Menistu was jezeba!!!! I love Geberal Mereid, General Fanta, General Amha, Geberal Abera.... Mengustu was the one who worked with Issayas Afeworki. It is Mengistu who separated Ethiopia from Eretria than TPLF. The first and last enemy of Ethiopia is Mengustu Hailemariyam!!!
I got respect G. Fanta belated he's my hero
I like ur videos. Keep going
It was very very heartbroken to happened that on them !!
ዳግማዊ መንግስቱ ከበሻሻ ብቅ ብሏል
እድሜውን ያሳጥርልን
ያንተ ዕድሜ ይጠር
ከዳሚው ነህ?
አብረህ ጥርግ በል
ወይኔ የዛኔ ተሳክቶ ቢሆን ኖሮ!
Sorry if it were succsess!
የአሁኖቼ ጄኔራል ከ 5 አምስቱም ቦርጫም ኖቸው
ይሄ ናዚ እነዚህን የመሠለ ለአህጉሪቷ እንኳ የሚበቁ ስንት ስራ የሰሩ ለአንድ ተራ ሻለቃ ስልጣን ሕይወታቸውን አጡ
ሜጀር ጀነራል ፋንታ በላይ ለወገኑ ውድ ብርቅ ሕይወቱን የሰጠ ። የአሁን ጄኔራል ስሰማ አፌን በሁለት እጄ ነው የምይዘው ።
የዐምሐራ ጀነራል የሆንክ ጥቁር ውሻ ውለድ ዘር አይውጣልህ ።
ይሄ መሃይም ውርንጭላ ስንቱን ፈጀው።
He was trained in USA...He was even asked to hire in US Air force but he came back to serve his country Ethiopia , but the Dull Mengistu Killed him!!
Menistu was jezeba!!!! I love Geberal Mereid, General Fanta, General Amha, Geberal Abera....
Mengustu was the one who worked with Issayas Afeworki. It is Mengistu who separated Ethiopia from Eretria than TPLF.
The first and last enemy of Ethiopia is Mengustu Hailemariyam!!!