Yvonne Reveals Her BIG Sacrifice for OfflineTV

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @100ThievesCast
    @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +203

    We shot this episode back-to-back with the last so Producer Wex didn't have a mic for this one since we had 3 guests! We'll have an extra one for the next episode! Kyedae was also out of town for this shoot!

    • @georgevandygriff9343
      @georgevandygriff9343 2 роки тому +4

      @100 Thieves Cast Hey Wex, will Tina be on a future episode?

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +24

      @@georgevandygriff9343 *cough* check next week *couch* - Producer Wex

    • @georgevandygriff9343
      @georgevandygriff9343 2 роки тому +1


    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +8

      @@georgevandygriff9343 They're may be more than one guest as well 👀- Producer Wex

    • @aidancomi
      @aidancomi 2 роки тому +2

      If Peter keeps asking random people around the set, you'll have to give mics to everyone 😂

  • @Darkest_til_Dawn
    @Darkest_til_Dawn 2 роки тому +322

    Yvonne is a lot stronger than she portrays. She is a beautiful soul.

  • @danieljameslim1725
    @danieljameslim1725 2 роки тому +156

    Honestly really happy that Peter has this platform to host and be himself! He's a really great creator and entertainer.

  • @aristired6252
    @aristired6252 2 роки тому +197

    Boomer vs Zoomer is definitely my favorite 100T podcast. Raven and JHB have been doing a great job filling in for Kyedae as well! It’s a tough job. Especially since Peter and Kyedae are such great, dynamic hosts together. I live for how they make each other feel either very old or very Canadian haha. I’m glad we got to see Yvonne featured. Keep up the great work:)

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +10

      Thank you so much aristired! Much appreciated - Producer Wex

  • @rafauvu6196
    @rafauvu6196 2 роки тому +80

    Yvone seems like a interesting person. At the same time she seems like the most normal person in her groups of friends.

  • @Kitty-zg4jb
    @Kitty-zg4jb 2 роки тому +35

    Yvonne is literally my fave 💖 next episode Yvonne and Leslie with their pleb stories !!!!

  • @D3N3
    @D3N3 2 роки тому +70

    AHH! Yvonne is seriously the best T-T ❤️ this episode will be great!

  • @Gwendolyn3
    @Gwendolyn3 2 роки тому +14

    Yvonne is so amazing!!! Thanks for this great episode with my favorite streamer 🥺💗🎀

  • @evanbazely5870
    @evanbazely5870 2 роки тому +10

    I got to know so much more about Yvonne today .. she's great.. much love
    This is my new favourite podcast show

  • @tommylam9369
    @tommylam9369 2 роки тому +41

    I’m really glad Peter talked about his dating app experience. Nice to not feel like I’m the only one with his kinda experience

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +11

      Used to be me back in the day haha - Producer Wex

  • @merry_matty
    @merry_matty 2 роки тому +14

    Yvonne low key biggest Starbucks content creator. Happy to see her popping off in more content!

  • @heyugys
    @heyugys 2 роки тому +6

    It's cool getting to know more about each guests personal lives and childhood growing up. I would love to know more behind the scenes stuff about opportunities/projects they've been a part of since becoming a content creator.

  • @reflectzz_5178
    @reflectzz_5178 2 роки тому +6

    really love this podcast. 4 banger episodes in a row. my only suggestion is give the guys in the back a mic, so when they chime in i can hear them lol. otherwise keep up the great work guys :)

  • @Itsblurryiguess
    @Itsblurryiguess Рік тому

    I didn’t realize Yvonne is from Calgary!!

  • @moctor_dario
    @moctor_dario 2 роки тому +3

    33:35 the “ didn’t ask” 😂

  • @sav1n
    @sav1n 2 роки тому +1

    1:02 think Peter's talking about Reboot. Maybe, i thought that only showed in canada tho

  • @alexisalvarado55
    @alexisalvarado55 2 роки тому +2

    I finally got around to watch the podcast and man, what a great a great episode it was. I was smiling from the beginning to end. I wish I could list or talk about the things growing up and whatnot but that'll be too long for anyone to read or if it's even worth reading. Looking forward for that's what she said on Thursday.

  • @Moon42069
    @Moon42069 2 роки тому +4

    Really enjoying the podcast. Peter is doing really good here.

  • @dotty333
    @dotty333 2 роки тому +2

    been watching non stop of boomer vs zoomer and its def my favorite podcast right now on youtube! keep up the good work guys!

  • @gaiaaoi1005
    @gaiaaoi1005 2 роки тому +4

    Yvonnie! Love love her! This podcast is entertaining, thanks!

  • @kalevi7821
    @kalevi7821 2 роки тому +37

    Her legendary war cry is feared by all!

  • @xRiizo
    @xRiizo 2 роки тому +11

    Yvonne! The babysitter of OTV! This is going to be eye opening and I'm all for it!

  • @dawildmoose
    @dawildmoose 2 роки тому +1

    Yvonne really just out here living all our best lives

  • @dvargas3553
    @dvargas3553 2 роки тому

    1:01:55 Peter is talking about the show Code Lyoko here on Cartoon Network, kind of a lightweight banger as a kid NGL!

  • @effervescence5664
    @effervescence5664 2 роки тому

    Peter at 1:02:05 I think you're thinking of Reboot if it was full CGI or possibly Johny Quest if it was CGI and animation.

  • @kiidkif2009
    @kiidkif2009 Рік тому

    1:03:12 they named all my childhood shows 😂😂😂 i had a great 27 years of existence hopefully i get more

  • @jahirlira3568
    @jahirlira3568 2 роки тому

    Them talking about club penguin and me just thinking "does anyone remember wooz world?"

  • @im_cheepy1143
    @im_cheepy1143 Рік тому

    1:01:50 I think the show Peter was thinking about was Code Lyoko!

  • @wyronnachtjager
    @wyronnachtjager 2 роки тому +3

    I love how neopets comes up like every episode! I kinda miss it, although i know it is still online

  • @alan19191
    @alan19191 2 роки тому +7

    love how yall are reaching out pass 100t

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +1

      We're going to be getting even more out of network guests in the future - Producer Wex

  • @yessiemonkie
    @yessiemonkie 2 роки тому +3

    Fast food places really had the best collabs!!! The best thing I got from Burger King was a Backstreet Boys CD! 😅 This convo really brought me back haha

  • @ahryess9808
    @ahryess9808 2 роки тому +3

    Gotta say, this has to be my favorite episode so far xD Can't wait to see what comes next!!!

  • @danielnwosu3971
    @danielnwosu3971 2 роки тому +1

    Can't spell Wex without the "W". Love this channel!

  • @DJ-Cassie
    @DJ-Cassie 2 роки тому

    Ayo Producer Wex, you didn'y have to do Peter like that ar 41:27 😂

  • @theblisteringdessamar8282
    @theblisteringdessamar8282 2 роки тому +4

    Love this balance. Nobody is grilled harder than the other. LOL

  • @sighdeye
    @sighdeye 2 роки тому +2

    Enjoying the Boomer vs Zoomer pod/vidcasts. One suggestion - give the producers a mic. The offstage discussions are difficult to hear. Keep up the great work!

  • @howdyrin
    @howdyrin 2 роки тому

    @jhb you watched big time rush and I know appreciate you a whole bunch more!

  • @theblisteringdessamar8282
    @theblisteringdessamar8282 2 роки тому +2

    Wow. those were very deep insights on online dating today versus meeting people and dating irl in the past.

  • @beam4504
    @beam4504 2 роки тому +1

    Great episode!

  • @doraemon.1430
    @doraemon.1430 2 роки тому +6

    Peter giving off dad vibes

  • @Just4Funlol
    @Just4Funlol 2 роки тому +3

    Peter better on the mic this episode! Editor/producer listening....props

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +1

      Hahaha gotchu, it's all about the repositioning - Producer Wex

  • @juaneJAI
    @juaneJAI 2 роки тому

    1:02:00 is he talking about Reboot???

  • @TarJETx
    @TarJETx 2 роки тому

    The show Peter was referencing was Code Lyoko!

  • @xFAYSALx
    @xFAYSALx 2 роки тому

    peter ma man you became my best podcast host .... respect

  • @pipibilibon
    @pipibilibon 2 роки тому

    Its crazy cause im 21 and everything they where talking about i knew/ experienced except for club penguin i knew of it but never played it

  • @kjc89
    @kjc89 2 роки тому +1

    enjoying these shows! can we get producer wex a mic tho? its hard to hear him when they interact with him.

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +3

      Thanks haha check top comment, this was shot back to back with the last episode where I gave up my mic for a last second fourth guest. Will have one for future episodes - Producer Wex

    • @kjc89
      @kjc89 2 роки тому

      @@100ThievesCast thanks for clearing it up, I didn't have a chance to read the comments when watching it. It was back ground noise while I was working lol 😆 but thanks again producer wex!

  • @farhannajme7542
    @farhannajme7542 2 роки тому

    Wait what movie were Peter talking about ? Love this ep/

  • @jacade5898
    @jacade5898 2 роки тому

    I understand what Yvonne was getting at about the current dating scene. Social media creates an issue where you are exposed to so many people that there's an ease of access towards interaction with others on a shallower level. Easier to ghost after seeing unlikeable aspects and look for someone who is better when it's only shallow conversations.

  • @Wehttamman
    @Wehttamman 2 роки тому

    Anyone else find the audio a bit quiet? I have my phone at max volume and it's still difficult to hear sometimes

  • @jollygiant-xq1lk
    @jollygiant-xq1lk 2 роки тому

    Wow. Full volume was low volume. Why?

  • @NathanleGeekBoyGaming
    @NathanleGeekBoyGaming 2 роки тому +1

    When the podcast talks about animorphs and Leslie is no where to be found LMAOOO

  • @bigweena3151
    @bigweena3151 Рік тому

    Never actually read animorphs, remember looking at the transformation and putting it back

  • @da-barrera
    @da-barrera 2 роки тому

    the starbucks biography boosted her confidence wtf

  • @rpuchulu
    @rpuchulu 2 роки тому +2

    Love this podcast

  • @patrickdo9061
    @patrickdo9061 2 роки тому +1

    I think Peter was talking about Reboot.

  • @incronaut
    @incronaut 2 роки тому

    1:02:00 Peter is talking about the show Reboot!!!

  • @olajuwon-34
    @olajuwon-34 2 роки тому +4

    Anyone who watched Lost and thought the ending meant that it was a dream all along is just not that good at understanding what was going on...
    Lost was a great show, i personally liked the ending but i can understand why people don't, but please not for that stupid reason.
    Sorry for the rant, i'm a boomer.

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому

      You may have not hear me, but i totally agree with you on this - Producer Wex

    • @olajuwon-34
      @olajuwon-34 2 роки тому

      @@100ThievesCast No problem i heard you, i was more pissed that Peter heard that from someone, that misconception is way too common.

    • @esmeg8689
      @esmeg8689 2 роки тому

      Yes!! Agreed. I loved that show.

  • @TheJamesV2009
    @TheJamesV2009 2 роки тому

    In case it hasn't been said, the show Peter was thinking about at 1:01:00 is Reboot. And it had a pretty bad remake on Netflix i think

  • @freemode123
    @freemode123 2 роки тому

    1:01:55 Peter is likely talking about Reboot

  • @matthyews
    @matthyews 2 роки тому +3

    WAW Yvonne! :D the twin birthday boomers (jk pls don’t kill me im sorry)

  • @alanacarriles2917
    @alanacarriles2917 2 роки тому

    Had to pause at 1:06:30 bc I haven’t seen the Fruits Basket prequel brb

    • @alanacarriles2917
      @alanacarriles2917 2 роки тому

      I’m back and I cried so much! 1. He wasn’t a teacher, he was doing like an internship (I saw it in Spanish subs so idk how to say it in English) 2. Age difference is still weird to me tho, with you on that, didn’t know she was 14, but if you remember her wishes for Tohru makes sense 3. Maybe it was the way the English one is dubbed but the scene where she tells him she’s pregnant came off completely different to me, she’s scared bc she feels like she’s a horrible human being and doesn’t deserve caring for a child and he reassures her they both as well as their future child are human and will love and raise her, leading along the way 4. No passing of time was metioned so I didn’t know she had Tohru so fast, like at 15?!

  • @georgevandygriff9343
    @georgevandygriff9343 2 роки тому +3

    Boomer vs Zoomer with Yvonne, this will be awesome! Thx 100T

  • @kodiacg9813
    @kodiacg9813 2 роки тому +1

    JHB is the best member of 100T lmao

  • @peterrossignol8742
    @peterrossignol8742 2 роки тому +2

    Such a fun endeavor!! Love this podcast.

  • @bigbossvince
    @bigbossvince 2 роки тому +7

    Off topic but today is my off day and I have the misfortune of working at shitbucks.... hearing Yvonne talk about it on a day where i don't even wanna think about work made me want to jump off a cliff lmao.

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +3

      Lmaooo I'm so sorry, hopefully the rest of the episode will put you at peace - Producer Wex

  • @JohnConnor98
    @JohnConnor98 2 роки тому

    I think one of the first games I played on a PC was Rollercoaster Tycoon, which either game with a cereal box or magazine. Everything was so cool back then.

  • @tonykeo87
    @tonykeo87 2 роки тому +2

    Y'all should get I a mic for Alex (sorry I think that's his name guy in orange)

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +3

      Yup that’s me! Gave up my mic for a last minute fourth guest but will have it for the next episode! - Producer Wex

  • @galileodirectio
    @galileodirectio 2 роки тому

    Notw to self: finished this episode already

  • @bovelmirleiva3649
    @bovelmirleiva3649 2 роки тому +1

    yvonnneee is my favorite otv member

  • @Chromaspell
    @Chromaspell 2 роки тому

    this is where the term "slay queen" comes from.

  • @DocNx
    @DocNx 2 роки тому +4

    The show Peter is talking about is called Reboot :)

  • @OnlyGleeLover
    @OnlyGleeLover 2 роки тому

    always forget yvonne is also from calgary 🥰 calgary represent :)

  • @whitehouseuk
    @whitehouseuk 2 роки тому +1

    yvoone is always a great guest :)

  • @djphaze22
    @djphaze22 2 роки тому

    The show Peter was trying to remember was called ReBoot.

  • @heyimsasa
    @heyimsasa 2 роки тому +1

    1:01:54 PETER IS TALKING ABOUT REBOOT!! it's a canadian animated kid's show that was sick for its time.

    • @ShadowXPA
      @ShadowXPA 2 роки тому +1

      And here I thought they were talking about Code Lyoko 😅

  • @Mistyshade3
    @Mistyshade3 2 роки тому

    32:00 LOL Peter and I have different reactions to Yvonne’s city only being 40 minutes from one end to another
    Me: that’s really big!
    Him: that’s really small
    Me: uh ye small. Of course

  • @christopherjacobson5037
    @christopherjacobson5037 2 роки тому +1

    Need to get Alex a Mic so he can properly join. Want to hear his contribution but it is hard

  • @a_musing_poet
    @a_musing_poet 2 роки тому

    Each of my siblings still has their Batman Forever glasses. They have survived so many moves. Also, I am always sad when people forget it was Val Kilmer in Batman Forever.

  • @mayafarias07
    @mayafarias07 2 роки тому

    I love Fruits basket but didn't see the movie and now I'm sad because I didn't know this age thing, thanks, Peter :(

  • @lucidie_gucidie7470
    @lucidie_gucidie7470 2 роки тому +20

    from pokimane's manager to lily's bullying target.

  • @PuffinDaEr6
    @PuffinDaEr6 2 роки тому +1

    This show is great I love it.

  • @ScubaStevex
    @ScubaStevex 2 роки тому

    No one mentioned good ole sidekicks? That was the cool kid phone when I was in HS, lol.

  • @niloy5362
    @niloy5362 2 роки тому

    This is my first time watching 100 theifs podcast...
    Did peter join them ?

  • @Rickster648
    @Rickster648 2 роки тому +1

    Jank Squad represent! ✊🏻

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому

      I SEE YOU RICKSTER! Let's goooooo - Producer Wex

  • @ericktraspe
    @ericktraspe 2 роки тому

    Is the show Peter talking about Code Lyoko?

  • @WBRamsesIII
    @WBRamsesIII Рік тому

    Peter says “40 minutes?!?!” And I’m like yea that’s a long ass time to get across a city. Then he says “that’s so short”

  • @danielseo14
    @danielseo14 2 роки тому +1

    Can producer Alex has a mic again I can't here him keep up the great work

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +2

      Have it up for a last minute 4th guest! Will have it for next episode! - Producer Wex

    • @danielseo14
      @danielseo14 2 роки тому

      @@100ThievesCast sorry I didn't know he's name TT keep up the great work

  • @brah0773
    @brah0773 2 роки тому +1

    Where Kyedae at

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +1

      She was out of town for a shoot, she'll be on next episode - Producer Wex

  • @RiverBlew
    @RiverBlew 2 роки тому

    The hacking show Peter was talking about was definitely Code Lyoko. Later seasons went off the rails, but the first couple are iconic.

    • @crittle4060
      @crittle4060 2 роки тому +1

      I thought he was talking about Reboot but maybe you’re right. I loved that show btw lol

  • @EJ20WRX
    @EJ20WRX 2 роки тому +1

    I love the podcast, but the audio itself is so low.... My volume is already at 80% when listening and it still sounds low. I'm using audio technica's ATH-M50xBT2 to listen it's insane how I have to basically max my volume just to hear everyone clearly. Please have them closer/speaking into the mics, just like how the Sure SM7B is built to be used so we can have better audio quality. The Courage and Nadeshot Show is awesome because they're speaking into the mic. The audio there is great. Why can't you do that with this podcast?

  • @austinfraley4422
    @austinfraley4422 2 роки тому +2

    What happend to kydey ?

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +2

      We shot this back to back with the last episode so Kyedae was out of town! She'll be back in the next episode! - Producer Wex

  • @Manxsee
    @Manxsee 2 роки тому

    Peter is such a great host.

  • @whips777
    @whips777 2 роки тому +3

    AOL was in Canada. Yvonne is just burried under a rock.

  • @ravenraspberrie
    @ravenraspberrie 2 роки тому


  • @paulpaul1429
    @paulpaul1429 2 роки тому +2

    Peter is hella good at conversing im kinda jealous bro

    • @dvargas3553
      @dvargas3553 2 роки тому

      He is pretty good at talking but I think he domineers the conversation a bit too much and doesn’t give the guest enough time to speak/say what they want to say. He often interrupts while the guest is talking or even the other hosts and that kind of has to suck/be annoying for the ppl wanting to speak. He needs to learn how to really listen a bit more on what the ppl are saying without interrupting or thinking about what he wants to say next, like actually pay attention to what they’re saying and then ask follow up questions, THEN move on to the next topic once everyone’s had their say.
      Podcasting with this many ppl isn’t completely easy, esp at the beginning, it seems like he’s trying to carry the convo a lot which is good, but he needs to learn when he needs to listen more, when to ask follow up questions, and when to move to another topic. With someone who’s a bit more reserved like Yvonne (at least in this type of setting) he should really try to let the guest speak when they want to without all the interruptions and the “oh I want to say this, so I’m not gonna listen and just wait for this person to finish without really listening, only remembering what I want to say”. They have to learn how to better balance the podcast and focus on the guests and what they want to say. Again tho, I recognize podcasting isn’t totally easy and they’re all new to this; he’s doing much better than I or many others would do. This is just some constructive criticism to make the podcast a better show for both the guests and viewers, and hopefully it could take some of the load off Peters back as well. I’m sure the show will keep getting better as they find their format and learn how to manage the balance all the ppl talking in the show.

  • @laurindressel5601
    @laurindressel5601 2 роки тому +5

    I like this show better with Kyedae :(

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +3

      Kyedae was out of town for this shoot (we shot back to back with last episode). She'll be back on the next one! - Producer Wex

  • @Milkoniak
    @Milkoniak 2 роки тому

    1:01:56 code lyoko?

  • @mightylerone
    @mightylerone 2 роки тому

    Another question: what are the requirments to join 100thieves?

    • @100ThievesCast
      @100ThievesCast  2 роки тому +2

      A lotta hard work and determination - Producer Wex

  • @brendansmith6751
    @brendansmith6751 2 роки тому +1

    was anyone else just staring at peters crouch, no just me oh

  • @catsukat
    @catsukat 2 роки тому

    Can the crew in the back get a mic? It's nice to hear everyone speak