Oh man, this drove me absolutely nuts! "You have a cat. It runs around at 3:00 AM". "Prophecy". "Your cat meows". "Prophecy". "Your cat purrs ". "Prophecy". I hear the Lord saying if you want your kitty to live, you need to give it food and water". "Prophecy mama"! 🥴
Amen saints in the body of Christ know that man's deception is nothing 🤓 new. It's been imported to Africa, Europe, Asia, its fruits are seen in this type of nonsense. Matthew 24:3 In no means let no .an deceive thee " for many shall come in .y name and deceive many. False prophets have been around from the begining and fulfill the desires of those who wilfully deceived. They enjoy being entertained over a transformed mind. ❤ Romans 12:1-4 ❤
Exactly! And have a direct deep connection with God and stop depending on a human being to reveal things to them. God knows and sees all not humans. Do not be deceived!
I've been saying this for ages. I believe so many Christians, even elderly ones, have never read the Bible. And then get sucked into the likes of these charlatans and others like Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer etc. If people knew the scriptures for themselves, they would know these people are false.
Exactly! This woman is a witch! These people have itchy ears, they want to hear a false word instead of reading The Bible for themselves and obeying what it says.
It's a spiritual Ponzi scheme where the only ones profiting are the fake prophets spewing their unbiblical madness. (ESV) 12 But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction, 13 suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing. 2 Peter 2:12-13
It still amazes me when I see people who are searching for the knowledge of who the Most High is, fall for the wicked and deceptive nature of false prophets, whether male or female.
SHALAWAM, I BET THEY WERE (SHE) WAS DESTROYING RELATIONSHIPS Ecclesiasticus 42:14 “Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth shame and reproach.” 🗡️
Romans 16:17-18 KJV Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Prison was the best thing ever for me. I got a chance to read the Bible and study it to find out what it actually says for myself. I picked it up to try and disprove it but it only made me see my need for a saviour. JESUS IS GOD AND HE IS COMING QUICKLY AND HIS REWARD IS WITH HIM. HALLELUJAH
Wow the way they just bamboozled her for another $1500 🤯 how can people be so blind? This is why having YOUR OWN relationship with God is essential before listening or following any pastor, prophet ect. So many wolves in sheep’s clothing out here. Discernment is key.
I used to attend a church where the pastor would online bless people giving tithes. I was twelve and offended. 😂😂 Thankfully my mom would most of the time give me some money for church
Because honestly the majority of people there are not sincere regarding salvation in Christ Jesus. They want to reduce God to a genie, serving their needs and wanting to make everything transactional. That’s why they are also easily duped.
I was the victim Of this 3 years ago when I didn’t know the Bible. I “sacrificed” $27,000 to a woman who blasphemed and used Christ’s name in such demonic ways. I believed her and it took me 3 years to break those strongholds of delusion. It’s horrible what these people Are doing.
That is the part that irks me the most. They be shouting prophecy and I'm still waiting on her to prophecy. They should be afraid to spew lies in the name of the Lord. They're lucky it's not an Ananias and Sapphira kinda day, they would have been struck down DEAD
And where does it say that God needs our money for His promises? Obedience is better than sacrifice! My, My, My…how do these folks sleep at night with all this foolishness????
What I do not understand is how the New Testament is full of warnings about false prophets in the last days, our times, but many in the church are not even paying attention. In fact, many get angry when it is called out.
That Mama and Papa thing is something a lot of Africans call their leaders especially in the Charismatic/prophetic churches. I aint never calling no one papa and mama bro. A lot of pastors who have African influences even have congregations in the US calling them papa and mama etc.
Idk where that is but me and my ancestors been living here for idk how long and I ain’t never heard of no mama papa talk unless we talking about our biological parents and even THAT is Ma or Daddy
Yes, Witches and wizards can be a "prophet" and "high priest" too. They are demonic counterfeits of the real thing. They literally call themselves those things all the time.
This false prophet could be a witch. There are Satanist posing as Christians. They enter into churches posing as Christians, but their goal is to destroy the people of God. Satanist also speak in tongues, but their tongues speak curses into people’s lives. Satan is a copycat. ““Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15 Verse 16 goes on to say “You will know them by their fruits…” She said every sacrifice comes with pain… yes with Satan, but not with Almighty Yahweh. God doesn’t operate in pain, but in love.
I’m scared of churches now so bad. The last I went to was making me feel insecure about my spiritual life. Always saying that if you want to save you have to speak in tongues. They would force us and say it’s easy we just have to follow the pastor…. Hmmm
@@leealexander1534 that what i was saying this wolf is trying to curse her look at this Micah 3:5 This is what the LORD says: “You false prophets are leading my people astray! You promise peace for those who give you food, but you declare war on those who refuse to feed you. ....... so is she would payed the bribe she would have peace but she said grandpa wolf got my money last week so mom wolf wanted to curse her some more sick
If I was a new Christian and did not read my word I too would be Lured In. People please read your word and have a relationship with Jesus. I’m Literally blown away by how many followers these people have. By the Way Great video!
I really have to humble myself. I hate what these people do. And tell myself I wouldnt mind seeing something bad happen to them. But I deserve the same hell they do apart from Jesus. May they repent and trust in the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
So sad that the girl with the $888 problem goes from church to church seeking answers that only God provides… She likely doesn’t even realize that her problem is neither of those “altars,” but a lack of faith, as the Word of the Lord is not even being preached wherever she goes…
the seen this before other have shown this i pray for this woman it breaks my heart she so despreat and wants to get married so bad you do stupid things i fell this woman is just decived by all of this i pray the Lord will open her eys i hope she see the videos about this some were and the Lord will open her eyes i keep thinking about her and what that fithy wolf said about her if she did not pay the wolf...if i could i would hug her and tell Jesus loves you just trust him to find the man you want and dont giive anyone 1 penny to pray for you if your the lady if you ever see this i love you
Notice how when money was asked for that “prophesy!” was no longer enthusiastic and the crowd was no longer hyped. SMH I pray their eyes and ears be open.
As for the mama and papa thing, it reminds me of how catholics refer to their priests as 'father'. The Bible says, "But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Christ. The greatest among you shall be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted" Matthew 23:8-12 Also, the Gucci shirt reveals where her treasures are stored.
My idea of sacrifice is when I'm in the supermarket and there's a young mother with kids near me and I hear her having to tell them no for a few things that could just make their day so I put some of my own stuff back to purchase the little things for them . THAT'S the kind of sacrifice that I teach my kids. Giving up your time to help someone when you might have just wanted to rest. Things like that. Handing money over to orators will not give you God's favor . His love doesn't cost cash.
It's funny when I hear these fake pastors prophesy "new revelation" and they stop themselves with a hmmmm, they've come across something so profound they can't share. In reality, they can't spit out the lie quick enough, so they need that pause so they can gather their thoughts for the next lie they're going to tell lol
It reminds me of the sorcerer in Acts 8 who was performing miracles, and wanted to join the disciples even ,offered money to get the holy spirit he was rebuked and told to repent Wow.
I can’t my brother I’m weak watching this 😂😂 I’ve been talking about this the past year and a half lol 😅 Keep shining my brother in the name of Yeshua grace and peace!! ❤
This is my 1st time watching your channel. Great stuff, I usually watch Fighting For The Faith, Long For Truth or Justin Peters. I am sure to watch again. Thank you for the ministry. God bless
Other then the money and applause they only want the signs and wonders. They don’t want the daily struggles the prophets of the Bible ended up enduring.
They will be chopped down to size. Jesus promises in Matthew’s Gospel. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him, and at an hour, he does not know and will cut him in pieces and put him with the hypocrites. In that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 24:50-51
I mostly blame the people that allow false preachers to do this to them. With them the false preachers can't exist. I say a video where she got the prophecy wrong. That stopped the yelling "prophecy" quick.
I spent years trying to get pregnant miscarriage after miscarriage I turned away from God because of how upset I was and I blamed him for all my pain. But the joke was on me, I was asking God for things without putting myself in his word and living by his commands. After so much pain I couldn't take it any more, I went back to him and he welcomed me whole heartedly. Within mouths of me laying my broken self before God my then boyfriend went back to him as well then he woke up one morning and said let's get married, within 3 weeks of him saying that we were married and by the next month my husband said babe you are pregnant, I laughed and said okay. Another month went by and he gave me a pregnancy test we found out I was pregnant and we now have our beautiful baby boy in our arms. God reached out to us in our broken state and made our lives what he wanted it to be in his time. He taught us patience and obedience. God answers to no man and we are obliged to nothing from him. When we do receive from him we are to fall to our faces in praise and Thanksgiving even more.
Bruh this the same women that told a lady on the phone during a live session that she saw her mom in a vision sick and declared healing over her, lady then told her that her mom died in 2009 yo🤦♂
I used to follow Lovy but once I saw that he was connected to Java I began to separate myself. Lovy stated that he would never separate from Java and that sealed any doubt I had, I stopped following and haven't been back since. Birds of a feather.... 🥴
Me too!!he literally kneels down to Java..says his "powers" come from him that Java is his papa he is his obedient son.They walk around the crowd being guarded like someone in church will harm them you wonder aren't they prophets and God will protect them from mere mortals. It's so funny to watch like they are artists going to perform at a concert lol with their shiny suits
these guys are from my country Zimbabwe, back there we pastors & elders FATHER (Baba or PAPA) / MOTHER (Mama), in Africa we have a PANDEMIC of these fake prophets, theres millions of them, everywhere u turn.
This is so sad. UNBELIEVABLE! How could this many people be so gullible.? I see right through this woman, and I’m not even there! PEOPLE WAKE UP, SEEK GOD!
I honestly cant stand to watch this heresy. it is heartbreaking how they use these people for their monitary gain. it has nothing to do with giving to the Lord.
Is it me or does anyone else feels like he’s watching us watch the video he’s reacting to? lol All jokes aside, thank you for these types of videos. It’s helping me to think critically and not be emotional about these things. They definitely know how to “set the atmosphere”
Thank God I was saved out of a church that was similar. Prophecies almost every Sunday and Wednesday, people jumping up and down shouting and "sowing a seed" then would be gone from church for years only to return for another prophecy. As you said, brother, they are not victims. They long to have their ears tickled. To drink their fill of this "feel good" heresy.
You bring up a great point that Corey Minor reminded us of. You (me) can really be stupid and surrounded by really fake doctrine, but somewhere somehow God got someone to tell the gospel and you and I believe it. The teller of the gospel may not even believe it, but the power of salvation is IN the gospel. The gospel only takes like 10 minutes to tell. It's foolishness to those who parrish, but it made sense to those who God gave ears to hear it. I used to think, "Oh God what if I would have died in that mess? I would have been saved by the gospel that the Lord made sure was told in that mess.
No one is forced to fellowship with them! God gives all of us the right to choose. Same principle applies when it comes to seeking prayer houses. No one is forced to go there!
They take all that money for show they don't pray consistently for those members they bamboozled out of all that money. Jesus I pray there eyes open and that they seek discernment.
Oh man, this drove me absolutely nuts!
"You have a cat. It runs around at 3:00 AM".
"Your cat meows".
"Your cat purrs ".
I hear the Lord saying if you want your kitty to live, you need to give it food and water".
"Prophecy mama"!
Probably the greatest analogy I’ve heard yet. 🤣
Excellent analogy, definitely holds true🤣🤣🤣
If people would just read the bible for themselves, a lot of this foolishness would not be allowed from false teachers.
Amen 2 Timothy 2-15
Amen saints in the body of Christ know that man's deception is nothing 🤓 new.
It's been imported to Africa, Europe, Asia, its fruits are seen in this type of nonsense.
Matthew 24:3
In no means let no .an deceive thee " for many shall come in .y name and deceive many.
False prophets have been around from the begining and fulfill the desires of those who wilfully deceived. They enjoy being entertained over a transformed mind.
❤ Romans 12:1-4 ❤
Simple as that!
Exactly! And have a direct deep connection with God and stop depending on a human being to reveal things to them. God knows and sees all not humans. Do not be deceived!
I've been saying this for ages. I believe so many Christians, even elderly ones, have never read the Bible. And then get sucked into the likes of these charlatans and others like Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer etc. If people knew the scriptures for themselves, they would know these people are false.
As soon as she referred to herself as an high priest, everyone should have bolted for the door.
Exactly! This woman is a witch! These people have itchy ears, they want to hear a false word instead of reading The Bible for themselves and obeying what it says.
Literally called herself a high witch
You got that right. I do not recall one female high priest in the bible. Especially wearing Gucci garments serving the in the temple. RUN!!!!!!!!
You got that right. I do not recall one female high priest in the bible. Especially wearing Gucci garments serving the in the temple. RUN!!!!!!!!
You got that right. I do not recall one female high priest in the bible. Especially wearing Gucci garments serving the in the temple. RUN!!!!!!!!
I was connected to this “ministry” via one of the other Prophets…i left a few years ago and still recovering financially, spiritually and emotionally.
I'm sorry my friend, false doctrine has bad consequences.
It's a spiritual Ponzi scheme where the only ones profiting are the fake prophets spewing their unbiblical madness.
(ESV) 12 But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction, 13 suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing.
2 Peter 2:12-13
It still amazes me when I see people who are searching for the knowledge of who the Most High is, fall for the wicked and deceptive nature of false prophets, whether male or female.
Ecclesiasticus 42:14
“Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth shame and reproach.”
Wow well bless you and may the Lord give you an everyone more discernment
The Gucci shirt was enough for me to see that this is prosperity preaching
Right? 🤦♀️👀
Advertising and recruiting for their Demons
Very true
That was my first thought as well, smh
Romans 16:17-18 KJV Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Prison was the best thing ever for me. I got a chance to read the Bible and study it to find out what it actually says for myself. I picked it up to try and disprove it but it only made me see my need for a saviour. JESUS IS GOD AND HE IS COMING QUICKLY AND HIS REWARD IS WITH HIM. HALLELUJAH
Right on cat…⚔️🙏🏽⚔️
Beautiful testimony
Hallelujah ❤ Thank you Jesus. 🙌🏼
When you don't study the word of God, it's easy to be deceived
@@cedricduley3241 Amen 🙏🏽
Wow the way they just bamboozled her for another $1500 🤯 how can people be so blind? This is why having YOUR OWN relationship with God is essential before listening or following any pastor, prophet ect. So many wolves in sheep’s clothing out here. Discernment is key.
so true.
Amen 2 Timothy 2-15
I used to attend a church where the pastor would online bless people giving tithes. I was twelve and offended. 😂😂 Thankfully my mom would most of the time give me some money for church
Because honestly the majority of people there are not sincere regarding salvation in Christ Jesus. They want to reduce God to a genie, serving their needs and wanting to make everything transactional. That’s why they are also easily duped.
I was the victim
Of this 3 years ago when I didn’t know the Bible. I “sacrificed” $27,000 to a woman who blasphemed and used Christ’s name in such demonic ways. I believed her and it took me 3 years to break those strongholds of delusion. It’s horrible what these people
Are doing.
Wow 😢
They will pay for it in the lake of fire 🔥
Love you please share your story to help others who have been decived
Thank God you are free!!!
If she say Prophecy one more time 😂I cant
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I hated it too!
Like is their really need to say "Prophecy" the whole time. We have eyes and ears! 🙄😂😂😂
Ikr cringy.
The forward function is designed to save you from cringe.😊
That is the part that irks me the most. They be shouting prophecy and I'm still waiting on her to prophecy. They should be afraid to spew lies in the name of the Lord. They're lucky it's not an Ananias and Sapphira kinda day, they would have been struck down DEAD
High priest???? What ?! 😮 she is the mediator now ? What is wrong with this people. She is taking Jesus’s place.
Sad 😞!!!
Exactly JESUS is our only high priest
High priest of what ?😳
not heavenly for sure @@hazelo1261
All her words sound very witchy to me.
Crazy ain’t it! She’s clearly never studied the book of Hebrews
And where does it say that God needs our money for His promises? Obedience is better than sacrifice! My, My, My…how do these folks sleep at night with all this foolishness????
They know when someone is vulnerable and play on it. That’s sad, really sad.
What do you expect from prosperity preachers
It's been 84 years ,I'm still looking for that scripture 😂😂
What I do not understand is how the New Testament is full of warnings about false prophets in the last days, our times, but many in the church are not even paying attention. In fact, many get angry when it is called out.
Because they dont READ the Word.
Because as the Word says they have itching ears.
because there being told not to judge,, or its new move of God remmmber a wolf is conning liar and a robber
That Mama and Papa thing is something a lot of Africans call their leaders especially in the Charismatic/prophetic churches. I aint never calling no one papa and mama bro. A lot of pastors who have African influences even have congregations in the US calling them papa and mama etc.
its usually Aunty or Uncle, i rarely hear mama or papa, sometimes baba
This comes from Voodoo. It common for practitioners to call their head priest/priestesses and patron deities Mama and Baba
I can confirm this in the US. My friend follows Lovey and calls him Papa Lovey. Shame. Done gave him all her money too.
Idk where that is but me and my ancestors been living here for idk how long and I ain’t never heard of no mama papa talk unless we talking about our biological parents and even THAT is Ma or Daddy
"As a Prophet, as a High Priest.."
Another trait imo is narcissism and a very heightened sense of self.
First of all women weren’t allowed to be preachers, scripturally.
What she’s doing is devilish
Yes, Witches and wizards can be a "prophet" and "high priest" too.
They are demonic counterfeits of the real thing.
They literally call themselves those things all the time.
These false prophets and teachers are just insane. I have no clue how they could do or say the things they do with a straight face. 😅
What’s even sadder is that she cursed her and than tried to bless her all at the same time.
This false prophet could be a witch. There are Satanist posing as Christians. They enter into churches posing as Christians, but their goal is to destroy the people of God. Satanist also speak in tongues, but their tongues speak curses into people’s lives. Satan is a copycat.
““Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
Matthew 7:15
Verse 16 goes on to say “You will know them by their fruits…”
She said every sacrifice comes with pain… yes with Satan, but not with Almighty Yahweh. God doesn’t operate in pain, but in love.
I’m scared of churches now so bad. The last I went to was making me feel insecure about my spiritual life. Always saying that if you want to save you have to speak in tongues. They would force us and say it’s easy we just have to follow the pastor…. Hmmm
@@leealexander1534 that what i was saying this wolf is trying to curse her look at this Micah 3:5 This is what the LORD says: “You false prophets are leading my people astray! You promise peace for those who give you food, but you declare war on those who refuse to feed you. ....... so is she would payed the bribe she would have peace but she said grandpa wolf got my money last week so mom wolf wanted to curse her some more sick
I'm watching this again after EJ's recent expose. This is so sad😢.
The moment when the messenger said Papa asked for 1500 for blessings was the best part of this comedy show.😂😂😂
Man, that was crazy... and he wasn't even in the building allegedly 😢
I would've been on the floor laughing my ass off 😂😂😂😂😂
This is a cult, and these poor souls are misled and bewitched. Very sad. These fake prophets should be arrested ASAP.
If I was a new Christian and did not read my word I too would be Lured In. People please read your word and have a relationship with Jesus. I’m
Literally blown away by how many followers these people have. By the Way Great video!
Your 15 second intro has more flow and fire than 24 hours of the false prophets preaching. Keep it up!
Immediately I heard ‘as a prophet and high priest’ I was done!
Notice she switches in and out of her accent.
Thank you for this post, exposing the evil of these false prophets.
This is bordering on witchcraft.. (I didn't finish watching yesterday so I came back for torture... Hearing "Prophesyyyyyyy" is enough to do it)
That’s because it is witchcraft. Witches infiltrate the church to cause mass deception everyday
This is not bordering witchcraft, it is witchcraft.
@@JesusistheonetrueGod no argument there
That young woman repeatedly saying "prophesy" is acting like some sort of brainwashed zombie.
No man can claim to be the high priest.
I really have to humble myself. I hate what these people do. And tell myself I wouldnt mind seeing something bad happen to them. But I deserve the same hell they do apart from Jesus. May they repent and trust in the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Wise words 🙏🏾
To lack discernment is very scary. God help these people ..
My first red flag was the Gucci t-shirt...before a deception was spoken.
Folks this is witchcraft at the highest level
So sad that the girl with the $888 problem goes from church to church seeking answers that only God provides… She likely doesn’t even realize that her problem is neither of those “altars,” but a lack of faith, as the Word of the Lord is not even being preached wherever she goes…
the seen this before other have shown this i pray for this woman it breaks my heart she so despreat and wants to get married so bad you do stupid things i fell this woman is just decived by all of this i pray the Lord will open her eys i hope she see the videos about this some were and the Lord will open her eyes i keep thinking about her and what that fithy wolf said about her if she did not pay the wolf...if i could i would hug her and tell Jesus loves you just trust him to find the man you want and dont giive anyone 1 penny to pray for you if your the lady if you ever see this i love you
The one she gave $888 to may have told this false prophtess about her$$$$
Contract are made with a sacrifice OMG 😂 lmao . Seek God first and his righteousness please Abeg
Honestly I've been fooled by this before and it breaks my heart every time I see it.
Ask God for discernment
Notice how when money was asked for that “prophesy!” was no longer enthusiastic and the crowd was no longer hyped. SMH I pray their eyes and ears be open.
Thank you! 👍🏾 for your commentary brother yes, we need to be aware of these False Prophets' new sub.
As for the mama and papa thing, it reminds me of how catholics refer to their priests as 'father'. The Bible says,
"But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Christ. The greatest among you shall be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted" Matthew 23:8-12
Also, the Gucci shirt reveals where her treasures are stored.
I was taught that Jesus was using hyperbole there. We call our biological fathers "father" or "dad" etc.
“Prophesy” after every non prophetic sentence is getting to me.
My idea of sacrifice is when I'm in the supermarket and there's a young mother with kids near me and I hear her having to tell them no for a few things that could just make their day so I put some of my own stuff back to purchase the little things for them . THAT'S the kind of sacrifice that I teach my kids. Giving up your time to help someone when you might have just wanted to rest. Things like that. Handing money over to orators will not give you God's favor . His love doesn't cost cash.
Not only is this so sad, it's absolutely disgusting 😢😢😢
They need to pass the bill against people like this this is sad
It's funny when I hear these fake pastors prophesy "new revelation" and they stop themselves with a hmmmm, they've come across something so profound they can't share. In reality, they can't spit out the lie quick enough, so they need that pause so they can gather their thoughts for the next lie they're going to tell lol
Ummmm hummmm 😞
Exactly 😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂 no foreal it’s sad
It reminds me of the sorcerer in Acts 8 who was performing miracles, and wanted to join the disciples even ,offered money to get the holy spirit he was rebuked and told to repent Wow.
You can’t bribe God to receive a blessing
This is pure wickedness💔these people must get what's coming for them.....enough is enough.
Whoah, this must grieve the Holy Spirit… horrible. 😢
why is it so dark in places like this!!!
People are fooled by these false teachers because they do not read the scriptures for themselves
The Gucci shirt just make the whole thing worse bro 😂😂😂
I can’t my brother I’m weak watching this 😂😂 I’ve been talking about this the past year and a half lol 😅
Keep shining my brother in the name of Yeshua grace and peace!! ❤
Its my first time here, please keep doing what you're doing brother. HALLELUJAH
This is my 1st time watching your channel. Great stuff, I usually watch Fighting For The Faith, Long For Truth or Justin Peters. I am sure to watch again. Thank you for the ministry. God bless
Welcome aboard!
Thank you for exposing these fools. This is very sad
25:10 Notice how quiet the room got when the $1,500 sacrificial offering was falsely prophesied by the false prophet. Everyone sobered up to reality.
But most will fight with the Holy council from the Holy Spirit and stay for more personalised prophecies
Contract???? This is so demonic
This comment you are right my sister by agreeing with this prophet of Baal! See is unknowingly signing and contract with this witchcraft!!
This is so disturbing and even more so that they have absolutely no shame 😔
It's a shame this what Jesus spoke of when he said False Prophets will come !
Absolutely love your channel and your focus on Gods truth. So many channels on YT start great and then they get in their own heads
Honestly, I laughed so hard at the foolishness going in this video. Also, your remarks are hilarious 😸
Glad you enjoyed!🤣
This is sickening and sad. God did not call us to rely on man’s word but His word.
This what,I tell people all the time study Bible for yourself
Some of us love to get prophecy too much, we need to seek God for ourselves and stop going to places to get words from people who r ungodly
That $888 bought that Gucci outfit… not she needs $1500 more for the matching shoes/hat.
Other then the money and applause they only want the signs and wonders. They don’t want the daily struggles the prophets of the Bible ended up enduring.
David to name a few
They want quick fixes ...There no faith at all faith is in man and what they can see..
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Seeking who they may Devour.
As Paul said savage wolves has crept in.
I hope these false teachers enjoy their time while we’re still under grace. Cause they’ll have to answer for it
They will be chopped down to size. Jesus promises in Matthew’s Gospel.
The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him, and at an hour, he does not know and will cut him in pieces and put him with the hypocrites. In that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 24:50-51
I mostly blame the people that allow false preachers to do this to them. With them the false preachers can't exist. I say a video where she got the prophecy wrong. That stopped the yelling "prophecy" quick.
Yes, about the woman's mother. These demons expose themselves all the time🤣🤣
I wouldn’t say that, they are both at fault. They are people who are illiterates in the world and rely on what they HEAR.
Biblically illiterate!
It breaks my heart seeing how these people are deceiving folks, it’s shameful and when they stand before God it’s not going to be pretty
I agree
2:05 😂😂😂😂 it’s not that hard to see that. SMH you’re absolutely right.
I’ve never seen these people before but I’m glad that I found your channel frfr
I just want to know...how do they come up with these blatant lies??! I mean, on the spot. It's scary. And the itching ears love it.
Satan is the father of lies. he is the source of deception
I spent years trying to get pregnant miscarriage after miscarriage I turned away from God because of how upset I was and I blamed him for all my pain. But the joke was on me, I was asking God for things without putting myself in his word and living by his commands. After so much pain I couldn't take it any more, I went back to him and he welcomed me whole heartedly. Within mouths of me laying my broken self before God my then boyfriend went back to him as well then he woke up one morning and said let's get married, within 3 weeks of him saying that we were married and by the next month my husband said babe you are pregnant, I laughed and said okay. Another month went by and he gave me a pregnancy test we found out I was pregnant and we now have our beautiful baby boy in our arms. God reached out to us in our broken state and made our lives what he wanted it to be in his time. He taught us patience and obedience. God answers to no man and we are obliged to nothing from him. When we do receive from him we are to fall to our faces in praise and Thanksgiving even more.
And it seems like he wanted your child to not be born in sin❤
Thanks for the enlightenment bro.
Bruh this the same women that told a lady on the phone during a live session that she saw her mom in a vision sick and declared healing over her, lady then told her that her mom died in 2009 yo🤦♂
I’m a drop my response tomorrow
"flamin hot cheeto men" 🤣💀😂
Boy ain't no way boi 💀😭😭
I have subscribed because I need to k ow about these false people leading people by the false spirit. ❤ keep going. God Bless you 🙏 ❤️
This is soo cringe omg how blind can people be?
I used to follow Lovy but once I saw that he was connected to Java I began to separate myself. Lovy stated that he would never separate from Java and that sealed any doubt I had, I stopped following and haven't been back since. Birds of a feather.... 🥴
Me too!!he literally kneels down to Java..says his "powers" come from him that Java is his papa he is his obedient son.They walk around the crowd being guarded like someone in church will harm them you wonder aren't they prophets and God will protect them from mere mortals.
It's so funny to watch like they are artists going to perform at a concert lol with their shiny suits
@@mizzcatt7691 please warn others
This is vexing my soul 😣
"Dont get it twisted, that 888 was for last week this is a new word from God" yoooo I need to meet you one of these days bro you are too funny 😂
🤣🤣🤣 let’s do it! 😁
@@LowkeySwin Yesterday’s price is NOT today’s price!!! 😂😂😂
Brother you were funny in this 😂 I had to subscribe!!
LOL thanks
these guys are from my country Zimbabwe,
back there we pastors & elders FATHER (Baba or PAPA) / MOTHER (Mama),
in Africa we have a PANDEMIC of these fake prophets, theres millions of them,
everywhere u turn.
I love how Yah exposes these false prophets.
This is so sad. UNBELIEVABLE! How could this many people be so gullible.?
I see right through this woman, and I’m not even there! PEOPLE WAKE UP, SEEK GOD!
I honestly cant stand to watch this heresy. it is heartbreaking how they use these people for their monitary gain. it has nothing to do with giving to the Lord.
It's sad they should be locked up and closed down
Thank you brother great video.
With a Gucci shirt on 🤦🏽♀️
Where do you find these videos??? 😢
lol the things i get sent
I love the book collection in the background. Impressive 😅 babystep booklist?
I’ll have to make some book recommendations soon!
The Gucci shirt told me everything 😂
My God!! I have never seen such a thing! I am appalled!!!!!!
It is absolutely appalling!!!
Is it me or does anyone else feels like he’s watching us watch the video he’s reacting to? lol All jokes aside, thank you for these types of videos. It’s helping me to think critically and not be emotional about these things. They definitely know how to “set the atmosphere”
Yup, so annoying. He doesnt let us watch first before putting his comment
All i know is, there's hell to pay.
The false teacher said before, " I tell you the prophecy, Show me the money!!!!"😂
wow smh
This is crazy. Where is the original video? I gotta watch the whole thing !!
Man those Gucci tees are expensive!! “Profitlie!”
Thank God I was saved out of a church that was similar.
Prophecies almost every Sunday and Wednesday, people jumping up and down shouting and "sowing a seed" then would be gone from church for years only to return for another prophecy.
As you said, brother, they are not victims. They long to have their ears tickled. To drink their fill of this "feel good" heresy.
You bring up a great point that Corey Minor reminded us of. You (me) can really be stupid and surrounded by really fake doctrine, but somewhere somehow God got someone to tell the gospel and you and I believe it. The teller of the gospel may not even believe it, but the power of salvation is IN the gospel. The gospel only takes like 10 minutes to tell. It's foolishness to those who parrish, but it made sense to those who God gave ears to hear it. I used to think, "Oh God what if I would have died in that mess? I would have been saved by the gospel that the Lord made sure was told in that mess.
Their prophecies are things that happen in normal life.... 😂 we get lonely, we go broke, we get sick, we have mental issues 🙄
This is embarrassing
I agree it's a shame!!!
My Lord... This connected and spoke volumes!
No one is forced to fellowship with them! God gives all of us the right to choose. Same principle applies when it comes to seeking prayer houses. No one is forced to go there!
“Prophesy!!” after every sentence and every other word - MADDENING!!!!
8 secs in...like what???Wow! Just wow!
i thank you so much. you turned my gloomy night to hilarious saturday night.
They take all that money for show they don't pray consistently for those members they bamboozled out of all that money.
Jesus I pray there eyes open and that they seek discernment.
this is so sad... Lord help us all amen.