If you’re using a PIC microcontroller for the cassette decoder then you may have enough performance to use PQSK, which will let you boost throughput considerably. The same type of encoding allowed modems to push 28.8Kbps down a phone line with an absolute limit of 8KHz.
I recall my Atari 800XL and the miserable 600 baud out of dedicated cassette recorder. At the same time (at least in my country, ZX Spectrum used to reach at least 2400 if not 4800, stock, using generic recorder.
Thanks for the video! Cool project 👍
If you’re using a PIC microcontroller for the cassette decoder then you may have enough performance to use PQSK, which will let you boost throughput considerably. The same type of encoding allowed modems to push 28.8Kbps down a phone line with an absolute limit of 8KHz.
I recall my Atari 800XL and the miserable 600 baud out of dedicated cassette recorder. At the same time (at least in my country, ZX Spectrum used to reach at least 2400 if not 4800, stock, using generic recorder.
There's a funny book titled "Maximum Feasable Misunderstanding".