The First "Hassle Free" Resin 3D Printer?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @thenextlayer
    @thenextlayer  21 день тому +8

    Thanks for watching this video. While I want to once again reiterate that this was a sponsored video, and HeyGears DID approve this video before it was published, I want to once again emphasize that all opinions and experiences were my own. This isn't a review, but I DO feel comfortable recommending this machine based on my own experiences and the experiences of other creators I spoke with before accepting this video sponsorship, so if you're in the market for a great resin printer, check out
    Also, I always love your feedback, so let me know how you feel I navigated the ethics of the situation!

    • @Cwayne1989
      @Cwayne1989 20 днів тому

      You did just fine my dude.
      This printer does look amazing in all honesty and Formlabs seems like a terrible company.. I'll never get over them buying that startup SLA company that was about to put out SLA machines for a fraction of what they were charging.

    • @marcincygan8446
      @marcincygan8446 20 днів тому +2

      in 2:44 you said resin printers and i think you mean fdm printer :)

    • @stayreadyto3dprint
      @stayreadyto3dprint 20 днів тому

      Hi. From one creator to another I have few questions about sponsorships. In getting a few here lately and in not sure if I’m getting a fair shake. Would you be kind enough to share with me what you think if I explain what they are offering in an email!
      You do a great job by the way. You always inspire me to continue growing. Thanks

    • @Marc42
      @Marc42 20 днів тому +2

      The combination of walled garden AND reviewing a sponsored video pre-release make this a no-go for me. If they end up making all of resin printing truly great I'm happy to reconsider, but for now I'm highly skeptical. Nothing wrong with you getting the deal and disclosing it very openly though, if only everyone were that transparent!

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  19 днів тому

      @@stayreadyto3dprint Sure, message me on Discord

  • @DS-pk4eh
    @DS-pk4eh 20 днів тому +36

    It is not that printers were bad, it is that resin is smelly, toxic and hard to work with.
    So, whoever find a solution to that for ALL printers, they will win!

    • @letsgolightshow8020
      @letsgolightshow8020 16 днів тому +1

      Thats why I hate resin printing

    • @polakuu
      @polakuu 10 днів тому

      There’s plant based resin tho

    • @frostedbutts4340
      @frostedbutts4340 10 днів тому

      @@polakuu They still absolutely, 100% contain toxic chemicals and still need to be handled with care and PPE. Doesn't solve the problem.

    • @letsgolightshow8020
      @letsgolightshow8020 7 днів тому +1

      @@polakuu It is still an irritant to people

  • @AllenAlberti
    @AllenAlberti 20 днів тому +62

    hopefully Formlabs won't buy this company and bury it like they did the last promising one...

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +19

      AGREED. That sucked so bad.

    • @afo5924
      @afo5924 20 днів тому +4

      I don’t know if they can buy this one, they are a big resin company they started in the professional sector so they are already a solid company

    • @jaanikaapa6925
      @jaanikaapa6925 20 днів тому +3

      HeyGears, despite the dumb names, is an old hand in medical and other professional fields. Not a startup. A solid company.

    • @D-Res
      @D-Res 8 днів тому

      I think if FormLabs does this again, they need to be sued

    • @ExileTwilight
      @ExileTwilight 5 днів тому

      What company did they do that too? Sounds super unethical, but sadly I guess it's "legal" >.

  • @sierraecho884
    @sierraecho884 20 днів тому +27

    - Expensive
    - Locked System
    - Still toxic resin and VOC´s
    I really don´t see a huge upsite. Yeah it´s a better product but no it does not solve any big issues with resin printing

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +2

      Resin isn’t for everyone for sure but it has its place, for example parts that need to be perfect looking like injection molded parts, or fast small batch production.

    • @sierraecho884
      @sierraecho884 20 днів тому +12

      @@thenextlayer "...Resin isn’t for everyone for sure but it has its place..." Yes, in an industrial building for example and not in the living room.
      I know all about the different printing technologies. And an engineer I use them on a daily basis from 1k machines to 250k machines. That´s why I am saying. This machine does not solve any real problem in a meaningful way.
      Like heating resin and sucking out the air so people don´t kill themselves on it or being able to go though the process without having to touch uncured resin etc. This is not feasable at the moment unless you use resin cartridges and oyu don´t have to clean the machine and you also vent out all air etc. But this machines does not do any of those things.

    • @TheNerdArmory
      @TheNerdArmory 19 днів тому +1

      @@sierraecho884 You have a complaint with the technology itself, the science. Valid, that's fine, but for right now there's nothing anyone can do about it. Those that need to USE that science, that technology however are going to appreciate the advancement this machine offers.

    • @peterrichards1989
      @peterrichards1989 19 днів тому +4

      @@sierraecho884 I agree, I don't see any advantages to this over a multitude of other resin printers, especially at this price.

    • @RushimaV
      @RushimaV 13 днів тому

      It's a step forward

  • @edude03
    @edude03 20 днів тому +26

    I feel like a hater saying this but - this feels a lot more like an ad than your typical content. I think it's 1) because it's not a review and 2) You're not already a resin printer so not much to compare it to. Yes, on paper heygears is better, yes, they have a nice ecosystem, but "budget" printers like the Saturn 4 Ultra are basically problem free for a lot less money.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +5

      It’s a fair criticism. This is a sponsored video, so it’s bound to feel like an ad a bit. And yeah I’m not a big resin guy, but I was definitely curious to see if these machines would change that.

    • @oli4572
      @oli4572 20 днів тому

      Can not say that the Saturn 4 Ultra is basically problem free, neither HeyGear is. I used both printers and they habe both their problems. It always depends on what you print. As I usually print only technical and mechanical stuff, this is often much harder to print, compared to some fancy figures.

  • @joejvitale
    @joejvitale 20 днів тому +7

    If you have been having a 50% resin printer failure rate, that's on you. Once you have your printer, resin and supports dialed in, you would have maybe a 5% failure rate. I've had my GKTwo for over a year with maybe 10 failed prints in over 300 attempted. Cool printer, though.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +1

      GKTwo, as I understand it, is also a pretty good and advanced printer compared to the very budget ones I’ve used in the past… but yeah, as I said, I don’t want to deal with manually supporting, I suck at orienting, and I hate dialing in resins. It’s just not fun for me. I want to use it as a tool.

    • @greenman360
      @greenman360 20 днів тому

      Agree. I have a little Photon Mono 2, which is in no way, shape, or form a high end resin printer: it's actually one of the most inexpensive.
      Using ChituBox as the slicer was all I needed to do to make it into a monster, though. I have no issues anymore. Both the Anycubic Slicer and Lychee were a mess with tons of failures, hard to remove supports that STILL left scars on the print, etc. So essentially the point of my comment is that the hardware side of resin is hard to mess up: it's all in the slicer.

  • @stoinercraft6389
    @stoinercraft6389 20 днів тому +9

    (edit, it seems like they released an offline version of their slicer)
    my main problem wtih heygears's approach is that AFAIK you can't use their machine without signing up/login to their services, this means if you buy it and for some reason they can't provide you service, that machine is basically dead weight

    • @SomeoneAbstruse
      @SomeoneAbstruse 20 днів тому +1

      Didn't they recently launch their offline version of the slicer?

    • @stoinercraft6389
      @stoinercraft6389 20 днів тому +1

      @@SomeoneAbstruse oh wow, if that's the case its totally cool then, i've watched a video about it like 2 months ago, but it seems like they released an offline version too. thanks!

    • @SomeoneAbstruse
      @SomeoneAbstruse 20 днів тому

      @@stoinercraft6389 not 100% certain, but it seems they are capable of implementing community feedback. Bodes well for the future

  • @gatling216
    @gatling216 20 днів тому +5

    As someone who got started printing with jank machines that I spent as much time calibrating and repairing as I did actually printing with...
    If I ever get a resin printer, I want it to be something like this. I do not give a shit about all the little ins and outs of keeping a budget machine from turning into an expensive paperweight. There's a lot to criticize about the Bambu approach, and things that I would change if given the option. But by God, I can turn it on and 9 times out of 10, expect it to work. If ever there's a resin machine that can match that, then I might give it a shot.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +2

      Thats where I am, too. With FDM machines, I’m gradually getting there too honestly. After spending so much damn time on the ERCF, and now my tool changer, I’m kind of done working on and tuning printers. I just want to use them to make cool stuff.

  • @kevd7212
    @kevd7212 20 днів тому +1

    This printer looks cool, personally i got my first resin printer this year the elegoo mars 5 ultra and i have found it incredibly reliable

  • @jamesmackay8390
    @jamesmackay8390 20 днів тому +3

    Showing disconnected support tips in the "perfectly calibrated" printer printing is crazy work

    • @TGCustomRc
      @TGCustomRc 19 днів тому

      I saw that too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. 😂

  • @budwittman4907
    @budwittman4907 20 днів тому +5

    you sound like my supervisor. he dosent want to learn about any of the processes in the shop either he just wants to tell me how to do it

  • @SamPosten
    @SamPosten 20 днів тому +13

    The problem with resin printers isn’t the printers it’s the toxic resins

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +2

      That’s 100% true. You need to handle it properly and have a separate space.

  • @Valdarious
    @Valdarious 20 днів тому +4

    Not to take away from what looks like an amazing printer, but they should take the time to at least mill the top of the plate to create an angle so the resin flows off of the top of it lol.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +2

      Yeah I wondered why they don’t do that too. Maybe it’s a patent or something? Or the geometry would mess with the peel force sensing?

  • @Duckferd
    @Duckferd 20 днів тому +2

    Personally, I have a lot of knowledge and time dedicated towards FDM printing, but I absolutely don't want to deal with resin already, so literally leaving it in a (ventilated) room doing "one click and done" type printing is very appealing.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому

      Yeah that's the exact kind of thing that makes this appealing to me, too.

  • @RAklepto
    @RAklepto 19 днів тому

    You're my hero! Epoxy resin was going to be my jam and then I discovered 3D printing but now I can do both without the pouring! I feel there are some things (can't think of any atm) that are better done with resin than with plastic. Could be wrong but I aim to find out :D

  • @alxfort39
    @alxfort39 8 днів тому

    Great video! I definitely want one myself and I feel like a lot of people who say they don't want to be apart of the ecosystem are the same people who own Apple phones and apple watches.

  • @DuaneBendt-ch2od
    @DuaneBendt-ch2od 11 днів тому

    I have had a Elegoo Saturn S for about two years and haven’t even used it yet, I have been getting all the information around to give it a go and then I saw a video about the RS and a pre-order and how fail proof it was. So I bought one, because that’s what I want. Not having to figure out everything. Still looking for alternatives for IPA cleaning and found three, thinking about making a video comparing them but I have to study on how to make a video. Anyway, I can’t wait to try my RS.

  • @someonenormal5579
    @someonenormal5579 20 днів тому +30

    you didn't address the main elephant in the room - AIR FILTRATION!

    • @DRDEC
      @DRDEC 20 днів тому +7

      I agree. The main reason I'm sticking with FDM for now is that I don't want to deal with all the hassels of the Toxic Chemicals.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +1

      Yeah you need to print with the lid closed and in a very well ventilated area. Ideally with a respirator when post processing.

    • @awildtomappeared5925
      @awildtomappeared5925 20 днів тому +1

      @@thenextlayer best to have the printer in an enclosure which vents out

    • @kawaiichi
      @kawaiichi 20 днів тому +1

      @@thenextlayer all those people at the show be huffing and puffing all that resin goodies

  • @TeachmeGin
    @TeachmeGin 20 днів тому +2

    They do look amazing but even with all the sales and deals going on it’s still expensive (2700$) not the best choice for getting into 3D printing for the first time or as a gift for the holidays.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +1

      Fair enough, but I think it’s under $2k with the deals. But also, I agree that a resin 3D printer generally isn’t a good first printer!

  • @JacksMacintosh
    @JacksMacintosh 20 днів тому +1

    This is super cool, and definitely brings the barrier to entry down a ton, but I’m really really just waiting for someone to come out with resins that you don’t need a hazmat suit to use. I don’t know if it will happen, or even chemically if it *can* happen, but the benefits of resin printing just don’t outweigh that for me now
    Also, side note, I was sure the printer would be like $2k. Pretty cool that it’s like half that

  • @OneIdeaTooMany
    @OneIdeaTooMany 20 днів тому +1

    Slicers leave a lot of room on the table for improvement in terms of automatic print orientation, and auto support generation and print failure and stability detection. I also think the 3D printers should be collecting data on failed prints. Ask the user why you're stopping the print or whether it printed successfully and if they opt in to sharing the model with the manufacturer, they might be able to figure out where it failed and improve the slicer accordingly. 3D printing needs to be a one click affair for it to become mainstream.

  • @andreas.grundler
    @andreas.grundler 21 день тому +12

    Then let's hope the manufacturer has good support, because there are two things I know about one-click solutions.
    The first is that there is no such thing as a foolproof solution. There will always be cases where something goes wrong. Whether it is caused by the user or a problem caused by the manufacturer.
    The second is that people who rely on one-click solutions have no idea what they're doing. And when things go wrong, they don't know what to do and need expert support.
    If the manufacturer does not have good support, users will flood the community forums.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  21 день тому +3

      You raise a very valid point, and I didn't have a chance to try out their "normal" support obviously as I was with them in person. BUT, I didn't actually need any help besides them telling me what resin I was going to be using and whether or not the machines I was using had the self release module. It was shockingly easy. HOWEVER, you're right about the fact that users like me will have NO idea what we're doing, so I hope they have great support. I assume they do at this premium price point, though.

    • @AeroMaquette
      @AeroMaquette 20 днів тому

      @@thenextlayer I did use the built in support system from their slicer. HeyGears was extremely responsive and resolved my problem to my complete satisfaction.

    • @abbofun9022
      @abbofun9022 20 днів тому

      But isn’t the one-click just an option? To my knowledge you can still fiddle with most settings.

    • @andreas.grundler
      @andreas.grundler 18 днів тому

      @@abbofun9022 Even if it is optional. Many will choose this product because of the promise that you don't need to know anything, the printer and software will take care of everything and it will just work. And because nothing is perfect, good support is important for a product like this.

  • @harambeexpress
    @harambeexpress 20 днів тому

    I could be wrong - but the wargamer types value "just works" our or the box type experience more than the traditional FDM 3D printer crowd. The use-case for resin machines is a bit different and a bit more focused rather than the hugely different range of prints (and features) expected of FDM - so flexibility is less of a concern and so openness takes a back seat.
    The walled garden thing drives me nuts personally.... But maybe Hey Gears can take notes from Bambu Labs and strike a good balance.

    • @miguellopez3392
      @miguellopez3392 19 днів тому

      Resin printers have high flexibility as well ot just starts getting expensive with more engineered resins such as ones used in the dental industry, wall garden is a little necessary with resin.

  • @Night_Hawk_475
    @Night_Hawk_475 15 днів тому

    This seems awesome, and like a truly great leap forwards in the resin printing space.... but... your very first sentence, @0:00 "If there's one thing I hear time and time again in my comment's section, it's that most of you would rather avoid resin 3d printing all together". I don't think this printer will change that. Resin prints being finnicky and printers being not-user-friendly were the least of the reasons I personally didn't get a resin 3d printer (And the main reason I'm into 3d printing is WH and D&D minis, so resin would be awesome for sure) -- The real issue keeping the masses away from resin is the fume concerns. Needing proper ventilation and personal-protective-equipment .... it's more than I want to deal with. The reduced risk of spills from this printer's auto loading and unloading seems like the only thing targeting any of that, but it doesn't eliminate it.

    • @miguellopez3392
      @miguellopez3392 13 днів тому

      So what keeps people from resin printing minitures is fear and laziness, they have time to spend hours painting a miniture but not 20 minutes cleaning one, they also hate DIY as they refuse to consider fume extractors that you would need anyways when sanding FDM prints or spray painting.

    • @Night_Hawk_475
      @Night_Hawk_475 13 днів тому

      ​@@miguellopez3392 that's really a bit of an over exaggeration, don't you think. It's not fear to be respectful of your health for logical reasons. Nor does everyone have the luxury to be able to make such modifications to their living spaces for a DIY project of that nature. Some people don't own the places they live in and don't have the freedom to set up large fume hoods and extractors and ventilation, even if they didn't need to cut any holes in the walls. And shying away from one very specific and large project that you personally find acceptable does not instantly mean someone "hates DIY" - that's quite the gate-keeper-y claim if you ask me. 3D printing in general is a lovely hobby and I'll be damned before I dare say anyone willing to undertake any part of this hobby "hates DIY" or is "too lazy" lmao.

    • @miguellopez3392
      @miguellopez3392 13 днів тому

      @@Night_Hawk_475 bro i use a $100 paint booth with extractor vent that i open only an inch of my window to vent out of my window. filament 3D printing started as a DIY hobby so i find it funny that opening window by an inch is too hard for them now that you can just buy filament printers.

    • @miguellopez3392
      @miguellopez3392 13 днів тому

      @@Night_Hawk_475 thats the fear im talking about, why would i cut a hole in my wall when i can just use a $100 paint booth i triple for sanding and painting. i vent all the fumes out a 1 inch gap in my window, you see these imaginary barriers you made or yourself? you gate keep yourself.

  • @jorgesantander7454
    @jorgesantander7454 20 днів тому +1

    It actually feels like a substantial upgrade from my Creality LD-006 and well worth the price of the machine. I would consider one, but as always, my country won't be getting deliveries anytime soon.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +1

      Dang sorry to hear. What country?

    • @jorgesantander7454
      @jorgesantander7454 19 днів тому

      @@thenextlayer Mexico, we just finally got Bambu delivering here via amazon

  • @mrmidnight32
    @mrmidnight32 20 днів тому +8

    You mentioned other youtubers calling this the Bambu labs of resign. But you left out that most said it’s over priced and not a recommend. It’s nice but not worth it to them. Especially since everything that makes this great is with their proprietary expensive resign is gone and it’s a regular printer.
    You printed in their controlled environment with their resign. Of course your experience is going to be amazing lol

    • @abbofun9022
      @abbofun9022 20 днів тому

      There are different audiences out there, the occasional hobbyist who isn’t worried about the lock in could well be very happy with the experience even if it costs a few bucks more. Remember that failed prints have a price too and just the monetary price.

    • @michaels3003
      @michaels3003 День тому

      @@mrmidnight32 , resign (to quit) is not the word you had in mind.

    • @mrmidnight32
      @mrmidnight32 День тому

      @ auto correct strikes again lol

  • @MatthewHennemuth
    @MatthewHennemuth 15 днів тому

    I was just wondering if I should get this or bambu lab a1 printer I am just getting into printing and was going to buy the a1.

  • @XeroShifter
    @XeroShifter 20 днів тому

    The big issue with walled gardens for me is that if the company collapses, or decides to alter the deal, I'm stuck with a glorified $1000 paper weight. I just don't trust companies because companies have really poor track records of supporting products long term. I really want 1 button resin printing, but until its here, without a walled garden approach I'm just going to stick to FDM.

    • @miguellopez3392
      @miguellopez3392 19 днів тому

      The printer is not made for hobby types, its made for reliable work flows, you can still use other resins but will have to stick to the previous sets, basically you buy this printer if you intend to make money.

  • @Bravo-ry9st
    @Bravo-ry9st 7 днів тому

    Bambu Lab became our go too because quality+price is their focus. This setup is still too pricey for the rest of us that work a regular 9to5 job. I'd rather stay with FDM, until Bambu Lab decides to try their luck at it, because they have gained my loyalty.

  • @TheKokanut
    @TheKokanut 17 днів тому

    Do they have any flexible or even silicone resin? If not that would be great in the future

  • @flyentity
    @flyentity 20 днів тому

    Thanks for your video. I’m very much an FDM chap, but I do own an original Elegoo Mars which I bought secondhand a couple of years ago. Unlike you, I didn’t find the problem was failed prints, in fact I had very few of those. The issue is all about the resin, it is toxic, hard to work with and the environmental impact is not to be sniffed at. I was disappointed that this printer doesn’t somehow deal with waste and rest and post processing and all of the stuff that’s actually the problem. I think I’ll still stick to FDM. Thank you though

    • @miguellopez3392
      @miguellopez3392 19 днів тому

      Post processing is FDM filement is not as biodegradable as is advertised you know that right?

  • @davydatwood3158
    @davydatwood3158 16 днів тому

    I can see how this machine solves a lot of the software, set-up, and tuning side of resin, and would allow a shift from what is essentially artisanal, hand-crafted production to small-volume mass production. But as others have noted, the biggest problem with home/hobby resin printing is the toxicity of the resin and the massive amount of post-processing needed. Until and unless that ever gets solved, I feel like resin 3D printers don't really belong in a hobby workspace.

  • @SomeoneAbstruse
    @SomeoneAbstruse 20 днів тому +1

    I've long been eyeing their OG Reflex, but they are really slow to new markets, and I don't wanna pay double VAT to import it myself, only to have multi-stage hassle if I ever need anything more (like their resin)
    Also what's with the air compressor being dummy expensive? And I wonder what their engineers thought making that fun wash station. I like the company, but they are slow on market expansion. Like REALLY slow on market expansion
    Edit: Thanks for another great vid. Hope they find the right loopholes to send you an RS (and a pallet of resin to feed it) for a proper review. Also was that the same Summer that appeared in Ross' livestream with them?

  • @teabagNBG
    @teabagNBG 20 днів тому

    i like thris printer i been watching it since it came out... hopefully they one day have better speeds..

  • @dabo77777
    @dabo77777 18 днів тому +1

    For nearly 2k, I could get an entire setup for resin printing and still have 1600 left over.

  • @dambukarincasi9576
    @dambukarincasi9576 20 днів тому +10

    You forgot to mention that you basically cannot use any other brand of resin other than heygears branded ones

    • @TheKarnophage
      @TheKarnophage 20 днів тому

      @@dambukarincasi9576 You can use other resins but they really don't support them. There is a channel on UA-cam for what resins work.

    • @jaanikaapa6925
      @jaanikaapa6925 20 днів тому +2

      You can. You just can't use the automatic filling stuff. Nothing stops you pouring in your resin.

    • @thewaka
      @thewaka 20 днів тому +2

      At around 7 minutes he says you can use other brands.

    • @dambukarincasi9576
      @dambukarincasi9576 20 днів тому +2

      @ you cant adjust any settings with 3rd oarty resins, you enter in the product id thats on the bottle and it retrieves a profile for it, if that profile isnt created by heygears you cannot use that resin

  • @Zsub1
    @Zsub1 20 днів тому +1

    Great video! I am contemplating either a resin printer or like a small CNC mill. Price is pretty attractive but I do want to wait and see what Bambu will offer come 2025 :)

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +2

      Cool cool. But they’re all different tools for different purposes. Also the new Bambu machine will likely be quite expensive from what I hear. Like $4-5k.

  • @lego_minifig
    @lego_minifig 20 годин тому

    still a little pricy for a resin machine, at least for my preferences. I own both the original Photon and the Photon Mono 5S and have found that I just personally prefer more functional prints. I have probably used each machine less than 10 times. I mostly don't use them since its a hassle to get going and it takes about an hour to properly support a plate of models with next to no failures. I also don't like the hassle of calibrating my resin as I print in a garage where temperature fluctuates, so having pre-calibrated resin as a starting point rather than a community spreadsheet with multiple setting options does sound appealing. I could see myself spending the premium for 1st party resin since I don't use a ton of it in a year anyways.
    If they can get the price down to around $500 in the coming years while retaining a lot of the compelling features like bambu did with the A1 then I could see myself picking one up. Until then, I am content with dealing with the hassle on the few occasions I need to take advantage of SLA printers and their extreme details.

  • @mechnut450
    @mechnut450 16 днів тому

    I only paid 1200 for my Saturn 2 with wash and cure stations. I cannot justify a 1000+ buck printer unless it had a larger build area. If anything they should see about making the software as a compatible like Klipper did for fdm . I been printing my fdm files for most part on the resin with beautiful results for most cases and only minor clean up.

  • @sw6559
    @sw6559 21 день тому +10

    HeyGears is using the walled garden approach like Bambu Labs does. This is a common strategy in very high end CNC equipment. You generally use what the manufacturer recommends other than consumables. I prefer the walled garden approach but will never own a resign printer.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  21 день тому +1

      Yeah. I mean… I’d call it like the ultimaker or makerbot approach but yeah. I prefer not to mess around. I’m a dedicated apple user lol

    • @TheKarnophage
      @TheKarnophage 20 днів тому +1

      It is not like someone could slice a print and just put the SD card into a Bambu printer. It is just when it comes to remote printing where it is a walled garden

  • @dvdganon0812
    @dvdganon0812 20 днів тому +1

    You need a machine that does all the stages and gives you a dry cured model. Right from the printer. This is a true hassle free. Otherwise, you still have to deal with the smelly and bad materials. And you need a lab. Not for home use

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому

      Is there even such a thing on the market?

    • @dvdganon0812
      @dvdganon0812 20 днів тому

      @thenextlayer i am working on such printer ;) made some prototypes. This is one of the reasons, i wanted to collaborate with your channel actually.

  • @WouterZtube
    @WouterZtube 20 днів тому +1

    1000 for the printer and another 1000 for the cleaner and curing station. Is that normal in resin printing? A 1000 for a high end printer seems fair, but the additional 1000 seems high

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +2

      This is a pretty premium printer. But don’t think of it as 1000, it’s 500 for the curing station and 500 for the washing station. Both are actually not 100% necessary either. You can wash in a vat of alcohol and shake it up or stir, and you can cure in sunlight.

    • @jorgesantander7454
      @jorgesantander7454 20 днів тому +3

      I would just use a cheap wash and cure from anycubic.

    • @kimmotoivanen
      @kimmotoivanen 14 днів тому

      @@jorgesantander7454 yes, 160 for dual-purpose machine that seems big enough to wash whole build plate 😉
      Maybe HG twins also brew coffee, triple as solarium and clean spills 😅

  • @danpowell2018
    @danpowell2018 20 днів тому +5

    Sooo. They are basically incorporating the sla equivalent of klipper. Bigger computer with more sensors adjusting in real time. I like it!

    • @greenman360
      @greenman360 20 днів тому

      Resin printing is about exposure time, not motion ability. But if you've bought into this nonsense, I guess do your thing.

  • @lechuck3337
    @lechuck3337 20 днів тому

    While I like the direction here, I think the main innovation needs to come from the actual resin itself. That's where the headaches come from (figuratively and literally). If some company can come up with a resin that works the same way, with no harsh/toxic fumes, won't burn skin, and requires little-to-no cleaning, they'll make resin printing as mainstream as FDM (if not more). That's the biggest barrier for the market. It's like FDM going from ABS to PLA as the standard.

  • @deepcrows
    @deepcrows 12 днів тому

    I went “Wow, that’s a lot of quality of life stuff! There’s not a shot in hell I can afford it”

  • @RisingApe
    @RisingApe 20 днів тому +2

    Love your take on this printer, I tested in on release and was really impressed, Hey Gears actually dialled the RS back a bit from the Reflex to make it cheaper and more accessible for consumers, its still the best Resin printer I have ever used. Cool to see the comments from a different audience too, I get a lot of Hey Gears wont let me use my resin type comments.

  • @PopsGG
    @PopsGG 20 днів тому +1

    Couldn't they just make the top side of the build plate sloped like a roof so that the resin slides of and doesnt pool on top?

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +2

      Yeah I’m not sure why they didn’t do that but I suspect it has something to do with the peel force sensor or something because most printers have that.

    • @dovmerrill804
      @dovmerrill804 20 днів тому +1

      @@PopsGG The build plate is a flat slab of stainless steel (supposedly). This is the only company that I know of that uses stainless steel. Other companies use cheap aluminum for their build plates. I don’t know if these aluminum build plates are cast with a sloped roof and then CNC milled to spec, or if they are a slab of aluminum which is then CNC milled to have a sloped roof and then the rest is CNC milled to spec. I am not a CNC guy, and I don’t know how difficult (or expensive) it is to CNC mill stainless steel for a build plate to have a sloped roof. The point is that the cost or difficulty maybe drove Heygears to stick to a flat-roof build plate because they preferred the strength and durability of stainless steel over using aluminum for the build plate.

    @FALCONMINISTUDIOS 7 днів тому

    This printer looks great and all but I'm not sure how many people are able to afford a whole month's rent on a 3d printer. Unfortunately the price of these is very high for the average hobbyist. Don't get me wrong I can see why they are expensive, they are fantastic machines, it's just that the price tag is steep in today's economy. Most people would rather pay bills and buy groceries with that money.
    I am hoping for them to do well though if I had the spare cash I'd buy one for sure!

  • @yertelt5570
    @yertelt5570 19 днів тому

    I wasn't aware that resin printing was subject to such a high failure rate or that slicing and supports were an issue, so fixing those issues really didn't do much to change my mind about trying resin printing. You're still dealing with toxic resin and fumes and you still need to get a separate wash/cure unit which takes up more budget as well as shop space. Still a hard pass for me but I appreciate your review.

  • @paintballercali
    @paintballercali 20 днів тому

    Seems like something I could get into but resin doesn't have strong enough properties for what I use 3d printing for.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +2

      I thought so too but holy crap Phrozen has some INSANE resins that are stronger than any FDM part I’ve ever seen. But I don’t know if heygears has such resins in their ecosystem yet.

    • @paintballercali
      @paintballercali 20 днів тому

      @thenextlayer I'll have to check out the phrozen stuff.

  • @TS_Mind_Swept
    @TS_Mind_Swept 8 днів тому

    This feels a lot like that one Faux Hammer video (not that I'm complaining Keepo )

  • @GP3D_Designs
    @GP3D_Designs 20 днів тому

    The filters in your audio are a tiny bit too aggressive, sound from your voice cuts too soon (making everything sound choppy). I'm also unsure if the audio peaks a little, hard to tell tho.
    Edit: at the time of writing the review, I am mostly talking about the moments where you record from your studio.

  • @SystemsPlanet
    @SystemsPlanet 20 днів тому +1

    Dealing with liquids is never fun.
    Liquids are escape artists.

  • @MrQuickEdits
    @MrQuickEdits 20 днів тому +1

    $70 for 1kg of Resin... more than double other brands and I heard that you can not change exposure times to calibrate different resins for the printer. And with how much resin you have to go through to make prints... you will go broke in no time and the machine will just sit around and do nothing.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому

      What good is half priced resin if you waste 50% of it on failed prints like I do? Comes out the same price.

    • @awildtomappeared5925
      @awildtomappeared5925 20 днів тому

      They do have resin targeted at 30 dollars, might not get it that cheap in every country but still, if that's not cheap enough then well then why are you looking at spending one grand on a printer, that's like buying a super car and filling it with farts

    • @kimmotoivanen
      @kimmotoivanen 14 днів тому

      @@thenextlayer weird. We use Mars 4 (non-ultra) and Anycubic water washable resin+ (less than 40/kg), default settings, and no fails if properly supported. Of course we don't print FDM-sized things with resin 😉

  • @Breeegz
    @Breeegz 13 днів тому

    Does their slicer run on Linux? It would be a major barrier to me owning one of these machines.

  • @thni1703
    @thni1703 20 днів тому

    I wnted to look at the Printer at their site, but having to click the same Black Friday commercial away 5 Times before I could even see the price of the Printer, I just gave up.

  • @sinithwar8991
    @sinithwar8991 20 днів тому

    I feel like this is an Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra ad read off by a different company.

  • @joshwhite4412
    @joshwhite4412 20 днів тому +1

    The auto orientation and supports suck on this machine, it literally turns minis on their face 90 percent of the time.. exactly where you don't want supports.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому

      That wasn’t my experience at all.

  • @kawaiichi
    @kawaiichi 20 днів тому +1

    If it's dumb user friendly like Bambu labs then I think it's worth it

  • @swdw973
    @swdw973 16 днів тому

    There needs to be a resin printer that fits in the niche of easy printing. People criticizing them for a closed system have the choice of using a printer from any other manufacturer. No one is forcing them to buy a Heygears. Will I own one? Probably not. If I was doing resin printing as a business though, you can be darn sure I'd rather have a farm of these than the other sub $1000 resin printers out there. So let the open source fanboys whine and ignore them. There IS a place for an ecosystem like this. So I hope they do really well, so they can remain a viable option for those needing simple reliability with resin.

  • @davelordy
    @davelordy 20 днів тому

    Doesn't seem like a big leap forward, just a few more sensors and more precision parts, I'm not seeing any groundbreaking innovation here . . . and it's expensive for a resin printer !

    • @miguellopez3392
      @miguellopez3392 19 днів тому

      5 years ago it was not uncommon for this level of quality printers to be $5000

  • @sargstacker5579
    @sargstacker5579 20 днів тому +1

    "As good as an experienced user" comments across the internet don't seem to agree with that. And any device that requires you to use their slicer is an instant Hell No from me.

  • @jamesv.wilkerson30
    @jamesv.wilkerson30 17 днів тому

    Ecosystem free systems are for uber experts, not the average person. I'm fine with it either way.

  • @8bits955
    @8bits955 21 день тому +1

    heygear trying to be formlab lite

  • @SirSavesALot1977
    @SirSavesALot1977 20 днів тому +1

    Still looks like a hassle compared to fdm. 😅

  • @NoMercyFtw
    @NoMercyFtw 20 днів тому

    They are nowhere near the status of bambu, more like on the lines of apple because of the whole lockdown consumables nature, oh wait unless you're using the pap 10 settings your resin might work but results do vary lol

  • @RushimaV
    @RushimaV 13 днів тому

    I wish this system was cheaper

  • @hughessay1372
    @hughessay1372 19 днів тому

    It can be messy if you're a slob, but it's not that hard even with the budget printers.

  • @lifetech101
    @lifetech101 20 днів тому

    Bambu Lab quality is affordable for me. Sadly, HeyGears is not.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому

      X1C is more expensive than this printer…

    • @lifetech101
      @lifetech101 20 днів тому

      @@thenextlayer Not if you plan on washing and curing your resin prints

    • @awildtomappeared5925
      @awildtomappeared5925 20 днів тому

      @@lifetech101 you don't have to use their wash and cure systems

  • @scorp2359
    @scorp2359 20 днів тому +1

    complicated use & ridiculously unrealistic price tags are a lot of what's kept me away from resin, despite curiosity, aside from living in a fairly small place where ventilation isn't the greatest. it's nice to see a company finally addressing some of that, though it remains unlikely i'll be jumping into that arena any time soon - i'll likely have an expansive, completely diy print farm at a house i've purchased before the price of such an ecosystem either becomes affordable enough or practical enough for me to seriously consider getting it. thanks for the comprehensive look, though!

  • @redtalks4425
    @redtalks4425 20 днів тому

    To it costs more then my saturn 4 Ultra

  • @3dpathfinder
    @3dpathfinder 20 днів тому +1

    With their proprietary resin and lack of ability to create your own resin profiles for other brands , I'll never buy one. Plus their resin is outrageously expensive for the amount you get. Cheapest resin they have is 30 dollars for 1 kg. Over double of many brands. Also the printer isn't inexpensive.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому

      To each his own. I waste more than 50% of my resin with failed prints so $30 sounds great to me.

    • @awildtomappeared5925
      @awildtomappeared5925 20 днів тому +1

      35 dollars is an average resin price, 15 dollars is the cheapest most toxic crap you can find, why on earth would you spend 1k on a printer and use the worst resin you can find?? at that point just get a cheaper printer and invest more in resin. There are loads of cheap crappy printers out there I don't get why people have to complain about the few printers that offer much better quality for a higher price, I don't like the locked settings either but at the end of the day that's the business model, they sell printers with thin margins, they might even loose money, so they can then make it on the resin. If you don't like it the real issue is the lack of competition at these higher price brackets.

  • @karlsangree
    @karlsangree 12 днів тому

    Ok, I'll watch a video that has the words "fun" and "resin" in the same sentence.

    • @frostedbutts4340
      @frostedbutts4340 10 днів тому

      Can you get high breathing resin fumes? Sounds ''''fun''''

  • @greenman360
    @greenman360 20 днів тому +1

    *before clicking* It's going to be the HeyGears proprietary nonsense isn't it?
    *clicks* Yep.
    I would watch just to see how many times you call it "the Bambu of resin" but I'm not going to waste my time. I hope you got a good bag, at least?

    • @miguellopez3392
      @miguellopez3392 19 днів тому

      You can still use your own resin, its not a Keurig machine.

  • @alkeryn1700
    @alkeryn1700 20 днів тому

    i'll use resin 3d printer when we got non toxic resin lol

  • @MattHealey.
    @MattHealey. 21 день тому +5

    Great vid. It’s funny how people within 3D printing will whine and cry about proprietary ecosystems etc but yet will quite happily use apple devices.
    It’s the same principle but cos that’s a phone and this a hobby riddled with gatekeepers they don’t see the similarity.
    I just want print stuff
    This would work for me

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому

      Oh they lambast me plenty about using Apple devices, I just roll my eyes.

    • @firelion98
      @firelion98 20 днів тому

      Check their propriety resin and how much it costs for you to buy + ship it

    • @andreas.grundler
      @andreas.grundler 20 днів тому +1

      I am an Android and Linux user. So I'm allowed to moan about closed ecosystems. 😁
      The problem with closed ecosystems is that companies like to exploit them to make more profit and extend their dominance in one area to other areas.
      Closed ecosystems are ok if you have an open market. Then everyone can pick and choose what they want. It becomes problematic when one manufacturer dominates the market.

  • @elerileigh7926
    @elerileigh7926 20 днів тому +1

    this genuinely doens't look easier than my anycubic mono (original)
    I'd honestly be more than willing to race the mono with the heygears. I already typically only use prototyping resin

    • @DanielJensB
      @DanielJensB 20 днів тому +1

      Yeah, it's not easier, you still need to deal with all the extra work you do on other printers, just at a higher price. They didn't even do some of the basics like fume extraction, despite being so simple and cheap.
      One of the most astroturfed printers I've ever seen. Like I get why their auto-supports and orientation still suck, at least that's a complicated problem, but they didn't even do the easy stuff.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +1

      I’ve used Anycubic printers and I’ve used both chitubox and lychee and neither have anything close to the level of ease and “it just works” that this does. That’s my opinion. If you are skilled in resin, great. I don’t have the time or energy to calibrate every resin or manually do supports.

  • @NOYFB982
    @NOYFB982 20 днів тому +1

    Agree with you. It’s better to just be able to do the printing without becoming an expert. With few failed printed, it wouldn’t be that much more expensive, especially if you value your own time.

  • @pandronu3663
    @pandronu3663 18 днів тому

    When I saw the title I was actually excited that someone's tackled the most annoying aspects of resin printing, but after watching the video I'm actually disappointed. It turned out to be clickbait, which I catched. Basically only little of the actual problems of resin printing have been addressed, like toxins, separate machine for curing/washing, boxes etc. Even though you tried to make it seem like it's an "honest review" (with your opinion at the end), it's nothing more than a shallow ad, as you were very clearly biased due to appreciation for being able to fly there.
    Again, I'm not saying the printer is good or bad, I just feel like you try to overhype it

  • @tanookimarketing
    @tanookimarketing 20 днів тому +1

    Nah, there's no way you can bring an unbiased review or opinion when its sponsored. Even if you do it unintentionally, it still happens. It's not possible. This was an infomercial, nothing more.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +1

      Yeah bro that’s why it’s not a review and I clearly stated it’s a sponsored video. I still want one of these things tho.

    • @bjdchwr
      @bjdchwr 19 днів тому

      Afterall, this is a bad business model of wasting others time. I wish it's clearly marked "AD" or "Sponsored" as part of the title.

  • @FranklyWry
    @FranklyWry 20 днів тому

    Ummm, ever hear of uniformation? Better specs and design, included vat heating, drip proof plate with never submerged top, vat clips, etc

    • @awildtomappeared5925
      @awildtomappeared5925 20 днів тому

      they don't have c5 grade ground ball screws and the gk2 had a matrix light which isn't very sharp while the new ones have a COB which might be good or not idk, but people are having plenty of other issues with them, I've seen tests proving the reflex to be very very sharp and while I've also seen QC issues with it that doesn't seem as common as the new gk printers where most have curved plates and the big one is getting resin leaks due to an issue with the refill system. I do much prefer the gk plates though, I made a printed mod to make one of my plates like it

  • @jasongooden917
    @jasongooden917 20 днів тому

    2:41 unlike resin printers that can have different hot ends? Bro.. correction required

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому

      I put a title on the screen to correct it.

  • @jacklu-mo2ki
    @jacklu-mo2ki 21 день тому +1

    Formlabs’ better

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  21 день тому

      Yeah but aren’t those like $5k…?

    • @jacklu-mo2ki
      @jacklu-mo2ki 21 день тому +2

      Good point, I guess I just like to make parts more than good looking stuff…

  • @karlsangree
    @karlsangree 12 днів тому

    Why do you keep suggesting that this is an "entry level" printer? It maybe entry level if you're Elon Musk. The $2,100 (USD) RS combo is no more entry level than a $1,300 Bambu Labs X1C combo. A $180 Anycubic Photon with a DIY washer and curing rig is entry level.

  • @jinchoung
    @jinchoung 16 днів тому

    but still super toxic resin? that's the deal breaker for me. i don't live in or have access to an air filtered and monitored laboratory. and just a few sips can kill you? i just don't have that kind of self-control....

  • @Martial-Mat
    @Martial-Mat 11 годин тому

    It blows my mind that resin printing is so utterly crappy. It displays an absolute lack of customer focus from minimum effort manufacturers who want to drip feed just enough improvement to beat their rivals' low effort machines. It just takes one disruptor to say "Screw that, we're doing the best we can" and suddenly everyone is trying 10x harder. But for me, as with Creality's awful printers, it's too little way too late.

  • @jacklu-mo2ki
    @jacklu-mo2ki 21 день тому +1


  • @cheneil08
    @cheneil08 22 дні тому

    As a 'newbie' to 3D printing, I've never been interested in resin. After watching this video, I feel like this is THEE resin printer I want to start with. Having to learn slicing and variables for FDM printers is such a headache but HeyGears looks like the way to go! Great video Jonathan ❤

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  21 день тому +1

      I honestly feel the same way, and it was uncomfortable to say it, because they did pay me to make this video... but they didn't pay me to say anything outside of "objective features and specs." This thing is legitimately the only resin printer I've used so far that I actually feel like I would USE. Most of the time, I just go "eh, too lazy" when I think to print something in resin. You obviously pay quite a bit for that convenience and ease of use (maybe 2-3x as much as budget machines), but, uh, I do the same thing in a lot of product categories. I don't use a cheapy Linux laptop b/c I want to pay more for premium support and a better user experience. I prefer my higher quality backpack to one that will fall apart after a year.. you get the idea.
      I kind of put my neck out adding my own positive comments in a sponsored video, but I genuinely feel this way, and also, I know that if my audience buys based on my recommendation, they're going to thank me.

  • @zakspop
    @zakspop 19 днів тому

    If you were getting 50% success rate then you were doing something wrong. This printer is way too expensive for something that is just a hobby.

  • @OOTheBlueAir
    @OOTheBlueAir 20 днів тому

    I just saw you replay of the old videos, its very very clear to me, your total setup on resin very very badd and frankly hurting your own experience , like I don't get that get the right size tools, funnel and room/ space?????? why do that

  • @The_Chillguy7
    @The_Chillguy7 20 днів тому +1

    They call them Bambu lab because of how closed source it is

  • @cg_alien_fg99
    @cg_alien_fg99 20 днів тому +1

    your video and Uncle Jessy vid uploaded almost in same time and they are both the same length exactly 19 min and 25 sec

    • @cg_alien_fg99
      @cg_alien_fg99 20 днів тому
      this is Uncle Jessy vid

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +1

      Whoa that’s crazy.

  • @HoldenGatsby
    @HoldenGatsby 21 день тому

    Dunno if it's just me, but your mic sounds a bit hot this video.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  21 день тому +1

      Yeah things were tricky with different mics and different scenes at different times. Sorry about that.

  • @TheSucc33d
    @TheSucc33d 19 днів тому

    Man you shilled harrrrrrrrd for HeyGears in this video haha
    I mean i get it they paid for your time but it is also appears that you went into this having no drive to look at the positives and potential negatives of the company.
    To be clear I am not saying they make a bad product in any way ( though apparently their support is the actual worst ) .. just that this seemed like a 20 minute commercial where you got a free trip out of the deal heh. 😅

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  19 днів тому

      Thanks for the feedback. I mean, yeah, it was a sponsored video, posted on Black Friday, instead of many other videos I could have posted. They compensated me very well for that opportunity. However, there’s no dollar amount that would make me say something that isn’t true about a product, or lie about how I feel about the product. But yeah, being paid makes you inherently biased towards liking the company, I guess

    • @TheSucc33d
      @TheSucc33d 18 днів тому

      @thenextlayer Oh yeah no let's be clear I am not questioning your ethics what you did was the nature of sponsorship videos.
      They want you focused on the positives of their product not say comparing it to another. Are the details sharper or softer, questions you may have seen regarding their support etc. are not things they are going to want you to dive into and since they are paying that is okay.
      But for those who just trust the video and in particular don't read your pinned comment about them having editorial approval the video while certainly not dishonest could give them a potentially false impression of the product having no flaws at all.
      But hey I am just a grumpy old dude and this wasn't a real 'review' you made that clear enough so you go get your bag man it is all good haha.

  • @mrgunn2726
    @mrgunn2726 16 днів тому

    Thanks for brininging us this interesting article but USD 1399 or ILS 5100 is a lot of Shekels for the average goy, not to mention the closed ecosystem.

  • @demidermak713
    @demidermak713 19 днів тому

    still not interested

  • @tnt_champ1002
    @tnt_champ1002 21 день тому +3

    אני מאשים את אל על הגזלנים חחחחח

  • @andljoy
    @andljoy 21 день тому +3

    You are going to trigger the resin guys. They are all salty they cannot use there cheap crappy resins from ali express on the heygears.

    • @ArkatzMods
      @ArkatzMods 21 день тому +4

      Also the super good resins that are way less expensive than their proprietary resins.

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  21 день тому

      Yeah I was warned by other creators about that. But they’re welcome to buy other machines lol. I’ve tried a handful and I end up selling them, usually after I destroy them because the residue detection doesn’t work properly.

    • @andljoy
      @andljoy 20 днів тому

      @@thenextlayer That is what i dont get, if you dont want the machine due to the way it works buy something else , there are other good machines out there.

    • @awildtomappeared5925
      @awildtomappeared5925 20 днів тому

      Yeha I don't care much for that argument, there are some amazing third party resins like 3drs HERC/HERO that heygears just cant compete with though which does limit the system.

  • @PrazgreenStudios
    @PrazgreenStudios 20 днів тому


  • @Reith1986
    @Reith1986 20 днів тому +2

    byby sub...they bought you 😢

    • @thenextlayer
      @thenextlayer  20 днів тому +2

      All opinions were my own, as I mentioned, and the video was very clearly labeled as a sponsored video. You could give constructive feedback, I’d be happy to receive that, but… your comment wasn’t. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

    • @Reith1986
      @Reith1986 20 днів тому +1

      @@thenextlayer OKay. U want a constructive feedback? It's simple, if you don't understand something, don't make a promo video out of it. I'll just note that even with "normal" printers, you can be well above 98% in terms of successful prints.
      Don't worry, fortunately there are still loyal UA-camrs. Byby *door slamming sound*

    • @awildtomappeared5925
      @awildtomappeared5925 20 днів тому

      ​@@Reith1986 my saturn 3 ultra has a 32% uv uniformity, advertised 92%, 8.5x worse than stated, when I showed elegoo this they said my chitu light meter wasn't good enough, and while it's not as accurate as say the ls215, it's not so bad that it would cause this much of a difference and my other printers are better (though still 2x worse than advertised) and I know a few other people doing the same tests and doing getting the same results. This printer actually has good uv uniformity due to a good light engine which is very very sharp and they also do a uv mask over to increase uniformity and a bunch of other stuff in the slicer to improve results (they do claim 3daa for the first printer but don't deliver, they didn't say that for the RS though). Also they use a c5 ground ball screw and on the site show a graph where they ran 4 for 10k hours and then measured the variation and also showed a pic showing how this results in reliable smooth prints while other systems get random layer lines, this is huge, all 3 of my printers get random layer lines, it's a much bigger issue to quality than anything else.
      There are a few other points where this is ahead but one of the main ones is the auto level system, the reflex uses sensors and motors in the screen to auto level, while the RS uses springs and a system to lock it in place, in both systems because it actually locks, it is true auto level... EVERY OTHER 'auto level' system so far is fake because they don't lock, they just use loose springs, the worse being the new elegoo printers which have sooooooo many damn issues, just look on the elegoo discord server in the saturn help section, there are like a dozen people just int the last few days with issues from this plate either being too low or too high or bent or un level and they come there for help because the printer doesn't let them fix it because no manual level option and no way to set the z height without messing with g code which isn't an accurate solution anyway, I dont' even own this printer and it pisses me off so much because of how many people I've had to help with this crap. Consumer printers are seriously so damn shit, none of them have the claimed UV uniformity, none have real auto level and every generation they somehow get worse. I need full control of my printers so I won't get a reflex but at the same time I'm not going to complain about there finally being a well designed printer on the market that can serve a similar role as bambu by making a product that is streamlined enough for non tinkerers to use.
      " fortunately there are still loyal UA-camrs."
      Please show me a youtube who actually tests printers properly? most don't even check how flat the plate is or uv uniformity or how level it is or if the z axis is perpendicular, etc, they don't test how well made they are and they don't take macro photos so you can't tell how detailed they are either, so who are these mystical UA-camrs you speak of? my favourite reviewers like Dennys and Faux arent as technical in testing as I'd like but still better than most and much more critical than most and they like the reflex printers. Apart from the business model of cheap printer (relative to quality) so they can then make their money back on resin, I've not seen any actual criticism of the printer it's self.