By abandoning a peaceful death, by extension Ambessa is giving up a peaceful life. By embracing an eventual gruesome death, by extension she's seeking a violent life for power through conquest.
The lines, "I starve until there's no more mouths to feed" and " The world won't bend my knees" shows that she is both a respectable leader, a worrier, a mother, and most of all, one fucking badass! This song showed a connection between leadership and motherhood that I don't think I've ever seen in media. And I am so excited to see her in the show. now.
@@pandabug-nl5vk Yeah I'm wrong...still it doesnt feel like the ages add up. Ambessa is 60 and Mel is 30 after the timeskip. Ambessa just looks a lot younger than 30 in this. But I guess not. Black don't crack.
@@jackj4631 i mean to be fair, when you don't look at the singer name the first time and then just hearing the song as it is. It does sound like a man singing.
The champions that Ambessa is fighting isn't pantheon, katarina, etc, but are her perceptions of Wolf, which resembles death. each region perceives the Lamb and the Wolf (Kindred) differently
@@LeGrosMomoLGM Kindred at the end of the day isn't really a "real" thing in that way that we perceive it. So when Kindred is witnessed by someone it's not surprisingly that they might look differently based on who is looking at them. Especially since in Noxus they don't believe in the Lamb. They actually don't know that it exists at all because Noxians don't die peaceful deaths so even Ambessas's perception of Lamb is more that of a wolf.
Wait, now, hear me out here. Like you said, this MV could be seen as Ambessa finding the will to live on and discovering her inner strength...but me personally, I see it as a tragedy. Because to me it doesn't seem like Ambessa's finding her inner strength, so much as she's abandoning what she once believed in, and embracing the beliefs of Noxus. Theres three locations of note, all with her in them - the dark Hall with Lamb at the end, a barren Wasteland full of caricatures, and the Arena with Wolf's Chosen. The Wasteland is a dream of what was - masked dancers, drummers on stilts, and screaming banshees. Maybe its a supressed memory of her tribe being subjugated by Noxus - the Enemy. Because lest we forget, they don't do diplomacy: It's 'join us or we'll make you'. The lamb she clutches is her old beliefs and ways - probably all that remains of her people. Back then, the Enemy won. Then we have the Arena. Pantheon's drip? The angular lines, the gold plating, the brutalist, functional design? _It's the idealized aesthetic of Noxus._ Here, Ambessa puts up a helluva fight, but it's clear Pantheon is superior. She can get back up all she likes, but she can't beat him - and he wants her to know it. He never goes for the killing strike, he just beats her down. Over. And over. And over. And the end? He backs off, even collapsing his shield. The message is clear: "Your resolve is not enough. You're not strong enough." Here again, the Enemy has won. And finally, the Hall. Ambessa reaches the end, broken and scarred. She's sacrificed and suffered, while trying to keep some semblance of what she once was alive - and with it the idea that she's denied the Enemy the satisfaction of destroying her entirely. It gives her strength and steels her resolve. But it's not enough. And then Lamb rises, and offers her the wolf's head totem - the ultimate representation of Noxus' ideology - almost as if to say: "Here is the power you want. Here is the strength you desire." " *TAKE IT.* " And she does. Deep down some part of her doesn't want to abandon her old ways, her peoples morals, their beliefs - it's why she's crying in the wasteland as the wolf totem swallows up her now shattered lamb. But now she's been shown that holding on to that sentiment doesn't give her strength - it keeps her from reaching the heights that Pantheon and the other Chosen have. She's been shown that her resolve, just holds her back. And near the end of the MV she rises up, now clad in the armor of the Chosen. The Enemy has won, in the final way that matters. Gone is the woman who was the last of a people, keeping ideals of some goodness and morality in her heart. Now stands another monster, embodying the same 'might makes right' ideal of her conquerors... Proving that their way was right all along.
Quick TLDR: Wolf is noxus' incarnation of kindred ( the lore is interesting i suggest giving it a read), the fight with panth is to earn her life?/to prove she deserves the mark of kindred (basically a second chance, the child at the end is her child that she i carrying currently, you can see the arrow is stuck in her abdomen and she is visibly pregnant, there is an assumption that the wolf REALLY came for the child and not ambessa since the child died in conflict (again more kindred noxus lore), Lamb being destroyed and lyrics about death and war is about a loss of her innocence from the war and such.
wolf only comes for those who die a violent death. only lamb would come for the child. the wolf turned away because she chose to keep living and possibly because killing her meant killing the child. which wolf doesn't do.
That child is Mel it's been confirmed in lol universe website. Kino was her older child we still have no idea how he died she just says he didn't have the blood of a warrior.
@@inthezone3893I thought Mel was thirteen-fifteen in the flashback. Even if she was like eight that’s still a while for Ambessa to change how she looks.
League has some of the best music and cinematics hands down 🙏
27 днів тому+5
So, let me explain this cinematic. First off, Ambessa is from Noxus and, since her childhood, they've embraced the tale of the wolf (in short, they know about the wolf part of Kindred, the lamb and wolf who faught the swordsman in the snow in the past cinematic). The lamb brings a peaceful death to those who embrace it and the wolf brings a violent death to those who fight it off. In Noxus, everyone believes in the power of strength and dying peafully is not honorable, hence why she faced the wolf instead (every Noxian does). Yes. That is Pantheon (or his human side) being used by the wolf as a proxy (he can ise a prpxy to test who is worthy to get to his version of hell). It is assumed the wolf came for her baby, Mel, but not yet confirmed. In the end, it seems she is selected to be a prpxy of the wolf which is why she lived. She was selected as part of the "Eternal Hunt". Those shores, btw, are from her homeland and she almost died defending her from with her family, hence why she is in the throne in one part, she becomes the matriarch at that point and fully embraces the way of the wolf.
You should really check out Necrit’s video on the lore in this. There is sooo much to learn about Ambessa’s past from what they show here, and it makes her motivations and personality in Arcane make so much more sense.
Well then the timeline doesnt make sense. Ambessa is in her late teens here, and Mel is probably late 20's in the show while Ambessa has to be 60+ in the show.
I strongly recommend watching Necrit's video about this one. The lore cuts are DEEP and have interesting implications for Arcane. Along with 1) being a glorious song, and 2) being a trailer for a new skin line XD
@@Alastarr1 Yes, it actually is. She is an actress/singer and was nominated for a Tony from her Broadway performance in Dreamgirls (a popular musical).
Suggestion: Hi Knox, I love your channel, I found your channel through the Hamilton live stream and your dissertation gave me a different view on a lot of the lines so I think it would be really cool if you reacted to Tyler the creators new album!!! I would really appreciate it!
Hey Knox, I know you don’t always check out lore but if you would like to know more about this video Necrit has a pretty good video explaining all the lore for it.
new champ called ambessa , mother of mel form arcane ( yes she's pregnant with mel on the battlefield )and skin teaser for the skin line "choosen of the wolf"
Respect for knowing it was Kindred right away with Wolf at the beginning and then Lamb later on, you'd be surprised with how many people missed that including League players lmao, embarrassing.
If your liking the League of Legends Arcane S2 OSTs check out COME PLAY written and produced by Tom Morello with Young Miko and our favorite boys STRAY KIDS!
she's pregnant and i think that's Mel, if is was Mel look at the eye of her, it shine, that's special things, i guess Mel still alive after Jinx hit the rocket at the last episode in arcane ss1
Oh yeah, she pregnant. That's little Mel, and she's depicted as a black silhouette with yellow eyes! ((Just like the mysterious figure from the trailer)
The yellow eyes in the trailer are most certainly Leblanc though. She has the markings underneath. Also Ambessa originally had Leblanc under “related champions” on her league universe page but it was removed likely for spoilers.
Ambessa is there pregnant with her son I believe (before she got pregnant with mel from arcane) and she basically was on deaths door and fought death (kindred) who sent champions to fight her spirit and the wolfs champion (the gladiator) decided she was worthy to let continue the eternal hunt (essentially letting her live longer for the wolf to chase later rather than accept kindreds peaceful death) because ambessa decided her peace wasnt worth giving up the life of her future children. Imagine being Hollywood and making these horrendous obnoxious female characters that are Mary sue virtue signalers that have no personality and are riddled with political bullshit and then yelling at the fans blaming them and calling us racist or sexist or whatever. Then riot just makes an African demacian warlord mother one of the most badass women in the franchise like it's nothing. And everyone loves it. We're not racist. We're not sexist. Those other characters just fucking suck. Genuinely amazing video such a good character
This probably is Arcane related in that the baby is most likely Mel. Ambessa has two kids, one who dies prior to the events of Arcane and inspires her to come to Piltover to protect Mel. But more importantly, Ambessa makes a deal with the Wolf that she will not have the peaceful death. In exchange, she sees the statues, parts of her past, present, and future. The child sacrificing the lamb (innocence/peaceful death - which points to the Shuriman part potentially being a ritual she was ACTUALLY involved in and not just a hallucination), the struggle of her present to rise past death, and seated at the throne as she usurps power in Piltover). Debatable whether the shuriman part is a flashback or hallucination of Lamb/Wolf in Shurima, but most likely the gold eye baby means with the blue around it (symbolic to the Lamb in this trailer, red being the wolf) means that Ambessa, blessed by the wolf, has Mel, potentially blessed by the lamb. Which may be how Mel makes it out of the councilroom. If the Shuriman part isn't a hallucination, it means she's involved with Xerath, a champion whose identity is absorbing far too much arcane energy.
As I've seen it explained by others, this was Ambessa deciding to abandon a peaceful death, but to fight and embrace an eventual violent end.
By abandoning a peaceful death, by extension Ambessa is giving up a peaceful life. By embracing an eventual gruesome death, by extension she's seeking a violent life for power through conquest.
I think the wolf is there for Kino
@@blackshard641 its been confirmed on league's website that in the cinematic she is pregnant with Mel, not Kino.
@@pandabug-nl5vk Bruh, Ambessa looks way older when Mel was just a child.
@@inthezone3893 Ok regardless of your opinion that is what league's official Ambessa lore says. Look it up.
The lines, "I starve until there's no more mouths to feed" and " The world won't bend my knees" shows that she is both a respectable leader, a worrier, a mother, and most of all, one fucking badass! This song showed a connection between leadership and motherhood that I don't think I've ever seen in media. And I am so excited to see her in the show. now.
Sheryl Lee Ralph absolutely nailed this. She is basically IRL Ambessa Medarda
And a Broadway actress. You can really tell from how much emotion and storytelling she's able to put into her singing
This is Ambessa, Mel's mother from arcane during her youth. In the music video she is pregnant with Mel.
Nah, it's probably her older brother. Ambessa is too young in this for that to be Mel imo.
@@lockekappa500 it is literally Mel. Lookup Ambessa's lore. It was confirmed by riot.
@@pandabug-nl5vk Yeah I'm wrong...still it doesnt feel like the ages add up. Ambessa is 60 and Mel is 30 after the timeskip. Ambessa just looks a lot younger than 30 in this. But I guess not. Black don't crack.
@@lockekappa500 riot could've accidentally looked past it when green lighting the MV, but if that's the case someone getting fired 🤣
@@lockekappa500I thought Mel was like 33 post time skip
The singer in this masterpiece is Sheryl Lee Ralph
They choose her because she has an identical voice to ambessas voice actor.
ngl the first time I heard the song, I thought it was a man singing
@@KlaSiKo4 you're crazy
@@jackj4631 i mean to be fair, when you don't look at the singer name the first time and then just hearing the song as it is. It does sound like a man singing.
@@KlaSiKo4 Nah, that's just you buddy
The women singing actually sounds very similar to ambessas VA which is pretty cool
The champions that Ambessa is fighting isn't pantheon, katarina, etc, but are her perceptions of Wolf, which resembles death. each region perceives the Lamb and the Wolf (Kindred) differently
But they are based on them just to sell skins which is pretty cringe coming from riot. It's just normal to think it's really them at first
"Just to sell skins" the entire music video is to market the champ and sell skins
@@LeGrosMomoLGM Kindred at the end of the day isn't really a "real" thing in that way that we perceive it. So when Kindred is witnessed by someone it's not surprisingly that they might look differently based on who is looking at them. Especially since in Noxus they don't believe in the Lamb. They actually don't know that it exists at all because Noxians don't die peaceful deaths so even Ambessas's perception of Lamb is more that of a wolf.
You realize Arcane is just to market the game and by extension selling more skins? It's not cringe when the marketing is quality.
@@LeGrosMomoLGM What is cringe about marketing, when the marketing is actually good?
Wait, now, hear me out here.
Like you said, this MV could be seen as Ambessa finding the will to live on and discovering her inner strength...but me personally, I see it as a tragedy. Because to me it doesn't seem like Ambessa's finding her inner strength, so much as she's abandoning what she once believed in, and embracing the beliefs of Noxus.
Theres three locations of note, all with her in them - the dark Hall with Lamb at the end, a barren Wasteland full of caricatures, and the Arena with Wolf's Chosen.
The Wasteland is a dream of what was - masked dancers, drummers on stilts, and screaming banshees. Maybe its a supressed memory of her tribe being subjugated by Noxus - the Enemy. Because lest we forget, they don't do diplomacy: It's 'join us or we'll make you'. The lamb she clutches is her old beliefs and ways - probably all that remains of her people.
Back then, the Enemy won.
Then we have the Arena. Pantheon's drip? The angular lines, the gold plating, the brutalist, functional design? _It's the idealized aesthetic of Noxus._ Here, Ambessa puts up a helluva fight, but it's clear Pantheon is superior. She can get back up all she likes, but she can't beat him - and he wants her to know it. He never goes for the killing strike, he just beats her down. Over. And over. And over. And the end? He backs off, even collapsing his shield. The message is clear: "Your resolve is not enough. You're not strong enough."
Here again, the Enemy has won.
And finally, the Hall. Ambessa reaches the end, broken and scarred. She's sacrificed and suffered, while trying to keep some semblance of what she once was alive - and with it the idea that she's denied the Enemy the satisfaction of destroying her entirely. It gives her strength and steels her resolve. But it's not enough. And then Lamb rises, and offers her the wolf's head totem - the ultimate representation of Noxus' ideology - almost as if to say:
"Here is the power you want. Here is the strength you desire."
" *TAKE IT.* "
And she does. Deep down some part of her doesn't want to abandon her old ways, her peoples morals, their beliefs - it's why she's crying in the wasteland as the wolf totem swallows up her now shattered lamb. But now she's been shown that holding on to that sentiment doesn't give her strength - it keeps her from reaching the heights that Pantheon and the other Chosen have. She's been shown that her resolve, just holds her back.
And near the end of the MV she rises up, now clad in the armor of the Chosen. The Enemy has won, in the final way that matters. Gone is the woman who was the last of a people, keeping ideals of some goodness and morality in her heart. Now stands another monster, embodying the same 'might makes right' ideal of her conquerors...
Proving that their way was right all along.
A certain Warmonger calling herself Apollyon would approve this. Nice analysis!
@@wolframvonstein7303 Thanks! Also: ayyy, a fellow For Honor player :D
Quick TLDR: Wolf is noxus' incarnation of kindred ( the lore is interesting i suggest giving it a read), the fight with panth is to earn her life?/to prove she deserves the mark of kindred (basically a second chance, the child at the end is her child that she i carrying currently, you can see the arrow is stuck in her abdomen and she is visibly pregnant, there is an assumption that the wolf REALLY came for the child and not ambessa since the child died in conflict (again more kindred noxus lore), Lamb being destroyed and lyrics about death and war is about a loss of her innocence from the war and such.
wolf only comes for those who die a violent death. only lamb would come for the child. the wolf turned away because she chose to keep living and possibly because killing her meant killing the child. which wolf doesn't do.
That child is Mel it's been confirmed in lol universe website. Kino was her older child we still have no idea how he died she just says he didn't have the blood of a warrior.
@@alanarunmavath6005 But Ambessa looks way older when Mel was just a child.
@@inthezone3893I thought Mel was thirteen-fifteen in the flashback. Even if she was like eight that’s still a while for Ambessa to change how she looks.
@@alanarunmavath6005didnt swain kill him or something?
Sheryl Lee Ralph is the singer
The Goat
Have you ever considered checking out Falconshield's This is War series? its about league characters rap cypher, and they get progressively cooler.
League has some of the best music and cinematics hands down 🙏
So, let me explain this cinematic. First off, Ambessa is from Noxus and, since her childhood, they've embraced the tale of the wolf (in short, they know about the wolf part of Kindred, the lamb and wolf who faught the swordsman in the snow in the past cinematic). The lamb brings a peaceful death to those who embrace it and the wolf brings a violent death to those who fight it off.
In Noxus, everyone believes in the power of strength and dying peafully is not honorable, hence why she faced the wolf instead (every Noxian does).
Yes. That is Pantheon (or his human side) being used by the wolf as a proxy (he can ise a prpxy to test who is worthy to get to his version of hell). It is assumed the wolf came for her baby, Mel, but not yet confirmed. In the end, it seems she is selected to be a prpxy of the wolf which is why she lived. She was selected as part of the "Eternal Hunt". Those shores, btw, are from her homeland and she almost died defending her from with her family, hence why she is in the throne in one part, she becomes the matriarch at that point and fully embraces the way of the wolf.
You should really check out Necrit’s video on the lore in this. There is sooo much to learn about Ambessa’s past from what they show here, and it makes her motivations and personality in Arcane make so much more sense.
Fell in love with Sheryl with the movie Distinguished Gentleman (awesome movie) love her now on Abbott. She’s a BOSS
Only League of Legends music videos can leave chills done your spine and goosebumps on your body
The wolf and the lamb...Kindred. But not today. Not today.
this is young ambessa
this song is so good! It captures the essence of Arcane style and passion.
Surprised nobody noticed 😢
first thing i saw bro i didnt even think he was talking about arcane until i heard him say it
Can't wait to catch up with Junx and Vu
This is cinema.
straykids also did a song for it its called Come play , also react to their deadpool ost Slash , you will love it
This gave me CHILLS, omg
No thats Mel guys not a wolf baby or Kino. Its been confirmed in her official lore.
Well then the timeline doesnt make sense. Ambessa is in her late teens here, and Mel is probably late 20's in the show while Ambessa has to be 60+ in the show.
@@lockekappa500i think you’re forgetting white hair also comes from stress and Ambessa is dealing with constant war and political machinations
@@WraithLK It makes more sense since this is actually Kino who she's pregnant with.
" Maybe she has a wolf baby...".
It' sound wild 😂😂😂
4:17 thats not pantheon thats the actual aspect of war, pantheon is only a mortal incarnation of him.
But its a skin for pantheon right?
@@kunundrum4455 and? lmao he also has a skin that makes him a cyber warrior and a baker. skins dont equal lore lol
@@Taylor-bw4zgi am just asking, imagine being so butthurt over a comment loooool
This is Mel's mother when she was younger, she is a warlord & will most probably be the most dangerous person in season 2.
She Pregnant with an arrow in her belly, Unreal then at the end she pulls the arrow out after she see the baby eyes glow. WOw
"There's like a wolf hair, maybe it's my time" 😂
Bro when you were talking about the porcelain throne, I shit you not I was doing exactly what you explaining 😂😂😂
Good luck my brother. Keep it moving
As he said, too much information
I strongly recommend watching Necrit's video about this one. The lore cuts are DEEP and have interesting implications for Arcane. Along with 1) being a glorious song, and 2) being a trailer for a new skin line XD
9:02 Symbolically, it could be argued Mel might be a wolf. Just like her mother.
It's Barbara from Abbott Elementary singing.
@@Alastarr1 Yes, it actually is. She is an actress/singer and was nominated for a Tony from her Broadway performance in Dreamgirls (a popular musical).
@@hdbtftsg Didn't know that was a character. I knew it was Sheryl Lee Ralph.
That rustique animation style, is 🔥🔥
Sheryl is just an absolute top tier singer
Don't forget about paint the town blue. That just dropped on Netflix youtube channel.
Hi Knox, I love your channel, I found your channel through the Hamilton live stream and your dissertation gave me a different view on a lot of the lines so I think it would be really cool if you reacted to Tyler the creators new album!!! I would really appreciate it!
Hey Knox, I know you don’t always check out lore but if you would like to know more about this video Necrit has a pretty good video explaining all the lore for it.
Was having fun cracking jokes with Bob! More things to burn…. Woohoo🔥🔥🔥
Thank you for your time sir!!
this godamn music give me chills every time
I didn’t watched his last league reaction and he is now just getting everything that’s really nice 👍
I think it's confirmed that baby is Mel.
The reaction to blood, sweat and tears is admiration.
new champ called ambessa , mother of mel form arcane ( yes she's pregnant with mel on the battlefield )and skin teaser for the skin line "choosen of the wolf"
Necrit has two videos on cinematic and her official lore.
PLEASE do ALL The Arcane songs!! I want to hear your opinion on these masterpieces. I’m still addicted to Dynasties & Dystopia
Sheryl Lee Ralph is the one who sings the song.
Of course Spring is back from his adventure!!! FYI you are an adrenalin rush!!!!
This is review is awesome!
this made me very curious about your reaction to 'right place, wrong person' by RM, the album features lil simz and moses sumney :]
Respect for knowing it was Kindred right away with Wolf at the beginning and then Lamb later on, you'd be surprised with how many people missed that including League players lmao, embarrassing.
Should react to Diggy Graves, he's got some interesting music.
I thought u wrote Diddy graves at first.
I am so excited for Arcane Season 2!!
you can also react to “get jinxed” its jinx’s release song and its really dope. would like to see you react to that one as well
Glad you enjoyed 😘
4 U mr. Knox sir:
This is my Thorne,
I call my Own.
And aim to keep it Neat.
So bless my Soul,
And pee down the Hole,
And Knox upon the Seat.
Relax & let go dude....
Ambessa is blessed by wolf, while Mel her baby was blessed the lamb
So I thought enemy by imagine dragons and jid was great. This is a masterpiece. Season one is 10/10 I'm so ready for Nov 9th!!
ARCHANE is indeed coming
Yasss! Queen.
Hanumankind on the radio free style 🔥🔥🔥
If your liking the League of Legends Arcane S2 OSTs check out COME PLAY written and produced by Tom Morello with Young Miko and our favorite boys STRAY KIDS!
Tom Morello is from Rage against the Machine
Damn I'm so hyped for Arcane
You should react to Come play stray kids
😂😂😂 Saw the title. Thought you were reacting to the band, Blood, Sweat and Tears. Really confused for a moment😂😂😂
she's pregnant and i think that's Mel, if is was Mel look at the eye of her, it shine, that's special things, i guess Mel still alive after Jinx hit the rocket at the last episode in arcane ss1
Not to be THAT person but i do not think it's written Archane but Arcane so the thumbnail needs a fix xD
bro you should react to Sushi Glory Hole (Official Uncensored Music Video) , andy goes wild
The wolf represents death.
Sushi Glory Hole (Official Uncensored Music Video)
Bro please click away so the blue highlight of the video bar disappear. It's too much for my OCD. And this happens every single video...
hell yeah
shes not pregnant a wolf baby but shes pregnant mel her daughter from arcane
Damn, i thought you were reacting to the 70s rock band, Blood, sweat, and tears. That would be better
You should react to crypts new album it’s fire
It looks like she made a 'deal' with Kindred in this video
Ambessa is a strong independent woman!
I need you to react to all of the cinematic music videos they have lol
Reaction to Come Play (from the series Arcane League of Legends) Stray Kids & Young Miko & Tom Morello, when??
All the way from South Africa we waiting for Chromakopia😢
Porcelain throne, did i hear that righttt....
Please react to Pirrates of the Carribean orchestra buy Hans Zimmer and Tina Guo etc. it is insane to see. Love the videos so much
That was doper than lsd trip
Here we have LoL again; not knowing if they are a game Company, Music Company or a Film Studio.
You should check out jelly roll empty house it's awesome
ppl asking if shes pregnant, forgetting she has a daughter in arcane 😂😂, how can't they link it to Mel
Hey Knox. What is up with your thumbnail ?
Day 11 of asking Knox to react to Montana of 300-Chiraq
Oh yeah, she pregnant. That's little Mel, and she's depicted as a black silhouette with yellow eyes! ((Just like the mysterious figure from the trailer)
The yellow eyes in the trailer are most certainly Leblanc though. She has the markings underneath. Also Ambessa originally had Leblanc under “related champions” on her league universe page but it was removed likely for spoilers.
Ambessa is there pregnant with her son I believe (before she got pregnant with mel from arcane) and she basically was on deaths door and fought death (kindred) who sent champions to fight her spirit and the wolfs champion (the gladiator) decided she was worthy to let continue the eternal hunt (essentially letting her live longer for the wolf to chase later rather than accept kindreds peaceful death) because ambessa decided her peace wasnt worth giving up the life of her future children.
Imagine being Hollywood and making these horrendous obnoxious female characters that are Mary sue virtue signalers that have no personality and are riddled with political bullshit and then yelling at the fans blaming them and calling us racist or sexist or whatever. Then riot just makes an African demacian warlord mother one of the most badass women in the franchise like it's nothing. And everyone loves it. We're not racist. We're not sexist. Those other characters just fucking suck. Genuinely amazing video such a good character
Apparently they aren’t excited about me making a phone call…. Trying to keep me distracted, but I don’t mind.
This probably is Arcane related in that the baby is most likely Mel. Ambessa has two kids, one who dies prior to the events of Arcane and inspires her to come to Piltover to protect Mel. But more importantly, Ambessa makes a deal with the Wolf that she will not have the peaceful death. In exchange, she sees the statues, parts of her past, present, and future. The child sacrificing the lamb (innocence/peaceful death - which points to the Shuriman part potentially being a ritual she was ACTUALLY involved in and not just a hallucination), the struggle of her present to rise past death, and seated at the throne as she usurps power in Piltover). Debatable whether the shuriman part is a flashback or hallucination of Lamb/Wolf in Shurima, but most likely the gold eye baby means with the blue around it (symbolic to the Lamb in this trailer, red being the wolf) means that Ambessa, blessed by the wolf, has Mel, potentially blessed by the lamb. Which may be how Mel makes it out of the councilroom.
If the Shuriman part isn't a hallucination, it means she's involved with Xerath, a champion whose identity is absorbing far too much arcane energy.
please do the chromakopia album
its arcane not archane, you might wanna fix that thumbnail before more people comment it.
Please react to Hanumankind On the radar freestyle 🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Maybe this my time" bruhh???😂😂😂
A wolf baby 😘
"archane" ah yes
How are you knox?, pls react to Ez Mil - All Hallows eve!.. fitting for upcoming Halloween 😊