My goodness this lady is amazing, so smart and well spoken. A role model for many women, not only muslims, but for ALL of us here. God bless her and her family.
She comes from educated ,middle upper class sector, into business, married a king & gets the best teachers. Many middle & upper class all over the world can speak good English . She would of also received a list of questions well before hand & practiced , most time an intellect within the kings circle would of typed up the answers so she could memorise them. You don't think our MPs & prime minister & royals state things out of fresh air. They have to be vetted on what is appropriate to say & in appropriate making sure not to offend any . She ran a fashion house so politics would not of been her fortay. When you marry Royal or a certain prestige family , there are expectations & opportunity's to open doors & benefit some party's/charity's etc.....Many would be afraid to offend the west or the Islamic state.
@@JmGmailhow can that be hamas ,she was distancing herself from anything islamic . She's more western & modern . Hamas would despise her dress sense. She is a queen who has her own money she needs no Hamas money. How ridiculous.
Her and Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel of Saudi Arabia are a couple examples of why women should not cover their faces. These women should encourage women of their countries to dress how they really want to.
Richard's World Traveler the women cover their faces because this is our religion .and we are love our more about lslam . It is religion of mercey
Islam actually does not tell women to coverup, it's the wahabis which only found in Saudi Arabia and some gulf countries and they follow wahabi ideology which is extreme and almost all Muslims are against it, in Islam women are required to cover their chest area and lower parts, same for men, if you go to palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria ect you'll see women with hijab, women without anything, women with niqab ect it's a choice the woman decides for herself
I agree with AGK. And I'd add I think she's "too elegant and beautiful". She is obviously a very intelligent Queen/woman. But because she is so beautiful it's hard to concentrate on what she's saying. :) As a man I kept looking at her face more than listening to her words. If no one told you who she was you'd think she is a Miss Universe winner.
moderates have to speak up lol, Tell the big media corporations to promote true Islamic teachings, and what the Book of Allah actually tells humanity to do. Regardless this probably wont happen, so people who are sincere ask your Lord for guidance, and inshallah you will be guided to the straight pure path.
+Rami Alkayyali you are so lucky with that lady as Queen. She will become even more famous and loved, because her heart, her intellect, manners and family.. everything about Rania is amazing.
Rami Alkayyali typical of Arab people always lie and bullshit about their failure biggest investment in education lol wow where did she pull that bogus claim I wonder
Rami Alkayyali damn middle East with its majority Arab population that we Persian get lumped in with you brainless morons. Middle East should be just Arab that's it Iran is in Caucauses along with Russia and Georgia and other ex Soviet states
B. Aaron von Hagen She's the first and only my friend. Jordan is not an Arab gulf state, even Kings who have had multiple wives, they were never married to all at the same time (divorce came first, then remarriage a fair while after). I recommend you look up Jordan, it is a secular state, where religion is only seen as an individual process (a connection between the individual and God). It is progressive, and has always been that way. The fact that the Queen (who has no real political powers under the constitution) is doing an interview on an American news channel should be enough for you to at least realise the difference between the country and others around it.
Well as a country the majority of the population are Muslim. I myself am a Jordanian Muslim, and I would greatly appreciate if you could perhaps look into the matter with an open mind with no presumptions. The majority of us Jordanians do not have anything in common with radical groups. In fact, following the burning of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS, Jordan has even turned more anti-radical which I did not think was possible. The thing is if you research the country you would find that we do have some fundamentalists, we have for example the Muslim Brotherhood, but you never hear anything about them because quite frankly Jordanians in our nature do not have a fundamentalist way of thinking. Fundamentalist groups such as the one I have mentioned have a minor following (especially after what happened in Egypt). However, despite that they are still integrated and represented in the system via elections for our parliament, which decreases any chance of hostility. In Jordan, although there is a sense of patriarchy (just like almost everywhere in the world), women have rights that are simply non-existent in some of our neighbours such as the freedom of dressing (although to be fair showing significant skin is depicted negatively due to cultural/traditional rather than religious reasons), freedom to drive, freedom to go out with friends (of both genders), freedom of working etc. During the Arab Spring we did have protests, but instead of a violent reaction that we saw in other countries, the government and the in particular the King reacted with reform, which lead to a decrease in protests. In Jordan we also have a significant number of Christians, I myself have a plethora of Christian friends, and we have never had a religious conflict in our country. We have Muslims who drink alcohol (even though it is against Islam), but the point is that it is not illegal regardless of your faith. We welcome millions of refugees despite the fact that we have no water and no natural resources. I do hope you look up my country, and change your view about people like myself and our faith. If you do not or cannot then I guess I would have done what I could, and wish you good luck.
Your reply is exactly why you should research Islam thoroughly, because you have made quite a few factual mistakes. The reference of only God (the english translation of the word Allah; Arab Christians do call God Allah because its a name in the language) punishes with fire is a reference to hell after death. All monotheistic faiths believe in the concept of heaven and hell. It is not reserved for apostates, it is reserved for anyone of any faith (including Islam) who does evil. By your logic: Current events, as well as the lessons of history, show that the peaceful survival of a free world is not compatible with the continuos existence of Christianity (Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Nazis, IRA, Abortion Clinic bombings, Westboro Baptist Church, Anders Behring Breivik in Norway, the LRA in Uganda, the Catholic priest scandal), Judaism (Gush Emunim Underground, Bat Ayin Underground, Covenant of the Zealots, Tzrifin Underground, and the Lehava), Buddhism (attacks by monks in Myanmar, Burmha). Each and every religion had/has its share of radical/extremist/terrorist/fundamental group who misinterpret their religious texts/beliefs. Even non-religious people have had there fair share of extremists. How many people have died in the US from shootings? When it happens that person is labeled as psychotic or mentally ill, but if a Muslim does that the entire faith and all of its followers are called into question, that is the definition of double standard. With that being said, do I believe that all Christians, Jews, or Buddhists are violent and primitive? Of course not, I understand that each and every person is different, and it would be unfair to judge an entire religion and its followers on the actions of a minority. The Torah and the Old Testament have a load of violent texts, which makes me ask do you believe the same thing about Judaism? The new testament in Matthew's gospel says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, would you believe the same thing about Christianity? Of course not, because that would not be the smart or reasonable thing to do. Is Islam a peaceful religion? I would have to say no. But are Christianity and Judaism peaceful religions? My answer again would be no. Then does that mean that all 3 are violent? I would argue that they are neither this nor that. Peace is an ideal to strive for. Religion is guidance to the people of the earth, and ideals are not enough due to the faults in human nature. Let me be clear, I have learned about my religion and read the Koran all my life. I am religious, and I do not have any urges or moral justifications of killing people or bombing buildings or oppressing women etc. If your assumption about my faith is correct then I would be pro all of those things. Which I assure you I am the exact opposite. Assuming you are Christian, how would you feel if I told you to denounce your faith altogether due to stereotypes or presumptions I have. Or say that because of your persistence of following the religion of Jesus means that you at least condone the actions of its more ardent practitioners. Can you not see that it does not make sense? Islam, just like any other religion, has legions of scholars who argue points of religion, meaning that there are many points that are not agreed on, meaning that it is impossible to support "or at least condone" the actions of its more ardent supporters. I do not condone ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram etc. I would be the first person to face them head on because as a Muslim, my understanding and interpretation of my faith is that there actions are unIslamic and contradict the message of Muhammad. Sir, the Christians in my country know the truth about the religion and us Muslims, they see how we apply it in our lives and respect it. Many of my Christian friends even fast Ramadan with us and we fast during Easter as a sign of respect and love we have towards one another. I will ignore your assertion that my family would kill me under any circumstance, despite the fact that I have been polite and respectful towards your comments about my religion. You have to understand that the Koran came down in Arabic. Now I assume you are not a scholar in Arabic or the Koran, and sadly all the anti-Islam commentators believe that they have the facts on their side, whereas in reality their facts have just plainly been lost in translation. There is no reference in the Koran about killing converts, that was reportedly a Hadith (a saying from the Prophet) and it has been one of the most controversial topics for Islamic scholars for a long time (did he actually say that or not?). There is this whole myth about the Hadith about the 70 something virgins, which the Islamic scholars have went on to debunk as false (with no attention by the media). There are many parts of love and affection in the Koran, there are many parts of respect, love, and admiration of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Moses and so forth. Allah (which for some reason you think is different from God) is called the loving and all merciful in the religious text you continuously insult. I therefore ask you again to please learn about Islam in an in depth way before you insult me, my family, and my religion, as I can assure you I would not do the same to you or anyone else for that matter.
You read the Koran from cover to cover twice? Was that in Arabic? I'm sure not. Look I do not claim to be a scholar in Islam, nor do I claim that I know every single thing about my religion. I also do not know half of the books you have cited, nor can I speak for their legitimacy. But there are things you have mentioned that I do know about and that are quite simply factually incorrect. For one thing, yes Islam does not believe in your concept of the divinity of Jesus. We see him as a Prophet of God and not as a son of God. However, we do believe in the virgin birth, and Jesus is loved and respected by Muslims. We also believe that he is the Messiah, and we do not doubt that. However, that comes from a different perspective as we also do not believe he was crucified, rather that Allah (Arabic for God: The same God of Christianity and Judaism) saved him from that fate by recalling him to heaven and made Judas look like him. We believe that till this day Jesus is alive and with God, and will come down and slay the anti-christ. On top of that, your religion tells you that the Messiah will come down from the heavens and slay the anti-christ. Muhammad died a very long time ago, therefore if he was the "anti-Christ" as you have stated, then that would mean that Christianity's prophecy of the Messiah is redundant. There is no denial of Jesus being the Messiah in Islam, but assuming there was, your statement of "no other religious text denies" is stupid in itself, as Christianity and Islam are the last two monotheistic religions. Just a quick note, the Arabic word "Muhammad" is an expression which means "The honorable one" or "The glorified one" or "The admirable". Prophet Muhammad was the first in the Middle East to be named "Muhammad". Below, you will see how Jesus in today's Gospel of John had called this human Prophet which he predicted his comming "The honorable one". Jesus in the Greek Bible used the Greek word "Periklytos" which means the admirable or glorified one. He called that predicted human prophet "Periklytos". This word corresponds exactly to the Arabic word "Muhammad" which also means the "admired one" or "glorified one." In other words, "Periklytos" is "Muhammad" in Greek. Let us start... In the Bible we can find the following four passages wherein Jesus (peace be upon him) predicts a great event: John 14:16 "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever" John 15:26 "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me" John 14:26 "But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 16:7-14 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you." Therefore, the New Testament and Jesus predicted the coming of another prophet after him. Please read your own religious text before you blast mine. "The Koran expresses a particular hatred of Jews & advocates violence against them as well as any infidel or the apostate." Well that's funny since there are many passages that call for love and tolerance for the people of the book (Jews and Christians). This was despite what history tells us of his death. Where he was poisoned by a Jew, and that the poison caused a high fever." "In my second non-fiction, I utilised quotations from 4 former US presidents, a British prime minister, a Christian saint, 2 Protestant reformers, & several apostate Muslims; all of whom agree with my assertion that Islam is the enemy of all of mankind because, at its core, Islam is evil." Quite convenient that you have not utilised quotes by actual practising Muslims. That would like me writing a book about Christianity and asking Presidents of Iran, and several apostate Christians for their views. Its useless. "It was founded on robbery, rape, & murder. And Islam approves of & actually requires such behaviour in its adherents." That is why in Islam thieves get their hands cut off. In Islam, capital punishment is reserved for the most extreme crimes which harm individual victims or destabilise society. Rape falls into both of these categories. The penalty for rape is death. During the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, a rapist was punished based on only the testimony of the victim. Wa'il ibn Hujr reported that a woman publicly identified a man who had raped her. The people caught the man and brought him to the Prophet Muhammad. He told the woman to go, that she was not to be blamed, and ordered that the man be put to death. In another case, a woman brought her infant to the mosque and publicly spoke about the rape that had resulted in her pregnancy.When confronted, the accused admitted the crime to the Caliph Umar who ordered his punishment. The woman was not punished. The same thing happens to a murderer. Robbery, Rape, and Murder are 3 of the Greater Sins in Islam. In conclusion, your books have a very clear rhetoric and is bound to be full of incorrect facts, and quite simply religious bigotry. I honestly cannot believe how you have a PhD. Nonetheless this will be my last comment, as it is clear your being close-minded, ignorant, and blatantly incompetent.
Queen of Jordn" your majesty your approach to the argument is wrong. Its not about extremist and moderate muslims. Its about muslims who follow the Quran literally and those who follow the Quran selectively. And when will a completely moderate becomes a radical.
My goodness this lady is amazing, so smart and well spoken. A role model for many women, not only muslims, but for ALL of us here. God bless her and her family.
Islamists everywhere are terrorists at heart. They just use propaganda like rania as face of terrorists.
She's From the other side of the world and speaks better English than the people on the other side of my street
That is hamas propaganda money
She comes from educated ,middle upper class sector, into business, married a king & gets the best teachers. Many middle & upper class all over the world can speak good English . She would of also received a list of questions well before hand & practiced , most time an intellect within the kings circle would of typed up the answers so she could memorise them. You don't think our MPs & prime minister & royals state things out of fresh air. They have to be vetted on what is appropriate to say & in appropriate making sure not to offend any . She ran a fashion house so politics would not of been her fortay. When you marry Royal or a certain prestige family , there are expectations & opportunity's to open doors & benefit some party's/charity's etc.....Many would be afraid to offend the west or the Islamic state.
@@JmGmailhow can that be hamas ,she was distancing herself from anything islamic . She's more western & modern . Hamas would despise her dress sense. She is a queen who has her own money she needs no Hamas money. How ridiculous.
She is the epitome of a Queen, looks, intelligence, class, style, grace, man shes got it all and then some!
Brains, beauty, compassion and common sense, Complete package!
And terrorists background
You are the true Queen of heart.
Never seen a queen so hot before
habibty I love you so much wallahy..we Muslim women need women like you to stand up for women's rights
I love Queen Rania. She is smart, wellspoken, elegant, classy and Palestinian
She is hamas terrorists supporter.
More attractive than Kate Middleton.
True way more
She should just give hugs to the leaders of conflicting countries and they will make a peace, i would.
Queen rania is absolutely stunning!! Need i say more?!!!
Yep say more about her hamas terrorists support
Her and Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel of Saudi Arabia are a couple examples of why women should not cover their faces. These women should encourage women of their countries to dress how they really want to.
Richard's World Traveler the women cover their faces because this is our religion .and we are love our more about lslam . It is religion of mercey
Islam actually does not tell women to coverup, it's the wahabis which only found in Saudi Arabia and some gulf countries and they follow wahabi ideology which is extreme and almost all Muslims are against it, in Islam women are required to cover their chest area and lower parts, same for men, if you go to palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria ect you'll see women with hijab, women without anything, women with niqab ect it's a choice the woman decides for herself
@@asmasm9736 islam does tell women to cover up their body and hair, however covering the face is a choice.
OMG She is so beautiful.
she is so elegant
She is a very practical, engaging speaker.
Hamas propaganda.. does not believe that Jews have a place in Middle East.
I agree with AGK. And I'd add I think she's "too elegant and beautiful". She is obviously a very intelligent Queen/woman. But because she is so beautiful it's hard to concentrate on what she's saying. :) As a man I kept looking at her face more than listening to her words. If no one told you who she was you'd think she is a Miss Universe winner.
she stole the money of her country
She is the most beautiful queen,
I agreed with everything Queen Rania said, 100% of the way.
Says hamas trrrorist
:D She is my insperation !!!!!!!! LOVE HER!
We Love Queen Of Jordan.We Love King And Queen Of Jordan. We Love Jordania.
moderates have to speak up lol, Tell the big media corporations to promote true Islamic teachings, and what the Book of Allah actually tells humanity to do. Regardless this probably wont happen, so people who are sincere ask your Lord for guidance, and inshallah you will be guided to the straight pure path.
Wow shes beautiful
She is soooooooo pretty!!!! The king of Jordan is a lucky guy.
Very Beautiful inspirations.
And I as a Muslim, rania doesn't represent me
proud of my queen. . love you xx
+Rami Alkayyali you are so lucky with that lady as Queen. She will become even more famous and loved, because her heart, her intellect, manners and family.. everything about Rania is amazing.
thank you, Queen Rania she changed a lot.. i wish most of the leaders are as same as her.
Rami Alkayyali typical of Arab people always lie and bullshit about their failure biggest investment in education lol wow where did she pull that bogus claim I wonder
Rami Alkayyali damn middle East with its majority Arab population that we Persian get lumped in with you brainless morons. Middle East should be just Arab that's it
Iran is in Caucauses along with Russia and Georgia and other ex Soviet states
She is perfect real queen that we hear it in storys 😍😍
She is so amazing.
She's beautiful. She kind of looks like a cross between Cindy Crawford and Queen Letizia of Spain.
The queen of heart ❤️ ♥️
My idol..Super Queen Rania.❤
So proud. ❤️
This war criminal should be tried for the crimes of Jordan against Syria.
وين زر الترجمه ياجماعه ماشفته
So proud of you your majesty
@Queen Rania Al Abdullah
I love my future mother-in-law so very much.
women who can cope with work and family always need domestic workers so stop the hypocrisy
And what # wife is she?
B. Aaron von Hagen She's the first and only my friend. Jordan is not an Arab gulf state, even Kings who have had multiple wives, they were never married to all at the same time (divorce came first, then remarriage a fair while after). I recommend you look up Jordan, it is a secular state, where religion is only seen as an individual process (a connection between the individual and God). It is progressive, and has always been that way. The fact that the Queen (who has no real political powers under the constitution) is doing an interview on an American news channel should be enough for you to at least realise the difference between the country and others around it.
Well as a country the majority of the population are Muslim. I myself am a Jordanian Muslim, and I would greatly appreciate if you could perhaps look into the matter with an open mind with no presumptions. The majority of us Jordanians do not have anything in common with radical groups. In fact, following the burning of the Jordanian pilot by ISIS, Jordan has even turned more anti-radical which I did not think was possible. The thing is if you research the country you would find that we do have some fundamentalists, we have for example the Muslim Brotherhood, but you never hear anything about them because quite frankly Jordanians in our nature do not have a fundamentalist way of thinking. Fundamentalist groups such as the one I have mentioned have a minor following (especially after what happened in Egypt). However, despite that they are still integrated and represented in the system via elections for our parliament, which decreases any chance of hostility. In Jordan, although there is a sense of patriarchy (just like almost everywhere in the world), women have rights that are simply non-existent in some of our neighbours such as the freedom of dressing (although to be fair showing significant skin is depicted negatively due to cultural/traditional rather than religious reasons), freedom to drive, freedom to go out with friends (of both genders), freedom of working etc. During the Arab Spring we did have protests, but instead of a violent reaction that we saw in other countries, the government and the in particular the King reacted with reform, which lead to a decrease in protests. In Jordan we also have a significant number of Christians, I myself have a plethora of Christian friends, and we have never had a religious conflict in our country. We have Muslims who drink alcohol (even though it is against Islam), but the point is that it is not illegal regardless of your faith. We welcome millions of refugees despite the fact that we have no water and no natural resources. I do hope you look up my country, and change your view about people like myself and our faith. If you do not or cannot then I guess I would have done what I could, and wish you good luck.
Your reply is exactly why you should research Islam thoroughly, because you have made quite a few factual mistakes. The reference of only God (the english translation of the word Allah; Arab Christians do call God Allah because its a name in the language) punishes with fire is a reference to hell after death. All monotheistic faiths believe in the concept of heaven and hell. It is not reserved for apostates, it is reserved for anyone of any faith (including Islam) who does evil.
By your logic: Current events, as well as the lessons of history, show that the peaceful survival of a free world is not compatible with the continuos existence of Christianity (Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Nazis, IRA, Abortion Clinic bombings, Westboro Baptist Church, Anders Behring Breivik in Norway, the LRA in Uganda, the Catholic priest scandal), Judaism (Gush Emunim Underground, Bat Ayin Underground, Covenant of the Zealots, Tzrifin Underground, and the Lehava), Buddhism (attacks by monks in Myanmar, Burmha). Each and every religion had/has its share of radical/extremist/terrorist/fundamental group who misinterpret their religious texts/beliefs. Even non-religious people have had there fair share of extremists. How many people have died in the US from shootings? When it happens that person is labeled as psychotic or mentally ill, but if a Muslim does that the entire faith and all of its followers are called into question, that is the definition of double standard.
With that being said, do I believe that all Christians, Jews, or Buddhists are violent and primitive? Of course not, I understand that each and every person is different, and it would be unfair to judge an entire religion and its followers on the actions of a minority. The Torah and the Old Testament have a load of violent texts, which makes me ask do you believe the same thing about Judaism? The new testament in Matthew's gospel says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, would you believe the same thing about Christianity? Of course not, because that would not be the smart or reasonable thing to do. Is Islam a peaceful religion? I would have to say no. But are Christianity and Judaism peaceful religions? My answer again would be no. Then does that mean that all 3 are violent? I would argue that they are neither this nor that. Peace is an ideal to strive for. Religion is guidance to the people of the earth, and ideals are not enough due to the faults in human nature.
Let me be clear, I have learned about my religion and read the Koran all my life. I am religious, and I do not have any urges or moral justifications of killing people or bombing buildings or oppressing women etc. If your assumption about my faith is correct then I would be pro all of those things. Which I assure you I am the exact opposite. Assuming you are Christian, how would you feel if I told you to denounce your faith altogether due to stereotypes or presumptions I have. Or say that because of your persistence of following the religion of Jesus means that you at least condone the actions of its more ardent practitioners. Can you not see that it does not make sense? Islam, just like any other religion, has legions of scholars who argue points of religion, meaning that there are many points that are not agreed on, meaning that it is impossible to support "or at least condone" the actions of its more ardent supporters. I do not condone ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram etc. I would be the first person to face them head on because as a Muslim, my understanding and interpretation of my faith is that there actions are unIslamic and contradict the message of Muhammad.
Sir, the Christians in my country know the truth about the religion and us Muslims, they see how we apply it in our lives and respect it. Many of my Christian friends even fast Ramadan with us and we fast during Easter as a sign of respect and love we have towards one another. I will ignore your assertion that my family would kill me under any circumstance, despite the fact that I have been polite and respectful towards your comments about my religion. You have to understand that the Koran came down in Arabic. Now I assume you are not a scholar in Arabic or the Koran, and sadly all the anti-Islam commentators believe that they have the facts on their side, whereas in reality their facts have just plainly been lost in translation. There is no reference in the Koran about killing converts, that was reportedly a Hadith (a saying from the Prophet) and it has been one of the most controversial topics for Islamic scholars for a long time (did he actually say that or not?). There is this whole myth about the Hadith about the 70 something virgins, which the Islamic scholars have went on to debunk as false (with no attention by the media). There are many parts of love and affection in the Koran, there are many parts of respect, love, and admiration of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Moses and so forth. Allah (which for some reason you think is different from God) is called the loving and all merciful in the religious text you continuously insult. I therefore ask you again to please learn about Islam in an in depth way before you insult me, my family, and my religion, as I can assure you I would not do the same to you or anyone else for that matter.
You read the Koran from cover to cover twice? Was that in Arabic? I'm sure not. Look I do not claim to be a scholar in Islam, nor do I claim that I know every single thing about my religion. I also do not know half of the books you have cited, nor can I speak for their legitimacy.
But there are things you have mentioned that I do know about and that are quite simply factually incorrect. For one thing, yes Islam does not believe in your concept of the divinity of Jesus. We see him as a Prophet of God and not as a son of God. However, we do believe in the virgin birth, and Jesus is loved and respected by Muslims. We also believe that he is the Messiah, and we do not doubt that. However, that comes from a different perspective as we also do not believe he was crucified, rather that Allah (Arabic for God: The same God of Christianity and Judaism) saved him from that fate by recalling him to heaven and made Judas look like him. We believe that till this day Jesus is alive and with God, and will come down and slay the anti-christ. On top of that, your religion tells you that the Messiah will come down from the heavens and slay the anti-christ. Muhammad died a very long time ago, therefore if he was the "anti-Christ" as you have stated, then that would mean that Christianity's prophecy of the Messiah is redundant. There is no denial of Jesus being the Messiah in Islam, but assuming there was, your statement of "no other religious text denies" is stupid in itself, as Christianity and Islam are the last two monotheistic religions.
Just a quick note, the Arabic word "Muhammad" is an expression which means "The honorable one" or "The glorified one" or "The admirable". Prophet Muhammad was the first in the Middle East to be named "Muhammad". Below, you will see how Jesus in today's Gospel of John had called this human Prophet which he predicted his comming "The honorable one". Jesus in the Greek Bible used the Greek word "Periklytos" which means the admirable or glorified one. He called that predicted human prophet "Periklytos". This word corresponds exactly to the Arabic word "Muhammad" which also means the "admired one" or "glorified one." In other words, "Periklytos" is "Muhammad" in Greek.
Let us start...
In the Bible we can find the following four passages wherein Jesus (peace be upon him) predicts a great event:
John 14:16 "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever"
John 15:26 "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me"
John 14:26 "But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."
John 16:7-14 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you."
Therefore, the New Testament and Jesus predicted the coming of another prophet after him. Please read your own religious text before you blast mine.
"The Koran expresses a particular hatred of Jews & advocates violence against them as well as any infidel or the apostate." Well that's funny since there are many passages that call for love and tolerance for the people of the book (Jews and Christians). This was despite what history tells us of his death. Where he was poisoned by a Jew, and that the poison caused a high fever."
"In my second non-fiction, I utilised quotations from 4 former US presidents, a British prime minister, a Christian saint, 2 Protestant reformers, & several apostate Muslims; all of whom agree with my assertion that Islam is the enemy of all of mankind because, at its core, Islam is evil." Quite convenient that you have not utilised quotes by actual practising Muslims. That would like me writing a book about Christianity and asking Presidents of Iran, and several apostate Christians for their views. Its useless.
"It was founded on robbery, rape, & murder. And Islam approves of & actually requires such behaviour in its adherents." That is why in Islam thieves get their hands cut off. In Islam, capital punishment is reserved for the most extreme crimes which harm individual victims or destabilise society. Rape falls into both of these categories. The penalty for rape is death. During the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, a rapist was punished based on only the testimony of the victim. Wa'il ibn Hujr reported that a woman publicly identified a man who had raped her. The people caught the man and brought him to the Prophet Muhammad. He told the woman to go, that she was not to be blamed, and ordered that the man be put to death. In another case, a woman brought her infant to the mosque and publicly spoke about the rape that had resulted in her pregnancy.When confronted, the accused admitted the crime to the Caliph Umar who ordered his punishment. The woman was not punished. The same thing happens to a murderer. Robbery, Rape, and Murder are 3 of the Greater Sins in Islam.
In conclusion, your books have a very clear rhetoric and is bound to be full of incorrect facts, and quite simply religious bigotry. I honestly cannot believe how you have a PhD. Nonetheless this will be my last comment, as it is clear your being close-minded, ignorant, and blatantly incompetent.
I agree with her in many ways but being rich I hope she is donating to help the poverty stricken civilians in her country?
lovebirds@lovebirds..,thank you..,
you know..,
the taste
queen rania is very smart
Queen Rania is so beautiful and what king abdullah ii says WHAT THE MUCK !! what with young guys = = !
ya what ever.....
chritiane,you asking easy quastions,you should learn from charlie rose the heavy duty ones>>>lol
I Love you rania kiss
shes jordanian...
god.., i miss so much.., my tweeter home..,hi .., youtube
Who is she again!!
ولا ليك عليا حلفان ⚘ بحبك انا من زمااااااان ❤💏🖒
I had volume full on, didn. Hear jack shit.
Beutiful Queen!
ya ya
she's palestinian ,married to a jordanian or should i say The jordanian :]
الاستاد الشيخ الإمام الشا
that's my queen, always elegant. I'm so proud of her and King Abdullah
She looks pretty BT not wear Islamic rules dress .
Queen of Jordn" your majesty your approach to the argument is wrong. Its not about extremist and moderate muslims. Its about muslims who follow the Quran literally and those who follow the Quran selectively. And when will a completely moderate becomes a radical.
بسم،الله،الرحمن،الرحيم،،الحمد لله رب العالمين،الرحمن،الرحيم@@@@@مالك،،،،
السلامه اولان سلامة الملكه رانيه الكل ميول عن سلامة رانيه أمام الله ورسوله وكل المسؤلو
نون قراءته
Mede ln grmn,z
outstanding woman!!
حنفي التطبيق شافعي التعلم أولياء ،،،،علماء االعلم،طلب العلم ف ف ف ف ف
إن الأرض لله يورث
نظام الطريقه الرشيدية موا اسراحت نعاج ٩٩***,,
she's Kuwaiti... lol