Mount Kimbie Live (EB.TV Studio Session)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @leonardonakama3239
    @leonardonakama3239 8 місяців тому +2

    What a great band thanks for the melodies

  • @nietsmusic
    @nietsmusic 7 років тому +11

    The drummer is on fire!!!!

  • @piotr803
    @piotr803 7 років тому +24

    That drummer is very special

  • @meljaofnightjackaz
    @meljaofnightjackaz 2 роки тому +13

    This drummer !!!!!!!!!

  • @jakegotcher3590
    @jakegotcher3590 5 років тому +18

    14:00 Like scientists in a laboratory. I fuckin love watching these 4 people work together.

  • @xoxxoxoxoxoxx
    @xoxxoxoxoxoxx 6 років тому +40

    that drumming is CLEAN

  • @702moose
    @702moose 7 місяців тому +3

    That drummer is insane, man

  • @godamcitizen
    @godamcitizen 7 років тому +13

    Epic drummer

  • @pink_limes4171
    @pink_limes4171 7 років тому +11

    how are they so fucking amazing. the synth work is so tight, the drumming, everything. so beautiful can't wait to see them in bristol

  • @unknown9274
    @unknown9274 2 роки тому +5

    underrated, this deserves millions of views

  • @jakegotcher3590
    @jakegotcher3590 4 роки тому +25

    I’m in love love with Andrea Balency.

  • @bellisperennissturdivant
    @bellisperennissturdivant 11 місяців тому +3

    dom singing blue train lines is so good

  • @ogfullmelt
    @ogfullmelt 8 місяців тому +2

    Great set, made to stray was performed amazing. And their new albim ia ao goood.

  • @whatzitooyaa1599
    @whatzitooyaa1599 2 роки тому +25

    banger drummer

  • @Lindss3
    @Lindss3 7 років тому +4

    I wish more people knew this!

  • @TheOfficialGLXY
    @TheOfficialGLXY 7 років тому +3

    Delta sounded fantastic!!

  • @rthefley
    @rthefley 7 років тому

    Awesome performance .... so in love with the vibe and obvious electricity ya'll share

  • @henrysanford2568
    @henrysanford2568 4 роки тому +24

    Blue Train Lines is so different with Dom singing. It feels much more pessimistic (in a good way)

  • @CumSoul
    @CumSoul 4 роки тому +4

    How many people already said that Made to Stray is f#cking GOLD?

  • @truemeyes9676
    @truemeyes9676 6 років тому +6

    my god!!! what a feeling

  • @melhorespod
    @melhorespod 7 років тому +1


  • @Magic_carpet666
    @Magic_carpet666 7 років тому +10

    its literally 3am and Im dancing in my bed

  • @BladeDoomer86
    @BladeDoomer86 7 років тому +2

    Absolutely amazing... even without Zoo kid to spice it up -___- Come to Montreal !!!!

  • @echus
    @echus 7 років тому

    This sounds amazing! Can't wait for this to release!

  • @mishachernyakhovsky
    @mishachernyakhovsky Рік тому +7

    Drummer and his level of consciousness are great. Technique seems strange because he is trying to play robotic with exact sounds that perfectly fit into their music.

  • @StuartRochabrunt
    @StuartRochabrunt 5 років тому +4

    Something strange happens here. I can't say that I like their music, but for some reason, they are addictive and pleasant to see.

    • @BeuterC
      @BeuterC 5 років тому +1

      You're on the right way.

  • @deepsessions3467
    @deepsessions3467 7 років тому +5

    Malditos genios.

  • @belowrd
    @belowrd 7 років тому

    i love these ppl

  • @tphongsai5762
    @tphongsai5762 7 років тому +1

    Goosebumps in a very good good way

    • @krrrcht
      @krrrcht 7 років тому

      Goosebumps in a pretty bad way

  • @MonkeyMarc
    @MonkeyMarc 3 роки тому +1

    soooooo goooood!

  • @DeckoZaSve
    @DeckoZaSve 7 років тому +2

    I like sessions to much , just keep it going :)

  • @hern19
    @hern19 7 років тому +1


  • @ripedzor
    @ripedzor 7 років тому

    i love it so much

  • @Nico-np9bh
    @Nico-np9bh 7 років тому

    Good to see you back on tracks! Amazing!

  • @VS3d0v
    @VS3d0v 7 років тому +1

    Drummer is awesome

  • @aixelent
    @aixelent 3 роки тому +3


  • @konybryant
    @konybryant 4 роки тому +7

    The vocals on this sesh are less passionate than the mp3, I like the intense inflection and drama that made the recorded version drive harder

    • @facebyfront
      @facebyfront 4 роки тому +1

      It's what I especially appreciate with them, after seeing them live few times in Europe. How boring to get always the exact album versions on shows? They probably mostly prefer to skip this boredom attitude. At least it's live. It doesn't have and cannot be perfect when some risk take is involved and it's quite rare nowadays. Also some magic can happen then as well. Just my opinion by the way.

  • @FIN_Der-Otter
    @FIN_Der-Otter 7 років тому

    thaaaaaaaaaaank you!!

  • @JoshVintage
    @JoshVintage 7 років тому


  • @hern19
    @hern19 7 років тому +3

    I'm gonna subscribe to this Chanel !!!

    • @hern19
      @hern19 7 років тому +2

      I've subscribed now !!! 😀😀😁😁😀😀😁😁

    • @ElectronicBeatsTV
      @ElectronicBeatsTV  7 років тому +4

      you are a winner now :-)

    • @hern19
      @hern19 7 років тому +3


  • @SanplerVarondaro
    @SanplerVarondaro 6 років тому +1

    Hey Genial la sesión bro saludos desde Tijuana mx

  • @AndrewWells
    @AndrewWells 5 років тому +6

    What does a Factory support band from 1981 sound like today? The Wake and Section 25 want to know... ;)

    • @roboangad
      @roboangad 5 років тому +2

      Thank you amazing person on the internet! You just gave me some amazing music to listen to that I didn't know of before. 😊

    • @facebyfront
      @facebyfront 4 роки тому

      I know these band, but I don't see any link with mount Kimbie here.

    • @AndrewWells
      @AndrewWells 4 роки тому

      @@facebyfront listen to all three again ;)

    • @facebyfront
      @facebyfront 4 роки тому

      @@AndrewWells will do :)

  • @zorzpool
    @zorzpool 7 років тому +4

    Dom is not happy with the sound...The new guy and girl are awesome thought! And Delta is a beast :-)

  • @santalemosibanez
    @santalemosibanez 7 років тому +1


  • @johnnythunders9451
    @johnnythunders9451 7 років тому

    Mad sound Chemists mixi and cook crafting white hot blazing sound and feel it could lburst into flames at any moment..

  • @freddiephillips678
    @freddiephillips678 7 років тому +1

    Wow.... what a brilliant band, in all ways! Is that Micachu on keys & vocals?

    • @authoroftheaccident
      @authoroftheaccident 7 років тому +4

      Freddie Phillips Its Andrea Balency, who's a great musician and vocalist in her own right. But Marc Pell, the drummer, is from Micachu and the Shapes! Love when different musicians play together..

  • @billywalendom
    @billywalendom 3 роки тому +3


  • @wdoven
    @wdoven 2 роки тому +3

    Anyone know what the cute little red keyboard is?

    • @metamaggot
      @metamaggot 2 роки тому +2

      it looks like a yamaha reface yc

  • @hern19
    @hern19 7 років тому


  • @emiliojosegallo8382
    @emiliojosegallo8382 4 роки тому +4

    Can y'all put the name of the gear they are using? All of it... please

    • @leoshow1the1
      @leoshow1the1 4 роки тому

      Which one

    • @emiliojosegallo8382
      @emiliojosegallo8382 4 роки тому

      @@leoshow1the1 Everything you know

    • @simonhej
      @simonhej 4 роки тому +4

      @@emiliojosegallo8382 Maschine MK 1 or 2? Sp-404, DSI Tempest, Korg ms-10 or ms-20 (my guess would be ms-20) a Korg Delta as well (pretty sure would make sense since a track is name delta. Some effect pedals and midi controllers and of course the bass and drums but I can't name those for you. Oh and that yamaha mini keyboard, the organ version from the reface series

      @DRRNNDGL 3 роки тому +4

      @@emiliojosegallo8382 the live rig went through a few versions throughout this album cycle but in this video the gear is:
      kai's main setup - digital multitrack recorder > ehx cathedral(1), DSI tempest > ehx cathedral(2), Yamaha reface yc, modified Korg ms20 mini > boss harmoniser > boss re20, Roland spdsx + sp404, Gibson Les Paul > line6 dl4,
      Dom's main setup - novation sl49mk2 + Maschine mk2 controllers > Maschine software (think they used to use the keyboard with a separate daw, might still be doing it here) > UA Apollo twin > Korg kaos pad mk3, ibenez bass > (no idea what's on the pedal board)
      Andrea's playing a Korg delta for most of the set and the drummers running his spdsx through a few boss pedals including a delay
      Hopefully that's detailed enough :)

    • @henrycurtis3652
      @henrycurtis3652 Рік тому

      @@DRRNNDGL not the OP but thank you so much!!

  • @energylab227
    @energylab227 7 років тому +1

    Fucking awesome!

  • @amrikdillon4527
    @amrikdillon4527 7 років тому +20

    Very New Order / Joy Division 'ish'

    • @petemcneil4973
      @petemcneil4973 6 років тому

      Very much so New Division ;)

    • @MrBidodams
      @MrBidodams 6 років тому


    • @tommcelroyuk
      @tommcelroyuk 6 років тому

      Amrik Dillon that’s what bought me here! Love it!

  • @j58688grgrs
    @j58688grgrs 7 років тому +1

    Damn how'd they get that snare sound?

    • @jorisvanveen4021
      @jorisvanveen4021 7 років тому +1

      Very loose wound snares on the bottom, metal snare, prolly bit loose top skin, tight gate and fat compression.

  • @ryansrix
    @ryansrix 7 років тому +1


  • @snails9505
    @snails9505 5 років тому +3

    Anyone know what Korg synth she's playing?

    • @thijmensas4870
      @thijmensas4870 5 років тому +4

      Snails it’s a korg delta synthesizer

    • @snails9505
      @snails9505 5 років тому +3

      @@thijmensas4870 thank you :)

  • @451degreesF
    @451degreesF 6 років тому +2

    What's the red synth in front? Does anybody know please? (15:05)

  • @franciscosanchez3491
    @franciscosanchez3491 6 років тому

    Me gustan mucho. Me encantan. Yo voy por sus derroteros. Me han alegrado el dia y la tarde.

  • @gamalramadhana9987
    @gamalramadhana9987 3 роки тому +4

    tight as f

  • @luizinhosalles5128
    @luizinhosalles5128 7 років тому


  • @sqin449
    @sqin449 6 років тому +1

    What is the synth name play by the girl

    • @bob123surfer
      @bob123surfer 6 років тому +1

      Squn Pretty sure it's a Korg Delta DL50

  • @danyrockjr
    @danyrockjr 7 років тому

    a group inhabited and possessed by their music ... what a wonder!

  • @kiezdirekt
    @kiezdirekt 6 років тому +2


  • @aahheeaadd
    @aahheeaadd 7 років тому

    what is the girl's name?

    • @emilomatosis
      @emilomatosis 7 років тому +8

      Andrea Balency, she sings in their record, in You Look Certain (I'm Not So Sure)

  • @yurihonorato7516
    @yurihonorato7516 6 років тому +2


  • @stary5405
    @stary5405 7 років тому

    Они под чем?

    • @Raul261088
      @Raul261088 7 років тому +1

      под талантом

  • @nishantsharma16
    @nishantsharma16 7 років тому +4

    Man, your albums: crooks & lovers and cold springs, were nothing short of genius. Please, please, go back to working on tracks like ruby, carbonated, pilano (youtube this), break well, MAYBES (abbey road #neverforget). You don't really sound like that no more, mount. The duo was epic and will be missed.

    • @jchin1013
      @jchin1013 6 років тому +1

      "Love What Survives" is a great album, but if you're reading this, "Crooks & Lovers" is "Richard D. James" album status. I would love to hear what you guys create pushing in that direction, whatever it's next level is. I know that this sounds obnoxious and you may have tried, and obviously fans can't dictate the direction of your future output (lol). However, I just want to convey that "Crooks & Lovers" is seriously my favorite album of the decade. Grimes says in an interview that the concept of making music clicked with her while she was listening to Panda Bear's "Person Pitch", and "Crooks & Lovers", is like that for me, except not necessarily making music, with listening to music period. Your interpretation of texture / arrangement, just SPACE in general, in that album is entirely brilliant, and each track is like the most gorgeous rubiks cube. I cannot express how much I love that album.

  • @jakegotcher3590
    @jakegotcher3590 4 роки тому +9

    Re-release without Krule.

  • @dipjonrd4874
    @dipjonrd4874 7 років тому +6

    I know they want to do more live instrumentation to give that authentic feel (and I agree with that), but the messiness of the symbols is just antithetical to their style; they need a live drummer playing an ELECTRIC set. Watch James Blake live in studio with his drummer: it maintains the tightness of their sound.
    The are just absolutely wrong to use the live symbols, it sounds ridiculous.
    And jeez can their vocals be any less inspiring?
    Love mount kimbie and honesty don't mind the direction their going in, but the drum set choice and this absurdly BLAND singing is just bad.

    • @JonathonNeher
      @JonathonNeher 7 років тому +8

      If you'll watch in Delta you'll see the drummer is using electronic cymbals (13:20) so it's certainly an option available to them that they know about. I would guess that the point of using a drummer live is they want some of that messiness! I think in general, I would say their music has always prized "messy" sounds to an extent far greater than James Blake.

    • @randomaccmeme
      @randomaccmeme 6 років тому +9

      It seems like you don't like them at all, tho

    • @cosmo5179
      @cosmo5179 6 років тому +4

      I was thinking what symbols, but then i understood you meant cymbals :)

    • @jakegotcher3590
      @jakegotcher3590 5 років тому

      Cosmo 5 yeah, he lost all credibility there.

    • @facebyfront
      @facebyfront 4 роки тому
