you swipe your credit card twice, it declines. suddenly a person peeks from the back of the line. it was endaya. “i can help you” he says while pulling a card out his back pocket. he swipes that card, and the payment is accepted. that card was the sub 13 minecraft speedrun card.
you swipe your credit card twice, it declines. suddenly a person peeks from the back of the line. it was endaya. “i can help you” he says while pulling a card out his back pocket. he swipes that card, and the payment is accepted. that card was the sub 13 minecraft speedrun card.
sub 10 coming soon wp run
wow insane for single instance
also ik this was 3 months ago but why didn't you make iron doors
@@ThatWasDry I was playing out runs in that specific day and wasn't thinking at all 😭
@@AEndaya oh damn