하는 나라이기에 저 스위스 나라처럼 소국과민(小國寡民)하기 좋은 여러 여건들을 갖추고 있음에도 빈부 차이가 크고 타국 영향력을 크게 받으며 물가가 곤두박질질을 수시로 하니 안타까울 뿐입니다,(뭐 우리나라에도 문제점들은 많으나 개인적으로 안타까워서 지적질을 해봅니다)
Yes, laos has a lot of wide land and the population not many. there are a lot of mines and minerals but lao people can not take it only foriegn people come to take it away. for the main reason is lao is missing knowledge and no have to tool to use it.
Thank you very much for your donated and supporting. I am dealing with every korean and every viewers and all supporters I am trying to learn korean but I have very very busy to work for my family and my students. I am earning food for my family and building the house, filming youtube video, transporting to somwhere, the school new term will starting the end of August I have to earn money for students's register. last time I have ever dealing with a supporter who supported the clothes and paid for students study's fees but now he has block my facebook and misunderstanding.
we are planning for the kids after they completed secondary school or they age be older we need to support they learn korean atleast they will be at M4. for the people who need to help the kids study I need they support from the begin to the end of their study.
라오스 씨엥쿠앙 하늘과 땅의 신령님들이 선생님 집이 잘 지어지게 보호하고 도와주고 보살펴주시길 머나면 한국땅에서 기원합니다.
무사히 좋은 집이 완공 되기를. 선생님과 선생님 가족 여러분들의 행운.건강.안전을 기원합니다😊
Thank you very much for your help and support. blessing you have a good day.
멋진 집에서 가족 모두 행복하게 지내셨으면 좋겠어요~~
무사히 멋진 건물지으시긴
지신께서 좋게 봐주실겁니다~
안녕하세요!! 폼펭선생님~~
고사를 지냈으니 튼튼하고 편안한 집이 지어지겠네요~~
I hope that your wonderful home will be completed and then your family will live a safe and peaceful life. Satu Satu Satu
집을 짓는게 아니고 몸에병이 오겠어요😊
항상 건강 우선입니다.
튼튼하고 안전하게..다치지 마시고..
라오스는 인구수는 적고 국토는 넓으며 공산,사회주의를 지향하는 나라이기에 저 스위스 나라처럼 소국과민(小國寡民)하기 좋은 여러 여건들을 갖추고 있음에도 빈부 차이가 크고 타국 영향력을 크게 받으며 물가가 곤두박질질을 수시로 하니 안타까울 뿐입니다,(뭐 우리나라에도 문제점들은 많으나 개인적으로 안타까워서 지적질을 해봅니다)
국토가 다 쓰레기임
Yes, laos has a lot of wide land and the population not many. there are a lot of mines and minerals but lao people can not take it only foriegn people come to take it away. for the main reason is lao is missing knowledge and no have to tool to use it.
저도 소정의금액을 기부한적이있는데요 한국인을 상대로하시는데 한국말은 배울생각은 없는듯하네요
작년 영상에서 봤을때 애니따랑 팽따를 여름 방학 동안 폰사완에 보내서
한국어 교육 시키려고 했던 것 같은데
여러 상황 때문에 안되나봐요.
좀 더 안정되면 할 것 같은 느낌적 느낌.
음...이 글이 왜 제 눈에는 내 돈을 받았으니 한국말을 배워라로 보일까요....진상 양성 학원 장학생으로 들리는 발언이십니다. 차라리 기부했다란 말을 빼는게 나았을 수도 있겠네요...열심히 노력하셔서 세계 최고의 진상이 되시길 바랍니다. 그날 까지 화이팅!
Thank you very much for your donated and supporting. I am dealing with every korean and every viewers and all supporters I am trying to learn korean but I have very very busy to work for my family and my students. I am earning food for my family and building the house, filming youtube video, transporting to somwhere, the school new term will starting the end of August I have to earn money for students's register. last time I have ever dealing with a supporter who supported the clothes and paid for students study's fees but now he has block my facebook and misunderstanding.
we are planning for the kids after they completed secondary school or they age be older we need to support they learn korean atleast they will be at M4. for the people who need to help the kids study I need they support from the begin to the end of their study.