Doesn’t show screen removal, the reason being it’s glued in, to remove broken screen remove the tape under the battery so ribbons can move, i used a knife as screen was shattered, once I got into one point the screen lifted off its back plate, the back plate was just lift out, order some screen adhesive before you start..
Спасибо за детальное видео!
Doesn’t show screen removal, the reason being it’s glued in, to remove broken screen remove the tape under the battery so ribbons can move, i used a knife as screen was shattered, once I got into one point the screen lifted off its back plate, the back plate was just lift out, order some screen adhesive before you start..
say hi to brazil
Oi Daniel! Eu aprendo portugues. Estou tentando praticar todos os dias. Que Deus abençoe você e sua família, todas as pessoas do Brasil.
I need test point to GND