Prof. Hizqeel & Dr. Milkeessaa! I truly hold you both with high regard, but I hardly understand what you are up-to these days. I have no idea how you think or feel, but I foresee imminent challenges, miseries, or troubles for Oromo & Oromia in near future if division and discord continues between/within Oromo elites and politicians. To successfully protect and defend its nation and state, Oromo must stand and act together, swiftly and with solidarity. To this effect, Oromo elites and politicians must focus on their shared vision or the big picture, stand together urgently as one team, and act together swiftly with solidarity by resolving their internal conflicts, allay their anger or agitation, and pacify any commotion in Oromia. However. unfortunately, it’s apparent that Oromo elites and politicians have been actively engaging in unnecessary and unhealthy competitions, throwing tantrums at each other, accusing (pointing fingers at) each other for no reason other than satisfying ones egos or pleasing enemies, and harboring feeling of internal resentment and animosity. This is certainly counterproductive and is a disservice to the Oromo nation.
I am born and raised in Oromiya. Though my family isn’t ethnically Oromo, I proudly consider myself as an Oromo. As such, what is happening in Oromiiya and the country pains me profoundly. Yaa Rabbi Biiliisaa Nuubassii Jachuun amaa dhaa. Stay strong Oromo kiyaa
Mr. Abraham Birru, your inquiries about "who do you support dead wrong question"? Professor Ezekiel Gabissa is absolutely 120% correct. The community has responded that the boy was slaughtered by a premier abiy ahmed ali regime.
Ergamtuu Tplf hisqel siif hin milkaa'u Abiyyi ilma oromooti.ati odeesituu farra ormooti.Abrahaam ilma Abichuu oduu isaa kana dhugaa sitti hin fakaatin.
Your contribution being voice for the voiceless is really nice. I n the way you are doing so is not very technical. That must be modified. people, please so be wise! As me, change the game in thinking twice. Come to the place, prepare yourself, and take the stage.
My deepest sympathy sincere condolences to the slaughtered boy, son, family members, and his friends to all. Salaalee Tulaamaa/Shewan Oromo community members inside Oromia/Ethiopia.
Hizqeel keenya, hamma kana dhudhuufteettaa, ammaan booda sigaya. Faandoon akka nu ajjeese Oromoon ija jabaatee hin dubbanne, gantuu utuu hin taane namaa gadi sa'aa gadi. Kanuma. አለቅላቂ
Professor Ezekiel Gabissa also has met this sycophants premier willfully destroyed the country and has damaged permanently its densely demographic populations inside insights Ethiopians empire's.
PM.PP OPDO regime Caderes and Cabinets. EPRP, EZM, ADP, cronies Cabinets debiteras and abuugidaa old schools guards urban and diaspora elites xenophobic, biases, bigotry, racist, haterous groups has deeply rooted for premier. Professor Ezekiel Gabissa, Milkessa Midhaga, Assafa Jaalata, Bayan Assoba, Mohammad Hassan, Mohammed Aba Jabale Tahiro. Abass Hadge Ghanamo....etc all. Honestly have had spoken out defending Oromo causes advocacy for inalienable rights, freedom, liberty, and justice for all people suffering under state sponsored tyranny and terrorism repressive regime,policy inside Ethiopian empire's.
Dhiifama: I misunderstood the two guests. They are talking about the overall ownership of Abiy Ahmed Ali for crime as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, which is correct. But, most of us and the parents of the boys and the community there are talking about who ACTUALLY slaughtered them and raped them, which is Amharas armed by the government, regardless of which Fano groups. This also correct. The knife and the hands used to slaughter Oromos belongs to Amharas. The brain behind this belongs to ABIY AHMED ALI! He must be removed at all costs and immediately, if Oromo are to survive. The most efficient, quickest, and least bloody way to remove him is by public uprising , marching 10 million man to 4 kilo and forcing him out of office, no matter at what price. I am 100% certain Oromo ppl alone can and will do this, even if others don't join them and Qeerroo know how this works more than anyone else, but the uprising is best if all ethnic groups participate. However, cutting a bad tree is easier than finding and planting the right seedling. We failed to do this in the last Qeerro uprising which removed TPLF/ EPRDF from power and we are paying heavy price for that mistake. Who is prepared to replace him at this time? I know none other than perhaps civilians such as Prof. Marara Gudina and Daud Ibsa who had nothing to do with this regime. None of the armed groups, including ENDF, OLA or Fano is trusted and welcome by Oromo people. Change is coming, but Ethiopians must never allow any armed group into 4 kilo.
This is the best & smart professional discussion ! Great thanks for them & you !
Thank you both. You are exposing the fact hidden
አብይ አህመድ አሁን ባለበት የመጨረሻ ደቂቃ ላይም ሆኖ የአማራንና የኦሮሞን ህዝብ እርስ በርስ ለ ማ.ጫ.ረ.ስ ሸዋ ውስጥ ደራ ወረዳ ላይ የፈጸመው አሳዛኝ ድርጊት አልሰራለትም፡፡ በኦሮሞም ሆነ በአማራ ህዝብና ፖለቲከኞች በኩል ድርጊቱን ራሱ አብይ አህመድ የከወነው መሆኑ ስለታወቀ እቅዱ በሁሉም ዘንድ ውድቅ ሆኖበታል፡፡
Namittiin mootummaadha ofiin jattee biyya balleeysaa jirtu tuni ummata oromootiifii oromiyaa lafarraa balleeysuuf waan hin godhinii fi hin goone hinqabu WBO fakkeeysuudhaan waraana ijaaree ummata oromoo saamsiisuu fi gudeeddaa fi reebichaan Ajj***sisuudhan mana irratti gubsiisuudhaan lafarraa buqqaasisaa ture kuni galma gahuufii didee irratti baramnaan
Gama fannootiin ummata oromoorratti gocha suukanneeysaa raawwachuun mataa gad qabachiisee Aangoo Abbaa irrummaa isaa Umrii dheereeyfachuuf fannoo isaan deeggaramtuu fi isaan hogganamtu ummata oromoorratti bobbaasee callisee ilaalaa jira walumaa galatti gochi ummata oromoorratti raawwatamaa jiru akka oromoon cabinsa deebitee dandamachuu hindandeenye cabsuufi kana godhaa jira kanaafuu furmaanni ummanni oromoon tokkummaadhaan dammaquudha keeysaa fi Alaan walii galanii bineensa nama nyaatu kana ofirraa kaasuudha
❤🎉🎉🎉. Yooyaa omn sagalee ummata harkaa funne jirtu
Prof. Hizqeel & Dr. Milkeessaa! I truly hold you both with high regard, but I hardly understand what you are up-to these days. I have no idea how you think or feel, but I foresee imminent challenges, miseries, or troubles for Oromo & Oromia in near future if division and discord continues between/within Oromo elites and politicians. To successfully protect and defend its nation and state, Oromo must stand and act together, swiftly and with solidarity. To this effect, Oromo elites and politicians must focus on their shared vision or the big picture, stand together urgently as one team, and act together swiftly with solidarity by resolving their internal conflicts, allay their anger or agitation, and pacify any commotion in Oromia.
However. unfortunately, it’s apparent that Oromo elites and politicians have been actively engaging in unnecessary and unhealthy competitions, throwing tantrums at each other, accusing (pointing fingers at) each other for no reason other than satisfying ones egos or pleasing enemies, and harboring feeling of internal resentment and animosity. This is certainly counterproductive and is a disservice to the Oromo nation.
Mootummaan jalqaba hujiin isaa nagaya ummataa nagaya daangaa tiiysu kuni ufii ummata qalaa ummata buqqisaa saamaa diigaa dhiiga argu male jiraachuu hindandayu kuni sheyxaana jechuu wanni dhiigaaf hawwu sheyxaana qofaa yoo oromummaa miti ilma namaa tahuun isinitti dhagahama tahe ykn ima dhuuyidu dhiiga namaa garuu baduun keessan hinhafu
I am born and raised in Oromiya. Though my family isn’t ethnically Oromo, I proudly consider myself as an Oromo. As such, what is happening in Oromiiya and the country pains me profoundly. Yaa Rabbi Biiliisaa Nuubassii Jachuun amaa dhaa. Stay strong Oromo kiyaa
Mr. Abraham Birru, your inquiries about "who do you support dead wrong question"? Professor Ezekiel Gabissa is absolutely 120% correct. The community has responded that the boy was slaughtered by a premier abiy ahmed ali regime.
Professor Hisqi'eel Gabbisaa Professorummaa irraa Gara K.G ,tti Barachaa jira.
Abbaa Garaa.
Garaa isaaf jedhee akkamiin Oromummaa isaa Gana.😢😢
Duraanuu Professor Hisqi'el Nafxanyaadha.😂😂❤😮
Abiye Bissaa nunyachudhaa dhufee
Warrii OMN Sammuu Keessanittii Deebi'aa
jaarsatti sana ofigidduu darbadha isin dogogoristii isin qaneesitis waan taeef
Dhugaa keeti Jaarsaattiin Xurumbaa Nafxanyootaati.❤
Hayyee bayy'ee galatooma hayyoota keenya warrii omn's bayy'ee galatooma
Heddu Ulfaadha Rabbin Rahmata Haabusu Galatoma Galanni Kessan Bilisumma Oroomo Haat,u🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Namchi nuballessu dhuffee malloo orom ijjaa kessani banaa
Ummatuma oromo kan mootomma kana Jala fiige dibbe tumutu oromoon akka qalamuu gammachuu qaba !
Akkuma isiin kaastan Abiyyiin ummanni Oromoo ummattoota kaawwaniin shakkii addaatiin akka ilaalamu taasisaa jira.
Abbaan Fannoo Abiy Namni Dubbii hingalle fi
Mee.hauu yookan
D/r Birhanu Massqallaa.Sany
Prfe Issqeli.ffi
D/r millkesa
D/r Bayyani Asobaa
Nuu.dhiyeesaa wallbirratii❤❤❤❤❤
Gocha sukanesa ummata keenya irati rawatama jiru kuni mootummaan raawwatama jira jedheen shakka, sababni isaas Paartiin badhaadhinaa (PP) lola Faanoo wajini gochaa jiru moohama waan jiruuf waliigalaan Oromoon Faanoo irati aka duuluu barbaadu. obboleeyyan ko shira suukaneessaa PPn gotuu kanani heni gowwoomfaminaa. Diinni keenya ini guddaan PP waan ta'eef aangoo irraa kaasuun of bilisoomsuu qabna.
Haadhaaf abbaa otoo Faannoon ilmoo qaltu argan caala beektaa?
Hadaraa. Jihuma. Jiaan. Boyuun shemiidha qabsoon. Karaa nagayaa. Hinjirtu umata hidhashiisaa kesattuu. Warreen dangaarra. Jiran oromoon hidhatuu qaba hayoonni oromoo kanarratti marihadhaa hadaraa
Rip abiy group .
ከባሮ ቱምሳ እስከ ሐጫሉ ሁንዴሳ፤ ከደረጀ አማረ ተስፋ እስከ በቲ ኡርጌሳና የከረዩ አባገዳወች ግዲያወች ውስጥ የአማራ እጅ እንደሌለበት ሁሉም የኦሮሞ ፖለቲከኛና ህዝቡ ያውቃል፡፡ ታዲያ አብይ አህመድ አሁን ነገሩን ከአማራ ጋር ለማላከክክ ለምን ፈለገ?? ምንስ አቅዶ ነው??
Galatooma sirrii dubbattani❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉jabaadha❤❤❤❤
Daqiiqaa dhumaa isaa keessattillee gochi gaddisiisaa Abiy Ahmad Aanaa Deeraa Showa keessatti ummata Amaaraa fi Oromoo walirratti raawwate isaaf hin hojjenne. Ummanni Oromoos ta'e Amaaraas ta'e namoonni siyaasaa Abiy Ahmed kan kana godhe ta'uu waan hubataniif karoorri sun hundinuu fudhatama dhabe.
Siridhaa hayotaa Oromo bayee Bayyee Galatomii hunidenuu kessanuu
Alaan ala nuraadhiisaa isin wari hayoota ifiin ju,u ummataaf labsii dabarsaa umani isin dhagahaa akka umani diina isaarati tarkaanfii fudhatan godhuu dandayu isini
Kan oromiyaa keesa jiruraa haa taaka ja,ani
Oromooniniis haa kaneen qalanii
Kun taanaan nafxanyaan dhugaa waliti himti
Kanaaf uummanni hamma danda,ameen nageenya ofii tiksuuf dirqama qabu
Thanks Professor!!!
Really Hiskel Gabisa and Milkesa midaga have Local minded.
Ergamtuu Tplf hisqel siif hin milkaa'u Abiyyi ilma oromooti.ati odeesituu farra ormooti.Abrahaam ilma Abichuu oduu isaa kana dhugaa sitti hin fakaatin.
Harka fuune Baga Nagaan dhuftan hayyoota keenya
Motummaa malee bineensa guyyaa dhaan Namaa nyaatu dhaa abiy 😭☝️
Translate to English
Omn ijaaf gurraa ummataa baguma isiin qabatee oromoon sagalee ummata cunqurfama
Jawaris nuuf dhiyeessu yaala hadara yoo danda'aame
As long as OLA agreed with fanoo for peaceful and continuity of this country abiy would not resign. He will eradicate oromo ppl for political position
Before checking back ground of Abiy, Jonjahaa lama magarsa public power of oromo Dabarsse Abiyiiffi kennee, Hollaa lama magarssa kicked out
waan tokko nu godhu irratti xiyyeeffaachuun diqama keenya furmaannoo?????😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Ammaas akuuma gaafa wayyaaneedha proofeesaronni fi hayyoonni oromoo Ka biyya Alaattin jirtan ummata oromoo f dirmadha Kan ficcisiisa jiru motuma Etiyoopiyati
Abiyyi Ahmad homaa balleessine nuutu ofirra rafe
Qabbassoo kenyattii debiiyuu qabana
Dr.milkeessan argite jira.ani umata goomati bakka buamalee ormoo bakka hinbuu jedheera.
Dr milkessaa itti Damaqxee jirta
Exactly Abiyot kana hojjechuuf 4 kiloo jira, isheen abbootii garaa tiif, Kaan lafee itti darbanii, kaawwan burjaajessanii, warri masaraa keessatti hojjechaa jiru, Daniel Kibret, Birhanuu Neggaa, Dr danyaachoo Aseffaa, Ezemaa guutuu, Isaan midia irra jirtu 7 house G ura gee, Amaaraaf Oromoo walitti buusuudhaan akkasumas Tegaaruu walitti buusuudhaan
Midia irra jiru. Maqaa saanii tokko tikkoon beekna.
Dr Milkeessa Namatu si dhagaa’uu dide Malee Abiyot Oromoo diigee fixuuf kutatee ka’ee jira !
Karaan isaa garuu otoo gatii guddaa nu hin kafalchiisin yeroodhaan caasaa gandaa keessaa banee waliin wakiif qabsaa’uu qabna!
Abraham namnii yadaa Dr falesuu bilsiginaa youn bitamtuu
Oromo motuman ama jiru motumma Oromoo mitii. Uumanii Oromoo harka walqabate ofiraa gatu barbaachisadha. Bulchinsa kabale baadiyyaatii ofirraa gatani koomitte jarrole filate ofbulchuu jalaqabu malee!!!
irraa aane bulchiinsa anaa (Warradda) jiisee kommittee filachuu male. Motuummaa gadhee kana harkaafi millaa dhabsiifnee ofiraa gatnaa.
Biyyaa Ashabari tee
Yes jadhee orom fii amerha walittii naquu yoo in inttanee isllaam fii kirrstanaa wallitti naquu yoo in ittanee waraan gallichani waran banu haffanii issani dubatee
Isqel Gebisa mataan isaatuu wayyaanee warra gandaa
Abraham ,plse give the stage for prof.Ezikel. Avoid chameleon!!
Your contribution being voice for the voiceless is really nice. I n the way you are doing so is not very technical. That must be modified. people, please so be wise! As me, change the game in thinking twice. Come to the place, prepare yourself, and take the stage.
Isqeel hin machaaye moo hardha
Dhugaa keeti
My deepest sympathy sincere condolences to the slaughtered boy, son, family members, and his friends to all. Salaalee Tulaamaa/Shewan Oromo community members inside Oromia/Ethiopia.
Omn gltmi itana haftes nuf fida
Yooyaa gootoota Oromo 💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭
Abraham namicha maraataa isqeel jedhamu kana seera miidiyaa kabajuu hin danda,u
"Oromo" taken as hostage by PP
Ani Namoota Akkasitti yaadaniifi Haasa'an Beektota Oromoo jedhee waamuttan qaanfadha.kanumti akka siyaasi Oromoo hin ititne godhan warra sirna wayyaanee irraa fayyadamanii baran, umurii guutuu Oromoon akka boo'u hawwanidha. utuu itti kennitee garee tokko gaggeessuu hin danda'anu.
Isin jawar ma hin finee
Shanee jechuun maqaa itti mogaasee faqqada Abdiisa dura taa godhee WBO fakkeessuun Ilmaan oromoo kan ficicisiisa,saamsisaa,mana irratti gubaa,ukaamsiisee birri humna olii kan ummata irra saamsisa, kan ummata maalaqa guddaa gaafachiisa ,dubartoota oromoo gudeeddiisaa kan goosise eenyuu?
Darratti obboleesa jiniraala itti gafatama faannoo kan godhee ummata oromoo kan ficcisisa ture eenyuu?
Tasgabiidhan waal mariyadha
faannoon namaa miti marga lafaatiifuu hin tolu
Jawar nuuf dhiheessaa. Ummata waree kana dhiisaa
Baaroo Tumsaa hanga Hacaaluu Hundeessaatti; Dereje Amar Tesfaa irraa hanga T. Urgesanaatti Gediyav Kaaryu Abagadewa keessatti Harki Amaaraa akka hin jirre namni siyaasaa fi ummanni Oromoo hundi ni beeka. Maarree Abiy Ahmad maaliif amma Amaaraa waliin dhimma kana irratti mari'achuu barbaade??
sila akkanni Faannoo ta'e hin beektuu Diinummaa faannoo gaafattee?
Uummata lamaan wolitti buusuufi
Umata oromoo hidhashiisaa hadaraa hayoonni oromoo kanarratti marihadhaa umanni. Guutuun hidhatuu qaba kana yontaane. Yomiyuu. Boyishuma. Motuman kun. Duudaadha
Umata hidhashiisaa
Dugaa waqaaa wanii Dr milkeysan jedhee wanumaa dhugaa lafarajiruu kanumaa nuargisisaa jiru lilmii barcumaa kan ilmaan gudedaa. Fixee
Isin ma walii galtaanii malif wallii galttanii umattaa hin hoganee garaa qabsoo
ፍኖ ይሁን ሸኔ እየሰሩት ያለው አረመኔ ድርጉት ማንም ጤነኛ አይምሮ ያለው ሊያወግዘው ይገባል ።እዝቄል እንዳንተ አይነት ሙሁር ነኝ ባይ አክራሪዎች ለእንደዚህ አይነት ድርግት ወጣቱ እንዲገፋፉ ነው የሚያደርጉት pls ወደ ቀልባችሁ ተመለሱ ካድሬው ይሄ የብልጽግና ስራ እንደሆነ የአማራም የኦሮሞም ህዝብ አውቋል ፋኖ ቢገል በእጁ ይሉትን ምርኮኞች የኦሮሞ ልጆች ይገል ነበር ቀይመስቀል እንዷረከባቸው እየጠየቀ ነው ገባህ።
The real problem of Ethiopia colonial empire is Abiy and his Opdo. Solidarity to remove him by all means
Hizqeel keenya, hamma kana dhudhuufteettaa, ammaan booda sigaya. Faandoon akka nu ajjeese Oromoon ija jabaatee hin dubbanne, gantuu utuu hin taane namaa gadi sa'aa gadi. Kanuma. አለቅላቂ
Professor Ezekiel Gabissa also has met this sycophants premier willfully destroyed the country and has damaged permanently its densely demographic populations inside insights Ethiopians empire's.
Dr. Ezkiel, Milkesssa: Haadhaaf abbaa ennaa Faannoon ilmoo qaltu argan caala beektuu? Moo Faannoo faana hidhata qabduu? Labsii faannoon Oromo, Oromia fi Oromummaa balleessinee, Dharraan, Wallaga, Finfininneen kan amarati jedhan hinarginee?
What ever you talk Amhara is the first standing enemy of all Oromoos
Him ifaajiin amaaraas the Oromoorraa namoonni rakko qaban sirreessaa seraan gaafachaa waliin jireenya Kenya's itti fuufsiisna.rakkoolee naannoowwan daangaa jiran Maanguddota fi abboota Amantaa qabnuun hikaa demuudha malee Motummaa kana eeguun barbaachisaa miti.Hayyota kenyaaf Galata guddaa qabna.
Sammuutti deebi'i ykn mana yaalaa deemi qashtii warra nama qalu waliin jiraachuun hin yaadamu ykn ati achi galii jiraadhu yoo si fudhataniif malee!
Isin soddattanii ma tetanii hatii tesanuu falmaa jirtii lammaa magarsa jawar esaa jiraa gadii maattanii harmee oromia biraa dhabdha dr prf
Professor iskel niin kabaja garuu jala deemtuu TPLF erga tahe tureera miidiyaa jaraa malee miidiyaa oromoo ni lagate.
Siyaasni modernig gambling dha
Hhhhh isin qala jedhe qalami jedhiin
Ani kan jedhuu hayyuu oromoo waa'ee tokkummaa keenyaa ijaarufi maali hojachaa jirtuu? oduun siyaasa xinxxaluu keessaan maali uummata keenyaa fayyadaa? Dhugaan lafa jiru alagaa caalaa yeroo ammaa kanaa eenyuutu oromoo miidhaa jira?
PM.PP OPDO regime Caderes and Cabinets. EPRP, EZM, ADP, cronies Cabinets debiteras and abuugidaa old schools guards urban and diaspora elites xenophobic, biases, bigotry, racist, haterous groups has deeply rooted for premier. Professor Ezekiel Gabissa, Milkessa Midhaga, Assafa Jaalata, Bayan Assoba, Mohammad Hassan, Mohammed Aba Jabale Tahiro. Abass Hadge Ghanamo....etc all. Honestly have had spoken out defending Oromo causes advocacy for inalienable rights, freedom, liberty, and justice for all people suffering under state sponsored tyranny and terrorism repressive regime,policy inside Ethiopian empire's.
Absolutely you are Amara
Kunnii hundii ergaa abiye dhufee yero haliganii nubittuu maffii nagaani jirranee
eessaa nagaan jiratee??? Sirbaa maaf dhageeffata jedhame namni memori liqiimsaa kan ture bara eenyuutti?
Irreechaa irraatti namni sun hundii kan du'e bara wayyaannee miti.Sirbaa qabsoo dhageeffachuu cubbuuf yakkaan bara wayyaannee akkaa ta'e eenyuutu irraanfata
Mastet plan jechuun uumata oromoo biyyaa kan dhansiisuun jalqabame baraa eenyu biyyaa bulchaa tureetti?? Oromoo gowwaan jarraa 21ffaa keessa ta'e akkaa jarraa 19ffaatti yaadu ni jira jedhee yadee hin beeku
Dhiifama: I misunderstood the two guests. They are talking about the overall ownership of Abiy Ahmed Ali for crime as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, which is correct. But, most of us and the parents of the boys and the community there are talking about who ACTUALLY slaughtered them and raped them, which is Amharas armed by the government, regardless of which Fano groups. This also correct. The knife and the hands used to slaughter Oromos belongs to Amharas. The brain behind this belongs to ABIY AHMED ALI!
He must be removed at all costs and immediately, if Oromo are to survive. The most efficient, quickest, and least bloody way to remove him is by public uprising , marching 10 million man to 4 kilo and forcing him out of office, no matter at what price. I am 100% certain Oromo ppl alone can and will do this, even if others don't join them and Qeerroo know how this works more than anyone else, but the uprising is best if all ethnic groups participate.
However, cutting a bad tree is easier than finding and planting the right seedling. We failed to do this in the last Qeerro uprising which removed TPLF/ EPRDF from power and we are paying heavy price for that mistake. Who is prepared to replace him at this time? I know none other than perhaps civilians such as Prof. Marara Gudina and Daud Ibsa who had nothing to do with this regime. None of the armed groups, including ENDF, OLA or Fano is trusted and welcome by Oromo people. Change is coming, but Ethiopians must never allow any armed group into 4 kilo.
Don't ask this kind of stupid question to the professor.
Galtooma hunda keessan!! Garuu gaaffii tokkoo qaba,hangaa yoomii oddeessa jiraana? Maliif ummanni walti akka qabamu,maliif ummanni akka kahu hingotanni. Hayyoonni keenya maali gocha jiru?
Dr.milkessaa glt fadhaa yaa Oromo
This so called professor has no respect for people. He can say I don't answer but why try to little a media mediator
You can't construct a sentence correctly but you are trying to ridicule the Professor in American University. 😂
Rakkoon keenya motummaa osoo hin taane fixalleeyii nannoo amharaati.