Jamala - 1944 (Official Music Video)

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2016
  • Jamala - Вірю в тебе (Прем'єра 2021)
    • Jamala - Вірю в тебе (...
    ►►►subscribe bit.ly/2HITsRL
    Квитки на концерти в США і Канаді: jamala.ua/en/tours
    The world premiere of Jamala’s official music video for 1944 is released. This is the international release of the world class singers Eurovision 2016 winning song. Genre: electronic, electropop
    The Director and Choreographer of the video is the renowned Anatoliy Sachivko, with cameras by Nikita Kuzmenko. This is the same team that created the Jamala’s video Confused. The video was short in Bukovina Carpathians, Chernivtsy region, within three days. The location for the video, an abandoned military base “Pamir” was the location, on the top of Tomnatik mountain, 1565m above the sea level.
    Follow Jamala on:
    Official web-site: jamalamusic.com
    Facebook - / jamalaofficial
    ВКонтакте - jamala
    Instagram - / jamalajaaa

КОМЕНТАРІ • 9 тис.

  • @paralelevren3837
    @paralelevren3837 4 роки тому +7990

    Bizi böyle bir ağıt yakmaya mecbur bırakmayan, vatansız kalmanın eşiğinden alan Atatürk ve silah arkadaşlarına ve şehitlerimize bin rahmet olsun. Tanrı Türk'ü korusun yüceltsin...( Dip not:Konumuz bu değildi ama Tanrı kelimesine takılanlar için belirteyim. Tanrı,Tengri, Allah, God bütün dilleri bilir. Tengri biz menen.)

    • @alibugrakosker
      @alibugrakosker 4 роки тому +38

      @@lykia_.7912 Bir fark yok.

    • @lykia_.7912
      @lykia_.7912 4 роки тому +13

      @@alibugrakosker var

    • @tomrishatun4694
      @tomrishatun4694 4 роки тому +237

      @@lykia_.7912 ahh yıllardır aynı terane
      Tanrı sözcüğü tengri kelimesinden türemiştir.
      Bir tek ve yaratıcı anlamına gelir.
      Allah ise arapça bir kelime
      Ve Tanrı kelimesiyle aynı anlamı taşır.
      Türklerin islamiyeti kabul etmesi de bu yüzden araplar ile Türkler arasında dinen benzerlikler vardır.
      Bir başka örnek ellerini göğe açıp dua etmek.
      Eski bir şaman dini ritüeli dır.
      Nereden biliyor diyecek olursan
      Araştırırım ve okurum.
      Sana da tavsiye ederim.
      Sonuçta geçmiş.

    • @lykia_.7912
      @lykia_.7912 4 роки тому +74

      @@tomrishatun4694 Allah (c.c.) benim 99 isminden biriyle beni anın demiştir. Tanrı Allah'ın 99 isminden biri değil. Örneğin sen Ayşe diye bir arkadaşına Ali diyeni sesleniyorsun. Arkadaşın bunu doğru bulmaz Allah(c.c.) de bunu uygun bulmuyor. Bence sende biraz Kuranı Kerim oku😒

    • @muhammethd8979
      @muhammethd8979 4 роки тому +74

      @@tomrishatun4694 Gerçekten ciddi misin sırf dua etmeleri ya da gök tengri dinine benzediği için mi İslami seçtiler... Maalesef araştırmaların sadece ezber bilgiye dayanıyor, okuyorum dediğin kitaplar sanırım okuldaki MEB kitaplarından edindiğin bilgiden ibaret.

  • @mickeyya
    @mickeyya 5 років тому +3063

    16 years old girl singing this song on the voice brought me here. It is great song and also a great video.
    Guys, i get it you guys also came from that voice clip. Stop saying same😭😭😭😭

  • @coockiekat
    @coockiekat 11 місяців тому +283

    I remember voting for this song, I thought it was too good for Eurovision. Never seen the official video though...It`s so powerful... We stand for You, Ukraine!

  • @Vondertyo
    @Vondertyo 2 роки тому +358

    This song should be played on all radio and channels for the next few days. I think Ukraine should play this as loud as they can on all major audio sources and the whole world who wants to support them should do so too. This will show a beautiful message to Ukraine that we support you!

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому


    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому

      Hey Prick: ''You want to learn the truth about the Zelensky regime? Google these names:
      Vlodymyr Struk
      Denis Kireev
      Mikhail & Aleksander Kononovich
      Nestor Shufrych
      Yan Taksyur
      Dmitri Djangirov
      Elena Berezhnaya
      If you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list.
      GL'' GONZALO LIRA has been suspected to have been killed by these scumm you support now you fashist bummhole

    • @annabond6272
      @annabond6272 2 місяці тому

      we don"t

  • @bulentcoskun8463
    @bulentcoskun8463 4 роки тому +6877

    Kırımlı Türk kızı dinledikten sonra buraya gelenler..+

    • @nurdanyurek1253
      @nurdanyurek1253 4 роки тому +11

      Kesinlikle 😂😂

    • @onurkerimtekin
      @onurkerimtekin 4 роки тому +12

      Türkse kızın ismi niye türkçe değil

    • @bulentcoskun8463
      @bulentcoskun8463 4 роки тому +72

      @@onurkerimtekin Soyu Türke dayanıyor..

    • @erdogannaimatabeyli1730
      @erdogannaimatabeyli1730 4 роки тому +161

      @@onurkerimtekin bizim taşıdığımız isimlerin Türkçe olduğunu mu sanıyorsun

    • @onurkerimtekin
      @onurkerimtekin 4 роки тому +14

      @@erdogannaimatabeyli1730 arapça farsça fransızca kelimeler isimler çok dilimizde fakat değişime uğrayarak sahiplenmişiz bu videodaki kızın ismi türklerden ve türkçeden çok uzak geldi bana

  • @equality5603
    @equality5603 5 років тому +2557

    Eski Türk ağıtları dinliyor gibi hissettim bu ne kadar güzel ya 💞 özellikle o sonunda ki “vatanıma doyamadım” kısmı 💞🇹🇷

    • @mr.ocelot9041
      @mr.ocelot9041 5 років тому +91

      Buram buram Turk kokuyor şarki gercekten. Krim Turk torpagidir. Tatar turklerine mensubdur. Turk torpagi ugrunda savaşan iki slavyan olkenin zeka seviyyesi cox ilgincdir. Ikisi de bilir ki ustunde savaş acdiqlari torpaq hec birine aid deyil. Nece ki Qarabag o soysuzlarin deyil.

    • @escsax6967
      @escsax6967 4 роки тому +7

      Abi Jamala kırım türkümü?

    • @Sebilka
      @Sebilka 4 роки тому +44

      @@escsax6967 anası Ermeni asıllı, babası Kırım Türkü. Kendini Kırım Türkü olarak görüyor

    • @greatsarmatae
      @greatsarmatae 4 роки тому +22

      Ukrayna’dan büyük selamlar arkadaşlar! (Ukraynalıyım)

    • @iremalbayrak9893
      @iremalbayrak9893 4 роки тому +25

      Geçrketen tüylerim diken diken oldu vatanıma doyamadım kısmında gerçekten yanlış anladım zannedip sözlerine baktım şarkının 🇹🇷🇹🇷

  • @1patrickpaco
    @1patrickpaco 2 роки тому +125

    Don't give up Ukraine ! Stay strong, U have support from all civilization world. Big

    • @themis137
      @themis137 2 роки тому +1

      🇭🇷 ❤️ 🇺🇦

    • @vo3356
      @vo3356 2 роки тому +3

      Thank you Croatia!!! And all croatian people!!

  • @almirosmanovic8556
    @almirosmanovic8556 2 роки тому +125

    In 1992, the war started in my country, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and we were attacked by Serbia. I survived the same hell as a child, as Ukrainians now. I survived, we survived, my country Bosnia and Herzegovina survived, Ukraine will survive .. just be brave, you can do it and stay strong Ukraine

    • @jajaroszenko
      @jajaroszenko 11 місяців тому +12

      Даті живот за слободу ніког се не боімо 🇺🇦❤️🇧🇦

  • @steppenwolf3769
    @steppenwolf3769 4 роки тому +3719

    Bir Kırım Türkü olarak Ukraynalılar'ı gerçekten tebrik ediyorum. Ruslar'a göre çok demokratik insanlar. Kendi ülkelerinden bir Müslüman Türk kadınının Türkçe şarkı ile Eurovision'a katılmalarına izin veriyorlar. Bu gerçekten çok insani bir hareket.

    • @tanjujabami3947
      @tanjujabami3947 3 роки тому +182

      Onlarda çekti ruslardan halada çekiyorlar topraklarının bir kısmında ülke kurulması planlanıyor kaldı ki üstte belarus bile ruslar tarafından işgal edildi yine

    • @mrhyderus
      @mrhyderus 3 роки тому +30

      Herkesin de düşmanı rusmuş... Ne kadar kötü insanlarız yahu 🤷🏻‍♂️ Kendimden utandım bir an 🤦🏻‍♂️ Napaleon'la Hitler'i bıraksaydık da dünyayı yoketselerdi keşke

    • @izniklilaklakan8850
      @izniklilaklakan8850 3 роки тому +84

      @@mrhyderus Yapılanları desteklemiyorsanız bence utanmanız gerekmiyor. Irkçılık yapılmıyor aslında yanlış anlamışsınız. Sizin sıradan biri olarak ne suçunuz var ki. Napaleon ile hitlere gelirsek onları rusların durdurması sadece kendi işelerine yaradı onların yapacaklarını, kendileri yaptı bazı kesimlere farklı bir siyaset izlemedi bir çok rus lideri.

    • @mrhyderus
      @mrhyderus 3 роки тому +13

      @@izniklilaklakan8850 yok yani, başka ülkeler aynısını yapınca kimse konuşmuyor, söz konusu biz olunca hemin Stalin falan akla geliyor, tüm liderlerimiz kötü, ama diğer herkes gayet iyi. Bence mantıksız. Herkes bir-biriyle savaşır, insanlar evlerinden olurlar, hep böyledir. Utanmaya gelince ise şakaydı o, tabi ki rus olmakla sadece gurur duyuyorum.

    • @mrhyderus
      @mrhyderus 3 роки тому +7

      @@izniklilaklakan8850 Tüm devletler yeni bölge almak için savaşa girer, binlerce insanın kanına girer. Onca aile evsiz kalır, kaçmak zorunda olur... Ama herkes iyi, bir tek ruslar kötü, sanki bunu yapan bir tek biz olduk dünya tarihinde.

  • @bi_dostt
    @bi_dostt 4 роки тому +1532

    " Vatanıma Doyamadım " doyamadılar... Ve daha nicelerimiz doyamadı... 🍁 Var olun, hatra düşürdüğünüz için 🍃 Still we didn't forget this pain... Thank you for telling to others 🌾

    • @volkanarasli3429
      @volkanarasli3429 4 роки тому +2

      Doesn't she say 'Fatanima Toyalmadin'?

    • @icarus80
      @icarus80 4 роки тому +14

      @@volkanarasli3429 Nope, she said Vatanıma doyamadım it's mean i can't get enough of my country.

    • @araflyrics
      @araflyrics 4 роки тому +4

      @@volkanarasli3429 maybe she said in that way, it is bcs of differences of languages even in the same language

    • @Mebusandik
      @Mebusandik 4 роки тому +1

      DAP TV eğiş She say I can’t get my count ‘vatanıma Toyalmadım’ Turkish language

    • @umutaabb3834
      @umutaabb3834 4 роки тому

      Vatanı buralar değil fakat

  • @izzyizanalien5013
    @izzyizanalien5013 2 місяці тому +18

    Dang I was listening to this for such a long time it’s really saddens me to know this song is indeed happening again. Love from California 😢 strongest line ever sang” when strangers are coming , they come to your house . They kill you all and say we’re not guilty, not guilty. “

  • @leorio2271
    @leorio2271 2 роки тому +447

    Каждый раз слушая песню я плачу, вспоминая слезы бабушки, когда она рассказывала как ее с семьей депортировали. А теперь и в связи с нынешней ситуацией в Украине. Крымские татары 🇺🇦

    • @user-mt8qz7rq8z
      @user-mt8qz7rq8z 2 роки тому +6

      В Украине* правильно

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому

      @@user-mt8qz7rq8z a three-fingered salute mimicking the trident has also become the symbol of Ukraine's far-right nationalist Svoboda party.

    • @user-mt8qz7rq8z
      @user-mt8qz7rq8z 2 роки тому +9

      @@drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima Actually, not really, but for what you wrote this? 💀 I literally just said that they made a mistake. They wrote "on Ukraine" instead "in Ukraine"

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому

      @@user-mt8qz7rq8z you are a liar and a fascist if you support elensky and asov

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому

      @@user-mt8qz7rq8z Kenya had called ''climate emergency'' for 2 years running, and has claimed a ''famine'' yet has an $8.7 billion dollar space program. Wonder if that could have helped with the famine thing? Needless to say, the famine and droughts are often regular in the horn of africa mostly because it only rains there once a year or something, so, drought is claimed just before a massive rain that could be stored superbly so that there would be NO future droughts there - but, oh wait, they spend their money trying to remake star trek with Klaus Schwaab and Dr Noah Harrari (A eugenicist) but without the bit where they get further than the Earth's atmosphere with the rockets*......not like spending money on rockets when you aint got water is something that these XR useful idiots would be able to see from their brainwashed position of being tircked into being pro IMF; pro world bank; something they used to protest *against !!! Fools...

  • @jeremiahgabriel5709
    @jeremiahgabriel5709 2 роки тому +693

    Apparently I'm not the only one who remembered this song today. Canadian checking in to say we wish we could help more. And hollow as it sounds, we are with you from here.

  • @zeraao
    @zeraao 4 роки тому +793

    Yabancı müzik olduğunu düşünmüştüm....ta ki şunu duyup tüylerim diken diken olana kadar

    • @merkurretrosu8967
      @merkurretrosu8967 4 роки тому +43


    • @Emiriko987
      @Emiriko987 3 роки тому +38

      Aslında müzik yabancı gibi ama şu var Kırım Türkleri dertlerini dünyaya anlatmak istemişler...

    • @elifnur1970
      @elifnur1970 3 роки тому +11


    • @okanehliz4808
      @okanehliz4808 3 роки тому +9

      Ben bu yerde yaş almadım

  • @hardcorestgt5208
    @hardcorestgt5208 2 роки тому +225

    Around six years after her victory Jamala - together with her children - had to flee her hometown of Kyiv in order to save their lives. Since fleeing her hometown Jamala has been in a car with her family for almost 4 days. Tragically, like many other Ukrainians, she actually is experiencing the content of her song firsthand. My thoughts go out to the Ukrainian people. The only thing giving e hope these days is the fact, that the civilized countries stand together in solidarity and unity to oppose the mad kleptocrat in the Kremlin and his obnoxious entourage. Share this song through all social media as a sign of solidarity with the Ukrainian people and show Putin with the modified words of the Icelandic ESC entry from 2019: Hatrið mun ekki sigra !

  • @inazuma_reacts
    @inazuma_reacts 2 роки тому +101

    I am so sorry. I wish my country and I can do more. Stay strong Ukraine. 頑張れウクライナ!
    Peace & Love from a Japanese American 🇯🇵🇺🇸

  • @RL_Twelve
    @RL_Twelve 4 роки тому +1827

    Me, a 24 years old Spanish boy, been watching every single Eurovision contest since 2002, have never remembered any winner for years like this. I didn't even know the history about Crimean Tatars, this song even made me to look for all the history, and I think this is so powerful to just a song. For me, Jamala has been the best winner in all the Eurovision contest I have seen. All my solidarity and peace with the Tatar people who lived this.

    • @Emel2003
      @Emel2003 4 роки тому +64

      Thank you for this words! I'm Crimean Tatar and this very nice))❤️

    • @davidirapetyan6096
      @davidirapetyan6096 3 роки тому +58

      I think Jamala gave back the quality to the Eurovision. Her message and performance was even above this contest.

    • @TwistedSoul12
      @TwistedSoul12 3 роки тому +12

      Orgulloso de que aun queden españoles asi👏👏✊

    • @FantasyBigBrother
      @FantasyBigBrother 3 роки тому +19

      I watched this being performed in Stockholm and when I watched I knew Jamala would win. She had that feeling for me

    • @Sykes99999
      @Sykes99999 3 роки тому

      C’mon dude the best winner was Sertab Erener in all the Eurovision contest in 2003, i show you

  • @pannikattak7533
    @pannikattak7533 2 роки тому +3255

    After the Russians invaded Ukraine this week, 1944 might be the greatest Eurovision winner ever. It was criticized by many in 2016 for being too political but for the people of Ukraine, today must feel like 1944 all over again.

    • @thecorporateworld6746
      @thecorporateworld6746 2 роки тому +225

      Nothing will be too political when talking about freedom and human rights.....she knew what was about to happen again... Unfortunatelly

    • @user-gu2sy7dt5b
      @user-gu2sy7dt5b 2 роки тому +55

      Each of your words are so true. My soul is falls apart till I listen this song today just not to hear sounds of bombs

    • @sheilaabduraim8156
      @sheilaabduraim8156 2 роки тому +88

      This song is about the Crimeean Tatar who were deported from their homland. The lyrics are not in Ukrainian. It’s heartbreaking that now all of the Ukrainians are experiencing this.

    • @aidat5396
      @aidat5396 2 роки тому +2

      @@user-gu2sy7dt5b ❤

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому +1

      @@sheilaabduraim8156 Sheila Abdurain supports the Ukrainian Neo Nazi Azov battalion.

  • @kambetikaunatjike9990
    @kambetikaunatjike9990 11 місяців тому +35

    Slava Ukraine... Justice will be served... Love from Africa ~ Namibia

  • @dardanella_okean
    @dardanella_okean 3 місяці тому +14

    Моя бабуся була українкою але плачу пригадуючи її і слухаючи цю пісню 😢😢😢 в цьому році їй би було 100 років ...

  • @ManiacHDPro1
    @ManiacHDPro1 4 роки тому +3202

    Loves from Turkey 🇹🇷🇹🇷

  • @abduazizkayumov1328
    @abduazizkayumov1328 4 роки тому +586

    I am from Uzbekistan, and so proud that I can understand her Tatar language 100%.
    Thank you for the masterpiece, Jamala.
    EDIT: The translation is:
    "I could not get enough of my youth, I could not live there"
    "I could not get enough of my homeland"

    • @ucnurut5706
      @ucnurut5706 3 роки тому +1

      Greetings to homeland.

    • @GenericHomo
      @GenericHomo 3 роки тому +1

      What does it say?

    • @ucnurut5706
      @ucnurut5706 3 роки тому +10

      @@GenericHomo Tatar words'r simply "i didn't live enough,
      i didn't live in this place" there is better translates but this is my translation.

    • @WilliamBrandonLeopardhtliven
      @WilliamBrandonLeopardhtliven 3 роки тому


    • @abcde7515
      @abcde7515 2 роки тому +1

      Can you understand Turkish

  • @vlr7368
    @vlr7368 8 місяців тому +51

    Got goosebumps, absolute masterpiece.
    Moldova is with Ukraine 🇲🇩🤍🇺🇦

  • @user-yv9fl7hn9p
    @user-yv9fl7hn9p Рік тому +39

    When strangers are coming
    They come to your house
    They kill you all
    and say
    We’re not guilty
    not guilty
    Where is your mind?
    Humanity cries
    You think you are gods
    But everyone dies
    Don't swallow my soul
    Our souls
    Yaşlığıma toyalmadım
    Men bu yerde yaşalmadım
    Yaşlığıma toyalmadım
    Men bu yerde yaşalmadım
    We could build a future
    Where people are free
    to live and love
    The happiest time
    Where is your heart?
    Humanity rise
    You think you are gods
    But everyone dies
    Don't swallow my soul
    Our souls
    Yaşlığıma toyalmadım
    Men bu yerde yaşalmadım
    Yaşlığıma toyalmadım
    Men bu yerde yaşalmadım

    • @user-rs9lt5mx9t
      @user-rs9lt5mx9t 5 місяців тому

      Спасибо вам за эту песню я её перепишу потом когда будет у меня интернет в телефоне! Ваша Юля 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  • @BeBeqii
    @BeBeqii 4 роки тому +472

    Türk halkina selam olsun. Biz ayrildik, ama, yürekler birbirine bagli

  • @kitycatlover112
    @kitycatlover112 3 роки тому +325

    im american but after reading all the lyrics and watching this video i honestly get chills when i hear it because of the literal bloodshed and terror it comes from. you really feel the emotion of it. even when i first heard this i got emotional because i could understand bits and pieces of it and could see people crying and that really showed me that this is a song of suffering and raw emotion. i really didn't need to understand everything she was saying in order to feel what the song is intended to make you feel

    • @jamesanderson2248
      @jamesanderson2248 2 роки тому +3

      American also..I definitely agree!!

    • @Daytue
      @Daytue 2 роки тому +5

      To me this song transcends race or ethnicities. We as humanity have a problem of always making someone else the "other" and we commit horrific atrocities upon them. It's not fair or moral in anyway but for some reason it keeps happening.

    • @Bastardsunbeats
      @Bastardsunbeats 2 роки тому +4

      Even more so after what's happening now, the lyrics have new meaning, it's haunting

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому


  • @karolis285
    @karolis285 2 роки тому +83

    🇺🇦so much love from Lithuania 🇱🇹. Brothers and sisters stand strong and keep fighting. There is no country who could occupide such a strong country. ❤️❤️❤️

  • @ahmetkarabudak3531
    @ahmetkarabudak3531 8 місяців тому +17

    I just discovered this excellent song and powerful voice. I think a new singer is being added to my Spotify list :D Peace and love from Turkey

  • @heyceey3274
    @heyceey3274 4 роки тому +1728

    Kırım Türkleri / Tatarlarının hepsi sadece Ukrayna veya Rusya ya dağılmışlardır gibi bilgililer yanlıştır. Kırım Türkleri çeşitli yerlere dağılmışlar içlerinde Türkiye de olmak üzere. Ayrıca bende bir Kırım Tatarıyım / Türk'üm ❣️🇹🇷

    • @bengisuakbas967
      @bengisuakbas967 4 роки тому +11

      Ben de kırım tatarıyım

    • @esmayavuz863
      @esmayavuz863 4 роки тому +1

      Eskişehirli misin? Burada bayağı kırım türkü var da ondan merak ettim

    • @heyceey3274
      @heyceey3274 4 роки тому

      @@esmayavuz863 değilim :)

    • @ai-kt3hy
      @ai-kt3hy 4 роки тому +6

      Aynen Eskişehir Kırım Tatar'ı dolu mesela

    • @supersad123
      @supersad123 4 роки тому

      @@sevcan5134 ayn

  • @jugovizija
    @jugovizija 2 роки тому +112

    This song means a lot to me. It was my father's favourite. He died suddenly during the night after her semi final. He didn't live long enough to see her winning... God bless you Jamala. Thank you so much for your beautiful song and performance
    Hugs from Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • @belinea282
    @belinea282 2 роки тому +21

    I have watched many Eurovision contests since the 90s. For many years, year after year. The competition in 2016 was special for me because it was one of the best musically in history in my opinion. Maybe the best in the 21st century. Jamala's song was undoubtedly one of the best of that competition. Maybe not the best (because there were at least a few performers musically good that year). On the other hand, in terms of text and content ... the piece, then and now, is simply outstanding and unique. Then, and actually until last year, I was angry that Jamala won with a political piece, because I thought that she did not deserve to win. But that was then.
    Today I changed my mind. I changed, because this song, or rather a desperate cry / scream sounds especially meaningful!
    Much more than almost 6 years ago.
    Today I can't stop listening to it. I have always had chills and chills while listening to this masterpiece - smaller or bigger, but today I'm shaking with excitement.
    This scream / this call from Jamala is tearing me down inside.
    I wholeheartedly support the oppressed Ukraine!
    Glory to great Ukraine! Take care, Brothers! Let this war end as soon as possible!
    🇵🇱 🤝 🇺🇦
    ❤️ 🇺🇦 🙏

      @LONDONLEATHERBOY77 Рік тому +1

      Pity it took you so long to appreciate the grandeur this song possesses. Pity it took an actual conflict to force people to open their eyes...Pity that people are so souless these days that only when they are hit by reality, they start getting the point. Death and conflict are not about politics.

  • @cayetanobp5518
    @cayetanobp5518 2 роки тому +37

    what a message… love and support from Spain, we love you Ukraine 💙💛

  • @Necabiye
    @Necabiye 2 роки тому +3747

    Stay strong Ukraine.We are with you, from Turkey. 🇺🇦🇹🇷🇺🇦🇹🇷

    • @valeksis7868
      @valeksis7868 2 роки тому +66

      Дякуємо .Teşekkürler

    • @martascattarella3481
      @martascattarella3481 2 роки тому +54

      Dall 'italia siamo con voi❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @valeksis7868
      @valeksis7868 2 роки тому +21

      @@martascattarella3481 grazie Bella .дякуємо .

    • @yusufolcum6382
      @yusufolcum6382 2 роки тому +18

      Türkiyeye mülteci olarak geldi kendisi şuan Türkiyede

    • @danielcarrillo1497
      @danielcarrillo1497 2 роки тому +4

      But Turkey President Is Killer

  • @natatala2092
    @natatala2092 7 років тому +102

    Спасибо, Джамала! Вы все молодцы!

  • @Chrystyna5016
    @Chrystyna5016 Рік тому +12


  • @kamilsalamon8461
    @kamilsalamon8461 2 роки тому +346


    • @mm.4330
      @mm.4330 2 роки тому +11


    • @allailinkova454
      @allailinkova454 2 роки тому +3


    • @ci690
      @ci690 2 роки тому +6

      We learned the hard way you are! Thank you for everything you are doing for our asylum seekers.

    • @user-yw4tj4qw3m
      @user-yw4tj4qw3m Рік тому +1

      Thank you!!!!!!!!!👍👍👍👍👍❤

    • @olena_veres_
      @olena_veres_ Рік тому +3

      Як же ми вам вдячні!💙💛

  • @GeorgeAustinTay
    @GeorgeAustinTay 7 років тому +420

    Jamala is the most talented musical artist I can think of. Other than the vocal versatility and the songwriting skills, it strikes me how easily she can go from carefree tunes like "Smile" to deep, meaningful songs with a message like this one. Overall, a strong discography that more and more people need to hear!

    • @stucpeed
      @stucpeed 7 років тому +1

      Yes!1!!!!! Agreee

    • @JakobTennisMB
      @JakobTennisMB 7 років тому +3

      I thought you were team sergey

    • @sashachca
      @sashachca 7 років тому +2

      Also try to listen to Zemfira. I bet you'll like her too: she's a tatar musician and songwriter.

    • @GeorgeAustinTay
      @GeorgeAustinTay 7 років тому +3

      KarlEuro89 just because I voted for Russia in 2015, doesn't mean I vote for them every year! I haven't voted for the same country twice since Eurovision came back to Italy in 2011 :)

    • @GeorgeAustinTay
      @GeorgeAustinTay 7 років тому +3

      I know something from her. She's also very talented, her music is haunting. She should collab with Jamala!

  • @echoes5007
    @echoes5007 7 років тому +1857

    This song is pain.
    This song is life.
    This song is great.

    • @cristiancuscenco9912
      @cristiancuscenco9912 5 років тому +2

      Get out commie

    • @sergeyshklyar8069
      @sergeyshklyar8069 5 років тому +1


    • @003costas004
      @003costas004 5 років тому

      The song is far right

    • @randomturk454
      @randomturk454 4 роки тому +5

      @@redetnoir1306 no is not of Russia of Ukraine but is a country because Crimea are folk is Crimean Tatar and Crimean Tatar are Turkic not Slavic

    • @randomturk454
      @randomturk454 4 роки тому +2

      @@redetnoir1306 I say the folk on Crimea is the Crimean Tatars. Not Russians. And that the reason is that Crimea not of Ukraine of Russia is but a country

  • @rovou
    @rovou 2 роки тому +40

    The year was 1944, the Soviet Union deported the Crimean Tatar Turks from the Crimea region in southern Ukraine. The ethnic identity and the Crimean Tatar language in the region have almost come to the point of being erased.
    Year 1991, during the collapse of the Soviet Union, Crimea became Ukraine and many of the exiled Crimean Tatar Turks returned to their homeland.
    Year 2014, Russia annexed Crimea, based on the strategic and ethnic importance of Crimea, and again, the Crimean Tatar Turks in the region lost their homeland.
    The year is 2022 and Russia, which looks at it from a fascist and only strategic point of view, started a war called operation to officially annex Ukraine. Crimean Tatar Turks living in Ukraine and Ukraine have faced such persecution throughout their history.
    While there is no reaction of the world in the first and second moves, we still do not see a clear reaction of the world in the third and final move. As the peoples of Europe and Turkey, we are with you and we support you, our Ukrainian brothers. We wish you victory in your glorious war.
    Greetings from Turkey!
    Slava Ukraini!

  • @user-mg6rp5dq7x
    @user-mg6rp5dq7x 2 роки тому +34

    I fell in love with this song about 4 years ago, the meaning behind it and the story it told. Now, every time I listen to it, with everything going on in Ukraine, breaks my heart. Who knew this song would still be relevant to present time. Stay strong Ukraine, we stand with you!❤️🇺🇦

  • @katrindox
    @katrindox 4 роки тому +1571

    she told us her story? horrible things about Ukraine and Crimeans TATARS during Stalins repressions / This song about her granny!!! I felt her pain because my grandparents were victims of Stalin s repression.always in my heart - forever/LOVE U AND GOD BLESS YOU!!

    • @denisbinaku7398
      @denisbinaku7398 3 роки тому +34

      the same as the serbians did with albanians😔

    • @HUHG1
      @HUHG1 3 роки тому +54

      Stalin killed 204-250K Turks (Crimean Turks) :(

    • @megamagic4804
      @megamagic4804 3 роки тому +4

      @@HUHG1 nice!

    • @ozgeeeefln
      @ozgeeeefln 3 роки тому +39

      @@megamagic4804 ?

    • @megamagic4804
      @megamagic4804 3 роки тому +7

      @@ozgeeeefln I hate Turkey and Turks!

  • @jesperhjellnes5861
    @jesperhjellnes5861 7 років тому +66

    100 % deserved winner of Eurovision. I loved that this year, something different than all the usual pop music won the contest. This was exactly what Eurovision needed!

  • @blackmambo6447
    @blackmambo6447 7 місяців тому +41

    Это песня как крик души для жителей Украины и тех стран, где идут войны. Мое сердце изливается кровью когда смотрю и читаю новости.
    Не падайте духом! Будьте сильными и стойкими! Жители (не политики) Кыргызстана с вами! Мы в Вас верим! Ради павших предков, ради родных и близких, ради земли и родины будьте сильными!!! Слава Украине!!!

    • @user-fn2nu4uj9b
      @user-fn2nu4uj9b 7 місяців тому +2

      Да нет, эта песня про депортацию крымских татар сталиным. Так как крымские татары были коллаборантами с 3 рейхом. Гитлер им Крым обещал. Они до сих пор считают что Крым их))

    • @ua482ua
      @ua482ua 7 місяців тому +2

      @@user-fn2nu4uj9b а ты , живя в своей квартире, до сих пор считаешь ее своей, что она тебе принадлежит? ( это сарказм) Не знаю конечно, есть ли она у тебя вообще, может ты в съемной квартире живёшь, а не в той, которую ты купила сама, причем на честно заработанные деньги, которые ты копила, годами.. Потом на свои же кровные сделала ремонт, купила туда мебель и технику....а потом какой нибудь дол бо еб пришел, и сказал тебе - " а пошла - ка ты вон отсюда! Это теперь наша квартира!" Ну как, так понятнее?! Крым принадлежит коренным жителям - крымским татарам, и крымчакам !!! Но, фишка в том, что они хотят жить в составе Украины, а не в составе Оркостана! Справка : исторически, в Крыму , в разное время, в разные эпохи, или одновременно , проживали, и считаются исконными и коренными жителями - Тавры, Киммерийцы, Скифы, Греки, сарматы, римляне, готы, гунны, болгары, хазары, печенеги, половцы, караимы, крымчаки, крымские татары, итальянцы, и турки. Русских в этом списке - нет! Это все равно как захватить чужую квартиру, и объявить ее своей ..собственно говоря, так называемые " русские"и сделали это, захватив остров и объявив его своим, во времена Царской России, а затем позже ещё раз, во времена Советского союза, но, логично, что он был возвращен своим владельцам назад, Хрущевым. И сейчас он незаконно оккупирован, снова! Но, скоро вернётся домой!

    • @rafaelhabibulin9721
      @rafaelhabibulin9721 5 місяців тому

      @@user-fn2nu4uj9bв вы с кем коллаборанты? С путиным?

    • @user-fn2nu4uj9b
      @user-fn2nu4uj9b 5 місяців тому +2

      @@rafaelhabibulin9721 мы на родине.

    • @ST_Z_
      @ST_Z_ 5 місяців тому +2

      Кыргызстан, не ожидала от вас. Россияне должны знать в лицо своих врагов

  • @muratyakupoglu1041
    @muratyakupoglu1041 2 роки тому +101

    Polscy Tatarzy pozdrawiają Was.

  • @Tongish007
    @Tongish007 7 років тому +131

    Literally the best. So happy she's the winner. Deserved it!

  • @and-i-oop69
    @and-i-oop69 3 роки тому +41

    "You think you are Gods, but everyone dies" very powerful line

  • @kostiantynfuks7823
    @kostiantynfuks7823 Рік тому +11

    Пісня досі лишається такою що зачіпає душу до сліз. Грудень 2022❤

  • @parvanarasim3882
    @parvanarasim3882 Рік тому +67

    Crying and singing the amazing song in my room at student camp in Norway. Slava Ukraine 🇦🇿🇺🇦

    • @MaaanMaanMan
      @MaaanMaanMan Місяць тому

      She’s half Armenian by the way. She wrote this song with another Armenian Art Artoyan. Just imagine Turks who have always massacred Armenians, stole their homeland and still this song is written and sung by Armenians…

  • @Alyosha
    @Alyosha 7 років тому +2742

    I'm crying again !
    An incredible video!
    Thank you , Jamala.

    • @user-sv3fb7jw5n
      @user-sv3fb7jw5n 7 років тому +7

      Agree! :(

    • @user-pt4ex7hg6v
      @user-pt4ex7hg6v 7 років тому +14

      Very similar to Sweet People.

    • @GeorgeAustinTay
      @GeorgeAustinTay 7 років тому +45

      Talent supporting talent. I'm so happy to see an artist like Alyosha supporting Jamala. You're both extraordinarily talented and Ukraine should be proud!

    • @lati2000
      @lati2000 7 років тому +12

      Alyosha, eres espectacular. Sweet People es una joya. 👌💘

    • @igors1208
      @igors1208 7 років тому +16

      Your "Sweet people" was very good too. It was underrated at EU'2010 so much.... But i listen to it sometimes, even now. Yes even NOW. Super.
      Btw... It's a pity that you leave singing such jazz-like songs... Yuor voice too good for pop music... Especialy russian-language pop music - It's true shit.

  • @TRDE1000
    @TRDE1000 5 років тому +1198

    Sen bizim KOCAMAN gururumuzsun!
    Sen TÜRK kanını unutmadın!

    • @Sebilka
      @Sebilka 4 роки тому +38

      @@parizatsadykova4487 ağzını kapat, sen nereden bilebilirsin ki yaşadıklarımızı. Benim de annem babam zorunda kaldı Rus vatandaşlığını almaya. Tabi ki mecbur kaldılar, ya Allah korusun, bizim halkımızı tekrar sürgün ederlerse, Ukrayna vatandaşısiniz diye? Ne yapsın Jamala'nın ana babası? Vatanları Kırım'ı bırakıp gitmeleri mi lazımdı? Onların Kırım'da yaşayabilmek için ne yaşadıklarını, ne tür zorluklardan geçtiklerini hiç tahmin ettin mi? Bilmediğin konulara hiç girme istersen!

    • @Sebilka
      @Sebilka 4 роки тому +49

      @@AlpVonTrier Jamala'nin annesinin Ermeni olması bir sey değiştiriyor mu? Evet, annesi Ermeni, babası Kırım tatar türkü. Jamala kendisini hep Kırım tatariyim diye tanıtıyor. Osmanlı sultanlarinin anaları da başka milletlerden idi fakat oğulları kendilerini hep Türk ve Müslüman olarak tanitirlardi.

    • @Sebilka
      @Sebilka 4 роки тому +12

      @@parizatsadykova4487 ee haklı değil mi şimdi kız? Madem ülkeni temsil etmek istiyorsun Eurovison'da şu an memleketinin en gündemde olan soruya cevap vermelisin: Kırım kime ait? Ve evet hukuken Kırım Ukrayna'ya ait. Jamala'nin anası babası Rusya pasaportunu alsalar bile mecburiyetten yaptılar, vatanları Kırım'da yaşabilmek için! Sizin de hiç hakkınız yok Jamala'yı kötülemeye!

    • @munevverpalazoglu5116
      @munevverpalazoglu5116 4 роки тому +38

      Neden jamala'nın ırk olarak babasının kanını yani Türklüğü kabul etmesi bazılarını rahatsız ediyor ve ermeni olduğunu iddia ediyor acaba cidden merak ediyorum. Ukraynada ne konuşmuş ? Türklüğünü mü inkar etmiş? Çünkü bu yarışma öncesi annem ermeni ama ben türküm dedi. Daha ne söyleyebilir. Kırımın yakın zamandaki durumu ortada ve Jamala elbette o konuşmayı yapacaktı..Şarkıyı Kırım sürgününü yaşayan babaannesinden etkilenerek yazmış.Ukraynada 1944 yılında yaşananların unutturulmak istendiğini söylemiş? E bunun neresinden konuşmalarını dinleyin deme gereği duyulmuş.? Jamala Türküm diyor, Türkiye ile bağlarından söz ediyor her seferinde. Ama ciddi anlamda Nerde Jamala ve türk kelimesi görsem bakıyorum altında hemen bir annesi ermeni demeler, başka türlü karalamalar. Keşke onun kadar Türk olabilseydiniz hepiniz...

    • @ERO123GG22
      @ERO123GG22 4 роки тому +3

      @@AlpVonTrier hangi osmanlı padişahının annesi türk bil bakalim cevap hicbiri

  • @viraprofazi
    @viraprofazi 3 місяці тому +6

    I cry every time. But even without considering context it is an amazingly talented song. I agree , best song of Eurovision after ABBA, same league

  • @cassidiewinchester15
    @cassidiewinchester15 2 роки тому +6

    Support from Poland, we will be your shelter when you are fighting for home. I and many volonteers from my school decided to share with those in need clothes, food and home and we still have them so please come here to Lublin! Lots of love♥️♥️♥️

  • @busracetinkaya4615
    @busracetinkaya4615 7 років тому +112

    Thank you for this song.. I am a Crimean Tatar and living in Turkey. When I listen this song, I cry always..Thank you again to telling our history..

    • @christinasparadise
      @christinasparadise 6 років тому +6

      Could you please tell me at 2:15 the word "aman aman" is a turkish one? Thank you from Greece! 💗

    • @ecekahraman643
      @ecekahraman643 6 років тому +3

      yep, it is ;)

    • @ismailguler6048
      @ismailguler6048 6 років тому +7

      We use aman aman for emotional feelings, mostly fear. For example when a child is on a edge and you see him, then you say " Aman aman çocuk düşecek" Means ooh God he's gonna fall.

    • @kamilak7543
      @kamilak7543 6 років тому +6

      I'm a Tatar too but from Poland 🙂

    • @specialuninvitedguest1498
      @specialuninvitedguest1498 5 років тому

      @@christinasparadise I think it's arabic

  • @helenalence5136
    @helenalence5136 7 років тому +457

    *Thank you , Jamala....Amazing video....Crimea is Ukraine*

    • @dmytropopov92
      @dmytropopov92 7 років тому +22


    • @natashashelest4540
      @natashashelest4540 7 років тому +16


    • @varageth9565
      @varageth9565 7 років тому +7

      in your restless dreams only)

    • @maxkrayniy7379
      @maxkrayniy7379 7 років тому +16

      +Vara Geth (RuffGuide), Crimea is Ukraine. "When strangers are coming. They come to your house" - these lyrics are about people who think Crimea isn't Ukraine.

    • @katya15951
      @katya15951 7 років тому +3

      in you dream lol

  • @noelmcmahon3407
    @noelmcmahon3407 2 роки тому +9

    To all of the people please stay strong and remember that we all love and care for you from the Republic of Ireland 🇮🇪 ❤ 🇺🇦

  • @jurgarimkute2252
    @jurgarimkute2252 2 роки тому +34

    Goosebumps on my skin listening now…. STAY STRONG UKRAINE ❤️❤️❤️

  • @lemanbabayeva7423
    @lemanbabayeva7423 3 роки тому +1228

    Мурашки по коже, зная всю боль. 🇦🇿🇺🇦🇹🇷❤️

    • @OkaySoShit
      @OkaySoShit 2 роки тому +8


    • @azizeaynurcavdar83
      @azizeaynurcavdar83 2 роки тому +23

      Türk gardaşlarıma selam olsun

    • @suatcoban5688
      @suatcoban5688 2 роки тому +11


    • @evetavukatlarym8802
      @evetavukatlarym8802 2 роки тому +4

      Azerbaycan bayrağını arjantin bayrağı olarak çeviren yta selamlar

    • @leyllaw.4718
      @leyllaw.4718 2 роки тому +5

      О БОЖЕ 😢🙏 СЛАВА УКРАИНЕ 😢😢🙏🥺🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲

  • @ksruzgar4417
    @ksruzgar4417 5 років тому +821

    *TODAY 18 MAY 2019*

    • @Cris-hd1wb
      @Cris-hd1wb 5 років тому +34

      Crimea is under Russian occupation :(

    • @user-cg8uv8zc8q
      @user-cg8uv8zc8q 4 роки тому +12

      @@Cris-hd1wb NO😂CRIMEA IS RUSSIA!!!!

    • @khlinh2556
      @khlinh2556 4 роки тому +28

      Hey Maruv, I have a very uncomfortable question for you:

    • @user-bz7lh3yl1n
      @user-bz7lh3yl1n 4 роки тому +15

      @@khlinh2556 Yes , i live in Ukraine , so...talk this ) Cryme was a part of my country, and then , Rushen (prisedent) take it :(

    • @d.a.mcrown9415
      @d.a.mcrown9415 4 роки тому +3


  • @scabento13
    @scabento13 2 роки тому +7

    The lyrics.. so hauntingly relevant.

  • @user-cs7wo4qz8i
    @user-cs7wo4qz8i 11 місяців тому +21

    Крим, тримаймося, кримські татари мають вільно жити на своїй Батьківщині, це мужній, доброзичливий, працелюбний та мудрий народ!💙💛

    • @user-xh8ou8ii8c
      @user-xh8ou8ii8c 10 місяців тому

      А они и живут на своей родине.

  • @JakobTennisMB
    @JakobTennisMB 7 років тому +228

    Stay bitter, Russians. Jamala is the winner and is in a class of her own.

    • @arthurmezacasa1021
      @arthurmezacasa1021 7 років тому +8

      +niko The jurors are people too. Corrupt people, but still people.

    • @Eksmire
      @Eksmire 7 років тому +12

      People didn't give any points to Czech Republic, but juries did. You cannot rely on TV viewers completely, because they're stupid.

    • @Leon66361
      @Leon66361 7 років тому +1

      viewers are stupid, but the jury is not present?

    • @Julia_Derezynska
      @Julia_Derezynska 7 років тому +7

      Russia won hearts of people only because of performance. I still can't stand 'You are the only one' as a song, really. For me it is so annoying...

    • @Julia_Derezynska
      @Julia_Derezynska 7 років тому +2

      OK, I thought that it's Eurovision Song Contest, not Eurovision Performance Contest...

  • @aydnhuseyn7666
    @aydnhuseyn7666 4 роки тому +714

    I am from Azerbaijan and i understand completely and very clearly the part that in tatar language of this song .Live the Turks.

    • @nigarisayeva6480
      @nigarisayeva6480 4 роки тому +12

      Aydın Hüseyn 🇦🇿❤️

    • @saropapikyan9048
      @saropapikyan9048 4 роки тому +12

      Because you all come from Central Asia. And before they applied Iranian name Azeri they called you Caucasian Tatars

    • @zeynal6000
      @zeynal6000 4 роки тому +27

      @@saropapikyan9048 coming from somewhere it's not a sin and no one applied, received or took (it does no difference which word you gonna use) the name "azeri". There're no official documents where our name is "azeri". Some uneducated and fucking dumb jerks like you just squeezed that name to us.

    • @fatmanurcelik3749
      @fatmanurcelik3749 4 роки тому +21

      We are Turkish and we dont scary anything.🇹🇷🇦🇿

    • @fatmanurcelik3749
      @fatmanurcelik3749 4 роки тому +1

      Rae Kuen where are you from?

  • @linaburve
    @linaburve 2 роки тому +11

    Latvians support you!!! Stay strong!!!! 🇺🇦

  • @gretasidlauskaite582
    @gretasidlauskaite582 2 роки тому +17

    I voted for this beautiful song back in 2016 and I'm crying while listening to it now in 2022. You guys, I can't find the right words to explain how much we feel for Ukraine these days in Lithuania. We do everything we can in order to help and support their heroic fight. Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

  • @betulkutlu6400
    @betulkutlu6400 4 роки тому +58

    I am very happy to have this song, very grateful. Greetings from Turkey 🇹🇷 yes I am a tatar

  • @dinamamutova7422
    @dinamamutova7422 7 років тому +49

    I want to cry. I have goosebumps all over my body... Mashallah Jamala! Sagol Qirim qizi..

  • @user-fx7ne3xr9r
    @user-fx7ne3xr9r Рік тому +4

    Love from Latvija❤

  • @industrialvr
    @industrialvr 2 роки тому +51

    Glory to Ukraine! May truth and goodness prevail! Prayers, love, and strength from the U.S. 🇺🇸💜🇺🇦

  • @sophiecorl4397
    @sophiecorl4397 7 років тому +25

    Проникливо, навіть аж занадто...завжди, коли слухаю Джа, відчуваю, ніби все навкруги набуває більш значного сенсу та змісту...не знаю, як то змалювати словами, пояснити, але воно є і це прекрасно, що музика в наш час ще здатна викликати такі почуття. Дякую Джа, за твій великий талант, який торкається самої душі.

  • @musicdrug5837
    @musicdrug5837 5 років тому +2904

    Who’s listening to this in 2019? 😍🥂

    • @theresatyler4043
      @theresatyler4043 5 років тому +6


    • @leafer1103
      @leafer1103 5 років тому +7

      I am.. I wish I knew what she was saying.

    • @musicdrug5837
      @musicdrug5837 5 років тому

      @@leafer1103 Yeah! Same here! I'm not even sure what language she's speaking in

    • @MrJambulah
      @MrJambulah 5 років тому +13

      @@musicdrug5837 the middle is in turkish, whole song is about turkish ppl being terrorised in ukraine while ww2 by soviet union

    • @kyliemoen1561
      @kyliemoen1561 5 років тому +6

      Me me me oh and ME i love it

  • @toiowomagdowo
    @toiowomagdowo 2 роки тому +62

    Greetengs from Poland

  • @vinnitskiy_transport
    @vinnitskiy_transport Рік тому +8

    З кожним разом коли слухаю пісню, сльози все більше і більше находять

  • @el_naif
    @el_naif 7 років тому +442

    The fact that this was even allowed to be presented at Eurovision will always be a true miracle. That night, media culture in Europe made a big step towards maturity, even for those blinded by nationalist brainwashing who got upset about this. Grief, hope and crave for justice channeled in a contemporary masterpiece.

    • @BogdanHonciuc
      @BogdanHonciuc 7 років тому +6


    • @Alexandra-wd3wu
      @Alexandra-wd3wu 7 років тому +5

      well said

    • @marinamarukavachay1127
      @marinamarukavachay1127 7 років тому +7

      si, claro!

    • @jakescales
      @jakescales 7 років тому +49

      this song deserved to win. it represents what the countries are like today and what is happening in this world TODAY. truth hurts and certain people don't want to hear it because it hurts

    • @risshishafra7826
      @risshishafra7826 7 років тому +4

      Exactly, I've been saying that too.

  • @justyna365
    @justyna365 3 роки тому +87

    I feel this song so deeply. Many countries destroyed by a war know what this song means!
    Love from🇵🇱 ❤️

    • @Juliaabi_
      @Juliaabi_ 3 роки тому +2

      Oo polska!☺️👍

    • @OkaySoShit
      @OkaySoShit 2 роки тому


    • @OkaySoShit
      @OkaySoShit 2 роки тому

      @@Juliaabi_ poor socialist country

    • @MissSlovakia2
      @MissSlovakia2 2 роки тому +3

      Greetings from Slovakia 🇸🇰🙂 this song reminds me the situation around 50's, 60's, especially 1968 here in my country. Terrible times...

    • @justyna365
      @justyna365 2 роки тому +1

      @@MissSlovakia2 ❤️

  • @loopfruit6240
    @loopfruit6240 Рік тому +7

    Love from Poland 🇵🇱 this happened in Poland too I feel you

  • @anaw2579
    @anaw2579 2 роки тому +15

    Absolutely wrenching. Moved beyond words 😭💛💙🇺🇦🕊
    Can’t stop thinking about how Jamala fled with her children while her husband stayed behind to fight for Ukraine’s freedom. Meanwhile the world watches impotently as history repeats itself.

  • @jeroenaarts85
    @jeroenaarts85 2 роки тому +988

    I am crying right now. Stay strong Ukraine.
    🇱🇺 ❤ 🇺🇦

    • @SalutoRomano010
      @SalutoRomano010 2 роки тому +5

      Dat is de vlag van luxemburg beste Jeroen

    • @jeroenaarts85
      @jeroenaarts85 2 роки тому +4

      @Joost Van Buuren Very sharp, you're right. Was meant to be flag from Netherlands.

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому +1

      they are nazis. Why do you support nazis Jeroen?

    • @vm845
      @vm845 2 роки тому +10

      @@drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima , why do you support russhists?

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому +3

      @@vm845 Azov killed 6 million Russian civilians in Donbas 🍅

  • @yeap_eda_muca
    @yeap_eda_muca 4 роки тому +426

    Who's listening to this in 2020☀️💙

    • @picharcia551
      @picharcia551 3 роки тому +2

      This song is still slaying

    • @tabrez4685
      @tabrez4685 3 роки тому +2


    • @user-wy1qw8yt8m
      @user-wy1qw8yt8m 3 роки тому

      Me. But its discusting. Everyone says that she is the Best. But its not fair.

    • @user-wy1qw8yt8m
      @user-wy1qw8yt8m 3 роки тому

      Eurovision its not about politic. Second, her parents Now live in Russia. Why? Because they have a hotel. And everything that Russia gave them

    • @notdrhm9875
      @notdrhm9875 3 роки тому


  • @Anastasiya29angel
    @Anastasiya29angel 2 роки тому +221

    Сейчас слушая эту песню слёзы рекой. Наша страна снова стала заложником этой трагедии из-за глупых амбиций других людей 😭😭😭
    Слава нашему народу и нашей стране 🇺🇦

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому +2

      Has zelensky changed his T shirt yet? He has been wearing the same one for the last 3 months!!

    • @Alex.Kalashnik
      @Alex.Kalashnik 2 роки тому +8

      Слава Україні! 🇺🇦 Героям Слава! 🇺🇦

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому +1

      @@Alex.Kalashnik In Ukraine they normalise and worship nazis massively more than in any other country. The ukranian nazis have not changed since 1944 in their mindset and the nazi azov brigade are now normalised into the official home guard for ukraine and have been for years; It is these paramilitaries who are carrying out the atrocities, war crimes and ethnic cleansing that the mainstream western media is blaming on the Russsians....

    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому +1

      @@Alex.Kalashnik In Ukraine they normalise and worship nazis massively more than in any other country. The ukranian nazis have not changed since 1944 in their mindset and the nazi azov brigade are now normalised into the official home guard for ukraine and have been for years; It is these paramilitaries who are carrying out the atrocities, war crimes and ethnic cleansing that the mainstream western media is blaming on the Russsians....

    • @user-ts5dr5fr7n
      @user-ts5dr5fr7n 2 роки тому +3

      @@drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima живите без Зеленского,у Вас своей головы нет??без кого либо сам с собой умеете?или без царька никак?!
      За Свободу!Слава Украине!Всем Добра,кто за Мир!🤗

  • @DarkExploration666
    @DarkExploration666 29 днів тому +1

    To jest najbardziej niesamowita piosenka, jaka kiedykolwiek brała udział w Eurowizji.

  • @PavloKenor
    @PavloKenor 7 років тому +27

    Боже... опять мурашки по коже прошлись, как впервые во время просмотра Eurovision 2016.
    Молодец Джамала!

  • @sakartvelosgaumarjos4550
    @sakartvelosgaumarjos4550 3 роки тому +828

    Украинцы, вы такой душевный народ. И язык ваш прекрасен. С любовью из Казахстана 🇺🇦🇰🇿

    • @steviegriffin3088
      @steviegriffin3088 3 роки тому +62

      Вітання миролюбивому Казахстану. Разом до перемоги ✊🇰🇿

    • @azemakebeatz425
      @azemakebeatz425 3 роки тому +17

      azerbaycan türklerinden de selamlar olsun ❤❤

    • @Vitaly.Miroshnychenko
      @Vitaly.Miroshnychenko 3 роки тому +16

      Спасибо, очень приятно, честно говоря

    • @user-zw8hq2bo2m
      @user-zw8hq2bo2m 3 роки тому +6

      Россия превыше всего!!!!!!!!

    • @martashapivska7599
      @martashapivska7599 3 роки тому +47

      @@user-zw8hq2bo2m Чому Андріє ви слухаєте Українських артистів, і пишете що «Росиия превыше всего» якщо ви прекрасно зазнаєте що це для нас країна
      «А Г Р Е С О Р»

  • @Cybernaut551
    @Cybernaut551 9 місяців тому +1


  • @user-ex3ki9qq2n
    @user-ex3ki9qq2n Рік тому +9

    Дуже класна пісня .Дякую вам ❤️❤️❤️

  • @madxmadix
    @madxmadix 7 років тому +651

    I'm American, and unfortunately I'm probably one of like 10,000(obviously low estimate) people in the US who even knows about Eurovision. I've been watching livestream online of it for 2 years now, and after watching last year's performances and listening to song lyrics and the artists' melodic styles, I firmly believe, in my opinion, that she was the right choice. this song was so unique, wonderfully written, and marvelously performed.

    • @romanmykhaylovych5806
      @romanmykhaylovych5806 7 років тому +27

      Thank you from Ukraine!)

    • @arthurgabriel7715
      @arthurgabriel7715 6 років тому +13

      +masser4555 that's very rude of you, she was just giving her opinion, if you don't like it you are free to disagre but please without hate!

    • @jackhlawson
      @jackhlawson 6 років тому +10

      I could not agree with you more Madison. This win makes me so proud to be an American fan.

    • @almed179
      @almed179 6 років тому

      Madison Morris Oh me too.

    • @stellarbeit
      @stellarbeit 6 років тому +4

      Madison Morris Yeah, this was really beautiful, I've voted for this :) and you are absolutely gorgeous, slayyy

  • @lukerya_victory
    @lukerya_victory 7 місяців тому +12

    Слушаю опять и опять- так кричит мое сердце. Каждое утро я просыпаюсь от этого крика. Держим строй, украинцы.

  • @KGhost-xc7co
    @KGhost-xc7co 9 місяців тому +182

    Люди СНГ разделились на 3 части: за, против и равнодушных. Знайте украинцы, что многие поддерживают вас. Слава Украине, героям слава! С любовью из Кыргызстана 🇰🇬🤝🇺🇦

    • @user-te8vc3cp6o
      @user-te8vc3cp6o 8 місяців тому +7

      Спасибо ☺️ это очень важно на самом деле для нас ❤️

    • @glebnuishto
      @glebnuishto 7 місяців тому +4

      Полностью поддерживаю ❤❤❤

    • @emvikee
      @emvikee 7 місяців тому +2

      спасибо огромное❤❤❤

    • @user-uw8zm8hz9t
      @user-uw8zm8hz9t 5 місяців тому +2

      Не все поддерживают Украину. И не весь мир.

    • @ST_Z_
      @ST_Z_ 5 місяців тому +1

      Мы россияне теперь тоже знаем всех в лицо, кто против нас. Пишите побольше и почаще

  • @javierd.d
    @javierd.d 2 роки тому +1291


    • @dowagon
      @dowagon 2 роки тому +17

      We appreciate your position 🇺🇦

    • @anastojkovic3604
      @anastojkovic3604 2 роки тому +1

      I expect next Eurovison will win Germany with son named "1945". ;)

    • @jackblankenship90
      @jackblankenship90 2 роки тому +4

      UKRAINE I offer you strength, courage and perseverance in your time of need. I am so sorry war has come to your homes. Much love from the USA, Tennessee. Humanity needs to fucking stand up and unite in peace. END WAR!!!!! The people always suffer the most from war. The ones causing it are profiting from the suffering and destruction of these people and our planet. War happening anywhere is a direct attack on humanity as a whole. STAND TOGETHER!! or one day the fires will reach your front door. We must master peace before humanity can be a masterpiece. Anyone that reads this tell someone that you love them before war and its cruelty take that away from you. Soldiers across the planet stand together and disobey orders telling you to kill your own species, There is no reason nor amount of money to justify following orders to kill people for your governments own sick twisted agendas, Its sickening and places shame on the whole human existence, Be above those hungry for riches and power because our obedience grants them more of both. We've obeyed this whole time and look where its gotten everyone. Open your eyes blind followers and break away from the ones who wish to dominate you. To the people of Ukraine, I love each and every one of you, dont let the actions of governments dictate how you view its people because no one wants war. Let the elite scum of this earth watch the power of humanity slip away from its grasp turning their backs on those who cause our suffering. We are above all this nonsense people. Take back control of your lives or obey yourself into unbreakable chains of complete and total domination.

    • @nick_nmn664
      @nick_nmn664 2 роки тому +10


    • @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima
      @drnoahjuvalhararihackableanima 2 роки тому

      Bluurghhhhh...I wannabe sick

  • @gloomy_day
    @gloomy_day 2 роки тому +23

    Актуально, як ніколи. Сьогодні весь день на повторі.
    Дякую, Джа, за цю пісню ❤️

  • @MGoeijers
    @MGoeijers 2 роки тому +14

    🇺🇦 Never give up! 🇺🇦
    Remember you're not alone
    From the Netherlands with love ❤️

  • @FoosNotes
    @FoosNotes 7 місяців тому +3

    The world is with you and your people 💙💛

  • @orcuncnar2630
    @orcuncnar2630 3 роки тому +643

    Öncelikle bizi vatansız bırakmayan Gazi Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK ve tüm silah arkadaşlarına sonsuz teşekkürler. Türk ulusunun birlik ve beraberlik içinde bir bütün olarak görmek nasip olur umarım. Birlikte güçlüyüz.

    • @kahraman2530
      @kahraman2530 3 роки тому +12

      Keşke tüm Türkler birleşse ve birde hakiki Müslüman ülkeler çok iyi olurdu ama iki taraftada sıkıntılılar var .

    • @fundaylmaz427
      @fundaylmaz427 3 роки тому +36

      @@kahraman2530 Kardeşim müslüman hiç bir ülkeden bize hayır gelmedi. Ne zaman arkanı dönsen düşmanlarınla bir oldular asla yardım etmediler. Bize sadece yine biz sahip çıkarız gerisini boşver

    • @kahraman2530
      @kahraman2530 3 роки тому +6

      @@fundaylmaz427 knk bu her zaman öyle değildiki ama birde adam akıllı müslüman ülkelerde var yani güvenilir mesela her zaman bir çıkarı dahi olmasada bizi destekleyen Pakistan var.

    • @fundaylmaz427
      @fundaylmaz427 3 роки тому +19

      @@kahraman2530 Sende doğru söylüyorsun bro da işte arapların alçaklıkları aklıma gelince ister istemez sinir oluyorum sözde müslüman ülkeler hepsi batının köpeği olmuş

    • @elf1952
      @elf1952 3 роки тому +5

      @@fundaylmaz427 Hepsini kapsama yani,Pakistan var Azerbeycan var onlar her şekilde desteklediler.

  • @musicfan6669
    @musicfan6669 5 років тому +83

    this deserves more attention, song with powerful message

  • @gvvgujd4374
    @gvvgujd4374 2 роки тому +28

    А й справді суть пісні я зрозуміла лише зараз...

  • @1Neretwa
    @1Neretwa 2 роки тому +5

    Greatings from Poland...

  • @descalled
    @descalled 6 років тому +33

    She sings it so beautiful. The emotions really get to me
    (much love from Germany. Jamala really deserved to win)

  • @user-un7rr3bi1x
    @user-un7rr3bi1x 4 роки тому +2153

    Зашла почитать комменты...
    *И* *ничего* *не* *поняла*

  • @demokratie444
    @demokratie444 2 роки тому +57

    Frieden für ganze Ukraine, einschließlich der Krim und allen die unter diesem Verbrechen leiden❤ Ein Song der mit dieser Geschichte doppelt unter die Haut geht.

    • @kateryna5284
      @kateryna5284 2 роки тому +4

      Danke aus der Ukraine❤️

    • @demokratie444
      @demokratie444 2 роки тому +2

      @@kateryna5284 Gerne, ich wünsche mir für sie und ihrer Familie Sicherheit.

  • @andreeaa5430
    @andreeaa5430 2 роки тому +5

    I loved this song but didn't expect it to become so contemporary. Now it's even more heart breaking

  • @leylakampf3385
    @leylakampf3385 7 років тому +172

    I know very good what this song about ! I'am Ukrainian - Crimean Tatar, and I every proud of my roots. I was crying from this song when I heard it for the first time and to be honest, always when I hear this song on my eyes constantly appear tears ...
    Jamala, you are an amazing singer. Thank you for this song, for this emotions ... Thank you